Part II - Enacted First Nations Legislation

Decision Information

Decision Content

:{i-!T1~!\.S thA :ne:,;b~rs m~ tern ,. -'lLi.1 uar,d o-::- th~ ·!f.Utl ':lrid .Buck L<1k~ In1 t an R-•s2:~vss :,u:nt<:rs l];i'~ , o-:' tt lb~ rt3 a r ~ in pc s :; I'! 8 s i o n of' -:i :id. L1 ccr . t '.!.' o 1 cf c ~ r ta l n lends in th~ si~d ~~serve;

"_;••D ,,,~1-:1-:: \S thrc! .:;OVPI'!;Or ir, Cour:ci 1 pt.~!'S!.:ant tci SC;C ~10~1 3 J r.·f l'::,-.. 2: !":C.ln.,1 .;ct h':!s by C 1:-j t?r ir. Co~. . ir1c i l ..::.0c l'.3.:r~-:1 t.1ia c tt1° ?13.u l ihnd lr.. -Eb~ .2rc•,ince of' h3s r~-:;cheJ 6n ;?.dV:incc•i.l. sta~~ cf develop~~nt; .1SD ',, 1 T~F::;;AS th-:') ::c:-! of tr.~ s~ld ~sr:.d with r:.hP. '.:t!?i)1'.'0V.:'l°! ')"' tl-:e ,l".in l s 1 <:>r o" I~,dl9.r: Af •'sirs 'lt!d ,;..,orthP.rn Ii<:!VG:;_ci):i:~nt d~si~~s to ~ak~ By- lg~s for the purposes cont~ined in ~l3~ses (9.) , (c), (d),. (e) , ~nri (g) o-f' s-=cti0!1 .s_:;. o: 1'i11:· ir1(:i:H'_ _ :.,.ct; UPON H01'Im~ DULY :-. .\ DE This Ey-1::::.w m.9.:,: be a::: -:;he '.,[,2.b~.c•1.n ln-1-1..~!! Re:J~rve P:-=>p-=!'ty 'f'.:l.Xa tion ;~y--L'.3Y;

2 .. ( l l " .•\.ppee l =•03Td'' n"'·'ln~ tc'1·"! 1\lb~rt'::I !,s.::,:;:,;31,,~r, ::: Apr,eal .3o?lrd 2.ppo:~t-=-a. c-1.::rs .. w,-,t to fhc~ ·,s..:.,'cs ,-= m -" ~ -= ;_ -= t -- A __. . . : ._ : _ > ._ - ; -?~s -.l -3o -? -.r ­ri -t. ­c -r. 01~ .\lb~rcS\ , c,i-s~c,1 otn~-· Bo~ rd as ~ay be 6p~oint~d by the ~lni~t2r . I

( 2) "Assessor" □~ans 3 ~~r3on ap~cint 0 d by t~e ~o~~cil of thq Eeni to L~k~ en es2~sF~~nt . 1 ' 8':lnd" rne'lnS f8Ul l.:::J!1•1 t:nless ::>thi=;.rr~rJ.:·:"? d.e~l. ...:-n~ted 1n this By-lq•,;, ( 4} "Cou~cil 0 ·- t:'le 2::...~d" '.il8"31is th~ Ccu..:1•.::l l o:· i;.:~ .:"'lul f\-:1 1 16. gs P~t?~l!~\1~<:i. .:'.Ei:--su?.nt co ·l\-:.-. I11-i. 1 -:,,· !\Ct o~ .._,~tlada , ( 5) uu~1:o,!""t:J~r:.t" ::::~a~s ~:-: 0 .J!"°•.(":J:'t:il:?··. t. o-:" !. .t2. \.:.. -.~: A~fal !'::-: -s:,:l , ,:,:--t\1ei',. .L"':--=:lo;::.:::e:-.t o, t:1P. ..:;c,.,--r-i-11:ent -:)" ·:'':l:,.J.d.::;. . ( G) " D-:!prec:ci.tic-1" [;;'):a .1s a los:..; in ·,ralu~ artr!..oLl~.,,:,l·,· to ?-ny cau=..e.

••-ra!.r c1ct~.1l ""-l'Jlu~ ...: ·,31&.s t11~ s. s .j ~ t; ., -rrt i n. : 1 l. n. ~ (! ·~ ~ -1 - t'.1e :!""~UlF.t ~l ons .n~,u.-:i ... - .. 1 : I•

.... l .:.3, :r. C in ths Frovi..--ice

:·-:1..1._:- r-!::.~t..:'11 v~::.1.:. 1~ t ~ G r:i ... . i t h t ~11 $ ::: ~~ - L--= : t' (., -LcL:r-c:i....:~der

''improvement" :.1~0 1~ 1 St bulldln...., er- 8tri..ctur-1:.: ~r-:?Ct'"'d or pl::-cn....t UDDn, tn, ov~r er ~ndcr la0d a~~ ~hi~h la 50 af+"lxec1 e.s to tr:1:1Gf":?rr~d ,,:i t'.1out. spec1al t:1ention by o. tr3:1.sf~r of l<>rLd, 11 anythin~ affi~~i to er intr,srsted ln ~ buildin~ o:r ,,tructu:P affix~d to the l~r.d th~t would without EpecL3l men~ton b~ tr~nsfcrred by a trJnsf~r of int~rest in th~ land , 9.nd 111 mac hl nery , eq_ u i iJr. .. ~!1 t, appli ' !?S, ;•·o r!d n; t2.t1i~s nnd otri~r thin..:,s l..!1clujJ_r1.; th~ supportlns ..,ound.allons ;nd +"ootln..,s th:>.t form an intnsral J1rt of en operatio~al unl..t dasi~ned ror or us~d in (a) p-ocessln3 or manuf~cturln~ , or {b) the ~roductlon of ~atural ~~sourc 0 s or th 0 tr~ns!n1 ssion or l'![,1 tursl ~·?BOU!'ces by plp~lln'3

,,r'1'3th~r or n0t. the mac'-iin8r.,, -"'Qi..i~,,,.,r~t, 9ppll':\<1C"'~ , ,·•c:r1< i.ns t::>'1ks er ot'i·,~!" th\.:1.s~ =1.1? so .ef.,.i.x~ti D.2 to ·c-:-coxe t:-."l.r',...rS?.rrF?d ~l~hout SP'°-Cl~l ~entlon by~ ~r~~2~cr o~ tt0 lnt1:rio.$t in the 1::..hi.

"-Jud.3:e" means >:?- Jud.:,r~ of t:1-=? -3upr.3·r:e C0urt of Alber:G.. o=- a Jud.:;,e or t:-i~ Dl_strlc: ..;~urt l.1 Judic19.l D1.f-tr1cc ·:r.ltl1ln ;-1!1)._ch ti1e '•labB:::iUn Suck P.~~erv-e i-::; ui:tlnly situat~d.

(10) •·memb~r of th~ 2--::ind" .UP=:1ns a pcrs•)n !\'host? n:i .. ,e · app~ars on th!'! b31Jd list or is ~ntitl•:!d. to :1-•H! h1R nem~ app~q~ on the b3nd 112t.

(11) "1'3.t:d" .n~ans l)i1y::;tc:1l l:P1:l siti.1:1t~d wit'1in l.111 P~se.,..v~ and. lr.clud<:f: t'...:n·o•1r , 0.ud D:·. ., i::..~x-c ;8.:,n,~ :-s on the l~:'1d.

( 12) "~~lnlst~r- 11 m~anf: tr.?. ~.t:-;1.E't~!' !'or tt1~ tl.·11~ t--i"'i:: _-; rcspo~sib}~ ror I, cUsn •\:'"':'ti!'S in ti1e Vt.)lr<'>r'::t::, .;:

CJf C,~nada .

1 .:1•.:. ::-. .1d

(lJ) 1 9. gu:1rt~r s._,::.ti.on of J..:10J ~cc0rd.i!:;;_, to c:1•~ syst'.'!m er- ;:;urv-=:.','S urd:)r Ui·3 J\.lb.,!'t:D. .iu~vr•,:r: Act cir r--'3.Y 1'3S[F).r z1ri:- 1?., thr> ci.e:;,::y-i;Jtlo:: nf h'3s br::en aJ9rov-=.:ii by the ;n'Op?.r L!:in....:. Tltl8S Office, or

11 s.ny u~subiivid~d. bl1:ick or any lot o:r a:tJ part o~ such block or lot in any area or land or 1,,1~1i.c~1 o. ;Jlan o~ subJivi:;lon i.s rg3lst~Ted in a L~nd Titl~s Gffice, or

li.1 •·ri1e.,.,F:? the.rP is no such pl:=..o or suodl.visic,n 9. qu-=trt':'!r s<:ctioo or lF.lnd '3.Ccor\.lir.....; t::i u~.-:~ syst~~ cP su~VRJS under :he Alber~a JUrv~ys Act or any oth 0 r 0r~~. th~ 1~sc~iptioa c: which h3s besn npprov~d by the ~rop9r L~nd Titl~s Gffic2, or

iv in a~y case whe~e s ~uildln~ has b~n~ erecte~ on or,e or mo.,.,e lots of p~rts thqrqof, all ~uch lots or ;arts, or v all th~ l3nd for~in; pqrt or a~y r', 1rrlsat1an or drRinq~e ri6ht-of-yay,

11 prescrlb!=d 11 ::1<=::111s pr-~scrioed by a ::'?. Jc~L ty o-" the Council or th~ u~nd. "pipellnF.? 0 ~P.5t1S sn,y ;,:,lp1:: desi!,r.:1d ro.r or u -~--o~ in the conv8yanc~ or tr~ns~tsslon of a~y subst~nc8, and includ~s

i flow Jtr.~s, b '~the:::-in..; lin·:8, c.l~tributl.-:.:,n lin~s, t:GtlS,:>O!"t:, lin2s anJ. s,·iy lit".e o~ pipe, lncluJins loo~s. by-~ass~s, cl~anouts, vglv3s and ~ictin~s, siLu~t2d ir: , or undP.r '?. continuous stri? of' 1 .1ml, r1 0 ht-of-~qy o~ 0 ~sen~nt 3nd G~'?t ~o~~s par·t or a~\Y r.:~1:C.1.""rn for th~ cr.1,.Vo:>.: :1t~•;::2 or tr3nsmissinn of ,:;=ts, oil or coJ.l er 1.11.:, 1 coJJbl:"'Jat.:on, ~r::,d.uct ,:ir ::iy-1;roduc:, t:,<=\~~o::, or salt., brin·"' or •·r0c-d. .:_),...oduc ts, NiB th<;;r such systs~ 1~ u7nJ or ~0t,

ii s~y plp01 .~or i::nt? CO!l'l~.:,::ir,c~ G-:-- 'l::..2t·· o:;3.l i,:' arJj" v-•?~ti:-~, ;;t>::t..!t ,-::ilt •t~t-=:i-."", ..::.,lJ·cc,l, G-::~ o,... Any 0U1~r ::;i..;.1.Jc-t"'J,;::e us~d i"i 01.~ i11cld ·~ril-:i.l to thr; !:.rccl.uc:::io,: o" :...,'.'l :, 01- cil o;- both,

ilt nny ri.:1n l:--1 "';.,•n]l UZ•-:•l ()l' clril:!..-·J rc,r• t h n. pt..: !'. : o -:; r:· o f' \I ."..'. ) o b ts 1 n .L 1: .s 0 i 1 o r ::/::t ::, .:; r i;; o t ;1 o , ;. •: , oth~r ~ln~r8l, 0r (b) inj~cttn_; ..:,'.E , qlr, ~·1;1.ter er oth;;~ st1b0ti:~:c~ t,o 3.:1 t.!:!-_i~:--._;r,:ur:ci ~c:-_J-_!..,.i. 1 ..... .:1 . "11e8i~,:-v3" ~nl~-s.; ot.!rr·::ic:-r.i S;_)"'ci•"'ied, ,,,""?'?.n~ th~ '•;ab-:Jmun and vuc::.: i::1ke lt:di::h, Il~.serves ,.,,_:_c!.'bi:,-r-2 lJJ i\ , 3 , uC it, L'H~ _,:---,...c.,•-ri,:c~ of Albsrta . ( 17) ":Jf)!"C1'31 rr. .. nc!1i,,-,'' .J!"?!":I'.S 0 V-'rJ Ti.:.,ht, 8.ut·10-i.t~-or pi:.rml.ssion "'-•'"~ti1?r ~xcluBiv~ or otr)c,:11icP-t:c construct:, '.• . .?iin~':'.in or c~e:,-,:1tl'} , t-rit•1i!·l th~ !lcG9"t'V3 , i:1 w.d.C)r , ?OO\I.:? or 01; O'!' r'.1rou6 l~ or ?.cros.s :Jny ;1i__,:1·••3., , ro,,d, str"'9t , , ~Ltbl\.l! pl.:1.C-3 o~ [.i!lbl i.c -::-1. t '::r ~·:i t::ir: ti.!'=? fi.-:.:3,:;JV~, 9.~1./ pole, :•rlre, .e->i~·=, brili...,P, t,:ec:~, ·:.o:,QUl. ':, c:;:-

oth'::!r sy~t'?.!1! r.:,,--, th•3 ,)l:>·;1os~ or cor-:.iuGl:irt~-

ste"3.rn, ':.r:!?t, trqt~~ , ~?. .:-~ er el~cL1--lc ..~ Ll: or 3'.1~- p?."Of)~:::-t.,·, 3ub:::ta:1c~ or prcd.uct c,µ<:.t.,:c of b~ing t~ans~:0;'~0.d , t'"J:_:3;::.i.tted o::· co.1'/•:: .:n~d for the s~r~lJ ~~ ~at2r, or for ~eac , li 0 nt, pc·,:'P.r, tr. . -::ns;,Jcr~:;.~~ar., tr::le .. :,~:.~J)[1S..c, telo:._1--:.:::~~ or oth 0 ~ s~~v~sps, 8~~ includAs a ri3~t au t :10.,,.i t_y or p1:1~1:ii.ssion to cc:-nr.truct, :r,.3.lnt.;,

~8ser•1 e . i the 1nsts.lla 1 devices, ~itti~:J , A~2;r2tus , a~pl19~C~~.-equipm~nt , pl1t. t. 1:-i'1C:,ir.>=!r.',' , ,-,?.J:: ::1(0. psi s "? 8"" n ts , co '1 ::- r r 11 c c:-:> J. and lls~d ir: tb.., ..;Pn"r~;'.;ion , tr3~s~ission, distrlbuticn , delt~e~y or s.ql~ o"" eJ~ctrici t;,r by 3 T,,11cle;:; e--: contjcJ l;d or. 23t l1"' :C-u"tllo litiliti~s ...,-:::,'3.:-"d c" 1. . lbe ... ta O:""' b,; t;i-:i 38t1d. and

ii caolr>s I S ':;ru,:: t~i:~-:::: , 3:!!pl t f'i.-'!rS ':'.!1d. d.r:J) lin~s d~siJn~~ au~ u~ed fo~ the ~~~yo~e or t:. 0 ns·:.i t.ti,1~ ca·o1~ t.::J r::'tisic·c.. ro::-co1::u-.~::-~i:1l S£'.1F: (}:'' :·,s-::i.1":! ta t:i.:, publ;.c , ( 19) "Euniclp-31 J<:>r•ric~,.• :~~<::.'n5' -,nJ ir,clu:l"s ;ill thc:s~ co.,1 • l 1_.y .,, -! r'.; ~('_,-, ,, :t1,.:i .~ .,..c~r-c_1,~, ::,1i<: : :, m'..JniCii:'8.]lt~· •;,1 t,;,,; ;;-o,;inc"; i:: ~1.,;.L1•·1r-l.,:-.r: to pr>r~orrn 0r ::1:l•::L'.·. 1.;_,...-:-.t-:: Ur~clcr t.l1~ ,".ltju:Y .1::-·i:::'_,., s to tu t ,.,. s tr; t. ;~"" -: ·., i-."> t'! t t:: h, t f~ i-;.,::, 0:.., c _,, g r ~ n c.t. i~consi.str~nt. r-r~::i, Li1•: :n.,~'.:ori.tiP.s ;.--,:,::;crl::-r:d u n d. ,s, r :Th ~ [ rd ; ": n :~ ,:- ~. ,

:iO L1 S, :,ti:-1JcturP.s, -i,s..t 1ri£1l::;, t.' r q c -1. u l ) ,_., ,l ,. c ­t:;.'3.12Cor11:.:i.c=. 1 r, , :)''l"GIJ.-, or co::·_ .. c,1•·1t I -:• ·, t:~1~

J , (1) ~xo~pt &S prcvidPd by ~1!s 3y-l~w er by th0 Iniian Act of ~3:~d~, &11 lnt~r 0 sts in l~~d In t~e ~~sqrvn of p2rsons l~wfully in poss~s-sion t~cr~of (xh~t~nr by l~ae~, Jlcen39, Je~rult, c~rttrioate of p0ss~ssLo~, CPrtiric9te of occup9.l:io1;. 0 r~nt;•~:! by ~:1~ Ji::;t1·lct 2,ure!'vi~0r o~ ~d~20(1tor.-;Iob,y'!u:,., uistr1r;t, t\1~ ,(lnl.:;t'.'lr er the ~.end) at~.i :Jf' r~r,:.;on:.; in l:?.··::'ul 1:-:os.sesslon therno~ in any ot~ar ~~~~~r wh~tev~r er~ subject to a~sess~A~t anJ ts~ation by the B~nd . .. ( 2 ) ~xc~pt as provid~d by thi~ By-law or by thg Indl~n ~ct of ~8nade no ~usiness, callin; trade or occ~~atLon sh9.ll bq cn~rie~ on the

. :-?.et=:P.rve llC8:1sed iri. accord'3.rice with t:1is ·•... By+la~·1, ( 1) ~v~ry ye~r , the~e 3hall b~ p~eJ4red ~~ ess~ss7 ment ro:l SRtttns forth in re3~~ct of sll lands within t!1e JP.serve ,?• .t:d all lnter8sts tl:ereii1 · th9 assessed v~lue th~rAof ~stablis~~d by sssessor in accord~nce with t~is 3y-lsw. ( 2) ThP ass~ssment roll ~~Y consi~t of l~~v~s h~lt togeth•1r ~n boo'.< :'o::--:n or car: s l1q;_d in a suit­able filin3 d3vtce. T~e assesso~ shgll g~sns~ in accorda~c~ with ,,, ' .. this Ey-law lntcr 0 ~~s th~rein li8bl~ to as~e~s-.' mr-mt und~r this ;:,.:,--1:i.;.;, a,1d sh::i.11 !;sr:c-;;i sc.ct other dutiP.s as Ta/ b2 r~quir~d of hi~ ~J th~ Council of the rland, .. .. , ,,. o The Council of t:l':: .09.nd ~•rill adept: The r26ul?.tior.f; IL.38~ jJ tirn i·iir.isrq:i:- or· Af'-":?i!'S ,..or th":! rrovlnce of A1berce ;..'t,rst..:c.nt: to . · -s~ction 6 a,.. the 1•:unic.tr9l Ta.x3.tion i~ct of,::-rto. (~SA 1960 , C251. s,1) for th~ us~ ~nd 6 ui~a~ce of ~S$ ..~ s~or.s ir. :r.".'-~i::_, ~c-,. . ,..,~;~r.-,.·.f-(,"'I ·,n ..... , .._1~ .... -... •--·-·- Rtld p-r:-l=!;

tb) levr:ls cF' v:11;.,c, t'J b•c" u:;~c. ~n GPt,'<r.r:i:1~.n.;, , ~rhat ~onstltU!:P.s th-: <:.Ct!.,;9.J... V?.luc for t:,18 J:;:J.rpt)SG3 c:' 3.C;~~s::n'=~,t; s.nd..

..., ( 1) In d~t:raiinlns va1u,:, r-c,:- t ,•, .', ..,•, . ~:.. ~...:. c..-:. ,-:, .,,_~, -~()r , r .., d 1"• m~t.hods of 9ss~s~~~~~ ~ni l~vr.l~ or va::.u~ -8. d o p t e d p u r ;; ua n ~ to s ~ c t 1 on 6 :;rn d s ll 9 11 s .: s 0 o2 [.; in accord;.nce wL th !lny ru.l~:!s rt,8.::19 in r0lo.ti0n . ( 2) '•!her~ st9.nd.<:trds ?nd !.f."!t:'.:o·ls of ; :~13.V"! not b""en e:i.lopt:~d. r:\v~ '-".;;sessor :-;n3::.l ::.'.eL-=r,1,l:--,-~ the fslr actuql V3l~~ ln a m~~n~r th~t is f~lr 13.nd ~qu.1 1 ;:3bl~ t,rit11 tn•: J-=?-✓ •~l o~ v~lue pr~sc!:i';J"..•li for us~ in deterruinln~ th~ ~3ir s~tusl vnl~~ of oth~r }gnds and inter~~ts in land

. ( J) ·,n,,~:re st.;1nd3rds r,;.r:j _;,,~tt1cds c.f 3.S3~SS!n"!rlt L18V: not bce!"1 p,•~scriced in r-,2p~ct of e..~y l.inJ of lands or int'3r 0 9 s s e s s !3. t -f'g i r f.9ir f'.nd. ~qult-c.bla. ·,,ith the a:::s?.ss:u,?nt of oc:1,~:,-lands and lnt~rs~ts lfi lgnd .

( 1) Land sh~ll be aGs~ssed at lts f3ir a~tugl v~Ju~, inclusive o+- a~y lm~rovehlents thereon , a~d ~ny inter~sts in lan~ shall be qssess~d at its ra!r sc tual v.-salue .

( 2 ) In detarmtnin6 th~ fair actual value of aGJ la~d or 1nt~r~st in l~nd ror ~sse3S@8nt pur~os0s , no !'"]ga:rd shall b'? i1cid nor- 0oni:. idRra t ion ti:·1 ·, :c, t.o th':! pric~ 9!- which -:iny l::::.r:,i O.!"' Jo.c;·l:-; er i!".t~.Y'?.;;t or i nt~ r~s ~s in la:,d ~•it hlc1 t !1e ~•,-=:~ !'Ve h?.:. or have be~n orrered ~er ~~19 to any ~ersoc , I det8rm1nin~ th~ valu~ of l0~d or an tntar~~t in l::ind 'ln s-s:.-;~s:.c.,... ',,-.?.11 h~ve r~-::'.;.?_:;-J. t0 (=1) r-rny :Jdvan::,.::;~s or cl:;:.rlv2r,t·,)::,-<JS of lcc:-,r. .i..::,'l, (b) the quaJity of the ~oil , (c) sny p1_-o"it,be US-c" t:i.'?lt ::tJ.y :::'<?3.::.:c~-~-1.•2t b~ made c" th~ l~~J, ~~d

(n) the ";o t'.,,;, l'-·.:-:d 0: an i:rrl..1.;•1::.i~i(l or d:ra1~~~1 µ~cj~~~.

9 , (a.) in!::°')t•d:l'i :o O"' u;:;~,i "er .2.:H1uf9_ctu.ri.n...:; or pr0c~~al~~ ;u~~s8s~. er

(b) 9 !..1'3. .ur:"1.:::-.ur~~":..:, , p..,.-ccc:~~~~:c ::-p:.1·:-:-: .1-.:.:.-. :!' or t.111"' fac t ur~~ er ?~00essPJ ,

.:,.,:,s~s.c::,a1:.:1t i.JUri:o...::c•:,, , 11J• r 1 ::_ , J . ~ ,, ,J , t•: '• ·1".,. st.,: .. , J - ... ..J.L u·•, .,rdb- . " ,, 'r1,; l u

s 1 ;s ii, l-'·'ln'i, \..i1?. sssr-:(sor fii1:1lJ 8 C t: u~ l Va 1 l1 ~ i l1 B Ill 9. rj n 8 r th".°( C :. . :,

I'•. , . . .. L \,,: ~- ~: v::.,;r; 0" t. he tTI9. ter1 ':". ls :n:?.:w-

l S n O t C C• !TI p J ':l t '; d J 1 s t d '3 y o f Cc to b ~ :r l. n til/3 im?rove:n~nt s1nll (1Clt oe t:1k·"'r. into ::-1c~~·-,.t.'.: in that y 0 ar in 0na~nsln~ the v3lu~ of th~ lands on which lt st:3.nd::; or i~1;;;; t;;-1~ va!u9 of any interest therein.

10 . ( ] ) A. spectal f'r3:•chis"! ls 9.n int~r"3st in J3.r..d, ( 2 ) A sp~cl&l f'r~nc~l3q ~~311 be 33s~ss~d ~t t~~ fair actusl vnJ~~ of t~ 0 m0c~tnpry, ~quip~~at ~nd ~,paratus U~A~ in ~h9 ~xerci~e of th9 fr2nchts~ gnd not otherw ise 3G8gssnd . { J ) Not..!lthsta1.din_s trnctio•-" 1:;, B S£.l~Ci'3.l f':r::1nci1L::·'. shqlJ o<=? re<Jssr-s!:~d riot lat•;r t:1an Octcb"?~ ;-1.::;t in e9ch lesr and uccru~d d~pr~ciaLion to thn d3 te of ass~":;,:,~n t .:he\11 b<=? allo•c~d on t i1~ m.'3chi:i~ry, ~qulpr:!t"?n~ ~.nd "l~pa!"3. tus JI:!r.t ior:,~C.l L,~ subs~ct ion (2),

(4) This ~~ction sh~Jl Dot be construed so ?.S to abrogat~ th~ conditions of a~y subsistin~ special frsnchis? a~rAemant . 11. Bla~k 12. (1) The ~o llowin~ property is ~xempt from DS~~ss-m'3:1t:

(b) int~r':8ts i~ J~nd h9ld by t~e ~9nd, or :;:::rnd m:::;ubr-:r ;

(c) ~vC}cry -ri_;:1-c, r.itl":l er of t:.~ Governrnpnt of C.:1r.;1da ln an,>' i:,rcp~~rt.,;

(d) sll incom2; ( e ) prop <: T t .>. ~ .)e G 1 :;i 11 j' e x ~ ·; _p t r; d by 1 ~ ·•; ; ) J . ( 1 ) In qy~-y 1~s~rvg th~ g~s~~scr sh~ll, ~ct l~t~~ t'.-:3n th~ J l::-t d.siy n: ..., -::~-=:ELV"'r i. n ri,1ci1 J"!:!Y', -:•.: !3!'.: .,.. o r t :i :< :1 t i c n p u r;. ::. ._ :; -: r: in :: iv~ :·:;:, x t f c, 11 o 1·· 2. ('. .!.. y ~ s T ':l 11 l "'· r: d. s '."I I F-1 ,, 11 i. r, ·:. n. !' "' :::: t s in l:;. .-~ d i. n t n :: .'."" S2·:"rYe , ~xc:-..::it t!-:-::t t '.-: ; .1:s:,..,sso:-:- !:r'.l.,l', r:ct lr•L'l' thgn the l3t day~~ Jun~ in t~<; y 0 ar 1973, a~r ~ ~ for t'.Jxatic~1 pU:!"_~•.),';S •'c•::r c:c·1e 197J :.-=.. :,:atiGtL ;;,n-r all '3:-Si"!SSsbJ.~ ]3 ,i? "t:-,a. i~Jt':'r~sts in lar.:3.-: 011 thG R~servf?,

( 2) Th~ CounciJ of' thi: .::,':1. :d r_'.?.y dividf-1 t\-i-, · ~"!S~r",:; lnto ass 0 sc;:n<;nt dlst,·lct0 ~r:d. :::a~,· f. .. p)oint o:1P ~,. f!1 o .,.. P 3. s s i :..: t <> n L :.1 •; -~ .c-. ,; --: c ,. s t c ::. i d. t.: · 1 ~ '< r. so s .s or in tile work of' nc:;,,,-._,:;1;1-"'ni:.

O .,... l n O l:' ':~ !' '.J !:; l. C.: r ! b ;~ [' C' :r n !:; t1 ;'.:: "1 n y .r ,y1 r , t., c v ?. l u '1 c, f

( l ) i~Ct-•.•rlthst8nCJ.1!1,::; t'.·.>":: ;::.,,...nviou~ ,:::.:: ct1.t1(1 , ~ of' the .f:9:1d 1,!.ty by ,-.,~-:c,J uti.on ;J<?. .::;:J•"tl i-,:.:. th~n t!1~ c.!-:-ty of :~u:.:,u·-,t ~lt.~ . .o :-lz•~ r. assRssor· to u3~ th~ ass~ss~~ v~lu~ o~ ~ or inter~at in ~An~ a~ shown on the ass rolJ of the ci.rrent Y~Slt' :?.s t:18 ·?.c:des.:;8 o~ th~t la~d OT int~r~st in lun~ for th r,)llowtn3· yer,r. ( 2) rhe Council o~ th~ ~3nd shall no~ p~ss r~solution pursua~t to subsection (1) i than seven cons~cuttve y~5TS, ( 1 ) 1\.t -£1ny tim~ he corisi(lers it tot~ in H• 1ntP.r~st the ;,;lril~t:~:r· J:a.f orde-;_-- a 0 ~tl'n ment to be ,,19.d.e in thP n~sArvc. ( 2 ) 1,TherA a .S~!:~r-=i1 3r:zP-ss:::i.~nt is or::313r~d , to subsection ( l) ~ii0 ::1ss~s30:r s1·1:..ll a.c by the ord~r ass~ss ~11 ass~3sab}A lnnt inte!'ests i'.1 1.s.nds in the ResC?rV':' ,

J 6 . ( 1) Not.i,•lthstand',r.~ :--~ctior.. 13 , the ·.:18s,~sr;c regss~ss not la~er :her. the Jl~t Q3y o~ ln e' y~ar; (a) ell ether 3~sessable lands ~Gd in lar.js t:1"! v 0 ·• ll:-?. of' ••thich L:~ by thA i~Et:uction or an im~r~ thereon or ~Y som~ cauG~ oth0r ~~3r ~~d tQ~r. and

(b) all oth~r as2~ss2bl~ ~~nds a~d land.s th'? v<:.iJ.u.0 of ,•;t1ich if 1.t. the ersctlor,, :::a::c_rl,:,t~ot• c•r :-i:: i :np!'c,v;:,ment t:;er8on or by SOi.1:=?

(2) rh'= assesso::c :::h?.11 •.-,ri'.:.e th~ ·•·o:-d 11 '.1.JC. op poi:: i te t!"l·3 d.r.:sc r i pt io:1 ,;f a~;J l? ~id::. in lands th2t h3~ CA~s~d to be 3~s~~~~ 17 . ( 1) I11mcd.i3t":'ly -:i-rl "': t\F':: co.:.:::-1,,tio~ o: ::-:. ~ad8 und~r thi~ Gy-)~w , ~h~ as3~~ ~ur ths P'"C\C::C:~ '..~~(I f'orr.-, i)rovic..2 a returc: o f t h ~ ·;; :; s r:: ::: s ·:; : n t. ,1, :::. ·4 ~ o j' : i l .n ( 2 ) T:1P. '~.-~:; ~::sc,.. . st,,.,J l :;£~ and. rit.t-~r:)1 ~.:' mq~"! und~r ~LJ½1actlon ll) s st;tuto~J in tr.':-"? f.'~ ":':,Cribr>C, rc;r,11.

( l ) upo~ rr-c,:,i. pt o~~ -::.r,y ;-nt:...rn 111:;ds o,:. L · p u rs u~ n t ~ o :: ,... ,~ ~ i c ': 1 ? , t-. h ~ Cr., t.... rn~ i 1 1 or its a ppr:: u1 b"!•'! :.·:·.,::i.11 ;Jrc=: ;.'"'~ (1\7 ~-:: roll not l-:i':·3 r ~:1,,1: !:l:~ l::;~ d,.w.- o!' ye~r fo]lo~lnc tn1 :q~~ in whic~ th~ has b·~en tr.<:>.•iP. .

2.0. ( 1 ) 3ubj-~r.;t to t'.J·:' 0' 1 12!' lJ~o·;j_~;lL!lS OA 1;:1j~~ ::;-,ptl,-•,,, upcn :>'~"1:-;•3:''.'.\tion o-r Ltir: assi3s:;;u,8r1t 1.·oJ.l r·~·,,-,·~.::.,:, to s 0 Gt1on J:; si:-!'i ~~ot l'1t.~r t\n:1 t.:,,~ r1r~t ..l .·t~ •;:· ;~'.l!'Ch 1:ention•"'!'~ :::n•·~, t-·1, t:·1<~ -:ouncl.l er t:"~ B3.nd or its ·.1p~olrt'...,-·r~ !';:nll rr:al.l 3.:, 8.SS'.::'SS!tl?'.:t slip l!l tl';,:• .:,:::-';::cri.b::cl "'c•r.n t0 ~v;r} p~rr_;o:1 w~ose n~mA n~?~~::s en th, as~es2~~:1t ~oll .

( 2 ) Fo s.~se:.:s·r:~nt r;ll.r,;; l:uid or e.ny lnLr.:r· f't; th9reln r:~f!d b~ ~:~nt to e.. ny i-..,']~•3:::,n 1;(-1ose ns:? .. , 1 app'3ers on ci,~~ ':!:..3-~.s:·.:•~r.t :-.:-oll o: tl·1.~ ;,~·-::viett~

j'T:lr in :r0spc::ct t.:10~·::O:' \.\nl•-•SS cf thF! Cl.lrr•;:1t y:?ar d.lf~::rs f':roUJ t!le 9.sses:.:::,~~:,.: of the p.,..<:>V l ous y •~::-.J· ,

( J) Yotwit!'lst~nd.ln;;.: sucs~ctL0n (2), ~n assc3r;mi::?,:t slip shall t~ sent to ,::,ny s:;si...,n·~e of 1-R.l'i 0r 0f an ioL:--r':?st l.n J.~nd i"' b•;='Or9 th? fi:--::;t ·l.:tj' a~ Barch a notic~ roc~iv~d i~ writi:1~ ~Y the Council or t:1'3 J·•ml or tcs 4_;:,polnt-T'", ,:hr_,:;itJ,: t h '? a s s 1 _, :J 8 ~ ' s i. ,1 t "! r f" s t i '.'1 f; h ':" l '1 mi s A. ml. 0 i v l 1 .., his n.~"il"' .:3,n:i r-o::t""'J. :-iddr';GS ,::il T"'c;U.e!:tin.:. t:1_..,t, notices of ~ss~~sm 0 ~C be ~ent tc him , (4) ',.Jh<:?n th':! ,•1 :10li:: or an:,· [.i'al rt of tllr; ~38':"SS''.l':'!1 '_; roll of th~ ~rRvicus J~~r h,c ~';C'n qdoptPd ~3 ~..:rovided "or h,:,: :;~i.;rlon l·'~, th~ f•ersons :1.::,.~:~ ·;:, :.J

1:1 :'esp,::-ct o<' t:1':' p:rcpcrty ,'1SSP.~:.•i:.crJt so !Jdo:;-it·--~d 8nd wi1ose ass<:?s:=.:.r..Ant::: hs.-:q notJ t-,.~.-,:: ci;~h,,..:'=d. sh::171 b~ d.:!~wed 1-0 ~1:;v:; rec8l.ved notice of' c:·;8i..r ass-=2s ·i,e,1ts by t:1~ ~u!:lli~'::A.t,io:1 o~ the t:.~;i,.'::~J-:i!:-:-·~ noticA provld~d for by s~cticn 22,

21. ( l) 7h~ t:cu~ciJ o~ tl1r:? -.J? ..! d_ or its B-!)pcir1tc2 ~~·12!.~ c.3u::ie to b~ 1:1"'!.:l~ ·:· :1 ti11; '1S::?~~sr:1•?:1t "011 a.!1 ,·_,n ".: showin..; th~ d~,t,., o;' ·l'.;i'LJin:'., or q.3.c~1 sllp, l'!•,-:1. the entry ~1'!'3.ll te tnit-i:1ll~d, er Et:1□ :.:,-~ci. a symbol r'?pr~s 0 0~ the B~~d or it8 a~poln~ee . ( 2 ) The ~r;try er ti1c do.en 0:" t:':':' .::~ilir,_..5 oft'.-:~ 3SS~Ss~~~t slip and ~~~ or sywbsls -.-~pr~s~~ti~C th? initi4ls sf t~J pcrscn i~trl~( 1:i~ ti~::- ""'~!tr~' i :-; 2:-~ ~~· of' tt1r.: 1n.:ii1ir.1~ o _'"" d9.t~ ~nt0 r,.,J :•·lt1::it1.t ;)"::or ,:.. f tht:: _p~r00n rJ.~'~in ~= that p~·,•3c~i ' :~ i,· Lti·1~:-. :::t1'1 er:•'! ?.b-:;::-t,ce o:~ -:i.r;J d'3tf> :-~d lni ti:11'; 0~ ·., ~.>c:J.:- initl8jf.' i ::-: ::-,...l!:'_i':· •~L,, rr. e D t s l i p h ~ s

t'.·1".? ' '.358SS'i1•):1t

•·1 it-l: ntln~ hls in~tl~ls 1 by t~~ ~0U.~!l 0 ~~TY ~r thA lniti~7s :-""~.t~ l"' l_)!"t':,o-~ t~--l ...: ; fi::.: .~ ~::j0nt :;li~) ~1~ 1::;.: '.. . :·_·::' th<? :-.uth:;rit., -:it" t~-;.~ ~1~~-r\,/ to ;;!:---ke i~ c·r of - .... .7!··..,,~ 0 1::ti.n..:. t.•=· t)T'll•~:' tL,t th·;-~:::;.-._·::;-cl 8 t CJ ··~ t .. : i .:.: s. l l ~ G. ~

( J) '.-llv•re th8 po:;t o.,.."lC(? -,ddr~c_;~ of~ )r..r::;on l t1C';•:· cm!OP ;1pp0·:1rs on l:: il<:- roll i~ w)t e:ut:~red . or. , t-.;i . '? rolJ.,' sn :-3.:::.::o~ss-;;r.>nt ~;]ip s:m~l be co:..ipJ,-!t~ci. o.:,G.. r0.tain:?d in t.!1~ or•rice of th'.'; C.>.unc.,11 cf ~n11 Band or its appoir.tRe, and 1~ th~t cs~~ ~hn absf\nC':? of ,9. dD.i:;c .;1nd \ ti11ls o:::- s:;mo,:;l rn,JJ'-~-sRnting the initi~ls is prima facle proof tha t the past o:'f ice <:J.C.u..!"ess o-" the pc_:r::;on n::ira•~-:t ,:,n the roll is unkno~n .

22 . ( 1) Upon prApa1~tion df the ~3e8ss~enL roll ~ur3u~nt to s~ction 1~ and nee 13ter than the first dryy of March next followln~, t~~ Council o! the Bend or its appointee, shall c,usA to b~ publi3h~d ln one issue af a n0wspaper hnvln~ Gener~l circulation in the Reserve, a notice in the p~e-scribed ~orm that the assessment roll hgs been prep3-r:ed.

( 2) At th~ option or the Council of the Band or its appoint~e , the no t lca rPquired ~nder subsectiw1 (1) may b~ 5iven by maiJ i n~ a copy to ev~ry p~rJo~ whose n~~e ~ppe3rs on the ~5S8S S~ent. roll and by posting-a copy in 8t least five conspicucus pJ.scaa in the Res'3rve . 2J. A person w'.10 ar:J8• on the a:::3~ss.nent rcll .,3.y r und~r the su~ervision of the Council of the ~3nd or its appoint~e . and d~rin~ the office hours of the Council of the E.-=i.nd or 1 ts appoln t"::e , in:Jf,~C t ... the assess~ent roll of th0 Reserve durin~ s~ch ' . tim~ as are ru~ntion~d in his assess~en~ slip or in the notice publ i shed in accordance witn section 22 . 24. ( 1) Annunlly t'.'ler':! s:·.sll sit in the R'3s~rvc a court of :revision e.s n~i:-~ir.after G>rovi11P.d and. tbi; coll!'~ of r~vision s0 sttttn~ sh~ll hegr an1 de3l ~it~ ~~ch complaints a~sin~t assessment ss hgyg b~en r~ceiv0d by the Council of tile ~--s-.nd. or its a •. )i)Oint:;~ 3S provid~d by this ~Y-1~~ ..... ( 2 ) Thq Council or t~,A 0?!id., by ':"82011,lticn, .,,aJ· ~.:;:t~blis:: a c0vrt o,.. r•"'Vi 2 ior1 consistin.£:, of ,1ot w•Jr-•2 :: ,1::.c", f1V'? :.I!~illb~.:.~::; ~t1d. SJ.CY ~.:r..:-loyee or ~escrve rc::-Ld ·c: •.::.~ may be 3.ppc.int8d t ··,..:, , ·eto, ?.t lca6t th·o ..:,f v: ~.c. ... .:i-:G.ll be membGrs of th~ 5gnd

.. .,.

' f + : .

( J ) ~horp ~ court of r ~v1~10n ts ~8t~bll~~~J ~s p:-ov 1.d~d. ty s u l ;3 ..,~ ~ ioo , , ...,) <:: , ~-. ! ~~ :'~t \ Y·H'3 :; . 1 -ir--: 1 ·--· ·• · · hold or"t.:;'1 rc,r ::,.;c·.1 i;-:rlcd ·~s i::? r,.Pcir\.?.1.} i., tlv , r,:,:=;c:lul'lcn .

( 4) T~10 Counc11 o"' as th~ court o" ••,-,visl...)!l -:rnd. in tin I; c ··-~e l t shall ;lp;:oint !1ot :::.-:2':- f l VrJ or i~s 0:rn :,1n1nb•:-.1•r to for:n 1;:1"? cou::.t,

( .5) l{o ";1°1lbnr o:,, court QT ,..,,~vl31C~. ·,n:::.11 si.t. ;jt·•:,n any ~«:?:1:ri11_; r,f.~Pc:.. i:-1~ '.':1~1Y ,.i:--cpe:rt:J in 1 ·r~lch !·1~ i~ di~ 0 ctly or i~dir~ctlJ lnt8~1~t8d . ( 6) 'i'l-:e 'Tl~rob""rs of';. court cf r"'vicl::.•n 1 -'Tl1etl1i::.r ~~mbnrs or" the -::ov:1cil of chc C-:incl er not ,,::;y be p::iid. s ... c'.1 r8:nuner"' tion at:d. ex:,,~n:::e :11onsJ _,.~ thq Council of the 3~~d ~ay ?-A~C~ibe .

1'":1A majority or t'1?. :,..,,i:i"oqr:; or th,., court of rRvislcn co~stitutn ~ quorum .

( 3) 1 lhe.,..~ a cou!·t or ~~vision is co.r.posqd c~ t:,e.Jb~.:·:-; of !::h8 or ti1"' .J,ncl .J11d o. ,Ug,Jorit,r c,: r.:1~ m~mbqrs or th"l cou :- t or :'?V ls ion ~ ~,; i.n13. iJlP. l.o 3tt-=r:d a slttinJ r:" the? court , thiJ ::;;.•.i:::: o~ ~, tl"' Eand. IL'::!Y ;i.p:Joi.nt ct'.V"'!' ·.1,!'?mb~rs of ti1,=;- CounciJ of' the B.:i.r;i.l to tt:.e cc·.1:t of ::~v islon to -=-c i~ i,1 their pl~ce qnd st~~d ~nd ex~rcisn e:l th~ po·.-·er~ o~ t:1'3 s.b::;f!nt. :c<?t=::ib~rs for t:";:1.t slttitlJ,,

T;1e Cct:ncil o.,.. t~:":? 2:ind s:·1011 f.l!'CViC.e fo1· l-1~ erpolntm~nt of 9 Cl8rk or th'J Court of r~vi:lc~ and ~~y p~ovid~ tj~t the clerk sh3ll b2 ~~ · Cf'-"ici:•l or e:r.;-J CJ~~ ,:;r Li:~ '2:nd. oth'3r t118n t.:1 ':

ass~ssor and s:-,:.11 , by rf'Jsclutlcn ,,'=>!·1,,i:1~:: liiR•3rn~.l0n -:;i.r,rl r~uti"3S 1·1'.:ici:. ,'i,1::111 i:,:::J~.:c the recor.din.-:; 01 all pi:-oCP.<:>din__,<_; t ' 11; .r~o'.:' . (10) r,ro ~ct or 0t!l-=-:r :i>·OG:!'"""' of F.i ccu-t c~- .... ,..,_.,, iR valid or bindl~~ l~ iL is n0c 2do~to~ =t ~ sittine; o" t.:·1e ccurt ::r 1~-;vl.sicn -:i.t:; wni.,:;h ·1 -..~L ... :-;-ur. is· pr"'3'::,': :;.nd ~ ·rr:.1.;,1ri~J' c~ tl,"' .iuorui:; _-1,... .... _, •• t' m3y decide q}} 1u~3tlcns bc~orq lh" c~~rt cf

revisi-::n .

( J l) 1'h~ D'" tl1·~ _;.,;1d. ::: . ,-:ill .::'.:llrn "r·• ~illin~ vsc~nci~s L~h~ ray cccur i~ t~~ cc~.,..~ c · ~evlr.ior. or ln thr.o .:,,~~~ic~! c" thP. CJ-:rl( c:: :'.'"·'''L L•_t: ,

t;;1•; .>:1.i·.d, b,, !"i;··olutlor.. , ,:t".':.}' '7Cl., t:1on ::.i·1r"'e n<)!' J10••-. i.:·,.-,.-!

(12) Th8 Counc t 1 o" '. IF~ .:~u;d, b:,, ,.., ; == o :1.., t \ c n, : •?i ~,, :1ppolnt a n1"!u.b~,r u" :i·1··1 cou-t of ~····,·1sl.c1 \l Le, i) .:• t: l ~ Ch: l. i. ;'!:1 '"l l1 f O " th :: iJ LI .'r ~, c, :.· £' Cr CO ti.i L: 0 ~ i ·, .j : 1 ··~ ~ 1 t t 1 l1 Gs ':1 :1·l ,: •~ l 1. b , r. ,:1 :; i o ~, c; c ,') 11 C '~ r :1 i r: 0 t ~" : : ·.: J• : .__, 0 f C O r.J p 1 'J 1 n t ;:; ':l (! d. t, : l ;; r --, :rn J. u ti O n :, iB 11 .:-- l. ; r; ·-~ l' l I ) ·: th~ m~t,10::!. by 'li:1tch .:i.r.J1 vacancy 111 ti)e ch3i!'il'.1t:-ship ~ill b~ fill~d.

(lJ) ~lhAre th"! :ouncil :>"' t'.v:: .3?.11d h:.s not :;;.::;,;,:·ln.:~~.i a ch~trrr:,in ;;;::; pr.::,qlJ.";'d by 5'Ub:s'?Cl"i0':'l (12) l.h ~

!Ti O 11 b '.'! r S O ".' t '.·1 ° and El_;)~Ol.nt frc,r, 3•,j•~i:':u t 1 A.nd shStll frc:r, tL,·~ co tl·c\~ , 8i)poi.nt 3 m~:Gb~r to fUl :=i.n,',' vacancy in the'1sb19,

( ] ) Tnc:.? Council of t,;y, .::·').:-.d. ty :r,soluc lc'.1, L;·1:?.J 1 provi de "o~ the c3llln~ of slttin~s o~ the ccu~t or r"'viston !'0!' the ;•1~rc;o:::c o: r7.-:?'7rin..., cc•n.1:)l·:,i..1~~- . ( 2) ~h~re th~r~ ~~~ c~~R-~t8 ~ss~ssm~~t r0Jl2 ro-sp~ctinz ]?nd tm9rov~m~nts The CounciJ o~ t~0 ~~~i ~~Y provi~e di~~1~nnt t1m8s ror th~ sitl:in.:,s or th'c! cou::-t of r<:-•visi-:m w i th re s ;;, e c t t o i1 e ·rr 1 n ._: c om p 12 1 t ~ t s i ci c o., 1i c e t l c.· .. 1 with any onq or Q!l or th~ rolls.

( J) In ~~ovidin~ ~er 3ittl~~s o~ th~ cou~t of rcvisi0n t.h~ d~t8 a,:- d.·.,.t~s .~ ~t ,:·13.ll in ~v2ry c,:.::;.3 _,1ll0·,.· t-:1::: 3ivin2; o~ :'n::? 10 -i"y::;' r,otice o"' c:~1<' 2it:ti:-i...: . . provid8d in SPCtion 27 , 26 . ( 1 ) _'\ pe:rscn ;·,ho!:e :1~:'I~ ?.[::;:> on th~ ciSSP'.33:l.!,,.:,,e ~oll msy co~~lai~ tc th~ court o~ r 0 vlsion in ~qspec t of (a) an ~rrc~ or omiss~o~ sll~s~d 10 r~~~~ct of the JSS•;c-8me::1t of any pr(JperC,/, or

(b} an :1s::::ess.rir.,,t 9.11•;..:.ed. to b<> t.oc hi.__;h ;)r too lo;•.', 'Jr

(,i} t~~;; nJ;nr... fu1 ly '-"n t•~~•.,d .;. 3 Sn S SJ:-: . . t: ( 2 ) .e~r1d 01"' i ~:!3 =i;;t.•'JL~·1L ~(! cult:l!'S S1:1c! _;-r:.-c1.1:1•J~· c,f i,i.:; c•:·tDpl-:il.1t.

C C 1J T i:; ~ " r ~ V i ::; i C n E I 3 J l C ;1 O C' ~; •:.-~ir :T.">Gib..,r;:; ~l CiY':. i.:.r--;r;,: ·-~S, d.""'!. '1. · I

Cit' :"'. .t';'?~.3on :::11~.,:;-;.:l ::.-=. b-~ ~·t'-:i-..: .. u!:<.1::1 ::>:- -.;M~ t ~?.d fY.'Cii: : .i-:: -r C] J o. .. ; ,,,: t11 r,;~tti.ll~ o:~ t. j4' _. .. ::t.-,":.!.•-

A not.le':! o .... compl>;l::t irny be 1v1l}n·.l o:- iJ.0li •; ·:·:c~-·t to th9 .:ou:-:cil c,r th0. J,:,:1rl or l::~. 'lp;:-0ic1~"~ , .:.o th~t it is so doliv~r~d or recnlv~d, (a) within _;-0 ds:.ys .8.f'te1· :he .:nD.!.lir!.._:, o~~ ~i,-" :lSS~sSJl':'?tJ t .slip ~o ti1ri C-Oa,9lStin,:rnt: 3.~ r~quir~d b; ~ection 20 . (b) t•!Cl!?"e t10 "'~s.~s:,:;<?nt slip ;•.r-r ;n.?-il ..~ d, wlt~in 30 d~J8 rrom th~ da~e cf t~c giving or th~ GO~ice as T~1~ir~tl by Sr:?Ction 22. nott.cP. o-r c,_:,:tpl"li'.'lt s:1-J.ll th3 post c~ric~ ~ddre~s to which all notlcss ~r~ r'7qU1!'ed to b~ ser~t to tile co:npl::ti:.a:·1t. ( 5) Before~ complaint i~ h~~rd ~ursu~n~ t0 ~his sectio:. f'r-:i,n 3. P"'r~an ,-r:10 is :1ot the occL.:):~:1t-or assii;nn 1 ~ of th~~ :,::;:.9SS':)d ~~·op,g":'tJ t~1erP-si'l,:ill be rlei)osit<Jd. th'7 cou::rt o!' r},.;i::;lor, th~ su~ 0r thr~~ dells~~ in ::r~sp~ct o~ ~ac~ parc~l or im~~cva~~~t to which the com;leint rel-Jtes, and l::' t:1a. cc;:.,,-;}s.i.nt ls -:11.:.o•.•:~d, th'3 sum d8posit~d ~hg}l be r8tur~ed tot~~ deyo~it~ r , otherwi.s~, it sh-11 for□ pg,rt of ti1e .:,,~r.!7:r:11 r8venue of the E1~d .

27 . ( l) Ufon th~ r8c~i ~t b:,- t:18 Ccu,-:ci1 c,.. th-:'? c,:::-its appcint~q or~ notice of cc~pl~int, t~8 Ccuncil r:;f ti'l0 r.::: 11d s~-1s.ll ~otif~· th•~ comp?•r. :; , the ass~ssor :;:3nd ~v?-rJ ..t><:rson :;:,.~f~Ct!:!d. t:1F:?reb_; of th~ tim~ ~nd ?lace o~ th~ sltti~~ of the court or r~vtsicn tc ~~ar the com~la\nt. ( 2) A notice ~n"'slD.nt to ::::..;c~n.ction (1), si1s.ll :; ·, r-.1;nt by mail to SJ",j' ~r:>rson "1-f ·ect<::ci. ::lt t(18 ..-0:.:: o-rf le?. addr':'ss sh:)·•r:1 on the:? co:::ipl? L o-r sc;:-. :-.-, in the a32ess~~nt r~Jl 9t least 10 dsys b~furc the sittln~ of th 0 cour~ or rqvlsion . ( J) b"'"D:-A th8 :;; of -:i c-:::urt o" r2vislo;1, ::·,0 ,.::ouncl1 c.,.. t'19 .::'1nd c,r it!" a 1 :·,JO~.r1t:•:1e s:wl] prepare, ~n tl1•~ ..t· ~ .. ,..... ..: -crlb~d !'or:!t, :-:-. J.t:-;t. or tl~t=-: com.l,)l·:>lnts :-; ,.:; b~ :,0s.,,i "'~ t~1= c.ittins :u'!:l t.'-.. :. Jist s'.1c.=tjl be po~ l•"!d 3.~. t.:·.g of"f~c.2 of' t:he .; •-·:,,c,\..l. of' th s ::: :: !1 d 0 !' i t s -=i :·· :, c i r, t ~ '3 , ,J t .::i 11 t L! ·-~ !:' ·l :.r:~ i., l ,:; rh~ s1.i:tin:.s c,"' t,;,? c .:)1.:-:-t o ......... "!vi.11.•.-::r.,

( 4) \,._rh"!!"e •.:, C".)lrc,L'. i.n"l:: '.:; c:- m?nt rr:?...Y 1:,:::. q:--~,~ct, r., .. ! ~?. 1 .ls ~o c..p;:~3!' u:: :;-:-r:-cn o:· bJ 2.r: c. ..:.-:t?_-:i::, court a,~ r~visi>J:: ...,';;l.:; ; ,rcc':!s::!. in 'cl::: ·:i:_n>;.:.::. •:,

'3l1Y l)i'-:r'SC.n '.·UOC.!: 'J. :";3<::i;"; · ·~)~- ~L1"; r~ ::,tt1.t (,~ ~ ,~c. ~- .;_nt t .10.

( 5) '·I!'ie"·~ th~ v~1)\1<:- ot v;.•ic'.1 :J~1Y :::.!,)"'Ct~·L,~c'l 1?.·:cl , or int<=>-r'.!st 111 J;1.:1cl l-:; ,3ssP.ssP.d 9t-,;,,~-'Jrs to L-::

:no re o: 1 C) .s s t.; h,1 11 of th~ :'l,~:::"'ss1:1nn~ ·;1·!'1]1 t18\i~.r-:l·!~l'>.S:J r,cL b ..

varl~d on 00.,1.iJl.'lit~t; lf t!1P. V?.lU= at 'NJ1'::l1 ;,he: ]and O'!" int~r~r;t thsrP.ln l.s ,':)s::;ed. i:; C':'tl1· .':\!'ld just 1G ~rr.0::-:•rtic1n to th0 va1U8 at ,,,'•ltc,1 9.ll other i.•:irid.s on l:i10. :'.(?serve Ht1d in t,)r~:; tr; th~rein are ss3~ssed .

,..,,,... ~-:). \ , _ 7 ) Th!'? cou!"t o'' i.'•'!Vl:~iot, L:l~si, 1r. it,::; d.L.:c,,--tl.on :3t any s1.tt1nti, hP-:.r "l.11 co.t(-'J3ir,t2 :1it\~ i-·---::.:_,,~-:-:~ to any rcll 0r :olls , 0:r if co_1sitl-::.,..!=!cl .S'\d'ti:-;::'b:i·,, m0y Rd.jou!'n frorr-, ti:r.1; to tim0 ~ncil all;.l.t1t~

are heard 9nd deter~l.ned .

( 2 ) All".ts in connl"::cti•'Jn wi t!1 -ar.y :1..:,r;,,,_.:.:!:,;: :tit roJl si1~11 b8 d7!tsrll1.n")d ~·rit-i)i.r. J.50 drtjs ,-1rt,.,r the pub] lc::i.tior1 or t~1e 11otice r-::-;yirC?J. und.·::r

s~ction 22 .

( 1 ) hs 300n Bn 2 d~cision ls ~iv~~ by th~ court of r~v1st0n , · t:1~ CounciJ. o-~ the '.:3.nd. •:::ir .i.ts ::1,.·polut.•;e shall a:r:•.3:1d t!:~ •::'S"'SSJ:i~nt roll in ac:::o:---d!.=',i,~r: rith th~ d~cision of th~ court or r~vision . ( 2 ) ~very such q~e~d~~nt ~h0ll b 0 wsde ln i~k of 2 di " ~ ~ r 9 n t co) o l~ r ~ r. c :ri t '.i 9. t o-+' t l1 e or::.~ in ;11 r c-] l Bnd sh~Jl bo v~riPied by the initigls of t~0 asses8o:r .

JC . ( l ) When thA court of rPvisio~ h~s hes~~ and i~t~r~ln~d any co~?lslnt , tte Council or the ~anct er it~ 3pcJointee , ::.:•:~J.l fo:-t.; r:otify t,1e co:_;;t1::i.t:t~!1-:'.c"it ,

A.nd the a:csr:!ssor .3nd ":'l~::y p 0 entercc. upon th~ :>.r:;:::-:.:,src:~nt ~ell it1. ~9:ii,ll?C': .::.f' th!=:! assess:.,ent B ffec ~-'?c. , of t::1P r8sult o~ t'.'•: heart n6 of thP. co;npl ;:int . ( 2) rh~ notic~ s~~ll b~ in ~ritin~. iG th~ ~r3~crlt·d ·form , and shr:i.J l of'flCI? '.lddr·:?23 con!;·~ir!"d l'.J Ci18 can!) l 'J ;_n t: . ( J) '.,n1en th1:? co~rt c,,.. r·;\"i:~io:~" i13G o:rit!:'?ri. or r1?.fus~d t.c !l;<j,r u:' .:'..-;c'lc.e 3. co,i,t·l-?:.i.tJt !::.,: t:L:: day -t'i:·:~rl fo~ t.\:"' C'-u'1:1<i';>tior, cf its dutt,~8, Council o" the ..:'-:,:1J :::r l.t;s ,J.!)i)o~nt~;:; s~::::J.l l1tm~1l.-::1t"'lY r.otLfy ttl; co.1,~~J~i~1snt 111 lb; .1.·~"' .lt'·':--s~t out in ~ 1.,b2-.ctic:1 (2). Jl. ( ] ) U)on t'.l':! closi..-!...;0" ~>: :::lttir:..:,r, -::if th~ co ... 1rt: ,..:f· T'?V.J.01.<Hl Or ·,,;\;~·r•·· t'.. ~1'~ Gt'"(? C.Ot C:,..,1.;t-J:::,-;..•i., ·, , ,. :,. th~ P.:✓.fJi."'Y of tll,., tl..n,.., "er c:>i1:~~1'1lnin..:,, t'.v: l::.:,1 1 o f t h ':! G' 3 :1 cl o r i t :: 3 .-· p J 1 n t ~ P. , si:a11 ;]nt~r ::1t t'.!~ ~1·,d o~ ti,8 j·oJl 'J .::"rtif'l•~··•.I .., in thr?. f'r;,} lo1·•tr!.:., for 11;

l. :- .r; <' :>.. l r v .!11 v ~ , t h c ·., Ii: J l1 : , r.

.rson i·rr_osGJ ri:. .t d~ ~ :; :J8 ~; -?.,! t b.:,1 t.1ai l I; C t '.-1 ° ~".J :; t ~ 0 .__'#lc.-~r~-=:~1, t::1,1 : 1 .~i l o ·: ·" r ~: i s :-; 1 ..., .-, .. L u - · : ,

(1) (Con ' t) "ro 1 J 19 " ( 2 ) T,1r: p,~s"!ss,r.::-nt :rolJ :ls C'.:!:--tifi'"'d ln ,.:\cCc!'J.-_'i'l.,; ·:: 1'11th sub"8ctt011 (1) LE" , ;:;L,bj8ct t:o ::):!iG~l-jnc:i. : ~ to tl1is .:.:y-L=.i.w .

( J ) 'i':1e ?.SS8SSr.;~,1t ro1] <is G:,rtlficd ls vslid. c. . •.d binds all ~-urtl.P.3 conc-:;rnt:?d

(a) t1ot, 0 l.!:!1.:;1--.,; 3ny ci;",~ct 1.n o::- o:ii.f·;:_,:1,1 ~rom th~ roJ 1 or r:;i :;t"ll·:() ,r;:=id ~ in n:~ ·:i L·" r~gard tc t~8 r0ll, gnd (b) not1:!Lti1::;t-=1r!dit<:'} any d~f'r.:ct , er:---or or r.11 s:s trd:r-n1~.1 t in ~!1Y 3 3 s <:>f;sc:i~ !1 L slip ·..;1• notice or tho ~a\]ur~ to deJiv~r ~~Y ( ] ) A.r.y p~rson (a) r·~h0 1 o- t:.1e ·1:-;sr.os21n0r.t o-:' t~hos~ J:-.. n1 o.,..· interest in 1~~1. is ~!f~ctJd by a d~c i slon o~ g cc~rt or revl~ion , ~ca (b) ;,•ho a1:-.:;-r."'r'=d be<'o~e t-h.c; CCLirt uf :'s;VlS.L:>n in pnrscn or oy .'3c:;"?nt or sr;n t tc the Council or ti1~ Sn.~1cl or its 3.~:;:,oi ri t~n, a locu:il:)nt ;;~tt1.ns out ln cl~t~il c:he grounds o~ hi2 co2?l~int ,

( 2 ) An a3s0ssor ~ay ?P~~3l to th8 A7~~sl 3osrd ?~~ir!2t a dqcision of a cc~rt of r~~ision , ( J ) '1!h,gn an 9ppe~l ~,:32.inst t'.1e d~cL;ior, o':" i:c ,-:::; ,:c;u:r·~ of !'!";Vision is lo·.:...3:t".?d Jur:=;1.c:nt to 3L~b .. ;r,r;tiou (~'., the Council of th?. .J'Jnd or it ~, app::::i r, t:)-=: ··; .. -•~. ]. i m8~di3t~ly noti~y t~~ o~n~r of t~e ~f~~c~~~

.lG.nd O:!" int~'l'.'"'~t ic. }ar,-i r,,2,8.r..!.i!'l;; o.cti,_•,·L t~k~n b y th~ a~s~3so~

( 14 ) P...n .sssC?s3c-r or th':' c:r::::1;:iJ, ~ T--nt :na/ :\pp8"11 "Jc9.rd in r .... .~ ~:,ct c:- n cn;nl)J'1.i:1t court of' ; ,~visi o ~j (1~~ c:,•it~~d., ;r~t"1tsad. Gr to h~sr 0~ d:ciuc .

( l ) An :t;,µ 0 .:'ll ::n.ir8U':! 1t.; ••;it"~ir 2) i"'.YS ;:-"'t-,- S<:.,..VLCP. of tilt:! u po n t \l ~ i) •~r ~; c t·1 ( 2 ) 1 ,H t . 1 in th~ t i m~ ' i.:·11 i :, ,.. . d b J ::q)p~)l9nt s:1-i)j by !""';5ist~r .. ,d .;,"?iJ , ~PP<3G. ~ u9or. th~ ,: .:.i;;.•~-: 1. l - _,........., ~ ""'' r-,....

:➔ .91•--:,,l to t~v ~•1 :1tc.:1 ". i ~_,; .- :C;c~

r.o :;0ctio1.1 J.?. ;n.:Jy b~ J::-: l•.~ t- :1,, :. . ::iilic:~ G:;:- .~"'rs·:. •·<!. t":<:::ti.:.,~ rnr~uir-:d by GP.Cti.on ; =., n. ,. ? -~. ::. l lr~ ~ . t; u 1.~ !" c l i (• n ( ] ) "'! i.t\,·•r by _y!1·:::-?u0.l .:.;--:~·;.rte•: :-: -.rv ::- ci \•,::--itt('11 n-:.tle•.J c, f t··. . :- .:. hr:d. c-~· it;~

( l ) ;,;ct: l::1tr•:r th~n .:·rivr_:r, d.·,.:,••_, 'J."L<.:-r t:·1"' r:x •. •1 rJ .. c.-f' the tl:oe lir.ii.t"d ror G·•rvlc~ of n,:.'::cc o':' "'· ,,.,i th 9 Co 1.l n C i] O r forwqrd to th~ Ap~0al Gonrd a Jlnt of 811 ~ct~~,8 rPceived b:,· :1i:11 s~ttin,..; out tr.~ :3-d.cJr'c'SSP.3 ur t:.!1; appAllgnts nnd r3rticulars o~ th~ assess~ent3

und":Jr B?t-'q-:tl ,

( 2) The C,:)Uncil or t~v~ :.:c1.1~1 or i:.s a::,901:1':.~~ =:i:?..l~ poEt 1n 1:s cffic~ '.') con~9icuous notl.c.:e ccnt;·~~,-,i.n.:.,

th"'! nqm~s o"' P.11 ,::;pf)-:11:.ui'c:s 9.nd. p0rti~s 3:-•:;"?·1] ~,:~ <:iSriinst , '.3. b.rii::f 3t::;Lq.,:·'Jnt o" ~:iv" ;:;roun'is :::t' ..." ~ii af:'peB-1, 9".ld st':ltin.:; th'3 ti:i1e e.nd fi}-2,c~ =:.t: ·.-1i1l.c:.1 th~ Appa~l 2ogrd ~ill ~it .

J5 , A ru~mb'1r of' t·c1~ Coun~i 1. of th8 .D<'lnd. or l ts appolnt 0 e or LrH' ss·,,.,:ncr s;-, .. ,.J 1 ~ppr::!~:· at til".:! he~rin3 3~d p~cduc0 t~~ ~s~ess□8nt ~ol] ~n1 ~lJ p"?p~rs le h~s cust::rly connect.>·d t·rith t:,':! i:.~tt;,_,.,. under ap •. J8.?. l .

J'J . Th9 Ap:_1~?.l i3c9Td in \-,,'.'!.rin6 app9als is jOV::.,..:1cd by th8 provisions o~ this Uy - l3w 2Gd the jsa?s~-m"!nt !,p.£)9~1 no:i.,..d :\ct of :~liJ""'!"t.a ur.lAss o:!1,~r-~ise 3tipul~t~d in this ~J-lgw, 37 , ( 1 ) Th1= roll si19ll ~q co.!"irc:!Jll , ;-1ltcr8d or a,L:cr,u.ed BCcordin~ to t~~ d~cision o~ tj~ ~p;~3) ~onrd . ( 2 ) When th~ App~31 3cgrd r~~d~rs n decision, t~g Council o~ t~~ ~~~d er its q~pointe~ shall forth~,•ith alt~r or '31l~n(•. t\;e rol.l ccccr6.L,_, cc. the ter:J1s cf th~ dec.i.Dion snd. shP-11 W'.:'it:e i11s o ''·' n mi m" J c !' i n i t :l 'J ] s opp o s l t. ~ t I 1 e :?. 1 t ~ r 3. t i -:, n

or 3'1lend.nen t.

( l ) An error, o~i~slon ~.r misj~scri?tlon on an assqssn9nt sllp or t~e no~-r~cgipt of 3n 2~-~ss-ment slip

(a) by th~ p;rcon to ~born it 1s addr~s~~d or ', or

(b) by a ,~rscn nsm~d on th~ ass~;s~e~t rc1] who~e ~JJ~~~c i~ ~ot known

do~s r.cit i~1v.:tlLl<""1t:: t."\r:' '3:JZ"'f':: .J,::nt r)r c.r:-r.r"::' ~ny rl_;11t to •;;:"'t!!:=•ti.Ni frG'Il t'.'l.~atico .

( 2) g;i P.?:'ror, c:ni~3i•:n or :;.isdr:sc~i;)tic-:-1 -'.~ an c1ss~s:-;rc.-;nt sll.) i1•:t:,; lt~"Ju"'c,c~d-:; t)<"rs:::--11 :')

whc:n Lil-1 :1:., .• •~:sr."'nt -119 i.s clir<"?ct~J. " .... c.~, ,~~~­ p)alnir.c:: :1..:;?.in:;t t~H' .1ssr.o-:-2~,"?r,t ·•:it::i1; i,!12 tl1,·: .,l)o•,r:-,;l u~dr:>r <;"'..:tl~ ... - .. ,. ' to r,;c9lve 3. co•"rr:ct.·,tJ. .::is~~:sn(:,!G s'ii:> :1n.d ;1,,

\.l l e ,.";; ':-l ~ d G r i ~ S 1:1 ~:;. ,)C• i II i: 3 "'! S -C\ 1 l

2•.J ··h,.,t J •: Jr; >.." '•"·' '-""" 1·,, .,,,, ·L·t-1, .. -; ; _. L '- ,._ ~<, .1.J J ,• '•• V , ., ..,

(2)(Con ' th:J.Y cc:.q:-~'.'li.n t,1 tl1'! ccu:rt o•' .. -~vi..:::!.Oi:. ':'._:,-.3.lr1qt th~ -:is::::~~;:--,:nr::nr '1':.' sl:v:•_, en t:1c CC'!'Y•:C t:·~d ::,,C ::-: -rn1;:1t ::;lip ··:it\·,l('_ JO d.·'j'f o-r th~ r::.?.illn._. o'." t,·l--: corrr:ct•:d -:,3~-:"::,:;.,1!"!:1t sl.lµ.

J9 , , , ) l L If 9.t 3ny ti!~P. "\.t ls d~::;COY?.r?rl t.h<:>.C. 3.(lj lnl::t·r~.,c in l3nd, t:nt ·--:.,:: ,Rs'-?s::::iolP. on th1= l:.:r.·:cJ. i.. ',-~J~, p:r8·~12ding Jl:::t d:-y of' iJ•~C<:!.Lc,...r \-~!?.snot -.)':''Ji: 9.SS'?.~~s~d o:r t:·nt ti':~ ri:-:::8 o:~ an:; pe:-son t'.1~l:

should b~ -=:ntl':"lr"'d 1 ..;pon tl1:J ~sses~ ne'."lt ro1- 1 i.::: not entered, or th'-?-t th1;rP. is D~Y •-~rr-or ill tt·11: roJ, , tile ~ounc l l or t 11'?. ~:1?11 ..r·3..:,· d l r~c t th2 A.,f:es:::;or to 'J.:::i~""s::; the ~nt~r'=st in 1,~nd .n1l t:1eresft'=r :o ent:-!-r~ it. (l(1li t:l1':? .sss~s0u:B~t. t!1~:,'"•;:,f upcn thP- rolJ. o:r:- to ~,it~r t:hc ii::.u•~ or .s.nJ .::uc:1 pqrson u,0n ~~q roJl or to corr9ct t~P ~rror, and Avery s1...ci1 ~r. trJ or corr~c t ";1-'3: l be

dated w1t;1 the d~te on Nhi~h it is :nod.-:?,

( 2) In t:he ~vent o"." su~h sr:try upon or- co.rr·~~t~cu of' the ro-~l ,-,i..thout t-:1~ i{no;7J~d.,:;e or C('n:, ·3 r:t, c/ a persor. ::1-""'::ct~c.i ti·,er~iJ; , an ~1s =;css.r.,~nt s~ 19

Sh91J. b9 sent by Lll:.,L1 o- d.~ 1.lv8r~d ~o l;l,~ 1:1(:•,:r•...,~s of th'3.t pr:rscn :Jj.' ti1:- :.;c:u~ciJ o~ t.1~ .:.n.:d. c::· 1.t:!J appoln tP.e, .?.!~:i t~n (-'~r~cn sh'?.~ 1 be ...:;i V9~i t=ivr,--r;_;· r~'?sor.a'!:ili? ()p;,u•~t;l.:nit:;;, to co:•1:_--.;qin ?._,:1.iri_:_;t-. t\1e

P.ntry o:c: corr<;, ~nrl 01.'! com~i;1ir-1tG s.1a:t1 be h~ard :ind d<> t.•~rr:: in~d aE'. nB'.3.r~J as m.:i,.:_.· b'3 l n the. msnr.9r providad by t:1!.s A~ t for th~

o•' ordir:3.ry ·-1ssq~;:;:r,<?.nt cciapl:.1int, .

( J) The Council of t'.vJ cia cl nt-<:?.:,' th~ corr.:::?ction i.n th?. :oll of any ~rror t.i.-3.t_ :.:-:, tn th~ opinion cf t.~1~ ,_:;,::,unc.11, and any cor~ 0 ctions so made sh~ll be initisl;s~ by B m?mb~r o-f' t-h~ -=~ul')c i 1 gp:.:-oln te':'.

(1) ~h~re th~ ~~~e o~ a ;~~son h~s i~ any i~~r t~e~ Pnte-.:--=-d up,:m th:, ':i.GS"'"'S@sc;t rel] 1:-:. :r·•-~~-::-ct r_:,r any ]and or int~~n~~ in ~3nd ~o~P~~~b~P ~~~9I' this Act, 3rld -:iocicc cc the f::>.~t •!·1";1.':i to l1 itu, bu!; th':! ,. s.~ .. ~ :-; f !:f't"_ t to b~ ir.va1id. er 'J.. r,ulllty, th<::n ti18 i!".tP.f''"!-t or that p<:-r8cn ms •.- ye?-.r, 8.r.d hi:, r,r,_-;i; ~ct:;r,,d u.9cn the r.oli. in r~sp-Jct: or !1is i.nt,~r ...· st . ( 2) =i:ver::/ sl'iCh 3.5::,":)~~:;.:1.:nt !?Ss~s~o~ fl.n:. tl:~ p~~r~e>n arr~ct.=:!d. l:~-~~r=·:?1.Jl be n0tlf'i~d i.r..,.-•.2:::t'."~J/ tl,~~,o" of' th~ ::=.s.nd, O"' t'.1:- c f Gp pr:· 2, t 'J t '.-1 ':!

·:;, t i;my t l me :i u t l;C.:!· l ::; e :::;!"•'.)GS 13.Lid _-1;11 ,,-:ibl~ o-:-~ · t :1e .:..:-;1.nd ~r 'i L·J

t,•~~ri :::.:,i~!. l1?.. s b-=-~n :.l0.c ~ F.l:: ,~i. -G"' ~S:i'J:3!"nd. ..I.Cl :J.Di si.:'__).:;;;:·,.i_l ::._,: ~~1'":!: ~ bf~ :1·~de b;J t:·!~ r·~l~•"'I"': ;::-:,· t,·~a) '-~C\..!~J·~i!_ "'r,--:-:::-c;so:-, ::.nJ. -,1,·S .q r~_,t,~---\ : [.' ~.,. J. .:.-·'.) 9 ::--•5 ,

p~rson 1,-1 1 ~ ~.t ~!10 t.i:i1~ (', ~ t;·1r; :--!';fi':?!;S .:~~•~ .3.S3·3S8t:l.b 1 8 b~-' _;·.-~·"t.::c~1 ·.J '"' ~-rhtch i\iS :1~~\i1•1 ~- ~ .._· ':?ntr>ri:id. U~(.'ltl the' ~! :~-s-:'.'!':S,Ci':'; rol ~, --ind

(9.) t:1<::,...~ :1·.,s b:~l':!n n0 c~·~1_:)l'>lnt trJ tiH: court r:;-" r·:v~!::icn in .accorJ·:inc~ 1:lti1 thls 2y-laY, 0r

(;:,) t;v~r~ in:;;_,~-:::"::?. C0:r.p:1a:nt to :lt~ CC·U~•S of !'<?Vision, 1~1.1t; tn8"''? :ws been n0 Bf.'P~,J t.o th0. .\Jp~u} .3o,rd J.s :·1~1.·d.t" prcvid"'!d -re?",

th'::!n upon th13 r.xpl rsi. ti on of' thP- ti:r.~ 11.:ni L rcu fo: the loJ3in.; or cci:.)"!alnts or for !'0r•-nrc~.i.r:..-' n0tic-=.: o:' ·,1.;ip 1 2>?:!. to t!F: .\[-'µ~'.3."!. 3o"l.~·.i, qs i.::1e C9.S8 .!.'.:?i.y ':)e, t~11; :1~,~~~.-s,.,n.11t of tlle or-int~r~st in lana "nt~~na c~Josi.ta ~l~ ~~~n upcri ti1° ro] 1, or ?..~ '.ll tP.!'0.d by th~ coi..:.-t; o,"' r~visi(rn, as t:11:"! C3'3P ,!i'.?Y cc, c!1~: l b'3 d.~.:. ·-~·:;. i~contest'3b)y to bq th~ proprr, l~~ful gnd ~1nB1 gss':'ssmPnt, t~8reor . ( l) Subj~ct tn sub3~ctl0n (3), a D~rscn who at ~~y tlme c 19ims tot? ~ntltle~ tc b~ Js~es~ci c~ to have his ri'.1wc r-:ntr•r~d in the:: 8S'.::3S:31;,•~t~t. ro: 1.

sh9.ll be so sssP,SS'?d or sha71 il' his n':!.,:e so ent~red upcn st•bi:!tttin0 ,·.\.~ cJaim. to:.:>cti1r:r t·lt•1 !=:Upporti11::; r.vidP-,,C'?. to th~ Ccun'.).l1 c~ t:1~ ~.;3:1.J. er its =1ppointe:<?. 8.rd <?V~r.y s~ch cntr,Y sh:3} 1 b•~ r -3corjed 1·•it,1 th,:; d-1::e en t·ih~ci1 it ;•:::i::: Ji?.d.q , ( 2) A p<?rson <:>ntl t'l~'3. to l::..1v~ his O"l,n'?. lns~rt~d Ln thP- :;ss8-:,s::10nt roll '.~JS t':1e ~9.~':? ri.,;l:t to :1.~:-_1·1 ~, to h'3Ye the n:1,;1'?. 0+' !:c'.tiJ ct t~r p 0 rson l ~::::)!" t "' l t,v:ir1=in a:, tl·1?. ot\·1-JT 1 )·,:r··on ~.•rou.~d. or co:..:.Jc.. ·:•Ji.'"! had t,1cr:::0n9:ly , unl~ss the othc!' person 2.ct1t..::.'. .i ~ disst=:-ut .:. ; t:1~-~P,frc:n .

( 3) (e) th9t h~ i3 ~nttt~~J tn b~ ~ss~ss0, c~ to have ~-i~S n-:uu~ ir1sP-t""'Q itl the ro i ,_,


(b) th~t Rnoth0r p~rscn s~ou~d bs a5~~2~"'a or 11:'l:n"ti. ~n t.',r; roJ l,

an(1 t}~!? ,:,~. .. ~ar:;~-:,;,-. ~:: l"lc;:1~ 1.)"1 ti') f.>Ll!3t,'"':.!: pl"!rscn s·:i c~ ':l°L,ut::_;, r.,,, t\1 1 the c1·,drn is ·n-:ii:, ,:,i SS!:'SS~<l or to i:1 s'.·1311 !:..:1>:n .... :"l,C!;qbl~ in•Jl.i.1.rij~r:>c G'?;"'OT"P :>:.;:-·-:;;;, -.:: O!'; -=-,ny r:uch ~i1;r::-c,n in th•~ '1:=:-;~~:;.i-:?'; L rr_, ~

tl·::-,L r.:;-1 ~-=r5Ci1 en ~,h;:,:,"' •.. ,,.,: : ·"'I~ t ~1'."\:-: net ,:i. Ju-:t :rJ._::ht 1·0 ~~ ... · ,:, --~ C!;>;;j1-:1~ tn t:v: ro11, lit1 ~ •. ,:,:; : ·;.:;:,;·

~v:~y p 0 r·r::on ::-'.···J"ttl, / or'.,!!:~' i~1t~r:--!'!t it• ol1gll ~1,,~ t. ·'J 1,<>C"?S!:"!::!ry t.o ~:·1·- b.~ ·:·.i:11 to .r.!J.t•;; 'In r-1!:=-:,~~ -!'t ;~::.:, b 1.1t PO .-,t:;1:-r=-mn:iL t1'1e ,, ss0sso1.. or ~s ~o his corr~ctn~ss. ( 1 ) Ir .qr1y t;1i_n .:5 to bn don~ b,,- tll~ .::01. 33nd er ~n o~rlct~J or ~~?10J0~ or thP 8~unc1J e r t?-1<:? 2·;i:1J :·.rit:-iin ?. m·:J.b~r of' O.'.)j'S or 1t '.:! flx~d b;;,· O"':' L:.r.d2T ~his 3~1 r.ot so don~ , thr; ,.intst~r ;r.;;y t:., ;i::-_,~1 '?. !u::tll~: or .:.:;:'i"' cth:!!' til!"' ror d.ol.n.::, it, •..,-~1~t~er O:' not th<: t im, ·,t t or '•,i thin ,:,-;hich l L ou3ht to h~ve ba~n den~ , h~s ~r~iv~d or ~x~lr~u,

~ s till:'. c3 s~ r.,a_y C·'.'l . ( 2 ) Any thin3 d0n2 ~t ~r ~\thin the ti2~ s9°c1r1e~ in th~ o.1·d~r is <"JS v.3] id :=i.s if it l:,1s ce-eu dr-1:) at or within th~ ti~~ ~ixed bJ or und~r ~~i3 By - 1;:>·,r .

( J_ ) Th~ :gnd Jnd :hA Counctl ~r tjR ~~nd sh~ll ntford. t0 t!1e :,ini:::t?r , the 3u::.~:rin!:?.r.::.~nt, -:lnd. to t:i'?. .:':..;,FJn•1l .:Jc-:,.~·-~- ,'.'1.CCP.:::S to :J]l b•)O!::;, p<3p9rs, docur~~1ts or ot:1,~.r it1for.L::.tic.r. i.n o:r p01·~, of t.i1!~ .32.nd. o~ the .w'3nd.. ( 2 ) T:1e rr:~mo~rs o:' t!1':! Coui:cil o~ th~ .:;.'J.nd t,;:- th~ ianist.•~i:- , !!!J. in:3·_!~CtO;"" or· .~ss~-1~"1•:'nl:(';, Or the 1~b~rt~ Ass~2~~~~ t ~~~e~l~ation ~c~rt epp}i~s for ~ny ~t~t~~-~~t, ~8port, c0pl0s 0~ document~ or 0.n_y oth'::'!r ii:.ror:1;0.tion s:1·1L~ ::'t,·.:ni::h tl-:7? ~a~'= f~~e o: c::~::'u13 . 7. v ~ r y fJ ~rs on : ':1' .- ".' 0. 7 ~ J i.1 po s s P. s ::; i on o.,.. l : ~~ --~ D ,:T Rny int"?r~.:;t in . !:!Jent ~nd. '2V ..~ t·.Y tl'"le aSSC'!SS::r~t1 l s.:;;~nt or- S. '. 1~' sc~cl1 :r,qUi!'-:-d, f'ortr~'·.'i~h ::i;-nis~~ to t'.1s ·:,::;s.,ss~r lr!

1•,:t-1 t.-ins , sl~:---,ed and 8.C•:n::r--J:.•, l :."::i··~:ot2-, .. CO t"!C~r:rL.!..ri!.5 t~1': •~(11.: O'.·!li'?.cl by $'.1'!0 ::•·-.···.~c:.:: tr~ th~ J9nd, ir. :·..: c.:, ,..-::re·, sinLi. ..:..-:,:.~•.!.l as::;~s~~a:- c:,=t.'l :,.,iL•'..!·" · inc to S31':l pr1ce, t•r;J.<-; :inj COV''[J·1nts .;Q 1,::--:~:,.•, ccnst~uction cc-~s i~c 1 end r~p8ir~, 3n~ ~ants ;~y~bl~ er ~~id~~ ~~r· to be ,

tn ;·,c.:·:; ,"' .,;~ ·· or, of. 1 ~\r;. .- -r: 1 -:~>:ls :<1ic:1 i · ::1:;.~..:~:-,;; 1b.1 ··: t~1n ~"-;-;n:_::.ot· ~"lJ i.~•[or.,, ·~ci:-..i.: 1 1\ 'J U':? 1 .)~ :;.,ny :-;ucl1 )~r:,011 i)i.r: :.: ,:-.. :\0 a::; ..~ :: h \.::i fro.~ ~:~!~ Lt-~'--1:)i r) .. ncil of U-:c ,;i. T; - l '.".W,c t b"! or t:-: 1.n~

t.1·;1:1 1 0r th'?. ._; .. ::,,_u,;.·LJ_ ·.1ll•..::.i1 t,10. ..> .. 1L:-'.'>•, t:i1':: 3;,c;·:?Jsor, t?1'? ~p~;~.qi ,Jc,:'"lr:i 1 !':,:1.i~ •·r:,ich i._; asS":"'8?c:;_:; -::r i1i~ :_:,;.,y--r;-::t1 ~,r.i(,··;~ !la~~~ i~: ~.;~~11:,t-1!'! Lt. 1 _1 ._t t re:-~ - t 0- t-,1'3 ':e=-G!'V'?, ~ 1 !1!.i :::·!r~ ;.:-:1 .:c~c-r1 ~!!8. } , :·: .. 1;n~Vo.l... ::;o

b~r t.iJ~~ :J 1 ~r·son COrl(}'-~r1~erl, :...1."i,.;~! ::·.•1. CC:ClC('~Y 1,1 _; '.:=.DJ ~:'JI_- ·1;•r, :t!'" t:-1,.~ 1 .ulin_. )J1:·t.ic"'J.:;r-.:; _.~ u~l~- co:t~ c~ 1!t~r~.L~~f

( 2) 7,-., .. ,.ry 4rc'.1it 0 ct, cc:itr-,ect,:,r o;:- bull,iP.r ln·li.r;_ p~rf'0r·1;,"'j_ or scpr:rvi::;·!d -:ir.y 1,rr.'r:; c(' Cul~~·;[ru~l L•• .._ ,, 9.J t~-::-".'?tl.on 0 .... rnp.:;, i.>-- to r::."!Y 1-,nJ or 1 li,)"'G,; ;:•···

or th-? si;yrnt; o" ;1ny or bui )d<=?!' sir>-]], ···hnr.r_wr~r :;c r."' _.t:.i. r .:id, ru~~i,.: :::, to th~ qss0.::;cc~. lt1 ~•;rl.tln_;, concern~d, t,.,u(~ <11id corr-'?ct 1n~or:::.1tior.. lr~ .:::L:~.: for!!l 3:10. dP,t'.li J concerr.ln..; th~ co:=it of tnf:l ,,:or_.- ait~r~tlon or r~~3lr. ( J) The infor~~tion rurni~h~d tot~~ ~ss~ns~r ~u~-suant to ~ubs 0 ctions (1) E1nd tz) s'.1:i.,.l not ;:10 dtvu1 g'-'d c;o ,my t-1".!!'"0n -:XC'?)t to such c:'ficl ·1.·.; or th~ B3nd or o~ th~ :ounctl of t~e D~nd ~s :nay b~ (::C•r.ce.,..r,"d t·-,-~~')in ur -?XC:qt '.'Th~n ~ivli.-

~vid~nc~ ln conn~ctton ~ith &oy a~p~,l th~t -~~ be m~d~ ccnc~r~in~ th~ ,~~d, 0 r i~ter8st i~ l'.'.1.nd, ln ,~2pect o(" ··•\1ic[", t:1; 1nrorrn·.i, :-;~:..0 f'urni:;hed .

A p8rscn Kho is t~~ o~nnr of l3nd o~ a~ ic:er~ ·t ln ~and r 0 f'c'.,...~8d to in t:iis -:;ectir::n sh.,..Jl p--.1-;,i..t t~~ sssAssor to ins~~ct and ~xa~in~ th~ lacd 8t ~ny regso~~ble tl~~ du~in~ ~ w~~~d~y. 4 0 The r:ounc:\.1 o" t!1.--. Gond no.~; -~rom ti;r.e; tc tL. .-: , J ' by r'=soJution, 8dcp~ st"lr:.d.ards ?r'ld ::1et·1ocls to obt·~in a11 ind.ex c"' Y8:U"3 er ~'!V~) o" ,T,~-' UJ t:-o be us,'?d -ror '::lS2"!fS,t8rit pur~·o3es and i,,r,J b.; !'eso}ut ion ~-:.ot i,1cc.r, with ti1.i3 .:.1->.-:, qdopt a prcc9dur~ to 09 foJ~ow~d in cs~ryi~~ out a~y o! th~ ~-~vtBlans o~ this ~~-1s~. · ( 1 ) 11u~ Chi<?f' rrovincl?.l \:3S"!2S0r ..~ ·-,_y , L:.~O:, T;G,11~--i; cif a r~ques!; f::-Q~i f::v~ 8(:•uncil of· ti1~ 3::nd, desi~n~t~ one er ~or~ ~[3c&:ors cf tne ~bi~~ ?TOVincl:1. 1 A:c:S'?SSOr ::t.aff Et;'; t;,e 3.S882-Sur ,:.~· to ?. c:; s i ~ t t: \1 ~ ·: s s ~ s ~or o ~ t ~1 ~ ~1 r::? s ~:: 'I ~ i r.1 c -=: -v~ .r r i i"t ; out his ~ss~~~~0nt ~Y~~ram. ( 2) •,;h':!l1V?T sec. tion

co-uput~d. ~n :J. ;r:::nn-~r :tf)t-)T'O""-i•"'·j bJ' t':t~ .. ~r1i:-;i_,. .. :~ •: f ii:unicipal Aff':'li:!'3 ,-,:.,r t:~w Frovir.:.c.~ o.,. :1.~l.Jr;;·I_;:., , o.r.i th~ ~:!lOU!'!t .?'.·~-.::.:•~j I:.., hL;[J S:1':'ll.1 D"' t'~:h; :.:-,, th~ .2---:nd , ·u_JDn .-uc.,1 i:-: ,~on .. ) " the ecc1,. .1 cit", c." ~>: D~ 1-•'.3 tme!', t o-" l; t,ni,; i p,1 :\. f f'li rs o.,. the 1 rov i.,:- ·1 of .".lu,~rts ,

::: :irci11c~ct 1 cc•nL:r~•:;!, ..... ::;L....:n·?~l t.:,1 t:~-~ l;c!r::;· 1 <J.'J t.:1° a:,s~ -: :sor rr;3y r8q.uir·•;, o-r cc:1.::crui.;Lli:.,:,

50 , AJl tt:i.XP.s J..,visd C'or :llly ,:/r?!J."f' sli'lll !:c cl,:-·:-1~•~'.l to ho.v~ b"'!·~n lF1-:ir.:.,::;r;,d 'J!id sll::lJ b~ d.~·:',G"•d (lu ' ~: :-,.'., n ~: .. na' ~__- c·,,.·.·t l t~1~n c'..irrP.nt ,;'?'Ir '?tid.i.::_; ··•iti1 thn. jl~t -~,fl.'J c,f' .C"!C":?mb"!r t!:er<>C'f un::0:-::<; cc;t<?r:•ii'.:'.e .:>;~prr~ssly provided fa~ by thn ~~~olution under ~hich t~, t?X(H: a7•9 diri:ct:;nj to 09 l"?Vi~d . 57.. Th~ Counci 1.. 0 1 the ..::.::.i si:3-:J in e- 1 r~so~ution , J~vy u~~n th~ ~~s~~s~d va1u~ o~ ~-~ ass~ssed f?'"'CPC?>:-t~, :-:'.:c•,·n en the ,~:-;:,P,:--;s:n!:tlt r·ol 1, n tax not Jr<?::i t-:r tb~n thB t:;3 ;c J evied b,i' ti,~

County o" P:-?rkl-:-nd. , or:,:-; r~;;_ut~i.t.i.:n··,i:] upon th<o ::::1nd to 1)'!"'0d..L:C'? ·=q::ipr0:;~i:natP :i.s clo:3~1.:, ::,;:: pos,ibl-=: the ,:-,-.·,..,t,ll"

th'lt ••.rou 1 d hav') b~~r: ::'""-'1 izc-~ by 'J •:tuni.citYll it., h~.d ~- syr:t"1r.t o...., i: ..... :rn tl •::r. b~~?'l im:Jos~d und.~1· the :-1unic1.p?. 1 . !1.31),,,3:ys Ass';::,s•n~nt t.c.t of' Alb?.rt3 1 po,··et' 9nd ?lp~1in~ \ss-~:. . smr:ir.t .'!-ct cf ?.:..berh, the ~un1clp~2i.ti~s ~ss~~s=ents and 1~D?li~sL~on Act c~ .'\:b~rtg , F~op~rtiPS V?,uation ;ct or lJb~rt~. and gll ot~1et' t:=1.xation 8nd ,,:'11:-:ssm9nt 1~.::;islati0ti. exl.stine, at ':Ir::.:,' ti:r~ ::l.t'.1i11 th"? fc0vince o.:-

.'~1berte. , !:rnd 1.r.: is not autho~iz~i in any one y~~r. th~n t~~ ~~Rolution l3~t 8~tbcriz~d i n ~ny pr~ced1n~ y~~~ sh~~1 ~~pJy . ( 2 ) ,3o much or t:18 t:\X?.S 7 ::-Vi<;d .)u,·su::.nt to t:tiir.: s ~ c ti on .:i s a r ~ f ,:, r ch -1 fun•i or sp,:,c.i.-J 1 de'31 t t•rl th ln ,"!cc-.orl~q.:c8 ·,,u·l1 ~rovi.sio.r1~1 of th~ ~y -law reJatin~ t~~,...~to. ( J ) fl. :i:'"!Solut1.on p·-.sssd .,..i:-su~r.t to .sul:,s~::!~ion 1,1_; !ll'lY shcc-r t:1~ s-~p':l~:1:c. ::,il1 ;-:1t":! :-:?vi~d ro:. ~-?.Ch purpose . ( 4) r.:t,.,ith:::;t~m~ins ,'i t:y •.;ti'lnr :...J - l-7.i.r , O,.,s-:: 0 G n,,,...,,l,.ar·'1,,· :-o ,,,:-....,~r,r .. 1·-·,-, (1) -:,;,•.• b,, ,, .. ,,.,,,,-.,• .. ·;1 ... ~.. .. ·' - Ol'.' V'.;.rlnd but; th'? c' r,"iJ:lin~ r:,_r i.s not ~r('l~ctt·,./'r: t: ......~ ,-"'£5 it i!0 the d~t~ or t:,.~ 'u.0.i.

~,.:.· L;--1,-l•1.....i,- r1·r_~,)1, -\., u·.~,'.v,,', o--r l·• '.lrcl·1 -•r'.---· ,i... 1.; .••...i. ~i-1 J")';.'J:, 1·:,1

t:;(1P, SUi:lS n~C0;.S'Jr~: :::•)

_r...,x::itiC>:_ \ct of Alb"!rt?-., 1 ri1~ 'i1h•, :_::1_ ,,ctr~c '-H1:-l .i'\1; ,:unlcL_,:;al and ~::·0°11~. .. ~i::~l

tr·r,.., r:>Vei-:t th::i.t svch resolution ~; u. r ~ o .-:: '=' s •J f f: s \. 11 :~ i.. 1; ._ ~c:,~:::ve tr11st fu.nci s:-,:c1} 1 1.v·: '"l r '1::o:1.1ti.0. - J'"" ... - ,,. _, "-• ,...,. - •• - .J ,,,. - . . . i .. V8.:::'.t in_., .,._"!S".:''tU~\ ::., . . S l:'"3-:n £>"='r-::snd :),,~,·-- -~'J 1 ln~ o" t,i~ t::,,A 1iOtlC-=F,

1l1? CounciJ ,:i" th~ :.\•·._J 8.,ST':!,..,,11~t,t ·•rlt :1 t"'.1" i\·h 0 re by t h ~ ;::: s. n d ?.q;..isi1 to..,_ ;'ixn,:J !)'>"•cnnt'.:.'_';; of tt,P, or thP. s::i 0 cl·<1 rr,nch\.r-·.'! , frc~t th~ l1cJ·1J.,:;-r i.:: li~IJ o-r t!:li<-in.:, t,l1': 0.;_J"•Ci;~ }atiG.S, iinp.,..OV'11f1r·-t1ts, )lrfi1irl':?0 , C'lifSiOn :in~s, :r!:1c:·lin~r.,' , ~-:11,ip:nont and -:i~-')'-'"'·':t-: b 0 Jon.sin., to sn·J t.:s-:d b,;- h0lder tn th~ •~;-:-~:-:-ci2s o" tiP sp-:-ci'.:.t~ rra1 c:·d.3"' ,

52 . Th~ tot~l g~ount o" 9 CO 11 ' :! C t n d in .H1 y gen~ r~ l rrv~nu~ o~ t½~ ~~~d ~nd a~,11 ~e ~val:~~ln to m -: e t t i1 e cos ts o -"' :; u ~pl.} l n .:., rn u n l c i t-> '.:! l ~ ,?. !' v l c ~ s , .5 J. If' th~ surr:<: co' '-:c':°""i. e~~C~"".'d r'.1P, ret1ul :r"1.a~11 •·.s municipal c.:~.,..vl ~:; th') b-:i:;.;:.ricB ~:he'll th".! .!""n~:r~~ r.·~V2rtU'3 of th 0 th~ dl.:;pcs;;iJ 0 1 ct~erwise sp~cia!ly 9~propriated,

( 1) Ko p~r~cn is ~ntit~~d to any ~bate~~nt of th~ f-F.tX:'!S ,•rh'=?n subs--qti.Bn c to thry ;1s::;ec~.!1~nt tltercG,. . i~prov~ments h~ve b~en da~aged or destroyed by

1 ire or c: t!1~ r1:• is e. ( 2 ) If th?. i:nprovr~n~n t•:; 0t1 = ?JnG.8 :J.I'8 d:Li.::,si:d 0:!:' dP.stroyei i.n '.;l.riJ J •~ar- so ·n; t0 re;1uer tr:c.::, un, l L for ft..:;:-tli"'r us"! er OGCUi:-1~tl.oc l.:1 tint ,J~':l!' , t11•J Council o: th~ .L:'1n..i b/ r-::::;o~ut;Lon .:. . .:1,,,- ~-:~iilt. :,t.c,, P""Oportion o" th~ t:t:-:~s on .such ~,.1n;:l:i o.,.. 0~ I;:::·~ int.el:' 0 st in ;,u.cil 88 thP. Council c·"' tirn ~:,~:d. consid~rs pr~p~r.

( J) ~~h~r~ in ~.[;..y ye.,-,.'!' i:-t:;,ro 1 ]and , . the Councl: o~ th~ 30nd, by ~~so~utlon, -~i re'!ii t such µrc~-'G'·tlon o.,., th8 tax-:?s 0:1 su•.;h Jarid:: QY- on 2.n it!t~rcst ir. the Jgnd conrid~r3 p~c~ 0 55, Tl1!; Council o~ ~~1': ::0:1r1d 1L3~-' ~ r':?~CJ for tl-1e ~JU-r~c:-~ Cir CO.t,,)"::.,O!!.l'l.:ji·:1iJ ?r::-e~rs 0-" t:1x,:_:::: u per.'

.I'h~ Coun0 i 1 o,.. t :-1·': ~·-,t:l .!l:1Y ~or the ~urpo3~ o,.. canc~~lin~ srrA3rs o~ t~~~ ~ tiv~.t app9·':lr ct1 t'.1·~ th~t e-~ no lo~J9- t:'7~d..

rr1:i:,, ~nl,~r :.n l:o '3.t1 11-:-:l .~0 ; o·· ': ·:ii.-,~ L".'ll ·~rr, 1·.~i.i..:' ':1 c ~ 0 ) t r- ~-' '1 .1· J1 ..., n t , o '' :1 c1 ::u :. . L! r. t. ..... 1:0::;. ,~.-~·:f•t: :.:,..,, "ra::~:11::-r-;, ..J!' t;:•1r; ~-:er:<..::; :n-J :~r-: 1,::·--t:1~ ::·~<?Ci';ll fr:-nc:;i:,i•

7 1 th~ t2x~s lqvlPd ~nd .:,. "):Ir s r, 'l J l b ~ Cr-=; ..i L t .,.. ..5. t O t l". r:-r·01· T. . ~t''.Il ~.:-:i.-c ._,r J"'ln,:l <"Hi~ ";;\S.) l tv: ·tt t-\1•~ ~c,..;· of' t'.1n, i;qnJ. uni :'!CZ

/1? .:!~rl~S !lre ~-~'Jo,,;~:1 .~::Cha '.:' 1.1ch l~nd.s "S Sii~ Co1.1n,")1. :. ,,f' r . 1 .:.tion t=ct~.. ' ill--1t"lt ':1 f t.:.)'-''• .::.. . c~ t c:r::u; ::.[ ,11J b) ~..;,r;;:,.:-L

p•3f,:....; :1. ,.,.,;-;oldLt1iP - ~ s,..··: ~-: ,.en t .., n,.:. t~i.;. re~ l ·1c(~ ::: o · 1 ~ c t :i1 , 1 "' r :r ,.:- 1, t i 1 8 1 J?. .:- o: ,

, ( l ) Ti1~ Cc,unci~ o" ti·,., ."!":l:;-l ur l~s :\~i-1:1 inLn-,._::_tJ,:}l or. or bcf'o-~ !::UC:1 ,}7, t,,:; :i.n ~:1cil 'f1:~ed. t\Y t::?~ C.):;n•~ ~., r011 acd shD:l ~roc,~d to es1!8Ct t9~es sµacl­f i ~d tl1·eY-P.i!1 ,

( 2) '.,fn':'! .,... f.! a. t::sx col.1:,ct.or i::; ::.~pc:lnt~d o~ the C,1ur:c.~l of th<J .Bsin-1 , t!rn co1 l"'ccor s113J J J.eposi t t;h~ t•:-i;~ mcnPys coJl~ct'"?d ··ritl.1 the Coun:::-11 or th~ B':lnd ,

( l ) Th~ tax roll ~?Y be O continuation or the ass 0 ~S~8nt ro~1. ( 2) tl·1A n~:~;~~ o-r e~c:1.. i) ·~rscn 1: 9.b le to t1.xa t ion , (b) h i 3 r~stdence or ?l?cc o~ business , (d) th~ gs~~ssod valu9 of th~ ~arious i~tc r ests in l~ud ,

(e) the sO@s for ~hich that ~~raon is ch~rJe~~ 1 gnd t~ere s~~11 ba c~~cu]~tcd a~d s~t do~n opposi ':8 ,::-,0 h :s ;,,ch ~r, t2:.·y in 2 1)::;r.::pr:. '=' t-; ~.;- coJ.urnns th9 su:us fvr •·•::ich t!E.t. p<?-r2on i.3 c:1.·:-L •··-able by W9y of tqxe~ . ( 3 ) Kot1·ritll!Jt,;1.nd.i.n.:, at1,ythic!,.:, ccn'. ·i ili-;:i in 2c1br:P~tic1 ( l . ) t.(' lf:? v ..,0 \;!1C l · l - vide thgt in•:iltiori t,c, tiF-! 1.nror::,.:-..+.. . ion 'J~:,cl:.:•··::-.i in 8 ll b G <:\ C t ion ( 2 ) i ': Ccunci1 o" th? ~:':itJ•. to 0"l do•,;n op1~osit.c th•; 8S '._' 9f;S<;1 V,l.,U<:> OL' t';;,-. ~:, n::s 01" i'.1t:-:rr::sf.;:~ i.:, _,.1.t1..:.s 0 7' P D. C b t A. X ~ b} ~ ;, .... ~ .~ ~ : th~t ?U':':JOS", t: ;~ i8 0~9~;n~~,~ ~o- ~11 :~~~ 0~Jercd ~ob~ :~vlsd .by th'? ':.~ounci l c,.. t:,·1<: .s:.r,·i , l.:1 ;•• ; CSI.:;~ nor, b•:! n~C-"'S"3r.,. r·: .-t L r> thr: l:,,rti:;u~a!' :n: ::i,-: m~ ~ n t ~ c i! ·~ d ~ r_ ,:· :..1. :J ~ ,; c. t l ·J ! ~ ,\p;::, to r:,·1~-:-._, a r; ?. b : e ~3 ~ t L i r u to ½P cc] :r .~-c t:~•.l

.> ~-.r ::1:::: a''"!,i' rJ" J"' t~·1:--! ... _.;1.nd. :~•:r~t-':..1r·-:.1 -~ '".-. ·:1 .

e b~ ~~Y of t,xes , h-;3..l•-.:, 0 r t -- · l ,·; . ,. c anc . 1 ' b y ,. . ; } - ' I ;l.N j ?.., !' "1_;--~: ~ 1. 2. J b s :: U ".L' i C .i <;,: t f' ~ - ._:: ·: n. 1 i n q_ ::! 0 } llT .~ f' r C l :i ~ \,.t ..~ ':: l · "1 ..t ··.,.:,·'": ··•it.ii i•:1.-Jtc:1 t~r:,t 1 :",·:-; •_q, i c :::.·, -.1 \ ,: ) ...... · :.~, 1 t ·,,.,, ... ., -:'.n 1 l ~-:2. ·,:, i -~ :- c ~ t ·d rt i ,:) ! o : B. ~ Gt, ;"i c r_:_ n t u f ~: ·1 :•.. ~ 1.:._:.J.r->~ :".11~ b:-' \•i. ·-i~~r'! o-~ t:1 t:? -,_~c: ~ ,

( 1 ) !lo sum in ~xc,1~c; cf' t:1-:. t;oi;?-; t:i;..c-s , ~i-"!i"i:t: r:;.r--~-.: or co!';ts dun. ln r~spcct 1::" .:1.ny l.1111:; c.- i:,l•:•--:1; 1.n .lrnds st1,11 !:: :::x.~ct~d :~:-c.n or.:; ;---.:::0:i

( 2 ) (a) Upon r"'cPir•t o -~ tl1:.' r:!~ "l>:·1d. by r i?r.:,]•1-tion s,13 1 l 1.::su:; n C')rttrto::itc -;.t.::~•~ir._, whnther or not a~~ tqxes in r?J~~ct 0r !3.l'IY '3$E".?SS9b 1 ~ ~?.r:!'1 ,:ir intnrnsi; in ,,.. . r1°.: .:; :-1>?.v~ 1:-~ei1 !)?id Dn:i , if n·::>t, t':-i:: '.:l.;.1.::unc o" cu~rcn~ t~x~s ~nd e~ro~rs pa~~bl~,


(b) upon r~cntpt of~ furth~r ~8? f~x~d by ~~solution z~~lJ include in the c~rti-ficgtc a dat~il~d sLot0m~nt of L~c '3l'r~.::irs indi C:l ti 110 the ;ort::. on ~ t tri-buta ble to ~'3~:1 ye2r. 60 . ( J ) (a} upon~ t·'?qu~st t:-1•::n•.::)f'o:- in w~:lt1n0 , in-cludln3 a J?38l or othe~ d9scrl ption of t;1e p3rceJ. b.; i•1hich it c~n ce loc·~ t:,r ,_1 , :.=ind

( b) upon r~c~lpt o~ a fe~ o~ ~J . 00 s~~ll issue a st~t~~ent in ~ritlcg shcwin~ (c) the d?GCri~~lon o: ~ p~rc"'l cf l~~d set ou. t in the c z s~ES'.:i"!r. t ;O J.l , and. (d) tha lat~st 3S3essed VQluc o~ the lond· a.nd of R 11 l n t~:,~-=:s ts tn lar1ds :~s s~ t ou t t n tn~ ~~s~~c~~~t ~oll, and upc~ ~~c~ipt cf 3 :urth2r f~? a~ ~J . CO f~r ~ach od.cli:i:,1n,: ,yr·!l,.. :-,h?.lJ \.r.~li.111~ !.n the c-t·~:,>:-ci~nt !:11•~ ~_::-;,:,.s'j·t.~r..ts y~::.r ""..::y i~s• r, ad::;.~: 0··t. in thq ass~ssm~nt rel} , rcr thl? ye"3r r~-1 •..t2st::,i.. ( 2 ) (a) upcn ~ r"';uic~:,t th0.;;,...ror 1n l'Trlt:n2 , includir,L, -,. d~scTipti0n of' t ,·,e p-=1rcc:-i by whlch it ~-!J ~0 1oc?t~d, a~d

ci. 0 sci:-1~tior: ot fl ).:i''C(!7.. c-~ l-=::1:3. "35 ,;"!C ~i..., u · tho ess~ss~ 0 nt ~011 .

( 3 ) Ii t·=n:;ny?.i:- is nol :i t.'lbl" t,:; t;:1•1 p·,.:.11,..,nt; 0r ,,~:.r f'(!n unO'?.!' tl11.:, ~nction f'(:,)' nri 1.n,;pcctioi: or 1 ·::": ~~s~~~m 0 nt ro11 8~ J-nv~~sd Lln~-~r ~ectlcn 23 , 6 J ; ( J ) The Ccunctl o~ th,~ C,.,r.d. or its :1.ppcir:.tC:'?. t~i·nJ.• eith~r ma i l to ~3ch tn~ablA ~"rson er ~~}iv?r ' to ~n sd u l t ~-""rson ::it li1~ :r.·.., ~ i .:i..<?nc c or t ~:·it! ,....,s o"'fice of th~ ;,i;r:-:on ~~~:r:!d. 0nn nctici; •iurin-:... ti:s y-~qr 11:ith r.:-~sp•')CL to -1°:,ci1 ,?"1.!.'cel s;10i·rins . (a) thq location of th~ property ~ss~c:~n, (b) thR sssesn~d valu~ of th~ land~ 3n1 of each 1.n ter-:?s t t:1erelr1,

(c) th~ r~tn or r~tes of t~xation for the curr~nt ,Yes.r ,

(d} the total tf1Xq:; ll?Vi~d for the cu.r!.'C!nt . Y P.~r ,

(e} th~ arr~a-s or t~x~s du~ in r~spect cf th~ o.ssessi;J J.<:1r..d.~ or lnt~:rost in J:1nd:i, (f) the total tax~~ du~ in respect of the ssoe:::sP.d lanis 9n,·i o:~ ~gch intere~ t: t..:;P."'Gi n , F'or.t~rnith thr; C-::,uncil o" th, b'.3.nd er i,;2 rJ..f:.• sha~.1 ::;:a?·:~ or c -:iuse to b': T,':'ld8 -':in r.11 tr:,· t...pcn tl·,c ~oll of th~ d.'3l'-'! of' :.,\1~ ;n-:,.i2ing or d.-3J.1Yer~• or thr; tax n('tice.

( J ) T!1e entry en th~ ::--a~l or thP. C.8tc cf th?. 'rl"1ii°i~l..., 0 .,... d ~ 1.1 V e, r ;i C :' I: il ". P::rool<> or•. . . t½~, o... •:.";.'J0..... 17• upon th~ d<;h:? ~nt'1i:-~rl 1-~ithout proof o:.. . o!' th'3 p'::'r .c::on m.-:>.kir,J lt,r; entry to tn".1.1,;:~ it, :=:nd tit'! 3bsi;nce of any d:it" 1·:: .2;:i:;1::i f~cie procf th? r. th~· add.,...ess of' th 0 P"':SOn r;-?:.,1-=:!d on ChP !'01 l { 1) N0 tax notici; ne~J b~ ~~nt to any ~ur~h~~~r ~~ '.?.RSi.J,n":'<: 1Jn]<?SS th~ ns-tL•~•-~ !-'~-~•.rlo....,d !'c- b., 20 .r:q_ur.:st1.n,'.S s!J,,t :10:icr.!.s 0f :1.::s:~::s1.:~nt '.?.n'.S. t~xatton s!10u•c. or.- -:·,nt to hlc! '.1::-.s t ·0-:n ':i. 1 r~c':!iv~d by the Cct;,nci ~ cf u-,,.. .J::ind er it;--; ?.,;~):•:.t1::-::. . ( 2) r,:a r:o!-lCr?· :,::~ :~ ~:-: ::c~1r:.5.n::-:·:l irr'Juu:-::"'.' , ·incc,·npli:tc O!" o:'.:1:r···i•.:,..· lc:n·. Ld ::-nd no ':'7~~•: ti•~.'1 -rront t:\xatior. L: co tt:°'"'r-r; -.:! o..uissii:r, C·r ~:! or by r~sson of ~h~ ncn- r~c0ipt or the ~otlcn :; any per.son ,

t. ":J z n C t i C ") i s C ~ l Ill'-! f ':' C i :':': i11 .. 1 J . or r....1.. _ n.,1,._ .1.· ' \ 0 ~ ry . , . -.. , . 1 _ " t:•, ;.l:-';~ -:--:;--1.\-.; -1,;·,·,· i·.1..·. .,.,. ... .,- U1<:? ?.1)\,'.,c~·ir,;1 1i~ u:1:~11~1·•t1 , :~•:.::t.l,:..,r! J.~ b.i ~':.,_ ··: 0!1 o.r er1y :~~·•. ' !''• L:-1 ;lt,:,· -c .. -,lh3.ti~n 4Jr.::ir:;

, , ) l . T':i·"' Coun~i l (,"' t:l" __l •:d, U./ rn~c 'lt..t icn, , 7 ·,/ r•qt:ir~ p?,yrn,..nt. 0"' t·,.~ •:::; '~'-' b·, 1.i.1d~ b_;- ,,_·-.,,~'!.:~ t~xnbl8 p~rson ~t t~~ c~rtc~ of th8 C~uncj] o~

th<? i3.'='ni er le::: ri.,;.n:,i.n~'"l~ .

( 2 ) (a) th8t t4~~c ~,,_y b2 ~~ld en 3~Y ~~J ~~ d"lys ':Ind in :'1..:J'!. er bJ in3t.;l1 .. f,:::nt:,;, •Jt!•-· (b) th'.:lt on :Jl.1'.1ctu3.l e-0.y:n"?nt o~ "'ny iti-· t·.~1-:!I!~nt , th,. ... ti::i; of .)'1. .., :1~'?.Clt c,f' tr,n Y'~i.ll,' L_•:-mRy be ~xt~~tl~d to~ d~y or ~~~G to b~ r..::1.u:.0.1. in !::-:0 _.,...,.,-;o~u t.icn er tl1-:t in .. ..:.~-~au1t or f-'3/r.l~nt of ::.ny i'.'lr;t"!.). l::1<;:1t i:. th'? d::?.j' r~·-!~"•.i. "'or 1 )-lyi,.-:'lnt t'.rn~ -of, ti1"1 subs 1; q 1. .. --: t J t l n s t · , ) : 111 '= n t or l ri ,; t ,~.1 ;.1i.i " 11 !.. ~ shall fcrt~with b~cox~ pay8bJ~ .

( 1 ) Th'= Counci.J o"" th·~.::. 11i , ·o.i' 'Y't:)$O]uticn , qui !'F=! 9 r.y or a 11 t. ;t:: ~::; o .... ~ny inst?.~ 'lm·~r,:; to bl':! p::'lJGble on ::i cr.ort<-iin d8J' or. d·,~'', z;.nl..l by •:•1y oL' p8t-..3°: t,:.; ir:i~c,:.:.:A :-:;uch s,ddi. ti.c11.2l ,i:'.r-c ~ n t" 0 9 cc:':\ r..; -~ , n r; t")d r>~<),G.i.•,n t, ~cir ti1~ r..on- p"l_ym----nt or t;·!-:: t::iAes or J -JY :!~1c'3 :-:''-~~:1 :;t1rC'1:lt':?~9 ~:i~r _r, o~ :-. slidine; sc'3.l~ .accorJ.in__; to th<=?, er,~ t3._:.. •~G or ~ny instStll~:•~nt; th-:-rr"?of m'.3.i unp-:-1.d ,

( 2 ) jny p~rc~nt3~~ c~erJ~ i~posAd und~r subs~otlcn (1) shs11 bA ?dd~d to gnd ~orxs ~ po~t .o~ the unps.ii:1. t?.X".:'S,

ThB CounciJ c,f th., :'7,,-:d :n:ty rro:r. U:1 -'? ':c ti::-'J b.Y T<:30 1 1.Jti,'):1, c:1·,n,_:;"}, ;i1tsr 'J: V-?.r,.,- t,1~ ~v-1~1>-:ii:·_ -, __ ,... c'h~rge ::::n•i th~ d·:-.t'"'S uz,c-~1 which it i:. i.~t·Jc..::-:- i•;_: 'J th~ ag~I':,:!;cn:;~ or 9·1:::. p·:-:cc-:rit:9.~c> c~v1r..:,-~::' Llil) ',1.:-•:l in any ya~r sh~Jl 0ct cxce~d a totJ1 or S P"r a !~t . (4) _\ ps.~ :.: :;d. )Ur:-:u 1~t to s-~t~~ct l-:-;n (l} 1 -r •?.::il '.lins in rorc~ ur.t.1.1- it i3 r--Jp~.?,l•?d O!' =~ !_.,:,-Jr,'-i by R SUb8"'<1U~n:: -rnso 1 . L:tion -:-rid. 7n .,:u,e::'1.i\l:.., l''?',C)-J.ution r~.::Jin:~ in f0 ..... 0~ unti 1 ~<:pA:il"'d oy s..:.i •.; ::: ---l:. . !liothin3 in t :1 is .-r~cr.Lcn s·Y.:l lJ~ con.~Lru2l ;.(• ext::ncl. the t.i:n.-!'l for y?j·m~'1t of lhP t.,;;:"':: nor 'i.n any 1 ·'':.IY to i ,1:•;1 lr Em:, r~·.aed.y prov id. .~ c!. '.)f ~;~ i. .:::; -,, --2.J.:: for th~ coll~ction o~ l~x~c .

( 6 ) Xo PP.;1.'.llt:; un•i:-~ t •1i, ::·":"ctlrm 2:::111 b,::, i:n)c•:'6. be rore chg .: i r.-.: t

,1:::1., ..: ·:-::-. .. ·: ·:1 ),. :::::•. . , "3 x c n ":!di n .-.5 S !) er c : n t , :, .:; l ·:

J.:;,,i :i~ July in 131.1:i,· ;;~ 1.:-.

,. IC'. 1. ( 1) rjn. 11-.,, ,...~.... C... ">Ut1cl-l- o" t•· h~ -•., ~ ,, ~' (,: 1--~ -, r,~,-0 1 ut..lon ·1::-1 1 ' 1 . j ...., , ., '-i t,,I provicl~ t'.nt ~nth,., -:-v•:nt. of i:-inJ i- ., .i'.r~~: .... 0,.•· l 1,~•:_ unpaid 0.+'t':'r t:ie :·.1=,I:; ~~:1y o: Lecr;.,.b~r c" t:w y~~r for which t~~y or0 l"ViPd t~~rn sh~~l b~

s>.dded. t~"!~!'eto b..,• ~. . ,,.,_..,. o'." ~•~:-1~J.ty '.ln q:,c•un!~ r,1~ ""IDOUnts no!- 0 '~C,-,:,,i~,~,.-...,.>. , ~::u" 1 ' ,..1. ,U,_U...,·.·,..,_.,.,otr.:. '":lt 0 o-";) '";;I. ; .,.. ,, _..... ,v-"' ., " ,, . per cent in tll~ n,:;},t s~cc~:::riin,:; JC.:1r sncl ir. ·)~~11

SUCC9~din..:i, y~e~: tl~r.!r~art~r so lot:,S 'J.S L:ie t,.;:·c ~'--r~main unp:!id, but noth1n6 i1'3.?'.'l'.?in cont.:ii.n:-d :;'.1:•lJ. b<?. con3 trued a~ i!aJcsln;::; a pen:11 ty o ':' ruore t:,-::,u twtce tho t2.~<>s ,

( 2 ) Th~ p~~elty ~ha~J b~ add~d on th~ fir~t d~y er l-::1.rc~ of' th~ succ~~c.1 ir~r; year or 011 such o t.i:1•.'.r datA or dnt~s AS ~~Yb~ prcvidg~ in th~ r~s~ '1?Llcn ,

( 3) Any pen9.Jty imt:•os"'d urid~r sub:,~ctlc-n (lJ r;:·1a~J ·u:-. added to and ~o~i a psrt cf t~s unpai~ tax~3 .

(!1-) Any resolution ~3ss?d p11:i:-3u9..nt to suc~;~ctio!; (:; re~oins ln rorce Llntll it is r~pe~l~d or ~~~~d~d be subsequ~nt r~~olutlon ~~d an s~~ndin~ r~~o-

1ution r~L1ains in ror-ce u.r.til rep·"':3.led or a."'·.,, .. c:r:d. .

(5) !Joth1.n3 in t::1is s..,cti.on sh-=:\]] b.") conslru,:d. t~ · ~x::tend th~ sir:r:"' ±'or- ;_::"•' .Y r.,~nt of' the tfl;•~.::s no1• i:! e.ny '''8:J tc imp::- lr 8.'.1j' :"?. r:!=?dy p:rovtd.e·'i by thl3 3l- la;., 'for th~ cclJr:--ction cf ta:~g:::,

( 1) r:1e GounciJ er the 2-:-ncl , b.1 r ,'?so,utlon, G.siy pr.ovld~ th:1t n dlsccunt of not :..10·~8 t~1-:,n 10 P,-~l" c~nt bP, 9.JJ.o:•·~d 0!1 ':1]1 9:::i.,J·ro•~nts !L3C.8 before " d~ts or dat1s to be fixed in ~he rq2ol~tlon rn i t n ax 9s th~t b~c~~~ du~ ~nd J~Jab]P in th~ yc~r which th9 p-:?.y:;i,~nt Ls'l."'i '3nd. t:-1r: i-y-J.P.,•:• ID::!.Y prov id~ fo:--- di .,,,-:.,!?r~n t !"3 te:; c-:" di'.: ~o~n t: :"',_-,-. payments ~~de bero~e dlfforant ~pacified d~~1~.

( 2) Any r,;,solutlo:, ;;3::; ;-,d. pu.1·r:..1.-,,n: to : 1 r'2!I!'l~ir.s in fo::c ~ .... '.1 ti 1 it is :r1?.pe3.l;~d -:•r :1 .. ,··; . .:. 7,,. by J3. subs~que,i t. r•;:::0 l1i ticn r~:13.ln<.o in forc8 i..:nti 1 r~,;:,e,~:c::-d. Q~, 0:n·0 in the s-.:-·!1P. 1tlann-,r,

( J) Th~ Cou~ctl of th~ ~~nd, bJ ~n~ol~ticn , ~n~ ~ti~ S'.lCh allot•;ft'.1C~, uif:~0'..!!'1t OY- 0 n a CCC t: r1 t ,: r ~ '=J. )~ ·~ 3 such CCt!dltionc '1.S ;i,,,J ')~ :-~t OU': in ti·Jg :--.. If arr?.s.:-s c"' t:.~--~-~ :r•"Sf)"Ct of a_--;y p~rson p·-1ys i:mly a ~.>r;:;:--b~0r: or t.11~ t:-.;("!3 d.1..:..., in .r~;:n•:C t t\11:r':'O,.. r ;1.pp?-,ied"!.:r-0t ln p::1.~1 "Jands or int~r,.st in J::inC.s,

.~'c;;~ctl.on I. :,i 1 u tlort ~nd '..'Ir. t".i'.:18nd inG r·•· ,_. -::.:2~i

:-::-· 0 ~•Sl,~~ ror ;~·-::~'.:'·"~' . i :1 ...~ UC ~1 J: ~ t. ri ~; .9. ~1 ci S Lt :J J :~ :: t L ·_; 1 c•·:) 'c, ic.~. .'.;1.~P L'l.l;•? 0; 'Hi] ~•~1·,or: ir, 1-1i:l•.,; e:r lt1f-,-;T.~.:t in J.c~:.:is . 8,- •l :::\·,.-:. L-~ :·:).•~ th,~ t·:X"!'-, ,;'~C~!.vr:1 ==;;-J.'.i]::. ·:.~ ;,~nt of t:1'.: Strre;1~2 on t:!v:.:-

( 2 ) ~1~·1pri:- 8. p'"l/r2,:,nt or: · •".!~our,t, of t.·,:J)S 12 or on hr;:1,.,J r of' a mo,r~ tl1'J.(i 1~nn r·,-cr.'l or J~r.-.: er :!:Or~ 1nt'?.r12-:;t t;·_vJY81n -,no. thn ~1°r.~Oi'i dcP.: no:: :.;Lw-ni f'y th~ l!l~Wtl"!J' in ·.--~ici1 c.r t'.10 pDrc•-:1 or ..~ :J1•-::-•· ·-:: 0 r th-; in ~-::} r ~ S t is to be .':Jpp]i"'i , appoint;P"' sb::::11 ·:tp t:i1y t:1~ ;.::ly!a<?nt p~o r,t.<J. N,

,qccount o:' '111 t:=-x•~-:; .O tP'CP. . lS -=>nd i.nt,"rn ,<" ts .ln }:?nd in tli('\ ~•?:·2::.~v,'! 8. :r '?. on th~ t [t x r o 7- 1 ~ s .:~s S·~d.

~·.'hen the Cc:-uncll c"" t:11;: '.:. 0 :-nd or it~ 9.p90L!1t:"r.::; r~C8i.v•::!S ::,ny t~xc~ , it s'.·1"'.ll 1s:-;u~ :Jrt o:;flci.a~ r~c 0 1~t t½er~for u;sn 3 ror~ s~provnd by th~ Counctl. or the 2°n1 qnd ch~!l e~t9r th~ num~ ,~ of tl1"! '!"'°C1'! U)C:n the t:?x roll c;J;ioslt(? t,;1,., lands or lnt:":?J~'?.st Ln J.::iod::: 1.n r·•s~'."0C o:~ '.•;i1i.•:::. .i th8 tsx~s arA p~id ,

( 1) T:1e tcix~s '.?.nd co:,ts du"! in r':!sp~ct of any :c1ul: or i.ntere~t; in J3nds l:l:'9 rf?C0V?.r'.3bl8 :·rith lut~"'"r.t·. as a debt du~ the J~nd rrcD any person (a} who v:1s ths occ:upi-=r, iJUrch:-.ser, ~~.;.,i.__,r, ..... -!, lesseg , license9 or p~r~itt~~ of such :~nds at the tiree cf the ssseRsment , or

(b) who sut~equ 0 nt~y ~~cswe t~~ cccupl~r, pt1rc:1·1s."!r, 0ssl,_:,ne3 1 Jess<:-e , li.cen2°i<" or per~\tt~G of the ~~o]e o~ sny ~~rt of such l~nd.s

( 2 ) Th8 productio~ of' '3 c:..•:1Y o-r so wuch o~ l;~1e -.::-;. ; :r-; ­ment roJl or t9x rol1 as relat~s to th~ t~x~s payabl~ by a~y ~~~3cn ~rd pur~ortln~ to b~ ~-~~-f i P, d £1 s 9. t r u ~ C O t-' y t , ~ .,... e O f b j th 3 C C u r, C i 1 C - :,: ~ '~ 3'.lnd O!' 1 tr. appoi1,t'?<:: is Jl.:'i..tu'l f,.,.ci3 .;,.,...::of of the debt .

70. ~or the purpose of ~nrorc"d coJl~ct~on J~ly, nlJ t .;::ixes sirn.11 b~ dr,• ·::n"!d. to bn. uuc on t.iv·, d:~,:i ,..,,_ ~-·hich ti1~ t,:c n.:-t:ic,J r0·~r_;,Pct:ln~ the·n ~··:•:: ·v::L~""J -?s s'.1oi-n1 C'J' t;:~ t".!:·~ ro·.J 0r.d 1··t1~r.~ ti:~ ·1:-t::1·-:::.;

. o-r any occ.;u~"l.nt n-:" "l3~~·L ..~ n0 .".! l".: ut11tno"•'!:, n~tic~ sin 'IJ :); dr:~::'?·i iO i,:-tii0. lJ 1~';!:, .,:r3.l,~•~ -.: t" h A :.:l:3 t: '"! L' pc n {•~ 'l i C :', ') to 13.ny occup'.H:t or -:is:,i~t1sP. .

1 ;:"-Jn, h/ 1:Pr.--:011 ?ss-=?..:;s•~d in ~--.::;:.~c L ~ Ctl'J.~ -~·~1 O - L\ J L ': :'"' S t S On W hi C h t :1'~ , '.' "'.! : !; C:H'! ·::;c1mcLJ 0f th~ ;';-,11:l ·:r L ..,

::.: 1 ·1in0 in r"'sp-:.,ct of ~1:i ~·1··, t". 'L n the n 2 :n "l o f t h ~ ¼ r. ::; on

:J tn :·. l 1 ·•ti ·~ ::- :~ n O ti C P. 1-1'.1 s :~ l rs t : t 1 ·, ·:.;,

71. I,.. .'.'\ny of th~ r?/')G "'Ue-~··rin.;; in ';t,~ ro11 r~n:.3l.n un~---,.ld c,n t~1" JJ .,t d".'J' or i.~~c -,,·:cnr ~~· .-y::1y ,Y-=!9t' '"'r.d t.i1·~ -:i.;p,::.,i:i::.:0 of' l:h: ..;•)t.:t1c.i 1 ')f th~ :-:ar.•j h~s :.;-;~:·, ln3v;•..;.Ct;;ll bJ t,:':'.J ·.:'•.·Uu•::i! " the ::.rid t~Ot to ci::-2.]'c!Ct thr.;n, t:l'?. ~p~;,,cint,:•; .-:t th':! Council of tll8 Gnnd shc,11 ins-:rr. in ,~?.c:1

C-'3.Se t~e •·:ords , "ln:s-:..ruct3d by ~ouncil :.-10t. '.;,)

colli:ct" .

72. TaXP-S slv:.71 b~ d.:,:-:i,c:s. to iJ':! ln orr~:::i::-s ~-:hi:-r t,;·,~J r~maln unp~ld 9rt;~r the JJ~t day ~~ ~ncc~h~r o~ the ye~r ln which t~~J wcr~ imµo~ed.

?J. T:1~ Council of :;h~ Jqr:d ,cay ~!'OV1'.:-,e fer the_:; 9.ppolnt111ent o" ·: 1 ..ic:1 0Li1er OT~f'ici~::.1.; -~-~ it considers n8c~ssgry for the c~rryln~ into ~ffect or this Cy-law . (l) The Oouncil of th~ ~9~d may by r8ao1utlon p~u-vid~ fo: th~ ,1-::>l~:.:,'31- .i.on of an,r or 31:1 o: i 1:3 executive £ind 8.d:llinlstr:;t:;ive dutll'!s ancl ?u: ·,~r3 to on~ o.:r :-... o .... e c: 1 ici:-~~, "3<;in1 co!:1:ni1::s1.oner$ at· 9dminlstr?tors 0r t:;o 1 mnna~e~.

(2) °i'li':! offici9~s, -:::8nd comL'Ji_;sion'?rG, s.d111inist~·'.:.t(.r8 or ~gnager , as t~~ c3s2 may b~, s~311 ~x~rci~~ ~~~ po••·~rs ':lnd dutl~s s~t cut in this .ily-1·.\:•.r 'l.1.1J .st.:ch other po~~rs 3nd duti~s ~s may be v~sted, c0n-ferr~d or d~l933t~d by rPso~ution cf th9 ~Gun~tl of the B.;.nd , ':lh~:~ .9. .,....,so~ution p:rovl.:::l"?S fr)r t:h 0 s~polr_t,n-,nl-; o"' an off'ici"l.l, .:,·oina. co.1.i::.1lssior.7!r, e.d.:!"llr.i::;tr·-c;t·.:.~· er a m'.3r,a&~r, h~ s,P1l be ~"1 1 ;pointcd. by ':Intl l\,.1Jcl o"'fice 1urlr,.:, t':·:•~ p: ·~?.. -::-1..l.r':" o~ t:;he Cout~cil of !::c.~ 8~nd or ~c~ordits to thP ter~s ~~9r1~s~d ~~ t~o ':'esoJution by r•rhich h"o ls a!.>i:'.'Olnt-:ed .':1wl uit·.:; J nbt be dismi3s~d ~xc~pt upon s ~sjorlty vote~~ the mem~0rs of t~9 Csun~ll or thR ~s~d. ~h~ Chl~f o~ th~ D3nd is PX orrlcio Q c~~~1~~tc~~~ in 9-ddition co t:-:os~ ~~·-pc·intgd ·o,r t::19 .:0l..:t1ci -;. -.:,f'

the Band .

77 . ( 1) I-lo p~rson ho.vit•:..:, -in in:0.rc>:.:,t; in o.,. -'.l oont~•;:,c t •:rlsh th'.'! C3.n-i1 otil:"">r t'.·.-.=in BG fl :J!!'"•ti'lhnr 0f 1::1; B:r.nd , shRll bn. a~1t ·:::-i.!'l.t'"!d. ~-s ~c.1:.:, i.:.:·.:::c.-o~r, .:1-J.-mlnl.2t.:r~to-r o-r :1,~t:'.J-"r ...,.r.d th-= co:nwisP-ion,~1-, ad..rr..inist:-~tor er ..:"'tD__,•.~r si-.:\l: uct; du?~in'-' t;\1--:"? t.=:rm c,- \11:: or.r'LC8 t!':.' ✓;' :ll1 L1t:~r.•"?S:,, di..,..f~.::.c JI 1~d1~~ct , ~n ~~~~ ~ conbr~ct ,

If a co:r:il"'Sl01J'?r, ..... d .. \.ntstr!'tCr, ,:r ~!:"l:111.,:~·. ;1s th8 c~:~~ n'. .S !Y b'"·, !i:-r10•-iir,·..,.l;1' -.1.c·1tli1·eE:' ~,u~:. , !?.n int"?Y-"·St, h~ rri,;/ b_.., 't-:··::"dl.'.::lt"'1:..- •.,' ismLs.s3cl '-fi thou t r,otl.c9 '.'!;-:i ;·rl thou t c,:-.•• ,:i~r; ::at; lr;n, vnl~ss ot!1~x-··~L~<:.: £Y:0vid8d. ,,,_l 1-•~:~aHi-::s dlr":'cted by this 2y-l'J.'·! ~'.~a]l u·: l ·.pos1::d ir, accor(l.:1nce c··::i ·;c;,_, (?) su~,:::-1ctlon (1) o: st:?c t io ,1 ~ .3 or .:'h~ ind 1<2.Q_['.c t of' •.::~.,Pd,'.l. 79 . This By-)Rw ~nd th~ provisions th~~cin cou,] ln:.c fo~ce on th9 1st d9y or January, 1973 . A~)proved 3nd at duly conv~n~d ;r;e~ting o~ the C0u6cll t:,ls ~ay a~ ~ebrua~y 26 , 197] .

 You are being directed to the most recent version of the statute which may not be the version considered at the time of the judgment.