Part II - Enacted First Nations Legislation

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CERTIFICATION Pursuant to Section 86, Indian Act RSC 1985 C.I-5 and amendments thereto, I certify that the attached copy of the Kamloops Indian Band Property Taxation and Assessment Amendment Bylaw No. 00-51 dated September 7, 2000 is a true copy of the said by-law. Kumdr Dhir Lands and Trust Services, a Superintendent as defined in Section 2(1) Indian Act RSC 1985 th Dated this day of A~~ril, 2001 .
Minister of Indian Affairs ~ Ministre des Affaires and Northern Development indiennes et du Nord canadien Ottawa, Canada K1A OH4 I, the Minister of Indian Affairs and Northern Development, HEREBY APPROVE, pursuant to section 83 of the Indian Act, the following bylaw made by the Kamloops Indian Band, in the Province of British Columbia, at a meeting held on the 71h day of September 2000. Kamloops Indian Band Property, Taxation and Assessment Amendment Bylaw No. 00-51 Dated at Ottawa, Ontario this /7l~ day of Op-e~ 2000 .
*AMLOOPS~INDIAN BAND COUNCIL RESOLUTION -. : . :, . . The Kamloop'sInd . la . n,Bahd Council does herebyYesolve;that ~. :, . . . . . , . ::,:~ . , , . . ,~ . 15(B) The assessor' sliall'"a supplerrienta'ry'toll'make~a change or amendment that virould .be contrary WA.'change`or ameridiinent in the'assessrrient rolL ordered orAirected by :-.the ~Assessment;Revievv,Corriiliitt`ee~or. made~as a'res competent jurisdictiori:';~~;'~.~~;Y, .'. .`;:- ; the Property'arimeride'd~by-~deletirig Section 31 'and inserting the following provision :. . . ~. '. ~s. 31 . .(A)Forthwith';upon.,ieceipt:of.the Decision~Roll referied to in, subsection 20(B), the : Chairman , , o f the~As ~ se : ss . rn' . ent~~R .s evievv,Coinriiittee . . . . . ~ - . : . . ~t~ . :~ . _, . .,, . : . :. . . . . . . : ; . ;,R . , - . ~ :verify that tlie'~ISeci'siori , . . , . R . oll correctly-sliows_the decisions of ~the Committee in all '~appeals made ag~inst~p'r`olie :fy;,assessments ;" .~ 2) , . . '. certify .t. h: e`:De.cisi. on.,. . Rollaiy affxing .to'if, a~~s.worn or affirmed statement verifying . `.,that the-Decision Rollcoiiectly,~showsthe decisions .of the Comniittee in all appeals; and .(3)- , f . D ~ ec . i . s . i ~ on . ' , : Roll .: ~ ,, a ., s~cer . tifed to;t~e'. . ~~~~ . .~ Approved .at a duly convened'meetirig. , of-the Chief ~ . day of.:~, _ t~,r,A,- . ' . . 2 . 0 . 00 - . ~ . . _ . . . . . . . Commenfe:. FILE .: 75 september 7, 2000 , . . , ult . o , f'a-decision of a court of _ . .-- - . shal - l -: :' . . ., ;* :I . .; , . , . ~ . - . . ; . : . " . . taxiri , g ~au . thorit . y: . . . ~ . . .. ~ : .. .- . . ' . an . d Counci , l held. in Kamloops this 7th _ - . ., . . .
FILE .: Q O ' KAMLOOPS.INDIAN BAND COUNCCOUNCIL RESOLUTION_ British' Columbia . Kamloops, B.C. The Kamloops 'IndIan-Band Councll "doe's-hefeby . resolve-that--otlier. "circum"starices'wliicli- airiount to undue "hardship . . ' The Request~foi; . ~ . R . eniissioii~of " ., z .Taxes must be`received~by Council by no later than cw-aays after the :riiailing;of,atax.notice.~,No-requests 'received after this date will be , considered .,'--,' (C)~ .-- . Upon :receipt of'the;-Reques(for ";remission;oftaxes, Council,-in its sole discretion, may (1) . ':rej;ect,or,,approve°the,application;in whole or:in' "part ; " , (2)~ .- specify,coiiditions'to,tie "mef:by;the~taxpayer "prior to the remission . going. into effect; ",and.alie. consequences ofthe coriditioris riotbeing" met;' ; (3) " redu . c .e " :o , ' . r _ : . c . . d , nc , e . : l. :t , he: . f . ax .; e . s " ; . " p . enalties,~,intere-st,,-costs or other charges ; or (4) extend tHe~fime, ; .for paymentof,taxes, penalties, interest, costs or other : charges for:a~sp,ecifed~tiine : '- " Decisions ~rri~de; y;~Couricil'under thissect'ion'regarding a Request for Remission are final . arid are, iiot~;subject" f The Prop erty~Ass'essmentBy=law is'ameniied by,~ :deleting .Sections 14 (E) and (D) arid "; inserting the to11oWingjjr&is,ion:--', .14 (E),,~Technical,, cleridal .. _ . o ~ r z: ~o : .t . h .. e - . rc , h ; . a . n. . ges or-'corrections,shall-not be' -made to the assessment "ro11 ;by,;tlie" assessor of,'aii " y , o . n . . e . :p . ursuant- to -this section; after "the mailing of :~ assessment notices as provided in-Sectioii :16; except puirsuarit to a. decision of the Assessment Revid"w"_'C6 ~riiiriittee: . _~.'i;: _ ., .'~~_ -- . ~ ~ ,COUNCILLOR: COUNCILLO
The Kamlo6pa "hdlan, Bahd Council:,doea h'r,eby`"r-esol've:'ths :~s . Afterreceivirig~ tli'ecleci'siori":ofa, court ofcoiiipetent jurisdictiori 'or on MY appeal. r;tlierefrom"and froiriwliic~ .: i . :o'f , i ;-irfli . . e .. r . . . a ~ P ~ ~ P. eal '-has,o . r~can b'e tak~ri ;'a , ffec'tiri ~ the : assessment .roll, the ,Assessmeni.;revie : w..;Com .~ m .< i :,~ t . . tee:shall .d : i ~ r .~ ect make, any necessary :'amendriient to, ~ . tliea , s . se - s - . s . i ... i . . i e -i . ' . ., i . t - ~r . o . _ ll . = .in` . a . . c . c _ o . r . d . . a . ri , ce . :Ww . i . t . h . t . he . ~d'ecisiori:~ : - . ~. bydeletiiig~the current Section 16(A) (1) ,lo:(A)~(d), ., . . , ::eitner_ae . nver;:or,:amrect.tne,assessor:to,aeiiyer, .to_everyperson iistea m tne  : ~assessment~roll'wliose :real".prope'rty.oi.iriteirest~iri~real~ji'roperty~is. assessed, ari~assessment . notice mtneUrescrlbea=iorm; ana: .-~ ` ' : - 1 ., ectioii.l8' (B)'o;f,the;Prope'r.ty;'~axatiori~$y=1aw -is ainended by deleting the word "collection" ; arid~_replacing;it:~Witli,th&,word,"collector,'.' : ,:. .=, . . ~COUNCILLOR:~ COUNCILLOR: -
 You are being directed to the most recent version of the statute which may not be the version considered at the time of the judgment.