Part II - Enacted First Nations Legislation

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First Nations Tax Commission Commission de (a fiscalité des premieres nations The First Nations Tax Commission, pursuant to the First Nations Fiscal and Statistical Management Act, hereby approves the following law made by the Adams Lake Indian Band in the Province of British Columbia, Adams Lake Indian Band Annual Expenditure Law, 2011 Dated at Kamloops, British Columbia this 23rd day of June, 2011. On behalf of the First Nations Tax Commission -7 C.T. (Mawy) ,lules Chief Commissioner First Nations Tax Commission
ADAMS LAKE INDIAN BAND ANNUAL EXPENDITURE LAV, 2011 WHEREAS: A. Pursuant to section 5 of the First Nations Fiscal and Statistical Alanagetnent Act, the council of a first nation may make laws respecting taxation for local purposes of reserve lands, interests in reserve lands or rights to occupy, possess or use reserve lands, including laws authorizing the expenditure of local revenues; B. The Council of the Adams Lake Indian Band has enacted the Adams Lakc India,, Band Properti .1ssessmenr Bilaii’, PR95OI and the A dams Lake I,,dian Band Proper/i Taxation Bjlan’, PR9502 with the approval date of December 21, 1995, which laws have been deemed to be property taxation laws made under the First Nations Fiscal and Statistical A lanageinent Act, pursuant to section 145 of that Act; and C. Section 10 of the First Nations Fiscal and Stattctical Management Act requires a first nation that has made a property taxation lav to, at least once each year, make a law establishing a budget for the expenditure of revenues raised under its property taxation laws; NOW THEREFORE the Council of the Adanis Lake Indian Band duly enacts as follows: I. This Law may be cited as the Adams Lake Indian Band Annual Lxpenditure Lan’, 20!!. 2. In this Law: Act means the First Nations Fiscal and Statistical Management Act, S.C. 2005, c.9, and the regulations made under that Act; annual budget means the budget, attached as a Schedule to this Law, setting out the projected local revenues and projected expenditures of those local revenues during the budget period; Assessment La means the Adan,s Lake Indian Band Property Assessment BrIan PR-95-0!; Council has the meaning given to that term in the Act; First Nation means the Adams Lake Indian Band, being a band named in the schedule to the Act; Law means this annual expenditure law enacted under paragraph 5(l)(b) of the Act; local revenues means money raised by the First Nation under a property taxation law; property taxation law means a law enacted by the First Nation under paragraph 5(1 )(a) of the Act; taxable property means property in a reserve that is subject to taxation under a property taxation law; and Taxation Law means the Adams Lake Indian Band Properii Taxation Bilaii PR-95-02.
_________ 3. The First Nations annual budget for the fiscal year beginning April 2011 and ending March 3151,2012 is attached as a Schedule to this Law. 4. This Law authorizes the expenditures provided for in the annual budget. 5. Expenditures of local revenues must be made only in accordance with the annual budget. 6. Where the First Nation wishes to authorize an expenditure not authorized in the annual budget, or change the amount of an expenditure authorized in the annual budget, Council must amend the annual budget by amending this Law in accordance with Council procedure and the requirements of the Act. 7. The grant amounts set out in the annttal budget are hereby approved as expenditures in accordance with the Taxation Law. 8. This Law authorizes the expenditure of contingency amounts as necessary within any of the categories of expenditures set out in the Schedule. 9. Except where otherwise defined, words and expressions used in this Law have the meanings given to them in the Assessment Law and the Taxation Law. 10. where a provision in this Law is expressed in the present tense, the provision applies to the circumstances as they arise. 11. This Law must be construed as being remedial and must be given such fur, large and liberal construction and interpretation as best ensures the attainment of its objectives. 12. The Schedule attached to this Law forms part of and is an integral part of this Law. 13. This Law comes into force and effect on the day after it is approved by the First Nations Tax Commission. THIS LAW IS HEREBY DULY ENACTED by Council on the 1th6 day of June, 2011, at Adams Lake Indian Band Administration Office (Sahhaltkum l.R. #4, in the Province of British Columbia. A quorum of Council consists of four (4) members ofCounc ChJ,/Nel i12 Councillor Charlie Andrew Councillor liFfArnouse Councillor Dia e Jules Councillor Karen Everard
SCHEDULE ANNUAL BUDGET REV EN U ES I. Local revenues for current liscal year: a. Property Tax S 1,108,348 TOTAL REVENUE 51,108.348 EXPENDITURES I. General Government Expenditures a. Executive and Legislative 96,393 b. General Administrative 42,000 c. Other General Government 12,000 2. Protection Services a. Policing 15,000 b. Firefighting 47,000 c. Regulatory Measures 22,500 d. Other Protective Services 8,000 3. Transportation a. Roads and Streets 88,000 b. Snov and Ice Removal 33,500 d. Public Transit 11,000 e. Other Transportation 5,000 4. Recreation and Cultural Services a. Recreation 26,000 b. Culture 19,500 c. Other Recreation and Culture 4.000 5. Community Development a. Education 27,500 c. Planning and Zoning 83,000 d. Community Planning 33,550 e. Economic Development Program 91,000 g. Agricultural Development 48.000 h. Urban Development 32,000
6. Environment 1-IcaIth Services a. Water Purification and Supply 157,500 b. Sewage Collection and Disposal 10.000 c. Garbage Waste Collection arid Disposal 6,500 d. Other Environmental Services 5,500 8. Other Services a. Health 12,500 b. Social Programs and Assislairce 40.000 c. Agriculture 2.500 d. Tourism 9.500 c. Trade and lndtrstry 15,000 1. Other Service 10,700 10. Grants: a. Home owner grant equivalents: 45,705 II. Contingency Amounts 48,000 TOTAL EXPENDITURES S 1,108,348 BALANCE SO The Adams Lake Indian Band has the followine Service Aerecments: TNRD 9-1-I Service Agreement £2,000.00 CSRD 9-I-I Service Agreement £50000 City of Salmon Arm Transportation/Fire Protection £86,000.00 Village of Chase Sewer Utilities S28,000.00 CSRD Service Agreement - 530,000.00 City of Salmon Arm Water 570,000.00 City of Salmon Arm Transit Services 528,000.00
 You are being directed to the most recent version of the statute which may not be the version considered at the time of the judgment.