Part II - Enacted First Nations Legislation

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CERTIF-, ICATION Pursuant to Sectior; 86, Indian Act RSC 1985 C.1-5 and amendments thereto, I certify that the attached copies of t h e Kamloops Indian Band 2004 Property Budget Bylaw dated July 13, 2004 are true copies of the said by-law. I ' ,j)\ ( ( 4 : . . Thomas HOLY~ Direcfor, Lands arlil Trust Services, a superintendent as defined in Section 2 ( l ) Indian Act RSC 1585
.. . *. . . .. !: ;. - -; Mirlistrc des Affaircs inr_l~c.n:jcsc t = h1111stoefr lnd~anA tfa~rsa nd [..L Nord canadien ct inter1oc~;lcurf eilzral , : ..: ; t~lr~rfllnDmc veopment and i i > i i ~sll I nterlur:~,t or R:.I~I~?s d m M ~ ~eIt rste s Ind~ensn on inscr~ts .:'-- for I~~li:alln=d, Non-Stc',t~~Ic~.I ~I,?I;L , - * ( . l l t ~ ~ (;~<j-I I):~[!,<K I A Ot Id I, the M~nistero: f lndian Affairs and Northern Development, HEREBY APPROVE, pursuant to section 83 of the lndian Act, the following bylaw made by the Kamloops lndian Band, in the Province of British Cnlutnbia, at a meeting held on the q3ttl day of July 2004. - Kamloops Indian Band 2004 Property Budget Bylaw --. Dated at Ottawa, Ontario this 3, day of L..Cc.?i-. -%.[ * 2004.
Budget B4L~ ! rlaw
KAhlLOOPS INDIAN BANI) 2004 BUDGET TsY[,:lrk\' I 3 y l a t ~K O.2 004 - 01 TIlc l i a m l u ~ ~Inpcl~ia n Band passcd thc Taxation Expcrlditure Bylaiv. duly approved by thc- h.lir?rstcro f lndian and Nortl~ernA ffairs Canada, pursuant to Sect10118 3 of thc Iridiall A ~ ' i . Thc K~111llaojIlrsl clian Band has passed the 'l'axation Amendment Bylaw, the I'~-upcrt> I::itc.s, CI:tssi ticntiun and Miscellaneous Amendment RyIriw, and \.arious otl~chr >,lni~,s rclatcd to thc' ~ S S C S S M C I Ia~n d taxation within the rescmcs? pursuant to Scctron Ij? of t l~ r Irzdic~rA~c , i . AKD WHEREAS: 'Xhe Taxation Expendi~ul-eR ylacv providcs for thc Band Council to adopt an ~ ~ t i t ~ u a l budget, including the projcctcd rcvenues and expenditures fur the provisiot~o f'loc:~l government scrviccs to thc ~ S S C S S I ~ I L ';I]IT~e a. hOJV TIIEREFORE BE IT HEIIEBY RESOLVED: That the Chief and Council of the Kan:loops Incliar~B and adopts the budget attached as thc budget for thc fiscal year 2004 ;~r~2d0 05 pul-suimt to Seclion 53 of the Indian Ac! as follows: Reginn 1 Srlrl Rivets Liinds Schcdule "A" Region 2 Shusivrq~L atlditlg Lands Schedule "B" Rczion 3 Ch:lrlie \\!:'ah t .ands Sc11t.rIul e "C" Rcgion 4 Get~cralL IB, GkM, Silvcr Sage, and Paul Scl~cdule"D " Lakc Lancis
UhlI,OOI'S 1NIIIAN BAND 2004 BUDGET RYI,A\\' Rylalv No. 2004 - 02 He]c by ;lutIiori~edo n behalf of the Kamloops indian Band at K;lnllnop> lndi ,117 Rcscnc j! I on Ihc 1 311~1ayo I' July, 2003 Ctourlcillor -- - .. Council lor .-.- Councillor . .. Courlcillor - - Councillor Being the majority of those rncriibers of the Coutlcil of the Karnloops Indian Rand psest.nt. 'There are ten (1 0 ) C ouncil mcnlbers and a quorum of Council is five ( 5 ) n~cn~hcrs . Numl~eiv-f mrmbers of the C:ouncil prosent at the meeting: _7_.
KABILOOPS XNXIIAN BAKD 2003 BUDGET RYI.,AW Bylaw No. 2004 - 02 SCJIEI)UI,E "A" Region 1 Sutl Rivers La~ lds REVENUE EXPENSES General Govcmmcnt Scrviccs Protucti 1.c Scrvi ccs Transportation Services I<ecreation & Cultural Services E~~vironmentHole alth Services Fiscal Scrvic~s Other Expenditures (Service Agrrnt j Taxes for 0t her Governments PROPERTY TAX BUDGET TOTAL SUI<PLUSI(DEFICIT) S557.272.85 3 I !).4OO.S5 20,465.00 -3O.UOO.00 40.000.00 5.OOO.UO 7?.JS4.00 1 0Cj. 149.00 12,768.00 $557,272.85 S O.Clr)
KAMLOOPS ISDIAN BAND 2004 BllDGET BYLAIT' ByIam No. 2004 - 02 Thcrc: is no budget for t h ~ rsr git11: applied clue to the sevvkaliorl of desip~ntiolln nJ r c l ~ t ~ c l ~ ~ i ~ofh l~eal s~ees.n t
KAMLOOPS INDIAN BAND 2004 BUDGE'I' BYLAW' Bylaw No. 2004 - 02 SCHEDULE "C" Itegion 3 ChasIie Wnh Lands REVENUE EXPENSES General Government Services I'rotcct ive Scr\.ices Fiscal Services OlIlcr Expenditures (Scrvicc Agnnt)
KAklLOOPS INDIAN BAND 2004 BUDGET BYI,AW Bylaw No. 2004 - 02 I<cgiun 4 L I B General Lands REVENlJE EXPENSES Genesnl Go\ e r ~ ~ m rSnetl I j ct.s Protective Services Transportation Senicrs Rccreatior~ala nd Cultural Sc17i ccs Community L)evcIo]~~nenStL 'I-I\C CS Fiscal s ervkes Othcr Expcndi tures Tnxcs for 0 t h ~C-i ovcrnnlel~ts PROPERTY TAX BUDGET TOTAI, SURPLUS/(DEFICIT) $ I .C>b.7. OZ7.oC~ 1 , I -7 S.95 1 .OO 1 I b, 1 SO.(>(l 2SS.OOO.lJO 2Y.500.00 h 1,600.00 2,6XU.U!, 19,O 16.011 19,000.rKJ 5 1,662,427.UO S Cl.00
KAh.1 LOOPS INDIAN BAKD 2004 BUDGET Blil.Ab%' l3ylalv No. 2003 - 02 REVENiIE EXI'ENS ES Cicneri~lG o\ crnrnent Scrvices Protective Services 'l'ran $portation Servi ccs Fiscal Scnliccs Other Expencliturcs (Scnrice Agnrlt) l 'axcc for Othcr Go~.t .rnment~ PROPERTYTAXBUDGETTOTAL SURIJ1-11S/(DEI:ICIT) S6P,907.00 lS.19S 00 17,498.00 0.00 17.535.00 15,h15.00 1,061. OC) $69,907.00 5 0.00
KAR11,OOPS lNLlIAN n A N D 2004 BUDGET 13YIAAIY BjvlawN o. 2004 - 02 Region 4 Sili0crS age L,ands IIEVENU E .. -- EXPENSES Grnernl Go\ ernment Services Pmtcct~vcS ervices FlscLllS et vlces Other Expenditures (Service Agnn t ) Taxcs for Otlfer C;o~.crnr;lents PROPERI'Y TAX BUT)GET TOTAL SURPLUSIIDEFIC IT) 28.1 57.0 -0 - .- 1 1.245.00 4,447.00 5.400.00 6.7(?1. 00 23 1 .OO $25.157.00 5 0.00
KAMLOOPS INDIAN BAND 2004 RIJDC;ErI' BYLAJV I3ylnn. No. 2004 - 02 i X I ' E .. N 1J E -- EXPENSES Gencral Go vemment S crviccs Fiscal Scnices Other Expendlturcs (Service 4gmlt) ' T ~ A C Sf or Clthcr Guvemtncnts PROPERTY TAX BUDGET TOTAL SURPLUSl(DEFIC1T) -- 105,100.37 50.930.00 3S,032.01) 24,463 -37 1,666.011 $105,100.?7 $ 0.00
 You are being directed to the most recent version of the statute which may not be the version considered at the time of the judgment.