Part II - Enacted First Nations Legislation

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CERTI FICATION Piusuant to Section 8C3. Indiitrl Act RSC: 198< C'. 1-5 and amendments thereto. L cel-tif). t h a ~il le ;:ttached copy of'lhc Songheex First Nation 2004 Rates Byl;nv, No.2 004-02. dakd the 20"' dn?. of April. 20114 is a truc copy nl'the said b > - laiv. T.,h omas H 01) c. ~irector L,rlnds arid 'Sri13rs Serviccs (,;I Super-i11tcnd~.11a1s dcfinecl il l Scc 2 i 1 ) Ind in l~A CJ I<SC 1985)
I, ttle M~n i s t e ro f lnd~anA ffairs and Nadhern Development, HEREBY APPROVE, pursuant to section 83 of the Indian Act , t n e following bylaw made by the Sonyhees First Nation, iq the Prodince of Br i t ish ColumSia, at a meeting held cn the 20th day of April 2004 - Songhees First Nation 2004 Rates Bylaw No. 2004-02 Eated at Ottawa, Ontario this 'L-' dayof I L'.$ -- Ls. - - / ' 2004.
'*+, / ?$ '> r kr - g :-* SONGHEEE FIRST NAl'ION TAXATION I %, r .J; , $9 1500D AdmirailsR oad, Victoria, B.C. V9A 2R1 Snngtlces First Nation UYL,4\V KO. 2004-02 Sorlgl~ecsF irst Nation Ratcs f3glaw \flIIIZRFkS p1:rsrrant to subscctiarl SSil)(a) of the J t ~ d i c i At ~'. !, K.S.C. 19S5, c. 1-5, the Coil~lciol i'a band nzay ~nakeb ylaws for h e p urpose of taxation for Inca1 purposes of land . or iutc.rests i n land, ~ n c l u c ~ nrigh la to occup~p. ossess or use Iatui in a reseri c m d iv i th rcspect rtr an? nlntters riqing out af'or ancillary to such purpose; AV 1) \f'I.IEREAS thc Council of the Soilghecs First Nation has duly and p~-op? c ~ i z c ~ etldlc Songhzcs Indian Band Pi-opcrt? A s s e ~ s r ~ ~;c11n1dI I ' ,sat io~B~ j.1s1t.j; KO11 BE IT T11KRE131r RLSOLVICD that the i'ollo~vinpF l lalv be and is hercb) ennctrd purscant to ?I-le pros isic~riso f the Itldian Act anil in particular section S3(1) for the puryosc of e~~abl i sh inangn ual ratcs of laxation. 1 . This bylaw may be citcd for all purposcs as the Songhces First Nation 300.1 Kales 13ylajv kc..2 004-02. 2 Pursuant to Section 18.1 of the Songhees Indian I3cniI PIo pcsl) ' lasalion Plyla A , the 13% r31r'S fur c~c IC; ~ o rSp r ~ p e r t ysh all he in accordance lvith Schtbdule "A'' lvl~ichis atrached, arlrl f ~ r n l ]s> art of'thc 2004 Songhces First h ' a t i ~ nR atus Blv!nwN o 2003-02. 'I'his 'nylaw is hereby e~iactedb y Council at a dul? cuni.encd nieerin_r hrld o r 1 tllc 2101d ,iy of .April, 2004. -- , -- J . < -ST <-- ,- Councilnl- Frank E. i;corgc C6:'nc~;r ~ i c l , & A b t h ~ \.
Sorlghers First X:~rion 2003 Tax R;ites
 You are being directed to the most recent version of the statute which may not be the version considered at the time of the judgment.