Part II - Enacted First Nations Legislation

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CERTIFICATION Pursuant to Section 86, Indian Act RSC 1985 C.1-5 and amendments thereto, I certify that the attached copy of the Cheam Indian Band Rates By-law 1997-T05 dated May 7, 1997 is a true copy of the said by-law . Gail Ksonzyna Lands and Trust Services, a superintendent as defined in Section 2(1) Indian Act RSC 1985
Minister of Indian Affairs Ministre and Northern des Affaires Development indiennes et du Nord canadien Ottawa, Canada K1A OH4 I, the Minister of Indian Affairs and Northern Development, HEREBY APPROVE, pursuant to section 83 of the Indian Act, the following by-law made by the Cheam Indian Band, in the Province of British Columbia, at a meeting held on the 7th day of May 1997 . Rates By-law 1997-T05 Dated at Ottawa, Ontario this 2nd day of June, 1997.
CHEAM INDIAN BAND 52130 OLDYALE ROAD ROSEDALE, B.C. VOX-1X0 PHONE: (604) 7947924 FAX: (604) 794-7456 S-CIIEDULE "A" CHEAM FIRST NATION PRESCRIBED TAX RATES FOR THE TAXATION YEAR -1997 Clam of Properly Tax Rate 1 . Residential 10.66982 2. Utilities 61 .33207 3. Urmaa.naged Forest Lands 25.49000 4. Major Industry 12.50000 5. Light Industry ~23.32897 6. Business/Other 24.93923 7. Managed Forest Land 26.14450 8. Recreatfon/Non-Profit 7.04280 9 . Farm Land 18.48448 Be it knownthat this By-Law entitled "the Rates By-Law" which forms part ofthe Taxation $y-Lawpassed by Chiefand Council and approved by the Minister on June 23, 1993, that being a By-Law to establish by by-law, a system on the reserve lands of the CheamIndian Band for the fair and equitable taxation for local purposes ofland, or interest in land including the rigbt to occupy, possessor use land within the boundries ofthe reserves is hereby enacted as By-Law 1997-T05 by the CHIEF AND COUNCIL OF THE CHEAM INDIAN BAND.
.' CHRONOLOGICAL NO -NO . CONSECUTIF ' - i INDIAN ANDNORTHERN AFFAIRES INDIENNES AFFAIRS CANADA ET DU NORD CANAD BAND COUNCILRESOLUTION FILEREFERENCE -NODE REP DE DOSSIER RESOLUTION DE CONSEIL DE BANDE NOTE: THE WORDS "FROMOURBANDFUNDS", "CAPITAL" OR "REVENIIE", WHICHEVER IS THE CASEMUSTAPPEAR IN ALL NOTA~ LOSMOTS "DES FONS DE NOME RESOLUTIONS REQUESTINO BANDE "CAPITAL", OU"REYENU", SALON EXPENDITURES FROMBAND FUNDS. LA CAS DOIVENT PARITANT DANS TOUIELESRESOLUTIONS PORTANTSUR DESPENSES A MEME LESFONDS DES BANDES. THE COUNCIL OF THE CHEAM INDiAN BAND CAPITAL ACCOUNT AOMPTE CAPITAL S LE CONSEIL DE DATEOFDULYCONVENED MEETMO-_7 5 1997 DATE DE L'ASSEMBLDAY/JOUR MONTH/NOIS YEAR/ANN DO HEREBY RESOLVE : DECIDE, PAR LES PRESENTES : WHEREAS: The CHEAM INDIAN BAND has enacted real property taxation by-laws under OF THE INDIAN ACT; SECTION 83 and, has passed a Taxation By-Law effective as of June 23, 1993. AND WHEREAS : The Rates By-Law are reviewed annually for fair and equitable taxation. THEREFORE: Be it resolved that these 1997 rates (see Schedule "A") were approved and knvened meeting passed at a duly ofthe Cheam Indian Band council held at the Cheam Administration Office, 52130 Rosedale, B Old Yale Road, .C., this 70' day of May, 1997 . Quorum (Chief - Chef) (Couneil lor - Consel l ler (Couneil lor - Conacil ler r 1 " ~.,~-*~G,~, \ 1-u (Counei lo --Conseiller (Counelllor-Conseiller , (Councillor - Conseiller FOR DEPARTMENTAL USE ONLY - RESERVE AU MINLSTERE Expenditure-Depenses Authority-Indian Act Source of funds Expenditure-Depenses Autorite-Loi sur les Source Authority-Indian Act des fonds Source of funds Indians Autorite-Loi sur Capital les Indians Source des fords Revenue Cao Revenue Recommending Officer- Recommande par Recommending Officer - Recommande par Signature Date Signature Date Approving Officer - Approuve par Approving Officer - Approuve par Signature Date Signature Date
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