Part II - Enacted First Nations Legislation

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CAtl t\Dl\ M I NISTER OF CITI ZENSHIP AND II-1MI GRATION I HffiE:;BY declare the i'; B.-r-l ar made by the C01.mcil of the Blackfoot Band of Indians in the Province of .lu.berta at a meeting hHld Septe~nber 3, 1958, t o be in f orce : B-.r-laJ No . 1 - A by- l avr t o provide for t he destruction and control of no:x:i'Jus Heeds i n Blackfoot I ndian .R-eserve No . J.h6 in the Provir.ce of 1\..lbel·t.a. . D~lted at OttaHa this .f -· Ellen 1 . Fairclough, / kinister of Citizenship and Lrr!Ti1.i~ration . / . :-' i''. .... ~ . .~ ·.. . .... 0 ~-~: '·, ·: .... .. •; . . .. . 't ; ·.. ··;.: . ~ :. .
.o ·'" 8'(.-L.'\H The Co:mc:i.l of the Blackfoot B'lnci of Indi::ms at a me8t ln:; held on the Third d :q of Sept~mber 19.')8, makes the .follor,.;ing hy-l0.H :nursuant to p.arap.;raphs (j ) and (r) of Section 80 of the Indi ~1:1 Act. A by- l a-.:·I to provide for th8 destructif)n and co!Y~rol of noxious Hf!eds in Bl ::1ckfoot I ndi;m Re~erve !~o . ll.J.6. :i.n the Provi nce of Alberl <'. l. (a ) ) " Noxious w:~eds 11 m~ans perenial SO\·! tn:i.sle, field b:i.nd':·ll~ed, hoary creos, le;.tfy spurge , Kn."'pi-leed , Can~da tht stle, hmr.p, blue l~ttucet all m~!':Jberr; of the m110t.:rrd f;:nily, false flax , shepherd ' s purse , red root , stink Heed, Russi an thistle. r a gHeed, Hild o ;:;.t s , P.usr:ian pi s-:-:eed , blue bur, t mnble ·Heed , common b ?.rberr;'r, toad flax, black-hr-:! :~ned suro.flo,.;er, co:-n s pur r ;;r, couch grc~:s, hedge b.i..nclHeed , hem~ nettle, co~r cockle, rhite cockle , bl:'ldder Car:1pion , t. art:.1ry , buclcHher~t c:tnd do1my brome gr ass b (b ) 11 Inspector 11 men:1s the Superintendent, the A ::sist:mt Superintendent or a person a~1p0tnted or cl(~signated by tr.e Coun~il of the ~S<lnd to enforce ·cn:i.s by-l.;;.w. (c) ., '- FJ.rAry occU;>[Jnt of l .qr:d , or if the. lanj is ut!f'r.<:upie d , t h3 O'h'll!-~r , sl:Hll destroy al l noxious >·;eedf; t hereon af> often in every year <lS is nr-.:cessc;ry to prevent the r:.i.~oening of' thej.r seed::;. In o::-der to saar·ch for nor.i.O'lS •·reeds an :i.nS!)ector ~t ::.n'' beb-1een sum·:i.s8 c.:.nd stmset m:>.y enter m:on a.,.... .• any land , a:1d m.-v- e:.ter a"r!y build in::: other than a cb1elling house , an::i m:>~' ins ~x~ct ar:y macl'•inr.'ry, tr-.ole!!'!e;,t 0r ve'!'icleo 4 .. (a) 1,•ihere an j_ns_oector fin:is noxious "'ee:Js or weed seeds on anv l ·md he s~all ::,ive notice. in ,.rcit tn,g to th~ 9ccupant , or :i.f the l and is unoccu'9ied , t.o th"; mme!' , to destroy the no~dons wef~d s or -vreed seeds'' :l.tnin <'l period of tjm·:: S!1ecified therein, vhch ueriod s hc:.ll n0~ e until at l enst three days aft er the person n 3med in tnfJ notice shall be ~erved '..rith a c opy t hereof (b) A notice sh:tl l be dee.ned to br.: s erved on t he fler~on n;r·1ed therein by leavtng n c0c~r thereof Hith an P.dult per s0n ~t the usu"'l ulace of .::-·-~-=d.denc~ or th"! n ::..~112ci tho:;"c"!in or by sendin .:r it by r·:)gistored po:;t 2.cldressc'J i..o the pc-r:-on n 1m8CJ th':'l '(:i.n ot his usu~J. plaee of rer.: :! (c) If tb: pt'-': r son n~med in the notice f ails to cmaoly t here 'ili +.h, ;m ins!)9Ctor may r.~D :::e t h·:: nox~.ou:; '\·i '?.E:' : s O" ''ced sc ect s to be dest t·oy~d in ~;uch !!'!a~:n er HS hP. l'IP.:V dP.e!l' ::ll'O!"Jer . . i ! or l·;eed s eeds j I o~r~on J \ l I i I j ...... 0 ••••• ., •• •• 2 I I I· I I I !' I I I ! ,. I I·
I ' . ' ' ' . f ..-.. l ,. ~ I l 1 I The cos t of dest :rud.ion of noxto:ls w~eoi s or 1 n'=!d seeds found upon e parcel of l and cor:cerned shalL be a charee () e-ain:r~ the occup:mt of the l And , or if it is unoccupied , a gainst the mmer thereG3f . 6 .. No person shall deposi t or permit to be ·d e ~:6sited any no~dous •·reeds o r vleed 'fleeds in any place i f to do so is likely t o Ct-l.U se the weeds or weed s eeds to grol.; or s})re~d . 7. No person shall move or cause to be moved a:-~y vehicle , imolenent or J;tachine used f or threshing , seed cleaning chopping , baling or other processiil~~ of f arm crops without first r emoving all s eeds and oth"lr r esi due thP-re from if to do so is l ikely to ca'lse noxious ·1-1eeds or weed s eeds to spread . Every person tbo contravenes an;y provlslon of this by-laH or Hho refuses or neglects to obey any lcn.;ful order of any :imspector or interferes with or obstructs any ins!Jector in the performance of hi s dut i es shall be r;uilty of an of fence and liable on swiunary convict i on to a f ine not exceeding on~ hundred doll ars or imprisomnent for a term not exceeding 30 days Ot' both fine and impr~sonment. CHE F: J / COUNCILLORS : .. i ~ ' / f '\ I .I '• ;: ; , :__~ / _ > -I--· ~ ~ ~ -_;.: - ..1 .. 1 ·--/ --:-· \ . I -,' l I : ' 1 d I, ·'· :j . '.:·. ; · f (f...___ ) ( -r:-__;;;.;:;..;; ....._""-----.......,,...;;....-~----'---~- ~ . ,/' I / . . · . -: /'/. ,.. .' ,. .:, ·'I I / / / - I ~ _ #,.,...- ( ' ,.. - .- "'._ .. . ,.___ ,.• ; I- .-· I . . '/ ·~--'-I . .. \ r ~ ~ . . '• ---~0 ..t :..- ,.. .f .. --" ~ ./ /1 I r .. ' ) ., .j : / - / / ~~~~--:~. ~,--'--·----·--· ----~--~-----/ " ·------I I I 1·. ~ f. t I I I I ;
 You are being directed to the most recent version of the statute which may not be the version considered at the time of the judgment.