Part II - Enacted First Nations Legislation

Decision Information

Decision Content

M~n~st9rc% Att.31re~~ nd~enrles: hl!111:;:er of Ind~ar.i: iffa rs arid :ju Nord car-lacl~eer~t 11-~trrlocut~f&udre rr-!l tlor:bcrn Dcveloprnent 2nd Tec:eral I r ~ t ~ :er c'ulfir aupcc's des hler~se t des I r~{ . l~er~lolrsl irlscrits t>r M ~ ~anIds N o~l-St;jt l lI~h ~ i I i r i ~ ~ : l . I, the Minister of Indian Affairs and Northern Development, HEREBY APPROVE, pursuant to section 83 of the Indian Act, the following bylaw made by the Shxwha:y Village, in the Province of Brit~sh Columbia, at a meeting held on the 4th day of May 2005. Shxwh6:y Village 2005 Rates Bylaw Dated at Ottawa, Ontario this 2 " day of
RATES HYIAAW NO. 2005 - 1 WHEREAS pursriallt tn subaectiorl )i3( 1 )(a) US thc I,~i/ir,tl A(,!. R.S.C. 1 9S5, c.L -5. the C o ~ ~ r ~ocf ai lb ar>(]r tlay ~tlake[, !.lan-r; f o r the piu-pow oi'~:~xatiofnor local pLirpnses of lai~dn. r in~ei-e,~inc land. including righls tc.1 occupy. poiye\ \ or use l i~n t il1 1 a rcscrle and with rehpect to an! rn~ittcrsa rising oul o f nr nnc~llarvto such purposc; A N D W HLKEAS the Council of Shxwha;) VI l lnge ellactcd the Sh.rivh~i:~V i l l ( i ,~t , Proiwrt? A ~ , i t - . + . ~ t rlii~t 1, 0~ 7i t' i ~ ~ ~ l l iBoyl /ill ib' i )11 Jlwe 24, 2004 : NOW BE 1.1 H E R E B Y KESOL\!ED that the following b.;law be ;ind i, hereby eliactcd pursuant tu 1l1c pt.ovisiuo~of thc Iir~litrrrA cr. and in particular secricln X3(I) icjs the purpclsz ul- es~ahlishing;1 11nualr ates of taxation. 1 . 'I'his h y law ma) be uitcd for ;dl p~lq~useas thc .Sh i-l~mh~i:'V illage 200.5: R~,rr.sI j ~ l u r v . 2. Pursuant to Section 1 1 of the Sk\-whd:? l ' i l lcr~eP roperr?. , 4 s s p ~ ~ m ~i ~? fl rd T o\cif!o~l ndcrw. the tax rates ELIC each class ~Cproper tyah all bc in n~*~.oldanwcirch Scllcdule "A" uhich 1s attnched. anti Torrns part of ttlc Slrslt~hli:! Villrlgu 200-5 Ktrtes & l c l w . This bylaw ic liorrby mastcd by Council ; i~il dnl y c o n v r ~ l c drn eehllg hcld on rlic -5 day ol , 2 0 0 5 . ., Chief
'The C'ounci I of Shx~vh6:yV illage herety adopts the following taxation rates tbr thc 21105 taxa:icu~ >ear ['or thc following classcs crf property. Class of Property as prescribed under Schrdule [I and Section 1 1 of the SIT-I-h1u1. 1; the assessed \*aluco fthe land ancl V i l l ~ ~P,r~opce rty ,Issrssrnmt ( I P Z l~h~s trrion B,i,i'lL i4. Class 1 - Rssidcntial C'lriss 2 - Utilities C'lass 3 - Unmanaged Forest Land Class 4 - Major Industy Class 5 - Light lnclustry Class 6 - Business and Othcr Class 7 - Managed Forest Land Class 8 - RecreationNon-Profit Organization Class 9 - Farm/Agricultural Ratc of 'I'ax applied against each 5 1,000.00 of i inpro~anr tns as dclerrnined in accordance with Part IV of thc Slzx~~hu:Vyi llage P ~ - ~ ~ J L > ) - ! I .,Isscssmlwr L I ~ I L7~u .vatiorr B ~ U. M Land: 73.432'3-; lmprovemenls: 22.54806 Land: 25.5 1 0 1 9 Jmpmve~nents2: 3.80672
 You are being directed to the most recent version of the statute which may not be the version considered at the time of the judgment.