Part II - Enacted First Nations Legislation

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Pursuant to Section 86, Indian Act KSC' 1325 C.1-5 and arnendmcnts thcreto, Ic ertify that thc attached copy of thc Whispering Pines 1 Clinton Indian Band 2004 i<ates By-law dated the 30"' day of June 2004, is a true copy of the said by-law. Thomas Ilowe. Difcctor- Lands and Trusts Scrvices (a Superintendent as defined in Sec 2(1) lndian Act RSC 1935)
Ministre des Affaires i n d ~ ~ r l r ~ete s M~ni:-,teor f Ind~ank f(31rsa nd du Nord o;~r ~ a d ~ etn ~ rlierlocuteurI kderal . ,;.,, norther:^ Development and Federal Ir~terlocutor , . aupr&s des Mehi; et des lrld~ensn on inscrirs , for Metis and F.lon-Status Ind~ans , * I, the Minister of lndian Affairs and Northern Development, HEREBY APPROVE, pursuant to section 83 of the lndian Act, the following bylaw made by the Whispering PineslClinton lndian Band, in the Province of British Columbia, at a meeting held on the 30thd ay of June 2004 - Whispering PineslClinton Indian Band 2004 Rates Bylaw
WI IISPERING PINWCI .IN']O N INDIAN BAND 6 15 Whispering Pincs Dr ive Kaml<mps, I3C VZD 854 Phonc: (250) 579-5772 Fax: (250) 579-8367 File No. 200412005 Date: 30106/2004 Quorum: ( 2 ) District: North WIIEKEApSu rsuant to suIv;cy.-tion 83 (10) (a) of the lndian Act the Council of a band may make a bylaws for the purpose of taxatii~nf or local purposes of land, or interests in land, including rights to occupy, p s m s or LIWl attd in a reserve and with respect to any matters arising out of or ancillary to such purpose; AND WIIERE-~tSh e Council of the Whispering PinedClinton First Nation (also known a!, the W'hiuplring PinedClintnn lndian Band) enacted the Whispering PinesIClinton First Nation PropflQ' ?'axation By law on December 8, 1995; NOWB E IT THEREFORE RESOLVEDt hat the foll~wingb ylaw be and is hereby enacted pursuant 10 the provisions of the Indian Act and in particular section (83) ( I ) for the purpose of establishing ar~nuarla tes of taxation. 1. This bylaw may be cited for all purposfi as the U'hispcring PineslClinton Indian Band 2004 Rates Bylaw. 2. Pursuant to Section I I of the Whisp~ring Pin~gClinion lndian Band Propem: Assessment and Taxation Bylaw No.1 ( 1995). thc tax r a t 6 for tach class of prop+ shall h in accordance with Schedule, "A" which is attach&, end forms part of the 2004 Rates Bylaw. . . APPROVFa~n)d PASSED at a duly convened meeting of the Band Council of thc Whispering PinedClinton Indian Band Administration Office, Whispering Pines/Clintun Indian Band IR#4, 615 Whispering Pines Drive, Karnlmps, RC V2B 84S, this =day of & 2004. A Q~IORIOJFM' CC )C:NCILC ONSISTSOF (2), BANDC OI-NC:II.I.ORS I CWlNI'll I . O K : Edwmd LcBourdais
The Council of the Whispering PincslC'linton Indian Band tlercby adopts the fbI1owing taxation rates for the 2004 taxat ion ycar for the ibllowing class of property. - - Column 1 Class of Property as prescribed under schedule 1 I and section 1 7 of the Whispering PineslClinton Indian Band Ropwly Assessnlent and Taxation Bylaw No.1 (1995) Class 1 - Residential .-a Class 2- Utilities -- . - c~E3.-; Unmanaged Forest Land Class 4- Major Industry -- Class 5- Light industry -&& 6- Business and Other Class 7- knagtsd Forest and -- C ] ~ 8S- R ecrrdtionat/Non-profit Organization - Colunm 2 Rate of Tax: applied against each $~,OW.OoOf the assessed value of thc lmd and improvements as determ1ind in accordance with Part V11 of the Whisping PinesICIinton Indian Band ProOerty Assessment and 'Caxatim Bylaw No. 1 (1 995) Land & Jmprovemenfs ---A- 7.6453 26.7486 - .--... 25.1707 24.3484 20-,o. iq- ->-- 1 8.7999 9.1373
 You are being directed to the most recent version of the statute which may not be the version considered at the time of the judgment.