Part II - Enacted First Nations Legislation

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/1 CERTTIIFII CAT II ON Puurrsuaanntt to Se.eccttiion 86,, Indian Acctt R.S..CC.. 1985 C.I1--5 and ameennddmeenntts therretto,, I cerrttiify thatt thhe atttaacched copy off the Weessttbank Fiirstt Naattiion 2000 Tax Raatte Sccheedduulle Ameennddiing By-Law No.. 00-TX--03 datted Appririll 26,, 2000 iis a ttruue copy off the saiid by-llaaww.. ! / /{y.~~ Gail Ksonzyna ' Lands and Trust Services, a superintendent as defined in Section 2(1) Indian Act RSC 1985 .. (I. lii'i!;~';:~ .. ~'~~:~,,_,::~.f.' .. < ~. . .' ..J •.• ,
/ Miniinsisteterr ooff IIndiiann AAfffafairirss Mininisisttrree ddeessA Affffaaiirress aanndd NN oro trt hh ee rr nn Deevveellopmeenntt . iindiienneess eett dduu Noorrdd ccaannaaddiienn OO tttt awaa ,. CCaannaaddaa KK1 1A O OWH4 II ,, tt he Minin isis tt err off II ndii an Affffaiirrs and Noorrttherrn Deevveellopmenetn,t, HE~REBY APPROOVVEE,, purrsuanntt tto seccttiion 83 off tthe Indiian Acctt,, tthe ffolllloowiing byll aw ma a d d e e b b y y tthe Wesetsbtabnakn~kFi'frirsstt Naatitionn,, iin the Prrovviince off Brriittish Coollumbbiaia,, att a meeetiting helld on tt he 26t t h h dayy off Apprirlil 2000.. Weessttbank Fiirrstt Naattii on 2 20 0Q 0O 0 Taa xx Raa tte e Scheeduulle Ameennddiing Byllaw No. 00-TX--03 5~ ~ Da a t te e d d a at tO Ot tl t a awa a , , Onnttarrii o tthhiiss If day off ~J N4~f\J,[. . 2000.. Canad~
WEESSTTBANKKFIIRST NATTIION . Byyllaw Noo. 00-TX--03 offt he Wesesttbank Fiirrstt Naattiion WHHEERREEAS: the Chhiieeff and Coouunncciill off the Wesesttbank Fiirrstt Naattiion deems it advviisablle and in the besstt intteresstts off the meembbeerrss off the Wesesttbank Fiirrstt Naattiion to ameend the Prroppeerrtty Taaxxaattion Byyllaw 95-TX--08 passed by Chhiieeff and Coouunncciill Deeccembbeerr 11,, 1995 and approved by the Mininisistteerr Appririll 23,, 19966,, tthatt beiing a byllaw tto esttabllish by bylaw a systeem on the reserve land off the Wesesttbank Fiirrstt Naattiion for taxation for locall purrposses off land,, orr interestts in land,, in the reserrvee,, including rightts to occuppyy,, possssesss orr use land in the reserve;; and WHHEERREEAS:: purrsuaanntt to Seeccttion 18.1(3) off the Weessttbank Fiirrsstt Naattiion Prroppeerrtty Taaxxaattion Byllaw 95-TX--08,, Chhiieff and Coouunncciill shaallll prrescrribe tax rates; and WHHEERREEASS : those tax rates prescribed by the Chhiieff and Coouunncciill are sett outt in schedulles to the Weessttbank Fiirrstt Naattiion Prroppeerrtty Taaxxaattiion Byllaw 95-TX--08 purrsuaanntt to Seeccttion 18 ..11 (4); and NOW THEREFORE BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED THAT: the Chhiief and Coouunncciill off the Weessttbank Fiirrstt Naattiion enacctts as an ameennddiing Byllaaww; Shoorrtt Tiittlle Thhiis ameennddiing bylaaw maay be citeed as the "2000 Tax Raatte Schedulle Ameennddiing Byyllaw".. 1l .. Thhaatt the follloowing Schedulle IITI - 2000 Tax Raatte Schedulle shallll be added to the Weessttbank Fiirrstt Naattion Propeerrty Taaxxaattion Byllaw 95-TX--08 passed by Chhiieff and Coouunncciill Deecembbeerr 1l 1ltth,, 1995 and approved by the Mininiisstter Apprriill 23,, 1996: PASSED AND APPROVED Y cil of the Weessttbank Fiirst Naattion at a duly convened meeeettiing off the band co cil 11 the Weessttbank Fiirst Naattion Addmminiinsitstrraattion Offfiice,, Keellownnaa,, Brriittissh Coollumbbiiaa,, ""----"~~day of A~?~Rc,1 L~ 2000. Chhiief ~ Cihx4~~. Councillor Coouunnciclilllorr Coouunnciclilllorr
'.~ , '-, '" 22000000 TTAXX RAATTEE SSCHEEDUULLEE ByyllawN Noo.. 0000--TX--0033 FFoorrt thee TaaxxataitionnY Yeeaarr2 2000000 SSCHEEDDUULLEE ""III"" PPrrooppeerrttyy Clalassseess Witithhiinn EaacchhT Taaxxaatitionn Disitsrtiricctt ((Seeccttiionn 188..1)) C C o o l l u u mn n 1 1 Coollumnn 2 Coollumnn 3 Coollumnn 4 N N a a m m e e o o f f Ree ss ee rr vv ee ss Prroppeerrtty Taaxx Raattes T T a a x x a a t t i i o o n n Coo mm prp ir sis ii nn gg Cllaasssses forr tthe Dis is tr tr i i c c t t Taaxxaattiion Taaxxaattiion Yeeaarr 2000 Disis tt rr ii cc tt T T a a x x a a t t i io on n D D is is t t r r i i c c t t Thee rreesseerrvee lands off 1 . Reessiiddeennttiiall 11 .22231 tt he Weessttbank Fiirrsstt Wes es t t b b a a n n k k FF ii rr ss tt Na a t t i io o n n . . 2.. Utitilliitties 37..00362 N N a a t t i io o n n . . I 1 R# # 9 9 and IIR#1 0 3.. Unnmaannaagged N// A , Forreesstt Land 4.. Maajjorr Indussttry 25.336642 5.. Liightt Indussttry 25..33664422 6.. Bussiiness & 24..55778855 Ottherr 7.. Maanaged Forresstt N/A Land 88. . Recrreattiionall 111..5559988 Properrty/ Noonn--pprrooffiit Organiizattiioonn 99. . FFaarrmm N/AA II
 You are being directed to the most recent version of the statute which may not be the version considered at the time of the judgment.