Part II - Enacted First Nations Legislation

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'!, h<~ri~stdrce-s Affairt-s j/-ld!cnnese ! . . , . htws!er of 1ndlar.1A f f r ~ ~at srl d du Norri canadi1;n et interlocuteur fedkral I . Northern Developmen! and Federal Inte:.l:)cutcjr auprk; des Mkt;s ct des l l id~ensn on rns~ri ts - j for Metis and No-;-Sta:!ls In 11a:ls , > . Dt;awa, Usrada K l A m9H4 I, t h e Minister of Indian Affairs and Northern Development, HEREBY APPROVE, pursuant to section 83 of the India:] Act, the following bylaw made by the Sliammon First Nation, in the Province of British Columbia, at a meeting held on the 17th day of May 2005. Sliammon First Nation 2005 Annual Tax Rates Bylaw Dated at Ottawa, Ontario this ij '' day of
Sliammon First Nation 2005 Annual Tax Rates Bylaw May 18,2005 Sljarnmon First Na~ion- 2005 Annual Tax Rates Bylaw
May 18.2005 Band Council o f the Sliarnrnun First Nation 2005 Annual Tax Rates Bylaw WIEREAS pursuanl to section 18.1 of the Sharnmon First Nation 'I'axation Bytaw it is necessary for- Band Council during each taxation year to enact a bylaw establishing, imposing and lev).ln~ the tax rate for each separate property class within each separate taxation district. NOW THEREFORE the Band C o u ~ i ~uifl t he Sliammon First Nation enacts as fullnws. 1 Schedule "A"a nnexed hereto (in secrlon 2 called the "Schedule") is hereby declared an integral part of ths bylaw 2. For the purpose of subsections 1 8 1: ( 3 ) a nd (4) o f th e Sliamrnon First Nation Property Taxation flylaw there are hereby established, imposed and levlcd for thc taxatit311y ea] 2005 the fullowing tax rates, name14 for each separate property cIass within each separate taxation district the tax rates set oiii in c.fl~mn4 of the Schedlllc bcsidc the property class set out in column 3 of the Schedule 3. This byla14 may be cited for all pirrposes as the 2005 Annual 'l'ax Rates Hylaw 4. This bylaw shall come into force and efict imrncdiatcly upon approval by the Minister of Indian A f f i i rs and Northern Development. Sliammon First Nation - 2005 Arinual Tax Rates RyIaw
APPROVET) A N PA SSED at a duly convened meeting of the Band Council of the Sliamrnon First Nation hdd at the Sliammon First Nation Administration Ofice, Powell River, British Columbia, as of this \ F \ thl day of May, 2005 Jr -- &. . . , (,L2L,Hh.. -/- .. . Grace Adams, Councilor ..,-- -. . - .- . Steven Cialligos, Councilor Gloria Francis, ~ounc i l o r 7 - . ... -.- Eugene uie, Counctlor ~ e r Pnie lle, I:ouncillor Tracy 'rirnothy, Councillor Bruce Point, Councillor SIiarnmon First Nation - 2005 Annual 'l'ax Ratos Bylaw
Schedule "A" Sliarnmon Taaation Authority Classes of Property Rate Class 9.42 17 Class l - Residential 32.3741 Class 2 - Utilities 3 0.4049 Class 3 - Unmanaged Forest Land 29.8371 Class 4 - Major Industry 25.5715 Class S - Light Industry 26.3672 Class 6 - Business And Other 16.1562 Class 7 - Managed Forest Land 10.3735 Class 8 - Recreation 10.7170 (:lass 9 - Farm Sliarnmon First Nation - 2005 Annual Tax Rates Bylaw
Schedule "B" Sliarnmon Taxation Authority 2005 Tax Rates Sliammon First Nation - 2005 Annual 'Pax Katcs Bylaw
 You are being directed to the most recent version of the statute which may not be the version considered at the time of the judgment.