Part II - Enacted First Nations Legislation

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h:!in~strod es AFdh:es ~nd:k:r?r-~ecst l/;r,-\#steorf I -~dianAt f:-j;rs 3.-d rlu Nor;! c:anad~ene i intcrlocutet~rl bdkral Northern CI;v~~!oprn~r;:?~d : Ferjccal interiocutor aupreL: des Mctls kt LICIndS~er !sr lorl ~ n ~ r r i t s for P,Ilet15 ;l::d Nc):.I-~~A;I Lr:d~~s: i~1 5 I, the Minister of lnd~anA ffairs and Northern Development, HEREBY APPROVE, pursuant to section 83 of the Indian Act, the fol lowing by-law made by the Moriceto~vnF irst Nation, in the Province of British Columbia, at a meeting held on the 15th day of June 2005. - Moricetown First Nation 2005 Ra,ius By-law Dated at Ottawa, Ontario this h day of i \;
BY-LAJZ' NO. 2005-0 1 IVH EREAS pursuant to ~ h lcri dian Acr, It.S.C'. lQS'5, and spt.criicall>, p:tr~graph S3(1 ) (a) oi'thc Indid11 Act, I % ? , c. 1-5. tllc: L ' O I ~ Io~f':~! Ib and nl;jy make l.!,-lnu.s for the purpose ioi'taxat~onf or Ioc;1I purposes of land. or iilterests in Ia11d. including rights tn o~:cupy,p ossess 01-u se Idt~ciln a ruxrvc and \\.ith tespcct rcl any 111attcis arising oirt of'or anci ll;lry to such purpose; f lNT) CC'HEKF4S the Coll~lcilo f the hiorlcetown First Katinn (also knoi i ,~ns~ I hc hdoriceic~i\.nB and) cnactecl thc Moricetourn Flrst N a ~ ? iP~ronp el-tj,l l s x x s n ~ ea~n~d l Taxation Bg -l;w or1 Novctl~her2 7, 2002; NOW BE IT HtKEBY tiESOLVET) that thc fi7llowing h - l i i w be tlill l 1s hereby cnacted pursuant to the provisions of ?he Itldian Act, and i n particular seclic~r%~( I ) for thc purposc of estahllshing annual ratcs of t:~xation. 1. This by-law nl:iy bc cited fbr a11 purposes as tllc hloricetown Tlrst N a t i o ~ ~ 2005 Rates By-Iaw 7 -. Pursua:lt to Scct in11 r ' , of the M(3rice~oit'i1F ils1 Nation l'rc>purt\, .4wcssincnt and Taxation E y - l ~ xt,h e !ax rates lhr each class nf propert)) bhnl l he i n accvrdancc iv~ thS chcdule "A'' w h ~ z his attached. and fn r~nsp art of the 2005 Ratcc H y-lan.. dill' of June 2005. f ,4/ ,$J 7 [* h.(~ h! .L&--. . -. uw.- ~h&LL . -- ~ h ; c f~ a r n cirjr i!li:\!rl i ' t lunci l clr Percy h l~chcl l -_ C-'our~cliol r Duane hlitchell . - -- C'oujlci 1 lor I.illinn Lcivis
SCHEDULE '-.:I" The Council of the Moriuetuwn First N;it ion hcreb!. adopts the f~~ i lo~vtianxgat ion ratcs for thc 2005 tasalion yc;ls fur thc ft)llowing classes of property. Class ol'Prclpet-ty as prcsctibcrl undel- Kotc r):'-l ax applied against cazh Scherlulc 1 1 ;tnd Scct io~ i1 7 of the 5 1 , O ~ O , OoOf~th e asscsst~lL . ~ I U C~ )~ IfI C Moricctown First Nat idn Propcl-tj Taxatitw larlcl and in~provc~ncnatbs dc-tc.r~nir~ci nd Ry-lait.. accordance with I';irt IV of thc Moricctr)wr~ First Kalinn Prdpcrty Asscl;srnent 2nd Class I - Rcsidc -~ :tial 0.000 0 ,- - -- Class 2 - I Jtilitics 0.0000 Class - Iln man agcd Forcst 1.311d L-0 .0000 -- Class - Major Industry - 24.9500 - Class 5 - Light tndustry . 0-.0000 - -- - Class 6 - Busincss - a nd Other 0.r)OOO -- -- C:lass 7 - Matiaged Fo -. r cst L a r d . SIL~sSs - Rccreation:Wi~11-I'i-ofti 0.0000
 You are being directed to the most recent version of the statute which may not be the version considered at the time of the judgment.