Part II - Enacted First Nations Legislation

Decision Information

Decision Content

M~n~z!rdec s Affalrer-, indiennes et : . . M~nis!ero f l n d ~ aAr ~ffa irs arlil du Nord canadien et ~nterlocuteu:f ed&ral , Northern Dcve!o;~r?ienta nu Fedoral Ir~t;; lqcutoi aupres des Metis et des I:ldiens n~7,iir lscr~ts . ;, far Metis an f j No:l-S:a!~~sl~ rlci!ans I , . I Citt.?-vd, C;aaacra F. 1 A OH4 I, the Minister of lndian Affairs and Northern Development, HEREBY APPROVE, pursuant to section 83 of the lndian Act, t,?e fallowing by-law made by the Osoyaos lndian Band, in t h e Province of British Columbia, at a meeting held on the 22nd day of Augcist 2005. Osoyoos lndian Band Taxation Amendment Bylaw 2005-1 Dated at Ottawa, Ontario this 39 day of 2-1 kvVL. . -c 2005.
OSOYOOS INDIAN B.4ND TAX AT1 ON AMb:NIJR.JENT BYLAW' 2005-1 A. ' ~ h e O s o y o n s l ~ ~ d ~ u r ~ ~ u r t ~ l P ~ ~ ~ p e r i 1 ~ 7 ' ~ i ~ ~ l f ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ l i ~ ~ a ~ ~ d ( l s ~ ~ ~ ~ n ~ ~ s I ~ r ~ ~ i 1 1 ~ ~ H : ~ ~ i ~ l Asscssn;cn~fl jsla w were enacted by Ctlier arid Council of the Osoyoos Indian Band in 1 995 and appro\.ed by Ihu Minister of Iudian ilff~iirsin 19%; n. Chief and Coilncil corlsider that nr1 anle~~i rnero~f tt Ilc Os~~q*olojtsd ia~rH r l ~ l d Pt+cpc~?*Tty~ X L I ~R~ylOn rrI! I(t he "Tr.r..intio)tB yI~11i."i)s ruquired; NO\\' TFIEREFORE BE Jl' RESO1,VED: That the Chief and Council of the Osoyoos Indian Bsnd enact ihc folloiving bylatf pursuant to the Itldiat! Act, and in particular section 83(1) oft he Itldinrl A r f ; SHORT TITLE 1. This bylaw may be cited as the fixrrtiotr .4t?ze1ldt?lentB yluk~?:1 105- 1 'I'AX.4TION DJSI'RICTS 2. Section 18.1( 2) nf t11c T(~.~ntiaBryl low i s herchy rcpealcd and rcpl:tccd with the foIIowiog: '-(2) Eadi taxation clistrict shall col~sisto f the region desrr-ibed and set out in column 2 o f Scbcd~~"l1c1" 3 . Schedule " I I " ot' thc Ii~vuriotH~ y/rr~vi s hereby repealed and replaced with t l~e' following:
SCHEDULE "A" tu Osoyoos Indian Band Taxation Amcndmerlt Bylaw 2005-1 S k c t c l ~P laii Sho\ Lilnits of 'faxation L)is(ricts with Osoyoos Illdlnr~R escrvc So. l
Column 1 ) Column 2 i of Region District C o ~ ~ ~ p r i stihney T axation District ----+ Taxation District l A11 of Osoyoos lnrlian No. l Rescnle No. 1 lying north of the heavy bold line shown on the plan attaci~cda s Schedule "A"; and All of Osqous Indian Resene No. 3 All of Osoyoos Indian Taxatioll District fiesene N i l 1 liilIg s o l l ~ ~ l No. 2 I of the heavy bold line on shown the plan a t toc l rd 1 as Schedule "A" I , . , . . a 11 , > ;:, q, r <'P!, :-, / \,.+</ , <a-9, : Councillor ,./ r . J<, r -,4 r 1 r r . t ~a nd s c t l l ~ ~ pIrII cI~':II!~U CSE~I:. II~S ICI:~]X)I:T. I ~ I C I ~ I C [~ ~ I C P ~ L s, ~. .~. ~ ~ ~ r . n r l ~ Column 3 Column 4 P r o p c q Classes T ~ RYate for the T3wti011Y ear I- - -! - ! I . Rcsidcrlrial as cstablishccl i 2. [ltilitics 1 , n n n ~ l n l l yb y b> law for each pi opcrty class i ~ i 3. each taxation I district 4. Major Industry I 5 . Light Industry I Other 7. Managed i Forest Land 8 . Recreational PropcrtylNon- Profit ~ Chief and Coilncll of the Osoyocls Indian ,2005. C'ou 11c1 l lo [p l L \W~d l !l! yIA,* I '4
 You are being directed to the most recent version of the statute which may not be the version considered at the time of the judgment.