Part II - Enacted First Nations Legislation

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CERTIFICATION Pursuant to Section 86, Indian Act RSC 1985 C.1-5 and amendments thereto, I certify that the attached copies of the Upper Sirnilkameen Indian Band 2004 Rates By-law dated August 6, 2004 are true copies of the said by-laws. 1 . - Thomas Howe Director, Lands and Trust Services, a superintendent as defined in Section 2(1) lndian Act RSC 1985
Ministre dcs Affaires ind~ennese t M~n~sloef r lrlcl~anA ffairs arld du Nortl canadien ct ir~terloc~~tfe<u:crlk ral Y , , Northern Development and Fcdcral Interlocutr~~ , . aupres dcs Mktis et des lr~dior~nso n jriscrits for Metls and Non-Status Indians Ottawa C:ana:Ia K I A 01 14 I, the Minister of Indian Affairs and Northern Development, HEREBY APPROVE, pursuant to section 83 of the lrldian Act, the following bylaw made by the Upper Simiikameen Indian Band, in the Province of Brit~shC olumbia, at a meeting held on the 6th day of August 2004. Upper Sirnilkameen Indian Band 2004 Rates Bylaw I L Dated at Ottawa, Ontario this day of dduewbec 2004
UPPER SIMILKAMEEN INDIAN BAND BABD COIINCTI, RESOL LIT[ON CIiR(INOLOG1CAL NUMBER 200-1,05-07 THE CHIEF AND C'OUNC'IL OF TI-LE LJPPER SIMILK4hlEEN INDIAN BAND ,-ITJ EFCMEOS. RR1TISI-T COLIJMBIA DATED THIS 6TH D A I ' OF AUGUST 2004 BYLAW NO: 04-01 Pursuant to subsectivr~8 3( l)(a) of the Ir!r-lrrr/l A ~ YR. 5.C:. 1985, c.T-5, the Cc)uncjl of a band tnay make bylaws h r t he purpose of taxation for local purpoqes of land, or interest in land, including righrs to occupy. possess 01-u se land in a reserve and with respect t o i11-15; matters rising oul of or ancillary to sush a purpose, AND WHEREAS: The Council vf'the Upper Slrnilka~neenI t~dinrB~a rld enacted the Upper Sirnilkan~eerP! ropen? I-Issessment ar~ci'T axation Bylaw on Decr~nber1 3. 2002, . , NOIt BE IT RESOLVED: I'hat the followin.c. b.v l , m be '~tici is hereby enacted pursuant to the pro\ ision u f rhe Indian Act and i r l pmticular Section S3( 1 I for the purpclse of establishiny a l ~ l ~r~at~usa ol f tasatic.11 I This bvlau mil? be cited as tlie Upper S ~ r n ~ l k a t t ~ eInednia n Band 2004 Rates Bylaw 1 ,L Pursuant t o Section 32 of the Upper Sirn i lkameen Indian Band Property T a ~ d t i o nB yla~vt.h e tax rates for each c!ass of pl-operty shall be in accordarlce lz irh Schedule "A" which is attached. and . rorms pan of the 20133 Rates Bvlaic Thrs b v l a i ~I S hereby enacted by T ~ ~ ~ ~ait i ac dt ul l y convened meeting held on t h e 6th day n f .August. 2003 -4 Quorum of' the G)l~c.r, S ' i m i l l i r ~ i ~It~tdcil~in~n tH~r rnd Council C,'t)nsi,st,st ?f 2 Council . lfett~hcr.\ 6 10-i'"' A ~ . r n u cP, .0. Box 3 1 C, K~rerncasB, .C., VOX 1 NO Ph: 12 5@)-499-3317 Fax: (150)-499-51 17 Email: usib@img,net
UPPER SIMILKAMEEN INDIAN BAND BAND C0IJNC:TL RESOLL~TLOS CHICCINCILOGICAL NIJMRER '1'FLE CHIEF .ANTI COUNCIL OF THE UPPER SIhl1LK:4MEEN nT)IAN BL4ND ,AT KEREMIEOS, BRIT[SH UCII.TJTLIBIA DATED TI 1IS 6TH D,4'rFO F AIJGIJST 2004 T11t C ' o ~ ~ nocf~ tlh e Upper Sirnilkameen lndian Band hereby ;~dc\ptsth e following Taxation Rates Llr the 2004 Tavatiorl year for the follnwiny classes of property. r-== * - _-- ! ( ' 1 i ir of Property as presci-ihrd under Kate i~Tia x applied apai~iste ach $ I (?GO 00 ill. the assessed value of ; I 11 i i i u d u l e A and Section h nf rlre !he land and inipiorements as dr t r rminr j in .lccol-dance wit11 Part 3 : I 1 1 Clpper Si t nilkameen Indian Band of t i ~ ct l p l ~ e rS lnliIkameen lndian Band Prt:jpert\ .issessment ~ 1 1 Property Asse s . s ~nentB ylaw , I- - . . -- . - - I Elecroral Area C; .- I Jurlsdictlon 7 16'' --- . . -- - -" -.. .. . Lands + improvcn1t.nt s I -. ,. I 4A " - -- 33 878 1 , ass ; - L-nmanaged Forest Lund .32,1750 .- 3rr 3028 " .. I Clnss - Liytit Tndustp 16 6563 . . I C'lass 0 - Business and Other - Class 7 - hlax~agedF orest Ldnd -1 4 3912 I 0 0588 l l .1588 - .- C'171 hC:I I .LOR CH.4KLEh E . U L lS OX 1 Quoruin of the C j)/)~p,rS imilknt~~eeInr firrn llnnrl C ' o in~ cil Con,tirt,\ r l f ' 2 C~~unc:.Milc tnhcrc - 610-7rHL~vcnur,P.0.B~x31C7,Kcretncos,R.C.I,N\07 0PXh :(LSP)--C99+2?21 Fax: (250)-499-5117 Ernail: usib@img.nct 2004 05-07 -=*-.-. I ~ l / I a ~ v I - --- 1 - I ' -- . 1 - - Electoral .&ed H 1 "Jurisdiction 7 I 7" - I I . . Larids + lrnprovrnients 8 - 8-41y - - - - - - , -- 26 858 1 -. i L7 .5 7453 4- -. ... 1 : -- ! ! '4 4 i 4 S I 70 KOO.; ---,a- I I X . -8 700 I ! -. ..- -. I , 0.231 2 I I 5,3388 I : I 9 4.388 1: J -- -. -..
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