Part II - Enacted First Nations Legislation

Decision Information

Decision Content

•• hl()an C)nt1 Nt'ltll '(\I' ,'\UcJt!C':, lf)(}t_•t II ... ~. Att.tJrr. CanJ1a tl ckJ f\J.)ftf ( ,, ••• J.l BAND COUNCIL RESOLUTION RESOLUT ION DE CONSEIL DE BAHDE " olo tor,.(-,,,. d lo'• r.l /''''· , .. I II 1111· f "d\INl"ll "I 1"111-: LF. CON$1-.11. 1)/-: I.A BA N l /N/)1/,Nfl'l:. AGI,NC Y DISTRICT PI<OVINC"F PI.AC" I fi'Oif 1>1. I. "liNfll-<011 BIIFI·.\1.0 I' tf'.rJ nAn. July o\ 1) ' " )Ol'H \tO :'<It tl \11'1' "'\ tvll DO . IICRI::UY RESOL\'1-. . : DECJDI·:, PAU l.fiS PI?ESEII'T£S: J'ha t t lw hv I :tl< en ti t I cd "TIV\FI I r 1 \YI.,\1~" he and t hC' -:;l!ltc i ., h(•rC'Iw apr' roved, """ nal'! l'd as :. h l;'" I .~ J of the CotuK"ll uf the B11f!'alo "ninl l!an·l of Indians, and flirt-er th l'hit'f an.! C:otUlci I h< :Httlor)t i:l'd to -:icn t he s:mll'. A q uonun fo, Chss HtHid•· /'>()ur Ct' ttt lH1ndt' /(' quorum tt~"' C01HU'S10C of loi A Counn I \ttmbet!'l. Alt>mhrt'":o. du Cmt.,t~•l J i 111 'I h11ndc r J", lth I '<•lll'll;o S1' t (.',,illl•' Ill•'' ...... ~.,., t''o lit t J r ,,. ., II•'• ,, ,, I loll .. ,,, , fvR DEPARIM(HTAL USE DHLY -REURY! HI ¥1/il TERE \tH J. '01 tl \ ft'ttf 1 '\'·\ Tl-I'J I ' ,.,,, ,,,,, ,. t f.' r' \ o> ~ OJI "11 I Ill{ llfll I /(• ·"'' ,. ...... , ; ,.,-, -~~-.t~- -:\'ttl.ff •"''" tlo 11 H,..f '~"' ft>"'J~-,,;.1 olo II•••"' 'liJ If'- I fl C1 C 1 C : ~f)] T-;,.J .• t ........ rr 1 r t ••• "I t ,,, ... to "' ' .0. ,.,, l..tlo I II l't tfr"l, I It of,.\ tl••jt l ~ t \ ;. ( \ur u· ( ·•Pit ~1 IJul.•H· ,. .\oil· th 1prt.ll s ,,llltt! r:,~.t~~~ ~ nt l<t· 1'',\;• \trt..n .. s N·ol~ ,, 'tt;:.r $ ( mJII C'\! J~n~tu,t· ~ ..... , "''"'' f "" II •• II .,,, .. ... •· .. '" . ' t J I I! . ,,,, ., •• •.J, 1\r·• ,, ' ';,;·~·It l ,_, ,\J r ,,
'lk'\FI ll' 111 I.,;. w. (ll lllll i I of tht llrf •. tlu 1\11111 I .lltd \k:llll>t'l. ·" .. lolt'l' l 111 1 l ld I Itt·. I d;ll· l I J u ly , I~IR J lK·rcby t' lldt: t h~ la" Nv. I :>1 tn i'' 11 ·L· for l hl' r e~•.tlat 1011 1f t r :1ffic 1v ithi n tht: l>oun.l:trit-; r11' l~urtalo l'oiJ,' IIL''-'l'l\'r . llhere.Lo.;, p;11a~raph.., (hj lth! •'l vi I ivl ,,J tH till' !:td'.u 1\.t t'll p01•'CI'!' the Cow1ul of a B:Uid to m:tht h~l<to•'> '''•J't'lltn;: tll' H·g<~l.ttJOII'• of t1·1ftt :mJ tht rmpos i t ion ol ·r penalt\ f, 1 the \'tol ;t; 1u1 !her,'' , ·tnd, \1l1e rc a.-;, i t is deemed t o he expendi t·nt to l il'til lite .<peed vf \'l'hiclc!' on IU.•scn·e r oaJs fo r t ht.• s a fct\' ·ltld we ! f:li'L' ot tr'h:Jhllant -; or the ll'lflalo !'oint Rc!'e r \'('. Na.v the n for(' t he Cot UK i l of the 1\u f r.t! •> 1\• i 11 t !l.l!ld k:n.lw 1 •· en K t , :h a hy l atv t he reof , t ilL' fol loh' i ng : I . I 11 l h i o; hy I at~ , (a) "Cowu.:i 1" mt·au:-o t he t:(>.u lt.l! . 1s dtlt ·d :n the Jotuian \,. , u t' the Buffalo !'oint Band '.Jn~wr·;; lb) "lk·~;c rw" 111cans the trat t o l lanJ se t apa 1 t hy lkt ~L1jesty td rhi n the de ri n i ti on of t ~~e I nd i an \l t , t'or the u~.<: and bl'lll ri t of the llu f fa I o l'o 111l J'.and ~k·utbt J :. !.no1·:n a-. t h(• II< II I a lo l'olilt J{••se rn· . t~) "l:u:rd" IlK' 111 .111 open , ...y 101 the p;~o.; •;,ll',<' 01 vt'!llt It•· , person~., .ttt<l .tniJJL:t l o.; , 1d11 dt inc l ud~.·s lll ldgts, dnvt>I-.'.Jys , stn·t t s, lanes, qu<~ res , It i ~~~ ~~~as , m 'ell llt"·. pa r!..~Vays, cau·;ch':l)'S, v 1 a duet o;, tn'"tlc!', tlhl l'Otrgh fa rv;; or other p l ac..c.."' set asiJe for, tl">l'd, o r OJWil to tht l'uhlil- lor the p;,-;o.;a!'t.' o t I'Chiclcs 1: ithin the Reset-rc. (d) "\'l'!llcle" llk'.tll :lit)' I .. I"Oil, ,:trt, lJ:olol ,ar , motot t nwk, tr.tih· t, IIJ•, t crc>·,J<o, trncl i on t'll;:111e , t r<.~clor , IJic..ycle, road-making mad1incn· tr nlittr conn·\:tltll' that i•; drt1·cn, Jll"0pc..· l led nr ,lr:nm iw ,lit\ k1nd of po~-o c..• t. tel " ,\1 1 ten·alll \'L'Iucks" lllL':Ul. a l!iOlor \'ehi..Ie J .. it.:tll'u or used J'l'lta.trily lut ll lS S·ultl!Jtrv tran·l UJI l'tnd, ,,·at<:l, snuh, i<:<·, lll:ll'~~h . Sl>;uttp land , or on o t he r natural Lerra i n inc ludc..·s , when dts i gned ror s uch tr:m 1. i 1 fo1tl' I .!K·c J dri n· or lc•,,· presSlll'l' tin· H!il i 1..' les. tt i) lillj>hihious machi tll' , 1 Ill tf) ··~·h·u" \l:' ''l"1ffi L ,:~~·" ·.v.n tt~ liil' . 11 .. 1 11,• ,: d·\t..:t tnr l 1.: ~~td"J~IIl(l 1 ll ll tP 1 ot J~·: ~iJJI d !I ~, 4t.a .. ! . . (iJ J "l 'arh l\l' ~t· n"t·" lliL'alls an ;,n·;t UL''oi<•:t.:tqJ '" a pil'llh' ''L' .. 'tr JX:dl's l r i :m al'(CS" vn h . 'lhe dtsi)~ll, dim<.:nsion anJ the c·l(:cr wn of t ra11 ic signs :;hull rnccL t1tt req ui n·nrcnts a~ p re pared by t he..• CoLulc il on Uni fonn Tra f' fic Con t ro l Llcvil,:,•o.; for Can :Jd.l ami the Canadi.rn Good-; Ro.1d-> Associ a t ion . :.. (a) Tht· CotulLil shall , by !'"solution , authOll.!e till' placing of all t r .1ffic sq:n-> and the resolut ion shall s(K'cify the location :mJ puqJOsc of t he sign. (b) llw !\( ~nini~.u·a t or s ha ll p l :t<l' ;mJ ma in t,dn ur Glll..,C to hl' placl'd .111d "~lj!,t71ilie,f,-t1K· sign~ authorized hv 1' w l:olmct l am! •.Ita II
---- -----· -·----TR A -FF -IC 1 Y1 .·\N rcmov'-· m cause to be nutm·cd, sil~n.; "hirh arc not authori::t•,\ . by the l.ounc i I. 11 . No persthl !>ha l l i nte r fere wi tit 0 1 ~tllcmpl to inll.!l'fcrt· with thl' placement o r m: lin t cnance of am· :111t!tor i :cd traff1c sipn. 5 . No pc rson ._Jw 11 n·movc, de Ltn:, old i lt' rat<.'. a It< 1· u1 tt tempt I J remove , tlcfac<', obliterate, o1 :tlt,.r or in an; il:mm·r i'ltcrr'cr~ 1.1tlt any sign lahfullv place on 11.h!. 6 . No per son shaJ I opt ra t c a vch ilk on :1 road •· 1 h 111 tlw Rlscn·, .It .t ra t e o f ~Jlt'l'U I ll l'Xl'l''iS of t\w ki \OIII<'tPrS 1 hnlll l!J.!J ,'<Jll'd <·:! tile' s i g n pos t e d by u rJcr of the 1\;tnd l.<HlllL i!. '!. No pe rson sha l l opc r .ttv a vl'itil'il' vn <lltV r-.•ad •..:i ti1i11 the l:ut'lalo \'o i nt Rest·n·c, 1.;\wn lw/sht' "' not t'11gillt 'o ,lt tl'<' uy: (a) not hcinl a ho!Jer of :• 1,tl id dr!'.cb l it<-'ll~C <t!-> prc..c·r:hc,l l1; the IIi gl11vay \c t of ~t:u1 i I o~h:t. !b ) having tlw i r I iccnst' ~;tL'iJll'lldcd o r rcvolcd tUIIlc·r the lligh1\a}' Tra ffi c /\<.:t of ~ bn itoba . 8 . No person s hall ope rate a \'chidL' on :my road 1-:ithin the Buffalo l'o i n t Rcse rvc l hat is , (a) not road wo rt h)' and colt> td•·n·J in ,1 dmJgc t·ou!-> or uno;afe co11 tli t ion . t l> ) no t prOJKrly 1 i r<'nsed or inst trtd ·1s requ ired hy lli!~ltl\<1)' Traft ic 1\<.:l , \' r ov i ll CL' 0 f I· fan j t Oltil . 9 . No person shall drive o r penult a vc·hil'lc to ll<l\\' :tete.-:; 011 ;ut}' h';d l~m or pari.. n·s n·t· de.; ignJtt·d '"' Ptl'nic .trea.; otlt•·r Lh:ut ·;e1 \'it .. \chick·; fot tit, puq)osc of ntainlt'tl'llh:c. I ll . '111(• drt\'t•!' or :Ill\' vo'fticl<- slt:tll (IOIIIJ'IV h'itlt 'til II tlt'tt: l;n:•, .trtd rt·gul:tt ions i n l lll'l'l' :ts tltf'Jnl'd in tltc :Oiani toha llt~:ltl .:t}' l'r;li: ic .\c t in ll' h id1 l'.ut i'a lo Poin t Rt'S\llt' i·; situ:1td . 11. Lvcrv drin~• and cvcl')' pt>dt:~·ltJ:m o;! ob. ... llll in·.~r:ctitm· ' .t rraft'ic u)nt rol d~..·vic", hik dtt\'111!' on :t.t\' ro:hhtr I'< t•·,! vtt : llu f f:d o Point l>,•sc l'l'c. 12 . (a) :~o P•'rson sha\1 t;pt·ratt: ·m .til ttJT.tin \'<•IIlli q, ~he rr. . 1, port ion nl :111y road nr 1 ·•.td :tl l nh':lllCl' h'i thtn tit•• !.<"·•· n ·r·. 'I11e OJll'l'.ttor of ;ul all lt'l'l:tin I'L'hirlt' tol:t\' 1 ~~: m•: ro.: I ,,, t'<l:t.I ·•Ilnlv;llt<.'l' l~tthin the I<t";••nL·, JliOI';; I) thL' UJk'l'a l OI SIOjl lhl' ;d J lt·l'l'.itll \'<.: I\ J1 llClOll' t'l\l('t'itll! onto 1 he 1 o.t.l or rr;o~ l .t !I( 1. . 11tu , , r 110rt; tit< •: u ( to Ill.' t ro-;-.1'.1, I II I .til l'"'•'i\'!lJ~Cr•; di-:• ·o~h. trh (rom tiw <tl I terr:tin vdtt I· nr I h ill): : t l t:tL'h •,·d tlw t tf n lH'I<lll' tilt' "l't·r;tlot L<'ll•, t t I (. I C)~,;., , , I i II t 1 t( tl r.ttor~tc:ld" thl' r•• 11.11 ''")' lo.t!l (Jihr l'tltit'lcs :utd p·t:.oll"i on tit;_. riJ:td or Hl:td ;t!J,,;,,Ift~···· .:1 1 i v) tlw OJ ,•r:.tor <Tu. ·,~·=- 0\'l'J' 1 h.:_. 1·oad or l(>aJ o.llo. . <liiL , or pot I !Oil thcrcot to IH ~.:ro·.·; d, l>y I he IIIOSt ,\i l'<'t t .llt.l ShOriCS( I'Oll t C OJ' t r.1Vl'1 il\':t! J:th!C ( (1 him/hLr. The operator of ~ut a l l ll'rrain whit·klc !:>h...ll at all tiL. . )'ill,! tlte right or l>:t)' to optrators or vehicles ol other ..:L.t ;,;, . :tnu to pcdeo;trians. No person -;Jw11 operate a 1 ;tl 1 terrain vdtit lc on; ur premises ~otth11 1 the ,,e;.crn· allotted ru, oCLUJliNI, 11 cJ, lc:t 1, or o t hc n,isc: lawfully in thl' jlossc:ssJon or untlcr the ...:ontrol ot :mot he •· pe r son h'i1 ho ut fi p;t wl'ing obtained the p(~nnisshm o. that pc ro;nn ·;o ((l tlo .
-11 -<.·\ -1·1· -1 -( II) -!. \ h l<:) r;o p.:t·son sh. ! I opcr<~tt an all t t·r-rarn veh rc 1<: lvtlhlll th<: limits of t he Buffalo Jujnt l~t'.l' tYe at ttr the hout of l l o ' clock 111 t he eveni ng , lo :tl, ur heron· lltL' hcnn o l 7 u'LluLk it.t t he morntng, luc:tl I ime . (f) The U1i<:f, a-; d\'l.tlll'd in t it< 1:\PI·\~ ·\t'J, !' tlw huffal<• 1\Hnt or Jndtan-. may sttSJll'llll, in 1\rtttn~. auy or alI of tht.: requiruncn t s related to .d 1 terrain vehicles in a time of <'IlK' rgc·mT. 13 . (a) Eve t-v person opcr atin!: a \ l'hl< h- shu! I hring the sat.te to a fu l l s t <1Jl inu~tcdi:Jtcl} hL·fon c·nt<'r ing nr cros..;in: 1 ' hrou!!h h ighl\'.ty . (.b) J:V<'ty intC'l'Sl'Ct ion Of 'I !Wid K i I fl :1 th!'OII)!!J hig}l\-lay s!J:l[l he m;t r ktd by a s Ll)p !> i gn . 11. 1\11}' J'L'r~;on l~hn \'il l.ltt"' anr .,( :I' j'IOVI::IOII" ot' t!it'• l..-!<11•' ,I tl I be guilty of an ollenct: and sn.r! 1..: liahll' on,, ·tut.r n · tonv!.:tio: to a I inc not l'XU'tdtng (lfh' lnuttrcd dollns or !'IIJll'•"c·nmtnt for , tcnn not cxcc·l'llttll' t 111 rty da1· . ,,r 1 <' lll.tir 1 inv ;ud tpr· io..mllt<'llt . . \p)'I'O'o'L'd :rnd pa•;o;c·d ;tt 'I ,I II\ ''tl iJ\'l 'l.l' d Ill<., t :J·: 'r t 1 •. \ (lllJJ, l l n 'l.• lluff:tl•> l'Pi 11 hand ~l.:11:l>•·r ; ·I i ,j t\ .,,·. J,·, l'tX; LOlllll'i I
 You are being directed to the most recent version of the statute which may not be the version considered at the time of the judgment.