Part II - Enacted First Nations Legislation

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CERTIFICATION Pursuant to Section 86, Indian Act RSC 1985 C.l-5 and amendments thereto, I certify that the attached copy of the Westbank First Nation I.R. # 09 Pine Stadium Lighting Improvement Project Capital Expenditure By-Law No.04-TX- 02 dated June 7, 2004 is a true copy of the said by-law. Thomas Howe Director, Lands and Trust Services, a superintendent as defined in Section 2(1) Indian Act RSC 1985
On behalf of the Minister of Indian Affairs and Northern Development, I HEREBY APPROVE, pursuant to section 83 of the Indian Act, the following bylaw made by the Westbank First Nation, in the Province of British Columbia, at a meeting held on the 7th day of June 2004. - Westbank First Nation I.R. #09 Pine Stadium Lighting Improvement Project Capital Expenditure Bylaw No. 04-TX-02 Dated at Ottawa, Ontario this 6h day of cw
WESTBANK FIRST NATION IR# 09 PINE S'fADIUM LIGHTING IMPROVEMENT PROJECT CAPITA], EXPENDITURE BYLAW NO. 04-1X-02 To authorize the expenditure of a maximum of Onc Hundred and Sixty Thousand Dnllars ($160,000.00) from money raised pursuant to section 83( 1 ) of the Indianpct, for the purpose of constructing the Pine Stadium Lighting Improvement Project within the Tsinstikeptun~1 11diallR eserve No. 09. A Pursuant to Section 83(1) of the Iadhrn+tlct and Westbank First Nation's inherent right of sel [-government, Ct'estbank First Nation has enacted the W estbank First Nation Property Taxation Ry-law, 95-TX-08 (the "Taxation By-law"); B. In accordance with section 12(3)(1) of the Taxation By-law, Westbank First Nation annually deposits Ten ( 10%) percent of annual gross taxes in a cumulative capital projects fund (the "Cumulative Fund") to he used fiom time to time for such capital projects as may be authorized by separate by-law; C. Pursuant to the Westhark First Nation Expenditure By-law, 1995, amended by By-law 97-TX-03 (the "Expenditure By-law"), Westbank First Nation is authorized to expend moneys raised pursuant to the Taxation By-law for local purposes, including the provision of Lucal Services on Reserve and capital projects; D. The Cout~ciol f Westbank First Nation deems it desirable and in the best interest . . of the Barld members to advance hnds to complete the Pine Stadium Lighting improvement Project; E. Westbank Firs1 Nation has estimated the total cost of co~lstructioto~f the Pine Stadium Lighting Improvement Project to be not more than $1 60,000.00 as outlined in Schedule "A" to this by-law.
NOIT THEREFORE, THE C:ouncil of Westbank First Nation hereby enacts the fotlowing by-law; SHORT TITLE 1 . This By-law may be cited for all purposes as the I.R.#09 Pine Stadium Lighting lmprovemen t Project Capital Expenditure By-law No. 04-TX -02. EXPENDlTl IRE AUTHORIZATION 2. Westbank FII-stN ation hereby acknowledges that it is in the best interests of the members of Westbank First Nation to constnict the Pine Stadium Lighting Improvernznt Project as summarized in scliedule "A" to this by-law. 3 Westbauk First Nation hereby approves ihe expenditure of not tnore than One Hundred and Sixty thousand ($ I 60,000.00) Dollars from the cumulat ~ v Fei l nd t'or t l x p ~ t r p ~ s eosf designing and constructing the Pine Stadium Lighting I mprovenler~t Project (the "Project Funds") 4 . Wesrbank Firsr Nation also authorizes the expenditure of all or a portion of the Project Funds to acquire all such lands, casements, rights-of-way, licences. permits, rights and authorities as may be required or desirable for or in connection with the construction o f t he Pine Stadium Lighting Improvement Project. 5 . Any of the Project Funds not expended otl the Pine Stadium Lighting Improvement Project or incidental costs related thereto, will be reimbursed to and deposited in the Curnulalive Fund upon completion of the Pine Stadium Lighting Improvement Project.
This By-law comes into full force and eft'eci upon approval by the Minister of the ~e~a r t i neonfr Indian Affairs and Northern Development. BE IT HEREBY RESOL\'ED AND AGREED: That this 8 y-law, entitled the 1K #09 Pine Stadium Lighting In~provementP roject WFN By-lakv No 04-TX-02 being read for t hc first, second and third and final time by the Council of Westbank First Nation held at a duly convened meetings 1' Reading Kelowna, British Columbia, this 26$ day of -&d20 04, 2'" Reading Kelowna, British Columbia, this ... 7.- d. - Lday of ..d. . f.i ,1 L--2 004 3rd Reading Kelowna. llritish Columbia, this 7 k.-d a y of -. .. - -. . ..- Councillor Mickey Werstuik
SCHEDULE "A" Pine Stadium Lighting Improvement Prc,jec.t ................... - .... l TEM WFN (1,GS) YEAR OF I>OCAL EXPENDITURE GOVERNMENT SERVICES Sta -ge - I - planning -- - $5 . ,0,.0 . 0.,-0 0 .. ,. . Stage 11 - detail desgn $5,000.00 Stage ITI - construction 3 1 50.000.00 ......... . . . . -. ... - I
 You are being directed to the most recent version of the statute which may not be the version considered at the time of the judgment.