Part II - Enacted First Nations Legislation

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CERRTTIIFII CATION Puurrsuaanntt tto seccttii on 86 IIndii an Acctt RSC 1989 C.I1--5 and ameennddmeennttss ttherretto,, II cerrttiiffy tthatt tt he atttaacchhed copy off the Weessttbank Fiirrstt Naattiion 2001 Exxppeennddititurre Byyllaw Annnnuuaall Budggeett a ttrrue copy off tt he saiid by--llaaw.. KUMARUHIR Director, Lands and Trust Services, A Superintendent as defined in Section 2 (1) Indian Act RSC 1985 ".
Mininisistteerr ooff IIndiian Afffaaiirrs Mininisisttrre ddeess Afffaiirress anndd Noortrtheerrn Deevveellopmeenntt iindii enness eett dduu Noorrdd ccaannaaddiienn Ottttawaa,, Caannaaddaa K1 1A OHH44 II,, tthe Mininiisstterr off IIndiian Afffaiirrs and Noorrttherrn Deevveellopmenetn,t, HEREBY APPROOVVEE,, purrsuaanntt to seccttii on 83 off tthe Indiian Acct,t, the follloowwinng byll aw maadde by tthe Weessttbankk Fiirstt Naattiion,, in the Prroviince off Brriittissh Coollumbbiaia,, att a meeetiting helld on tthe 1ss tt day off Maayy 2001 .. Weessttbank Fiirstt Naattion 2001 Expeennddiitturre Byllaw Annnuuaall Budggeett . Datted att Ottttaawa,. Onnttarriio this 15"" day off J.,. ~,u~- - .. , 2001.. U Canada
WEESSTBANK FIRST NATION Byyllaw No.. 01-TX--04 off tthe Weessttbank Fiirstt Naattiion A BYLAW TO AMEND THE WEESSTBANK FIRST NATIION TAXATTIION EXPENDIITURE BYLAW,, 1995,, PASSED BY CHIIEF AND COUNCCIIL THE 6TH DAY OF JUNE 1995 AND BY THE MIINIISTER THE 24TH DAY OF OCTOBBEERR,, 1995 .. WHHEERREEAS: the Weessttbank Fiirrstt Naattiion Taaxxaattiion Exxppeennddiitturre Byyllaw,, 1995 waas passed by Chhiief and Coouunncciill of the Weessttbank Fiirrstt Naattiion in the beesstt interesstt off the Baand,, as a bylaaw in accordance wiitth secttion 83((2) of the Indian Acctt for the purpose of the expeennddiitture of moonniieess colllected by the Weessttbank Fiirstt Naattiion purrsuantt to Weessttbank Fiirrstt Naattion Prropeerrtty Assssessmeenntt and Taaxxaattiion enablling byllaws as approved by the Mininisistteerr,, in accordance wiitth secttion 83((1) off the Indiian Acctt;; and WHHEERREEASS:: purrsuantt tto Secttiion 3..2 offtthhe Weessttbank Fiirstt Naattiion Taaxxaattiion Exppeennddiitturre Byllaw 1995,, on orr befforre June 30 off each Fiiscall Yeeaarr,, tthe Band Coouunncciill wiillll prepare tthe Annnnuuaall Buuddggeett and wiillll by byllaaww add tthe Annnnuuaall Buuddggeett as a schedulle tto tthe enactted Exppeennddiitture Byllaaww;; and NOW THEREFORE BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED THAT:: tthe Chhiieff and Coouunncciill offthhe Weessttbank Fiirrstt Naattiion enacctts as an ameennddiing Byllaaww;; Shhoorrtt Tiittle Thhiiss ameennddiing bylaaw maay be citeed as the "2001 Exxppeennddiitture Byyllaw Annnnuuaall Buuddggeett".. 1 .. Thhaatt the ffolllloowwiing Schedulle "2001" Exxppeennddititurre Byllaw Annnnuuaall Buuddggeett shallll be added to the Weessttbank Fiirstt Naattiion Taaxxaattion Exppeennddiitturre Byyllaw 1995 : PASSED AND APPROVED by the councciill off the Weessttbank Fiirst Naattiion at a dully convened meeeettiing of the Baand councciill held at the Weessttbank Fiirstt Naattiion Addmminiinsitstrraattion Offfiice,, Keellownnaa,, Brriittiish Coollumbbiiaa,, tthiis lI S~r day off IH'1 6A~'1i Chief Coouunnciclilllorr 2001 .. C-J-/J" 4M,1~(J~ Co o u u n n ci c l il l l o o r r ~
Weessttbank Fiirst Naattiion - Taaxxaattiion Annnnuuaall Buddggeett Schedulle "2001" Cllassss 1 Reessiideennttiiall 11.7057 Cllaassss 2 Utitilliities 38 ..66287 Cllaasss 5 Liightt Indussttry 26.44548 Cllasss 6 Buussiineessss//Ottheerr 25.66354 Cllasss 8 Reeccrreeaattii on/INoo nn-p -prorofifit t 12.00568 Seweerr Paarrcceell Fee $20.775 Budggeett WFFN Homee Ownneerr Grraannttss 725,,000 Geenneerraall Goovveerrnmeenntt Seerrviices 1,011,820 Prrotteccttive Seerrviices 286,,779 Reeccrreeaattiion Seerrviices 86,,300 Coollllecttiions for ottherr Goovveerrnmeenntts 226,,927 Trraannssppoortrtaattiion and Ennggiineeeerring Serrvii 336,,010 Fiiscall Seerrviices 750,,164 Envviironmeennttaall Heeaalltth Serrviices 277,,000 M 3., 7 E 0.! M ) O 00 CORD Seweerr Aggrreemeenntt 53,,909 3,7753,909 Rate Liightt Reessiiddeenntitiall Uttiillittiiees Indussttrry Bussiiness Reeccrreaattioon Cllass 1 Cllass 2 Cllass 5 Cllass 6 Cllass 8 2.22937 7.556691 5.118837 5.002232 2..336625 3.220011 10.55636 7.223345 7.001104 3..229971 0..99073 2..99940 2..005505 1 .99869 0..993345 0.227730 0..990010 0.661170 0.559979 0..228812 0.77179 2.336692 1 ;:662225 1 .557723 0..773395 1 .00630 3.55080 2.4400225 2..332280 1 .009949 2.337733 7.883319 5.336636 5..119975 2..444445 0..887763 2..889919 1 ..998805 1 .991192 0..990026 11 .77057 38.626871 26.44548 ~25..6354 12.00568
 You are being directed to the most recent version of the statute which may not be the version considered at the time of the judgment.