Part II - Enacted First Nations Legislation

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CERTIFICATION Pursuant to Section 86, Indian Act RSC 1985 C.1-5 and amendments thereto, I certify that the attached copies of the Tzeachten First Nation Rates Bylaw No. 2004 dated May 17, 2004 are true copies of the said by-laws. i . . ,. - - Thomas Howe /' Director, Lands and Trust Services, a superintendent as defined in Section 2(1) Indian Act RSC 1985
On behalf of the Minister of Indian Affairs and Northern Development, t HEREBY APPROVE, pursuant to section 83 of the Indian Act, the following bylaw made by the Tzeachten First Nation, in the Province of British Columbia at a meeting held o n t h e 17th day of May 2004. - Tzeachten First Nation Rates Bylaw No. 2004 Dated at Ottawa, Ontario this f *day of 2004.
Tzencfiterr First Natiott Tzeachten First Nation Rates Bylaw No. 2004 WIIEKEAS ] ) U I - S U J ~ I ~t n ju t>sec t l~~X 3n( l ) ( ; i ) ~ j Ifh r Ittclrr111 .?<;, K S C' IUSi, ( 1 - 5 , thc Council of a Rand triay nwkr b v l n n 5 till- t I IC 11 U I pnsc. o f t axatlor! tbr l ocsl p urpcjsr\ (1 I I .~llcl,u r I ntorests in 1 and, i ncludit~g rigllts tn O ~ C I I I > Fp, ~ I Lus u 1;1r1d Ln a rcsc1~-c,r r~d\ v ~ t Il '~5p c.ct trl ally 111:1ttt'r5 ~[ . is ingo ut of' or ancillary 1 0 sllch I3Ul.pPF?. AND WIIEKEAS the ( 'nunril nf ttlc - 1 zrachtcrl I.irrt Nat~clr) knorrn, the Tzeachtcn Indian Band) enacted th' -1 zc.lcht~-n1 .11stN ~ t i n nt' ropclty Assrssnlctit Bylaw A r t ~ r r ~ d t ~ ~1r-1r i9t9 5 arid the Tzeachten first Kation Prupc~ly' l dsn t~nnD yl;l\\- . h n ~ c ~ ~ d t1n - 1c 9~3~5 t(1 11 I)rc.erubrr. 1 2 . 10L)5, NOW BE 1T IIEREBY W S O L V E D 111dt thc L>lIorcrng Hylntr. hr atid ir tier.rby enacted pursuanl to the provisloti~o C 111h~r rirt~rr, ,1( r .ind In p;lrl~uular> c.c.tlclt~S !( I ) t i l l tllc ljuqrtl.;r nf rstablishit~ga rinual raws uf taxation. 1 This l3>ln\\, nl:)y bc citud for all purpol;c.5 :I> ttlc 'l'zcachtcn First Nation Rates Bylaw Nu. 2004. 1 I'ul sual~t to X e c ~ ~ o iRl of 11ie 7 i r ~ht1i .11 Foil ; V ~ ~ ; ~PLrIuIpIc riy A,ssus,srnt~r~B! y l u ~ : .4)ni,nrItl1i,nt 1-1Y ' l j , t h i t ax rate< f i ~rhc h cldrr nt' property stlall be in accordailce w ~ t b Scllcdulc "A-1" wlllch jr at tachid . and f i , ~ r l p>a~1 1 ot' r tw 'Lrracliten First Nation Rales Hylau Nn 2 r~03 This Bylaw i s hereby made and approved at a duly convened ,meeting of thc Chief and Council of the Tzeachten First Nation, also known as the Tzeachten Indian Band, this 7 Signature: - -- . . . , - - . I Councillor Glenda ~ ~ n b c I l l 1 . . Signature: -* m / h - I Councillor Ton / - - 1 Tzeachten First Nation Rates Bylaw No. 2004
Tzeachten First Nation Rates Bylaw No. 2004 Thc C'outicil of the Tzeachten E'irst Natiori, atsu known as tllr T~caclitcnI ndian Isand. hereby adopts t I ~ cl ' c~ l lowi~ta~xga tilru rates for the Zw taxatiaa year fur thc follurring c.lasscs of propurty: Class of PI oytrl) ar prescr ,bed under Seheiivle I o f thr Rate Tzruchr~w F1,vr .h'(~lrvn I'r,nlwr<km. ~l~ lc~ , r s~nt Iri .r1~t 1/~ ~ . a . . L ~ r i r t ~ i l r t ~ r v1r-t1 995 and S\rctlot> 3 of thc Tz~(rt,hrrt1~.1 1 ,,I 1 iniproverncds for curh class o l p roperty as re! VLII .Vrllrno I ' rup~r fy7 irxu11~mR) , l t rn ~ln~c.rzrlr~l1m - rI Y Y 5 In thc assrsstuent roll fol- t he 'I 7,eachten First Ncltlon ! 1.7rirs11anit o Section 6 o f thc 'lirwc.hrot~F il-rr 2Vtr/ion ! i -- . -- P ROPk1H-l'ktC; 'LASS I I 'I'zeach tcn First Nation Ralcs Byiaw IVo. 2001 Schedule A-i rrt,hu p p i lad ~ e a i l l s ~ea r]l 5 i 000 00 of tilr 1 ssesscd tdxablc value total of land and I j I " .- . .. -.- . . ----I U T E
 You are being directed to the most recent version of the statute which may not be the version considered at the time of the judgment.