Part II - Enacted First Nations Legislation

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First Nations Tax Commission I Commission de Ia fiscalité des premieres nations The First Nations Tax Commission, pursuant to the First Nations Fiscal and Statistical Management Act, hereby approves the following law made by the Campbell River Indian Band in the Province of British Columbia, Campbell River Indian Rand Annual Expenditure Law, 2011 Dated at Kamloops, British Columbia this 26th day of May, 2011. On behalf of the First Nations Tax Commission CT. (Mai Nations Tax Commission
CAMPBELL RIVER INDIAN BAND ANNUAL EXPENDITURE LAV, 2011 WHEREAS: A. Pursuant to section 5 of ihe First AatiinLv Fiscal and Statistical .ilanas,’e,,ic;,t let. the Council of a First Nation ma\ make laws respecting taxation tin local purposes of reserve lands. interests in reserve lands or rights to occum - possess or use reserve lands. including laws authorizing the expendittire of local re enues: B. The Council of the Campbell River Indian Hand has enacted the Ccunphcll River First .Vatiun Irupcrn .-lssessmet,t an,! ia.v,aun Illlan .V0. I. dated the I l day of June. 2002. which bylaw has been deemed to be a property taxation law made tinder the First ,V,tth,,i Fiscal tutu StUtIStILLll .1 !tut;a cuncuut let. pursuant to sect ion 145 of that Act: and C. Section 10 of the Fint Aatimus Fiscal t,ul Statistical A lut,zagetuicuut Act requires a First Nation that has made a property taxation law to. at least once each year. make a law establ isiting a budget for the expenditure of revenues raised tinder its property taxation laws. NOW THEREFORE the Council of the Campbell River Indian Hand duly enacts as Ibllows: I. This Law may he cited as the Campbell River b,cliit,i Band Annual Expenditure Lao. Y)1 I 2. In this Law: Act means the First V1,tions Fiscal and Statistical A hnutgcnent Act. S.C. 2005. c. 0 and the regulations made under that Act: ann ua I huduet means the htidget attached as a Sched LII e to t Ii is Law. seti ins oto I he projected 1mm I revenues and projected expenditures of those local revenues during the bttdget period: Assessment and Taxation Law means the C innpbell River First A,ttio,i Pruperit Assessment and Taxation Blair V0 I: Counc iF has the meaning given to that term in the Act: First Nation means the Campbell River Indian Band. hei ig a band named in the schedttle to the Act: Law means this annual expendittire law enacted under pararaph 5(1 )th) of the Act: local revenues means nionev raised by the First Nation under a property taxation law: property taxation law means a law enacted by the First Nat ion under paragraph 5(1 )( a) of the Act: and taxable property nieatts property in a reserve that is stlbject to taxation under a propcrh taxation law. 3. The First Nations annual bttdget for the fiscal year beginning April I . 20 I I and ending March 31, 2Q12. is attached asa Schedule to this Law. 4. This Law authorizes the expenditures provided for in the annual budget. 5. Expenditures of local revenues must be made on Iv in accordance with the annual htidget. 6. Where the First Nation wishes to authorize an expenditure not authorized in the annual budget, or change the amount of an expenditure authorized in the antiual bttdget. the Cottneil must amend the atinual budget by amenditig this Law in accordance with Council procedure and the reqti irenients ol the Act. 7. This Law authorizes the expenditure of contingency amounts as necessary within any of the categories of expenditures set out in the Schedtlle. 8. Except where otherwise defined. words and expressions used in this Law have the meanings given to them in t lie Assessmetit and Tax[It ion Law. 9. Where a pros ision in this Law is expressed in the present tense. the Pro ision applies to the circttmstances as they arise.
___ _______ __________ 10. This Law must be consirtied as being remedial and mtisi be given such E,ir. large and liberal construct on anti interpretation as heSi ensures the attainment ol Is objectives. II. The Schedule attached to tli is Law forms pan of. and is integral to. ibis Law. 12. This Law comes into thrce and elThct the day atier it is approved b the first Namions Fa\ Commission. THIS LAW IS HEREBY DULY ENACTED b\ Council on the 9 da of y . 21)11. Campbell River. in the Province of British Columbia. / A quorum ol Council consists of our (4) members oftlie Council. including the Chief Chief R trt Pollard Councillor Marian Atkinsonfern Council4et can rake Council or Jason (‘rice Council br Dana Roberts Cortnc i I br Tony Roberts Jr. Curtis Wilson
-5 SCHEDULE ANNUAL BUDGET REVENUES I. Local revenues for current fiscal year: a. Property Tax S 1,812.100 2. Accumulated Surplus Local revenues carried over from the previous fiscal ear SO 3. Accumulated Deficit Local revenues carried over from the previous fiscal year SO TOTAL REVENUES 51,812,100 EXPENDITURES General Government Expenditures a. Executive and Legislative S4.000 b. General Administrative SI 72.600 c. BC Assessment 513.000 d. Board of Review S7.000 2. Transporlation a. Snow and Ice Removal 54.000 3. Recreation and Cultural Services a. Recreation 560.000 b. Culture S74.500 c. Other Recreation and Culture 5300.000 4. Comm tin itv Development a. Education 5 115.000 I. Economic Development Program S I 50.000 c. BeautItication 530.000 5. Environment I-Ieahh Services a. Water Purl lication and Stpplv 524.000 h. Sewage Collection and Disposal 523.000 6. Other Services a. lIealth SI 0.000 Is. lourisni 5 150.000 7. Taxes Collected for Other Governments 5625.000 8. Contingency AlnoLints
a. Contingency TOTAL EXIENDITIJRES BALANCE Note: The First Nation has the following service agreemenis with thirdpatix service providers, arid the anion its indicated are I he amounts pavabl e liv the First N ai ion tinder each agreemenl during the budget period: CiIv of Campbell Rier. Comprehensive Ser ice Agreement BC Assessment Services 4 550.000 51.812.100 SO 5625.000 SI 3.000
 You are being directed to the most recent version of the statute which may not be the version considered at the time of the judgment.