Part II - Enacted First Nations Legislation

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Pursuant to Section 86, Indian Act RSC 1985 C.1-5 and amendments thereto, I certify that the attached copies of the Nicornen lndian Band 2004 Rates By-law dated June 18, 2004 are true copies of the said by-laws. Thomas Howe Director, Lands and Trust Services, a superintendent as defined in Section 2(1) lndian Act RSC 1985
On behalf of the Minister of lndian Affairs and Northern Development, I HEREBY APPROVE, pursuant to section 83 of the Indian Act, the following by-law made by the Nicomen lndian Band, in the Province of British Columbia, at a meeting held on the 18th day of June 2004. - Nicomen Indian Band 2004 Rates By-law Dated at Ottawa, Ontario this i fl day of f .
N1C:OMEh INDIAN B,4ND 2004 RATES BY-1.AW W I IIZKIIAS pursuant to the lnrlrrrr~/ IL,/, K.S.C. I985 and spccit?cally paragraph X;(l)(a) ol'the I r j r l t ~ r r t. - IL* / , 1985, C. 1-5, thc Council ol'the band ]nay make by-Iaws for thc purposc of taxation i'or local purposes of land, or ~ntcrcstsin land, including rights to occupy. possess or usc land in a resunc and with respect t o any ~nattersa rising out ol'or ancillary to such purpose: ANT) WHEREAS the Council of the N ~colncrll nd~ann and enacted the h1rc.omcwI trJirm I ~ L I I tI'Jro p(:r.[y~ ~ ~ . s ~ (~a r~d 1~ki~.vt1~t~ f .) t iv\ l~j ~n* ~- l ~iotn~t S ~ i~/ri cI 4. 2004, NC)W HF 17' I IEREI3Y RESLOVED tha l the following by-lau be and is hereby enacied pursurlnt to the provisions of-thc It~JzurA~( - / ,a nd In particular section 83 { l ) for the purposc ol'estabiishing annual rates of taxation. I . T h ~ bsy -law rnayhe citcd lilr all purposes as the !tlluotnen Indil,rrtr l jr~r~2d00 4 I l ' r r ~ c5 Hv-lir w.. 2 1'ursu;tn t to Scct~on 3 45 ) C> the .ICrzc,onzrwI i~dirx~/hl ind I'r+oy~cjr*.Jg,.~ . \c , . r . vn l i~~, i~jl ~ t lu-~iatlrjtIri ~.- lrrut~he, [a\: ratts for each class oS properiy shall t ~ Irn r~ccordrtncc w~thS chcdulc ",Iu "h ~ c hI S aiwchzd. and forms part of thc 2804 licr(c.s Ijv-lrrw '1'1 IIS RY-1, A\{! 1s IiEI<EBY ENACI'EU by Council at a dulv convened ~neetingh ctd on il~-r I --dayo f '&~P!PY A quorun] for the Nicomen Indian Band Council is (2) LJ-=?.-<Q&ErEr~ (chief) /+r~r(Eg' ounc&~lln r) ~d
Prescribed Tax Hates For thc'l'axation Ycar 2004 'l'hc C:ouncil of lhe N icotnen Indian Band hcrch! adopls the fbllou.i~~tagx ation rates f i ) ~ thd 2004 taxatiori ycar Ibr the fbllowing classes o f property - - . - - . - - .- -- . .. \ Cllass of Property Tax Rates 2004 t .. .- -. .- .. . . . .. . - - . ... - - - 1 -3 -. 1Jn I .- managed Forest 1 0.0 . -- ! 4. Major Industry ! . . . .- -- 5. l ight Industry ( . .- 7. Managril Fortst Land >. .. .... .-. .... i 9. Farm I . . . 10. Canadian Pacific Hailway Righ - t I of - Way* *Note - the rate estatilished for this parllcular class of' pruperty is set as r e q u ~ r ~pcuir suarit to and in accordance with the f'ropcrfy Asscsspl?c.n/u ntl /i~xf~tir,(iIa( ulrrh~I.(<~~I ~. c~!/'/kZU;i~ yj Iir~gukl/ir,,uS (:)li!2001-4'13 a h pirblished in theC'a~iadaC;azetteP art I t , Val 1 3 5 . N o 24. No\ crnber 2 1. 200 I .
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