Part II - Enacted First Nations Legislation

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M~n~stdre s Affaires ~ndienr~c-st dl) N ~ r cda cadicn et ~n:erlocute~,flet deral alipr&s iles Mkt~se t des Inciiens riorl ~r iscr~ts I, the Minister of Indian Affairs and Northern Development, HEREBY APPROVE, pursuant to section 83 of the lndian Act, t h e following by-law made by the Chemainus First Nation, in the Province of British Columbia, at a meeting held on the 6th day of July 2005. Chemainus First Nation Rates By-law 2005 DatedatOt ta~a~Ontar itohi s 2 8 dayof I..Ainister ~f lrjdian /r!fiairs ancl Nnrthern Clevclopmerlt and Fctlerzl ln!erior:utol fur M e t ~ as r ld rNon-Z~:slI~ti1_j~i:i~11 5 = > e F j c.. ,Ler-, 2005
CHENIAINUS FJKST FATIOIY WI Ib:REd4S pursuant to the I17di~rnA cl, R.S.C. 1985 , and spccificallj parngraph S 3 ( 1 )(a) uf Ihc I~rrliuil. - l~.r. 1955, c . 1-5, thc Council of n band may makc by-laws 1'01- dlc purpose of taxaticrr~l or local purposcs u f land, or ~ntereslsin lanrI, iricluding rights to c ~ c u p yp, o sscss 01. us~: l a~idit 1 n rrsCl-ire d l l c l with rc'spcc't tn any 111attc1~;s1 rlsi11g0 111 USo r L~~~ci l1l0o rsuyc .11 purpcnsc; AND IJ'I TEREAS the Cour;c~lu f'ihe Ci~emainusF irst Xation e ~ ~ a c t cthdt. r h c ~ ~ ~ a i ~ ~ u s First Narion Property Assessirle~~ant d Tutuatinn Bq-Iaw on Feb~uary8 . 2005; ANT> Ur!--IERE',ASt he h!i~~istto-rf1 11dian :lCLjirs and Nort11cr.n Devclopn~enta pproccd tht. Bylaw or1 lipril 22, 2005; XOM' BE IT HEKEBY USCILVED that the by-law be n i~cils helcby enactcd pul-suanc to t h p~ro visions of the IuU'i(~tz: ~ c Ia.n d in particular scction SZ(1) f o r the purpose of cst~blishingh n n u d l ratcs of taxariorl. 1 . T h i ~by -law may be citcd for all purposes ns the C'hemainus First A'ati~~Rna tes B! -law 2005. 3. Pu: .su ;~~toI ~S ectior: 1 l ( 1 ) of the Chcmaiilus First N ~ t i o nP ropert). Assesslnenl and 'Taxation By-law, the la!: rates for each class of p r o p c a msh all bc in nccordalice with Schcdule "A" which is attached, and ~UTIIISp art of the Rates By-law 2005. This by-law is hereby ei~actcdb y Council at a duly convencd meetill!: held on thc 6"' d;iy of J U ~ ? , . ~ o u d ~ l lJoohr n Elliott - Couuci !lor Kc\-i1 1 Frcnc hy Councillc~C~;-i thzrine Hal-ris CouncilIor Harvey Seq'n~ouiS. r. Councillor Perry Se>,maur
Tho Counc~lo f the Chem:~\t~iFisi rst Nntiorl h c l ~ b yad opt$ (he follon ing tau3t1on rates for- the 2005 (axation year for. tlic folluwing cl:~ascso f profur[y. C'li lss of l'ropcrty as prcscri bet1 under Schedule 11 and Section 16 of the Chemai~ius the assesscd \ alue of the land aud First Nation Property Taxrition By-law. 1 Clnss i - Kcridcntial 1 -1 Clacs 3 - Unmanagcd Frjrest Idand Clnss 4 - hlaior 11-r~Iustry Class 6 - Business and Other CInss 7 - Mitt~ageciF orest L:ind Ii;31c of Ti1.x appliud : ~ g a i ~e~ascht $ 1 .(I00 .OO oS i tnpro\ .e~i~ta.~s ~Ct~s C ~ C ~ ~ Iin~ aI cI cI o~rCd a~ ~ ~ c t with Part 1V of the C'hcrnainus Firqt Yarlon Pr operry Assesstncrlt and l'axation By-laiv. O .XO40 I 0 25.8857 10.4988
 You are being directed to the most recent version of the statute which may not be the version considered at the time of the judgment.