Part II - Enacted First Nations Legislation

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First Nations Tax Commission Commission de Ia fiscalité des premieres nations The First Nations Tax Commission, pursuant to the First Nations Fiscal and Statistical Management Act, hereby approves the following law made by the Chawathil First Nation in the Province of British Columbia, Chawathil First Nation Annual Expenditure Law, 2010 Dated at Kamloops, British Columbia this 30th day of July, 2010. On behalf of the First Nations Tax Commission nuleshief Commissioner First Nations Tax Commission 4 WV.,’
CHAWATI-IIL FIRST NATION ANNUAL EXPENDITURE LAW, 2011) WHEREAS: A. Pursuant to section 5 of the Eli-st Nations Fiscal and Statistical Maiiaçetiicnt Act, the council of a first nation may make laws respecting taxation for local purposes of reserve lands, interesis in reserve lands or rights 10 occupy. possess or use reserve lands, including laws authorizing the expenditure of local revenues: B. The Council of the Chawailul First Nation has enacted the (7,attathii First Nation PrOfitFR la.vation By/air (2004Land the Chati-athil First Nation Property :isscssnzent By/ott- (2004>. respecting taxation for local purposes on reserve, which laws have been deemed to he properly taxation laws made under (he Fit-st Nation.c Fiscal and Statistical Management tic,, pursuani to section 145 of lInt Ad: and C Se clion 10 of (he Fit-st Nations Fiscal citid Statistical Management Act requires a firsi nat ton thai has made a property taxation law to.-tt least once each year. make a law establishing a budget fir the expenditure of revenues raised under its property laxation laws: Now THEREFORE the Council of the Chawathil Firsi Nalion duly enadls as follows: 1. This Law may he cited as the Chaii-athil Eli-st Nation .4iu,nal E.peisdirure Lou, 20/0. 2. In this Law: Ad’’ means the First Nations Fiscal and Statistical Monagenient 4cr. SC. 2005, c.Y .and ihe regulai ions made under that Act; annual budget means the budgel. attached as a Schedule to this Law, setting out the projected local revenues and projecied expenditures of those local revenues during the budget period: Assessment Law’’ means the C/sauiv,t/iil First ,Vatim, Pm,,tit Assrs3mLnt Bvhin (2004): First Nalion means the Chawathil First Nation, being a hand named in the schedule to (he Act: Law means (his annual expenditure law enacled under paragraph St I tib of the Act: ‘‘local revenues means money raised by the First Nation under a properly taxation law: property taxation law’’ means a law enacted by (he First Nation under paragraph 5(1 )( a) of the Act: ‘‘taxable property’’ means property in a reserve that is subject It> taxation under a property taxation law: and ‘‘laxation Law’’ means the Chaut-athil First Nation Pt-open- Tasation By/au (2004L 3, The First Nations annual budget for the fiscal year beginning April 1.2010 to March 31, 21)10 is attached as a Schedule to this Law, 4. This Law auihorizes the expenditures provided Ibr in the annual budget. 5. The grant amounts set out in the annual budget are hereby approved as expenditures in accordance vii h (he Taxation Law. 6, lItis Law authorizes the expenditure of contingency amounts as necesar within atiy of the categories of expendiiures set out in the Schedule. 7. Expenditures of local revenues must be made only in accordance with the annual hudgel. 8. Notwithstanding section 7 of this Law. Council may at any lime amend ihe annual budget by amending this Law in accordance witit Council procedure and the requirements of the Act. 9, Except where otherwise defined, words and expressions used in this Law have the meanings given
in them in the Assessment Law and the Taxation Law. 10. Where a provision in this Law is expressed in the present tense. the provision applies to the circumstances Is the arise. It. This Law must he construed as being remedial and must he given such fair, large and liberal construction and interpretation as best ensures (lie attainment of its objectives. 12. The Schedule attached to tills Law forms part of and is an integral part of this Law. 13. This Law comes into force on the day after it is approved by the First Nations Tax Cotiimission: THIS LAW IS HEREBY DULY ENACTED by Council on the 19 day of July. 21) It). at I-lope, in the Province of BC.. A quorum of Council consists of four (4 t members of Council. Chief RutThPet .ncillor SlianeS) John /&144 Counicillor Bobbi E. Peters Councillor Rosemarie E. Peters Th Counillor Peter D. John
3 SCHEDULE ANNUAL BUDGEt REV ENUES I. Local revenues for current fiscal year: a. Property Tax $ 499.33300 h. Taxation for the Provision of Services S 0.00 ii. $0.00 c. Business Activity Taxes S 0(M) S 0.tJ0 2. Development Cost Charges Revenuesi. 5 0.00 S (1.00 3. Proceeds from borrowing $0.00 ii. $0.00 4.Accuniulated Surplus - Local revenues carried over trom the previous fiscal year S 5. Accumulated Deficit - Local revenues carried over from 33 6. Reserve fund revenues $ 0.01) ii. $ OUt) Hi. $0.00 TOTAL REVENUES $ 499,333.00 EXPENDITURES I. General Government Expenditures a. Executive and Legislative SI .337.75 b. General Administralive 47.32292 c. Other General Government 2. Protection Services a. Policing Ii. Firetighting c. Regulatory Measures d. Olber Proleclive Services IC ).679.00 3. Transportation
4 a. Roads and Streets 5 JANLOL) h. Snow and Ice Removal c. Parking d. Public Transit e. Olher Transportation 90.00000 4. Recreation and Cultural Services a. Recreation 25.000tH) b. Culture 5.0(10.00 c. Other Recreation and Culture 5. Community Development a. Education h. Housing c. Planning and Zoning d. Community Planning e. Economic Development Program f. Heril age Proteci ion g. Agricultural Development h. Urban Renewal i. Beautification j. Land Rehabilitation k. Tourism I. Oilier Regional Planning and Development 200.00000 6. Environment Health Services a. \Vater Purification and Supply h.Sewuge Collection and Disposal c. Garbage Waste Collection and Disposal d. Other Environmental Services 7. Fiscal Services a. Interest Payments to the First Nations Finance Authority h. Debt Payments to the First Nations Finance Authority c. Other Payments to the First Nations Finance Authority d. Other Interest Payments e. Other Debt Charges f. Other Fiscal Services g. Debenture Payments 8. Other Services
D a. Healih 30(11 )(L(H) h. Social Programs and Assistance c Trade and Industry d. Other Service 9. Taxes Collected for Other Governments 10. Transfers mb reserve funds a. S F. S 1. S II. Contingency Fund 4.99333 TOTAL EXPENDITURES S 499.33300 BALANCE $ 0.00
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