Part II - Enacted First Nations Legislation

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CERTIFICATION Pursuant to S r c t i o r ~8 6, Indian Act RSC 1985 C. 1 -5 and a~~~rnr lmetnhet sre to. 1 certif!] that thc attached copy oJ'thc Campbell River First Nation 2004 Rales By-tax\- dated the 28"' day of .4pril, 2004 is a true copy vl'thc said by-law. ' I " - .!( Thornas 1 Towc, Ilkector 1-,rinds ancl Trusts Scrvices (a Superit~tendenta s defincd in Sec 2( 1 ) Indian Act KSC 1985)
1*1 Affaires indiennes Indian and Northern et du Nard Canada Affairs Canada Ottawa. Ontario K I A OH4 On behalf of the Minister of Indian Affairs and Northern Development, I HEREBY APPROVE, pursuant to section 83 of the indian act, the following bylaw made by the Campbell River First Nation, in the Province of British Columbia, at a meeting held on the 2gthd ay of April 2004. Campbell River First Nation 2004 Rates Bylaw Dated at Ottawa, Ontario this A r d a y o f ?
SCHEDULE A 'The Council nf h c C 'ampbell Kivct l:irsi Nnt~onh ereh! adopts the fi>Ilrn\lng taxarm I:I~L'fSo r Ikr 2004 taxatlon >car 11c)r1 11ef nllow~ngc lasses of ~>rt>p~v-l\ COLiJhlN1 Class of Propmy as przwnhcd under Sch~dulc11 r u ~ r l Scctron I 1 ( o f r h c : Campbell Itiver First Nallorl I'~~c\pr~lv assessad value ul 'hc Iarld wd lrrlprovemenis d s 1' axatLon Tklau Class I - Residential Class 2 - IJti1itit.s Class 3 - IJn~nanagcdF orcsl ~ ' IHSS7 - Managed !- orest I ,and Class X - KccrcatiordNo~~-I'rufiOl rgm~~al ion Class I) - Fann .F\ 'rl~r* .mIher a tzd wpes n f p r o p r mr~:l i~s,stn~rsu y vuy across,j unslii<,trt~tl.~ COLUMN 2 1 I lialc of Tax applied against each $1,000 00 of thc dctcmined in acu)rJaicc with I'ad IV crf the Firs! Nnt~ronP roperty Ausessm~nta nd '1 asauon Ilylaw. I I 2 0 3 3 35.2821 1 22.0539 1 O.GOh? 13 6797 I
Bl'I ,4U N0.4 CAMPBELI , RIVER FiRST S.&7-10NH ATES BYLAW AN13 W111 . I < 1 , ?h ~hCr 'cluricil nr thc C ' : i r r ~ y ) t x ; l i i lvcr I lrxl N:r:!-1 ); I .ilscj kntnvn 85 ~ l j cC, -imt\>hrlRl l\'c!- ! ~ l ~ l ~ i t r : i j a r ~ Jm) scicd ~ h Cr a ltlphcll l<i\,c1~.-1 1-s[t\ ';trio11P l-upcr !! .l-~~s.-,n:cr~tr ld1 'nxntu)n I q! l i i \ r t ! r ~ 11lnc: I 1 . 3il! 12 Kt 1% H t i 1.1' HT:RI11*'1' IU-;SO1 .\'rT, t l l i i t LIJ! I lLI l i l.i k in$ hyI; t~! T :mi 15 t i ~ ~ i : bc>n-a clcd plls,lianl LO ttic prtl\ Isl(n1.; rrf the: Inu'la!t. ! ( , I , anti in pnriic~tl;~~ l~ t i t : i j8t : ( I ' , !'or t h j~lllr prsc: i ) i ' c s ~ ; ~ t h i x h ~ n ~ irle~ts~-in; oufd~ a \ a ~ ~ t m I. ' l 'h~sh yl;lrl :ria!- he cltcd ibi- al l yuq~osesah thc: I-;irrrl*t>~*Ililn e r tb11s1N ;~~ i r?~rIIi! $K;~~csL 3ylan 2. Purwant trj Sedlcm 1 1 i jT~hCr 'mnpbtlj I?.iwr f.:r.,l .'v~I;\L~I~I 'rupcrlv Al;.~c*>str~relnJt 1-axalrrw) i4\ I a n . h e t iix rittc? each c l ;~ ; .(;d pnq~erFsh all I-ac In : I G L L I ~ L ~ : ~ TIJ ~ ;IZ~ SIcIt i~.d~~",Ae" m -t11chi s attacheti . I I I L ~l i~mixp ar1 < ~ t ' t l ~ uZ [~i~Qlistet4cy t t l~.
 You are being directed to the most recent version of the statute which may not be the version considered at the time of the judgment.