Part II - Enacted First Nations Legislation

Decision Information

Decision Content

•• ln<Joan dnO Nonnt;rn Allaes !'lll l;:'>- 6-26S tnO~'IY1C~ Allaors Canada el du No<d C<lnada 265-51 BAND COUNCIL RESOLUTION 501/3-10 (LC:) RESOLUTION DE CONSEIL DE BANDE - ---------cc: 501/3-1-265 N O TE Th word .. From our Band Fund " ..C pUI" lH ' 'Mf' vrnu~··. whiC:h c-v~r u tht' t.J~t' ...,ut hl'f'f'il-r 1n a ll rt"t OIUIIon u·qut'lltnc t J~f!f"ftdlturt !rl)m Ond Fund NOTA : Lea mor ••rt•• lond d n o tre bnnd ·•c,.,Htl!tt '' ou revfln u .. aelun le co dotvent ' "'"""" d''"'' tr;ute,. lea ttiaoluuona pott.,t aut de,. d.,:p.,•• ;. mime l~ta lo nda de b#Jndea THE COU NC IL OF T ilE C urrent Cap1t u l DolorM: t LE CONSEIL DE LA BAND£ INDIENNE RUFFALO POINT INDIAN IlMill Solde de c apitttl s AGENC Y _D_I_S_T_R_I_C_T _______________________________ ------~ Cummllod - EngBRe $ PROVINCE ~WHTOBA Current Re\ cnuc balance --------------1 So/de de t f"\'t"nu PLACE NOM DE L'ENDRO/T BUFf-J\LO POINT 7 July - --i98_1_ ComnuHf"d - Engat>~ DATE 19 DAY- JOUR MONT If - MOtS - AD -vt.AR- AN/VF-;r-D<;l HER EBY RESOL VE; DECIDE, PAR LF.S PRESENTES: That the byln1v entitled " J)IG BYLAh"' he and the same is hereby approved , a nd enacted a s n hyla1v 2-Rl of the r.otulCi I of th<' Buffalo Point Baud of Indians, and further that the Chief and CoW1cil he author i zed to sign the same . A quorum for ch is Bandt" Pour c eue bande l e quorum est ~t.~·~••• of I Coun ctl Members _j Membre du ThW1der ·• · · ...................c ·c;;,-.;;··:.:··ch~r·; ····· ............. ~.9.-~~Y..J-;<?.P.e.!}?.. ~-~. .. ' ..... '. .... (Cuuncil lo r - con uJi ll f:',) .. ·· . ......... '('C;~~~i 'ii~~··::··~;;;; ~~; ·;;~·; ) .. ··········· ·· FOR DEPARTMENTAL USE ONLY -RESERVE AU 1>4/NISTERE 1. Bend P"und Code 1,.:2 ._:C~O~M:.:.P:...:U..T.:..:.E...:R__:D:...A...:L...:I\..N::...C..:..:E..:S_-,..:S..:O..:L:.;D:..E:.S;:..;;D_"O.::....R..:O./.:;N:..A;;..T:._E_U_R-l l. Ea,,endltut(" ._ "uthoraly - Auto rue S. Svwrc o f Fvn d CO(Ie dv comptl'" I Ne~nu or,. 1 nr Jnd••n o t SC'c Sourc e de a lond ,_ __d_ •_"__'n _ d_•_ _____i ..;$._ ____"__ · _C_•_P.•_•_•_I_ _____~ $~1-J._R_ _•• _•_n_u_•_ ____•_ _ _ _~ $ ""· do I LoJ ••.u len lndum 0 c.,uul [J ~:::~: .. 6. RC' com"'endC'd - R•~mmend.ble APJ>n.>uvoblo _ _._ ~ I I ......... i .... ,:· ............. j';::;~············· .................................... -···· ···· J · ( · , · . · , · . ,, . . . ... ················ w.,.(',.,..m,.,,,,I"'K (Ufu ,., ... ,,,..,,.: 11ur _ _j '--
lJ\.1\.J UIIJ\IJ \ -.J 111e Counci l of the Buffal o Point Band t.1cmbcrs at a meeting held thi::; 7 day of J uly hereby e nac t s byl aw number 2-81 to provi de f or the regul ation and con trol of dogs within t he boLmdaries of the Buffalo Point Hcserve . 1\!Jlercas , paragraphs (a) and (r) of Section 81 of the Indian Act empowers the Council of a Band to make bylm to provide for the health of residents on t he Hcservc and to pmvent t he ~p rc3ding of diseases and the> inq>osition of 3 pena l ty for 3 vi olation the reof , and, l'lhereas, it is deemed t o be expedient to provide for the regulation and ~.:ontrol of dog:; for the health , safety anc.J welfare of the inhabitants of the in-hab itants of the Buff:Jlo Poin t J~::;ervc . NO\" therefore the CoLmcil of the Buffalo Point Band /'-e mbers enacts as a by l a"'' thereof , the fol101~ing : 1. In th i~ by l aw , (a) "Cot.mci l" means the Council as defined in the Indian Act of the Ruffalo Point Band l·lcmbers; (b) "Hcscrve" means t he tract of land set apar t by ller Majesty t ithi n the definition of the Indian Act , for the use and benefit of the Buffalo !'oint Band /'-!embers knO\m as the Buffalo Point He5erve . (~.:) "Constable" means a person uppo intcJ for the purpose of maintaining l at~ and order on the Uuffalo Point Reserve . lc.l) "llouseholu" llll.'atc; hotL<;e-abodt· or any dlvelJ tng that 1:- occupieu . (e) "lk'ach" means the shore ~) f the I ake . 2. No person shall establish a kcmwl on the Rescn·e to brc~o.'u Jog:; tvithout the lvritten consent of the Band Coundl. 3. 1\lJ Jog:; tvi t.hi n tltc bow1tla r i cs mu" t be leashed. ·1 . No hottsl.)hu ld sha II possess more than 2 dog/dogs at any one time. 5 . A person or hotL<;chold that otms a tlog with a vicious nature shall be responsible to keep that dog under control by having it muzzled or d wined at a l l times . 6 . ~o person shall ill treat by beating, molesting or neglecting a dog that is tied, chained or othenise . 7 . No person or househol d shall possess a dog that is not properly collare with a of 0\mership . 8 . The Constable shall make periodic checks on the amount and kinds of dogs possesscu in each ho~c;ehold . 9 . 'l11C Constable m~ty by written order of the CoLmcil , des troy any stray dog that is not chained . 10. The L:onstable may by order of t he Cmmcil give '"ritten notice to the 0\fflCr Of an W1dCSi rable UOg Within the Reserve requiring that person to get rid o[ the said tlog , by any means within 7 days of receipt of not icc . ll. 1\n otmer of a dog Hho refuses ot· negkt:ts the l·ontcn ts of a written noti~.:c within the periotl of 7 days shall be qui lty of a breach of this by- l aiV . 12. No pe1son ::;h:1l l h3\'e or pcnnit hi s /her dog on private o r public l1eaches at any t imc.
OOG BY Li\1\' Page 2 · / / '3 . An person who violates any of the proVls lOn:> of this bylaw shall be quilty ·of an offence, and shall be liable to a si..Dnmary conviction to a fine not exceeding one hW1dred dollars or i~risoruncnt for a term not exceeding thirty days or bo~l ~me o1d i.uprisoa.-.cnt . .t\p 1 ,rm·ed Md passed at a duly convened meeting of the Council of the Buffalo Polnt Band Members this 7 tlay of July . Cow1Cil Eddie Copenase COW1cil Jim. Thunder
 You are being directed to the most recent version of the statute which may not be the version considered at the time of the judgment.