Part II - Enacted First Nations Legislation

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CERRTTIIFIICATIION Puurrsuaanntt tto Seeccttiion 86,, Indiian Acctt RSC 1985 C.I1-5 and ameennddmeennttss tt herretto,, II cerrttiiffy tthatt tt he attttaacched copy off the Weessttbankk Fiirrstt Naattiion Byyllaw Numbbeerr 99--TX--.003 respeeccttiing Exxppeennddititurre Byyllaw Annua~l1 Buddggeett datted 28 Maayy 1999 is a ttr ru ue c copyy off tt he saiid byllaaww.. Gaailil kKsonzyna Lands and Trrustt Seerrvviicess,, a supeerriinteendentt as deffiinned iin Seccttii on 2(1)) Indian Acctt RSC 1985
Mininisistterr off IIndiian Affffaiirrs Mininiissttrre des Afffaiires and Noorrttherrn Deevveellopmeenntt ii ndieenness ett du Noorrd canaaddiien Otttawaa,, Caannaada K1 1A OHH44 II,, tthe Mininiisstterr off Indiian Afffaiirs and Noorrttherrn Deevveellopmeentn,t, HEREBY APPROVVEE,, purrsuanntt to seccttion 83 off the Indii an Acctt,, the follloowwinng byll aw maadde by the Weessttbankk Fiirrstt Naattiion,, in the Prrovviince off Brriitissh Coollumbbiiaa,, att a meeettiing helld on the 11tth day ol'f Maayy,, 1999 .. Weessttbank Fiirstt Naattiion 1999 Expeennddiitturre Byllaw Annnuuaall Buddggeett Byyllaw No.. 99--TX--03 )&46d ZZ6 .. tยฃ Daatted att Otttawa,, Onnttarriio thhisi-s;2~,;f' day off ~ 1999.. Canada
WEESSTBANK FIIRST NAATTIION Byyllaw Noo.. 99--TX--03 offt the Wesetstbbaank Fiirrsstt Naattiion A BYLAW TO AMEEND THE WEESSTBANK FIRST NATTIION TAXATTIION EXPENDIITURE BYLLAW,, 199955,, PASSED BY CHIIEF AND COUNNCCIIL THE 6TH DAY OF JUNE 1995 AND BY THE MIINIISTER THE 24TH DAY OF OCTTOOBBEERR,, 1995. WHHEERREEASS:: the Wesesttbaank Fiirrsstt Naattiion Taaxxaattiion Exxppeennddiitturre Byyllaw,, 1995 waass passsed by Chhiieeff and Coouunncciill off the Wesesttbank Fiirrsstt Naattiion in the beesstt intterresstt off the Baanndd,, as a bylaw in accorrdance wiitth secttion 83((2)) off the Indiian Acctt for the purrposse off tthe expeennddiitture off moonniieess colllected by the Wesesttbank Fiirrsstt Naattiion purrsuaantt to Wesesttbank Fiirrstt Naattiion Prropeerrtty Assssessssmeenntt and Taaxxaattiion enaabblliing byllaws as approved by the Miniinsistteerr,, in accordance wiitth secttiion 83((1)) off tthe IIndiian Acctt;; and WHHEERREEAS:: purrssuaantt tto Seccttion 3 .2 off thhe Weessttbank Fiirrstt Naattiion. Taaxxaattiion Exxppeennddiitturre Byllaw 1995,, on orr beefforre JJune 30 off each Fiiscall Yeeaarr,, the Baand Coouunncciill wiillll prreparre the Annnnuuaall Buuddggeett and wiillll by byll aw add tthe Annnnuuaall Buuddggeett as a schedulle to the enactted Exxppeennddiitturre Byllaw; and NOW THEREFORE BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED THAT: tt he Chhiieeff and Coouunncciill off the Weessttbank Fiirrstt Naattiion enacctts as an ameennddiing Byllaw; Shoorrtt Tiittlle Thiis ameennddiing byllaaww maay be citeed as the "1999 Exppeennddiitturre Byllaw Annnnuuaall Buuddggeett". 1 .. Thaatt the follloowwinng Schedulle "1999" Exppeennddiitture Byllaw Annnnuuaall Buuddggeett shalll be added to tthhe Weessttbank Fiirrstt Naattiion Taxaattii on Exppeennddiitture Bylaaw 1995:: PASSED AND APPROVED by e councciill of the Weessttbank Fiirst Naattiion at a duly convened meeeetting off the Band councciill e t thhe Wesetstbbaannlkc Fiirst Naattiion Addmminiinsitstrraattion Offffiice,, Keellownnaa,, Brriittiissh Collumbbiiaa,, thii day off_1\t\''\1 ~A1A 1999.. Chiief Couunncciillllor d~'~ ~4~. ยฃ}... Councillor Co cillor
Exxppeennddititurre Byyllaw Annnnuuaall Buddggeett Cllass 1 Reessidideentnitiaall . 11 .22206 Cllass 2 Utitilliitiiees 37.00281 Cllass 5 Liightt Indussttrry 25.3586 Cllass 6 Buussiineessss//Otthheerr 24..55732 Cllass 8 Reeccrereataitioonn//Nono-np-rporfoiftit 11 .55573 Seweerr Paarrcceell Fee $20.775 Buuddggeett.. WFFN Homee Owwnneerr Grranntts 675,,000 Appppeeaall Prroceduurres 10,,000 BCAA 45,,000 Weessttssiide Fiire Prrotteccttii on 185,,000 Muuninciciipaall Seerrvviice Agrrmtt 169,,719 Puubblliic Woorrkks 85,,000 II ntteerrggoovernmeennttaall Affffaiirs 175,,000 Paarrks & Reeccrreeaattiion 55,,000 Coommmunuintity Pllanniing 30,,000 Loccaall Goovveerrnmeenntt Seerrviices 700,,281 Caappititall Prrojjecctts 750,,000 Byy ll aa w, Caappititall Prrojjecctts Reesseerrve Fund 360,,000 Byllaaw Coonnttii ngency Resserrve Fund 360,,000 3,600,,000 CORD Seweerr Parrcell fee 53,,328 ~J,ISยงt~53,.328g Scchheedduulle "1999"" Rate Lliigghtt Reesisdideentnitiaall Utitliliitiiees Indussttrry Buussiiness Reeccrreaattiion Cllassss 1 Cllasss 2 Cllasss 5 Cllasss 6 Cllaasss 8 2.110039 6.99428 4.775547 4.660075 2..116670 0.003312 0.11029 0.007704 0.006683 0..003321 0.114403 0.44629 0.331170 0.330072 0..114445 0.557766 1 .99028 1 .33032 1 .226628 0..559939 0.552290 1 .774457 1 .11955 1 .115585 0..554449 0.226649 0.887743 0.559987 0.558802 0..227729 0.554454 1 .880000 1 .223327 1 .119945 0..556618 0.117714 0.556657 0.338874 0.337754 0..117766 0.009935 0.330086 0.221113 0.2200448 0..009963 2.118827 7.220028 4.993328 4.7788000 2..224481 2.333376 7.771142 5.228830 5.1111994 2..440078 1 .112221 3.77028 2.553359 2.445573 1 .11557 1 .112221 3'.77028 2..5533559 2..4455773 1 ..115557 1 1 1 1.222206 37..002281 25.,33586 24.5577332 1 11 ..555573
 You are being directed to the most recent version of the statute which may not be the version considered at the time of the judgment.