Part II - Enacted First Nations Legislation

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CERTIFICATION Pursuant to Section 86 Indian Act RSC 1985 C.1-5 and amendments thereto, I certify that the attached copy of the Kwaw-Kwaw Apilt Indian Band Exemption By-law 1-1992 is a true copy of the said by-law. defined in
.:'y .' Ministre des Affalres Minister of Indian A~ (Q) ~Q)y Indlennes et du Nord canadien and Northern Development On behalf of the Minister of Indian Affairs and Northern Development, I HEREBY APPROVE, pursuant to Section 83 of the Indian Act, the following by-law made by the Kwaw-Kwaw Apilt Indian Band, in the Province of British Columbia, at a meeting held on the 19th day of May 1992 . - Kwaw-Kwaw Apilt Indian Band Rates By-law 1 - 1992 - Kwaw-Kwaw Apilt Indian Band Exemption By-law 1 1992 Dated at Hull, Quebec this ')...;J. day of ~ .... ...J2.. 1992. Harry Swain Deputy Minister Ottawa, Canada K 1A OH4
KWAW KWAW APILT INDIAN BAND RATES BY-LAW 1 - 1992 The Kwaw Kwaw Apilt Indian Band in accordance with Section 7 of the Kwaw Kwaw Apilt Indian Band Property Taxation By-law Amendment 1-1992 enacts the following By-law: 1. This by-law may be cited for all purposes as the "Rates Bylaw 1992". 2. The following rates are hereby imposed and levied for the year 1992. (a) For school purposes on the assessed value of land and improvements taxable for school district purposes, rates appearing in Row "1" of Schedule "A" attached hereto and forming a part thereof. (b) For all general municipal services on the assessed value of land and improvements taxable for general municipal purposes, rates appearing in Row "3" of Schedule "A" attached hereto and forming a part hereof. (c) For hospital purposes on the assessed value of land and improvements taxable for regional hospital district purposes, rates appearing in Row "4" of Schedule "A" attached hereto and forming a part hereof. (d) For purposes of the regional district of Fraser Cheam on the assessed value of land and improvements taxable for general purposes, rates appearing in Row "5" of Schedule "A" attached hereto and forming a part hereof. (e) For dyking purposes on the assessed value of land and improvements taxable for general municipal purposes, rates appearing in Row "6" of Schedule "A" attached hereto and forming a part hereof. (f) For drainage purposes on the assessed value of land and improvements taxable for general municipal purposes, rates appearing in Row "7" of Schedule "A" attached hereto and forming a part hereof. (g) For transit services on the assessed value of land and improvements taxable for regional hospital district purposes, rates appearing in Row "8" of Schedule "A" attached hereto and forming a part hereof.
(h) For purposes of the British Columbia Assessment Authority on the assessed value of land and improvements taxable for general purposes, rates appearing in Row "9" of Schedule "A" attached hereto and forming a part hereof. 3. A water parcel tax of $40.00 shall be charged to all properties using the water services of the District of Chilliwack. 4. The said rates are due and payable from the first day of January, 1992. Approved by Chief and Council this Chief day of __ t'-~ -\ f _ . ~ _ ~ , \ ____ , 1992.
SCHEDULE "A" KWAW KWAW APILT INDIAN BAND Unmanaged Porest Major Residential Utilities Land Industrial Indus t ria 1 1. Basic 6.0828 16.5000 12.1000 13.0000 School Tax 2. Local School 00 Spending Tax (residential) 3. General 5.9219 39.6773 9.7120 9.4751 Tax 4. Hospital .4764 1. 6674 1. 9055 1.6197 Tax 5. Reg. Dist. .4990 3.3434 .8184 .7984 on Hospital 6. Dyking .1364 .9137 .2236 .2182 7. Drainage (land only) .7159 4.7967 1.1741 1.1455 8. Transit .0832 .2913 .3329 .2830 9. B.C.A.A. .1806 .6321 .7224 .6140 Managed Light Business/ Porest Recreational/ Other Land Non-Profit Parm 10.8000 10.8000 6.1000 5.4000 7.000 10.0675 14.6865 17.7660 5.3298 8.4684 1. 6197.- 1.1671 . 1.4292 .4764 .4764 .8483 1.2376 1.4971 .4491 .7136 .2318 .3382 .4091 .1227 .1950 1.2171 1.7755 2.1478 .6443 1. 0238 .2830 .2039 .2497 .0832 .0832 .6140 .4425 .5418 .1806 .1806
Kwaw Kwaw Apilt Indian Band Explanatory Notes to Rates By-law 1 - 1992 The Kwaw Kwaw Apilt Indian Band has adopted the rates as provided by the District of Chilliwack, as attached hereto as Attachment "1". The rate for general muni cipal services inc 1 udes pol ice, fire, library, roads and recreation services. A water parcel tax of $40.00 is being levied on parcel s where applicable .
SCHEDULE "A" TO ·RATES BYLAW 1992, NO. 1720· ..... :. ............................................... ·········1'··········································· ..................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 1992 TAX RATES (DOLLARS OF TAX PER 51000 TAXABLE VALUE)" PROPERTY CLASS ...............................................................................................................................................................................................................................- A GENERAL BCD E MUNICIPAL TRANSIT POLICE ARE LIBRARY SERVICES r ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ nESIDENTIAL 19289 0.0832 1.8523 0.4471 02761 2 U T!LITIES 12.9238 0.2913 12.4107 2.9954 1.8498 3 UNMANAGED FOnESr 3.1634 0.3329 3.0378 0.7332 04528 4 MAlOn INDUSTRY 3.0863 0.2830 2.9631 0.7153 0.4417 5 lIG11r INDUSTRY 3.2792 02830 3.1490 0.7600 04694 6 BUSINESSJOTIIER 47837 0.2039 45938 1.1088 0.6847 7 MANAGED FOREST 5.7868 0.2497 55570 1.3412 08283 I 8 nECnEATIONAL I 1.7360 0.0832 1.6671 0.4024 02485 9 FARM I 2.7584 0.0832 2.6488 0.6393 0.3948 ................................................................ t ..........................................................................................._ ............................................. 1 ..................................................................................................................................................................... u ••••••••• Aitaillart: 1 F G Ii J K ROADS RECREATION DYKING HOSPITAL REGIONAL ..... 9.!.~m!~.L .. 0.7216 0.6959 0.1364 07159 04764 0.4990 4.8348 4.6628 0.9137 4.7961 1.6674 33434 1.1835 1.1413 02238 1 1141 19055 0.R184 1.1546 1.1135 0.2182 1.1455 16197 0.1984 1.2268 1.1831 0.2318 12111 16191 0.8483 1.7896 1.7259 0.3382 1.7755 1.1611 12376 2.1649 2.0878 0.4091 21478 1.4292 14971 0.6495 0.6263 01227 06443 0476-1 04491 I 1.0319 0.9952 0.1950 1.0238 04164 0.7136
 You are being directed to the most recent version of the statute which may not be the version considered at the time of the judgment.