.-CERTIIFICCATION Purrsuantt to Secttion 86,, Indian Acctt RSC 1985 C..11--5 and ameendmeenntts theretto,, I certify thatt the atttaacched copy of thhe Weessttbaannkk: Fiirst Naattiion Prropeerrty Assssessmeentt Ameennddmeenntt Byy--laaw 97-TX--05 dated Occttober 31,, 1997 is a trruue copy of the said by-laaww.. hl&rn Gaaiill Ksosnzoynanzyna~ Laandss and Trrusstt Seerrvviicceess,, a supeerriintendentt as definned in Secttion 2((1)) Indiian Acctt RSC 1985
Mininiistterr off Indiian Affffaiirs Miiniisttre des Affffaiires and Noorrttherrn Devvellopmeenntt ~ ~., ., inndieennnes ett duN.Noord canadiien Ottttawa,, Caanada K1 A 01-14 I, the Miinniistterr off Indian Affffaiirs and Noorrttherrn Deevveellopmeennt,t, HEREBY APPROVVEE,, purrsuanntt to secttiioon 83 off thhe Indii an Acctt,, the folllloowwiinng byllaaw maadde by tt he Weesstt Bank Fiirstt Naattiion,, iin tt he Prroviince off Brriittiissh Coollumbbiiaa,, att a meeettiing helld on tthe 31' 51 day off Occttobbeerr,, 1997.. VWNestbank Fiirstt Naattion Prropeerrtty Asse.ssssmeenntt Ameennddmeenntt Byllaw 97--TX--05 Daatted att Otttawaa,, Onnttaarriio thiis 2 3 r crdiaay off Deecceembberer,, 1997 . Canada
LEGAL CODE of the WEESTBANK FIRST NATIION WEESSTBANK FIRST NATTIION PROPERTY ASSESSMENT AMEENDMEENT BYLAW 97-TX--05 WHHEEREAS: The Baand Coouunncciill off the Weessttbank Fiirrst Naattiion deemss it adviisablle and in the besstt interestts off the band to conttinue to engage in the taxatioon for locall purrposseess of laand,, or interestts in land,, in the reserve lands off the Weessttbank Fiirrstt Naattiion,, inncluuding rightts to occupyy,, posssess orr use laand in the reserve lands offt he Weessttbank Fiirrstt Naattion ; NOW BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED: Thhaatt the Prropeerrtty Assssessmeenntt Ameennddmeenntt Byyllaw be and is hereby enactted for the purrpose off conttinuing assessmeenntt and taxattion for locall purrposses off land,, orr interestts in land,, in the reserve,, incluuding rightts to occupy,, posssess orr use land in the reserve,, purrsuantt to the proviisions off the Indian Acctt and in parrtticullarr purrsuantt to the prroviisions off subsseeccttiion 83((1)) off the Indian Acctt,, and purrsuantt to the inherentt rightt of sellff goverrnmeenntt,, and,, Thaatt upon apprrovaall by the Mininisistteerr off Indian Afffaaiirs and Noorrttheerrn Deevveellopmeenntt,, the Prropeerrtty Assssessmeenntt_. Ameennddmeenntt Byyllaw shallll come into fulll force and effectt . '
WEESTBANK FIRST NATIION PROPERTY ASSESSSMENT AMENDMEENT BYLAW 97-TTX--05 1 .. Thhiis Prropeerrtty Asssessmeenntt Ameennddmeenntt Byll aw ameennddss tthe Weessttbank Fiirst Naattion Prropeerrtty Asssessmeenntt Byll aw 95-TX--07.. 2.. The follloowwing deffiniitiioon is subssttituuteed for the deffiiniitiioon of "Assesssment Acctf"' in subsecttion 1({1l):: "Asssessmentt Acctf'' meeaanss the Asssessmeenntt Acctt,, RSBC 1996,, c..220.. 3.. The follloowwing deffiiniitioon is subssttituuteed for the deffiiniitiioon of "Assessmentt Auutthoorriitty Acctt"' in subsseeccttion 1(l1):: "Assessmentt Auutthoorriitty AccPf'' meeaans tthe Asssessmeenntt Auutthoorriitty Acctt,, RSBC 1996,, c.21! . 4.. Seeccttion 11((1))((b))(v)) and 11({ll))((b))((vvii)) are repealled and repllaced wiitth tthe folllloowwiinng:: 11 i(b))(v)) a maannuuffaacctturred homee is moovveed to a new location or destrooyed after Occttobbeerr 31 and prriiorr to Deeccembbeerr 31 of the yearr in whhiich the assessmeentt rolll is comppleletteedd,, orr (vi) a maannuuffaacctturred homee is placed on land thatt has been assessed orr the homee is purrchased by the intteresstt holldeerr offt he land thatt has been assessed afftterr Occttobeerr 31 and prriiorr tto Deeccembbeerr 31 off tt he yeaarr in whhiich the assessmeenntt rollll is compplleetted; 5. The follloowing subsseeccttion iis subssttiitt utt ed fforr subsseccttiion 36({1l)):: 36((1)) Laand helld orr occupiied by a muuninciicpipaalilitty orr tthe Crrown iin Riightt of . the Prroviincee off Brriittish Columbi~a, helld orr occupiied by,, orr on behhaallff off,, a muuninciicpipaalilitty orr the Crrown in Riightt off the Prrovviinccee offB rriittiish Coollumbbiaia,, is,, wiitth tthe imprrovemeennttss on iit,, liable to assessmeenntt unddeerr tthiis sectioon . 6. Suubbsseeccttiion 41((1)) iis rrepealled and rrepllaced wiitth tthe ffolllloowwii ng:: PP ir oo pp ee rr tt yy Ass ss ee ss ss mee nn tt Amee nn dd mm ee nn tt Byy lla aw 99 77 --TX--00 55 P P a a g g e e No o. . 2 2
• 41((1)) Whheerree a peerrson is offt the oppiiniion thaatt an errrrorr orr omisissiion exiisstts in tthe compplleetted asssessmeenntt rrolll in tthatt : (a)) the namee offa peerrson haas been wrroonnggfufullly iinserrtted iin,, orr omitittted from,, tthe assessmeenntt rolll,, ((b)) . lland orr impprrovemeennttss orr botth lland and iimpprrovemeennttss wiitthiin the rreserve havee beeen wrroonnggfufullly enttered onn,, orr omitittted froom the assessmeenntt rollll,, (c)) lland orr impprroveemenentsts,, orr botth land and iimpprrovemeennttss are nott assessed att acttuaall vaalluee,, (d) land ·orr imprrovemeennttss orr botth lhamnd and imprrovemeennttss have been impprrooppeerrlly cllassssiified,, " (e )) an exemppttiion has been impprroppeerrlly allloowwed orr diisallloowed,, orr (f) there has been any otther errorr oOJr[" omisissiionn,, he maay by a wrriittten nottiice signed by him,, hiis solliiciittorr,, orr an agentt autthorrized by himm in wrriitting addrressed to the assessorr togettherr wiitth a non-- . refundablle appeaall fee of$$25..000 per rolll enttrry,, payablle to "Weessttbank Fiirst Naattiionn"",, appeaall an assessssmentt.. If the appeeaall fee is nott submiitttted wiitth the wrriittten nottiice off appeeaall the assessorr shaallll adviise the appeellllantt by registered maaiill thatt the appeaall wiillll be deemed invallid if the appeeaall fee is nott receivved in the offfices of the assessorr wiitthiin 21 days frroomm thhe datte off maaiillinng off the rregiistterred letteer.. 7.. The follloowwinng heading and sectiioon 65 is added:: Ameennddmmeenntts "65.. Any secttiioon of tthiis byllaaww or Schedulle to this bylaaww may be amended by a bylaaww adopted by thhe councciill and approved by the miiniister inn accordance wiitth approprriiate sectiioon or sectiioons of thhe Indian Acctt.." 8.. Upon apprrovall by tthhe Mininisistterr,, this bylaaww shalll coome into ffoorcce as of tthhe date it waas passed by tthhe Band Couunnccilil,, and shalll be iinn force wiith respectt tto tthhe 1998 ttaaxattiioon yearr,, and foolllolowwiinngg.. Propertyy .Assessme:nntt Ameendmeentt Bylaaww 9977--TTX-0055 Page No. . 3
• I LEGAL CODE of the WEESSTBANK FIRST NATIION WEESTBANK FIRST NATTIION PROPERTY ASSESSMENT AMENDMENT BYLAW 97-TX--05 APPROVED AND PASSED att a dully convened meeettiing offt he Baand Coouunncciill of the Weessttbank Fiirrstt Naattiion helld att the Weessttbank Fiirrstt Naattiion Addmminiinsitsrtraattion Offfiice,, 515 _ Hiighway 97 Soouutthh,, Keellownnaa,, B .CC., this 31~5,T ~_, fof OccT:Cr~oi"3Bi£~ , 199<-cf 1I /2 v;L-~ . . ' Chief ( Councillor Councillor Propeerrtty Asssseesssmeenntt Ameennddmeenntt Byyllaw 97-TX--05 Page No.. 5
You are being directed to the most recent version of the statute which may not be the version considered at the time of the judgment.