Part II - Enacted First Nations Legislation

Decision Information

Decision Content

, CERTTIIFICCATE I, Barrrrii e Robbbb,, do hereby cerrttiify as superrii nteendentt purrsuantt to secttiioon 86 off tthhe IInndiiaan Acctt R.SS.CC.., thatt thhe atttaacchhed copy maarrkkeedd " CERTTIIFIIED TRUE COPpYy OF THE ORIIGIINALL"" is a trruue copy off thhe Piiikanii Naattiion''s Seetttlleemmentt Revenue Accounntt By--llaaww dully siggned by the counncciill off thhe Piiiikanii Naattiion on the 28' th day off Auugguusstt,, 2002.. I Siigned att Edmoonnttoonn,, Allberrtta thi ·I s S ,~ ~ ,! : 1 7 , . 9 / . ~ . " I A . d da y o0 f f ~r I ; ' e b I CI!!~.'(J, 20,200033.. gional Director General IIndiian and Noorrttherrn Afffaiirs Caannaada Eddmonotnotonn,, Allbeerrtta I
r . "", Mininiisstterr off IIndiian Afffaiirs Mininiisttre des Afffaiires and Noorrttherrn Deevveellopmeenntt inndieennes ett du Noorrd canaddiien Ottttawaa,, Caannaadda K1A OH44 I, the Mininiistterr off Inndii an Affffaiirs and Noorrttherrn Deevveellopmeennt,t, HEREBY APPROVVEE,, purrsuanntt to seccttiion 83 off the Indii an Acctt,, the follloowwinng by--laaw maade by the Piiiikanii Naattiion,, in the Prroviince off Allbeerrtta,, att a meeettiing helld on the 288t t h h day off Augguusstt 2002.. Piiikanii Naattion Setttlleemmentt Revenue Accounntt Byy--laaw 0 Datted att Otttt awa,, Onnttaarriio tthii s ~S'7lt day off 4~ 2002.. .~.-..........._ _ ......- I~ II cerrtt'irffyy tih'latt this iiss a trruue i~ and corrrectt copy off thhe .. original. Cmanaaddga j original . ---~~--------)'
" '"I APPENDIIX "A" PIIIKKANII NATTI IO ONN--PIIIKKANII SETTLEMENT REVENUE ACCOUNT BYLAW THIIS IS A BYLAW FOR THE EXPENDIITURE OF MONEEYSS PAIID INNTO THE PIUIKKANII SETTLEMENT REVENUE ACCOUNT FROM THE PIUIKKANII TRUST.. WHHEERREEASS the Piiikanii Naattiion has enttered into an agreemeenntt wiitth Heerr Maajjeesstty the Quueeeen in Riightt off Caanada and Heerr Maajjeesstty the Quueeen in Riightt off Allbbeerrtta,, whheerreby the Piiiikanii Na atriion wiillll receive Setttlleementt Fundss totalliinng apprroxiimaatteelly sixty-four miilllioon three hundrred thousand dollllarrs ($64,300,000..000) pllus ongoiing Annnnuuaall Paymeennttss ("Setttlleementt Aggrreeeemeenntt""));; AND WHHEERREEAS purrsuantt to the Piiikanii Trrusstt Aggrreemeenntt the Piiikanii Naattion has establlisshed the Piiikanii Trrusstt thatt proviides for the maannaaggeemenent,t, expeennddiitturree,, leending,, and investmentt off the funds received undeerr the Seetttlleementt Aggrreeeemeenntt,, and directs thatt Annnnuuaall Incomee paiid by the Trrussttee tto the Piiikanii Setttlleementt Reeveenue Accccouunntt be maannaaggeed in accordance wiitth the Fiinanncciiaall Coode and By--Lawss off the Piiikanii Naattiion ;; AND WHHEERREEASS the Piiikanii Naattiion Fiinancciiaall Code waas enactted by the Piiikanii Naattiion purrsuaanntt to custoomaarry poweerrss inherrentt to the Piiikanii Naattiion for the beetttterr fminanciiall admininisisttrrattion off the Piiikanii Naattiion; AND WHHEERREEASS Seccttion -8833((1)) off the Indiaann Acctt,, R.S .cC.. 19855,, c.1-5,, prroviides thatt the Coouunncciill off a band maayy,, s.uubbjjeecctt to the apprrovaall off the Mininiisstterr off Indian and Noorrtthern Deevveellopmeennt,t, rmnalk;e bylawss for the follloowwing purrposses; 83(1) (b) the apprropprriiattion and expeennddiitturre of moonneeyyss off the band to deftray band expenses;; (g) wiitth respectt to any maattterr arisiinng outt off orr ancciilllary to the exerrciise off poweerrss undeerr this sectioon.. i ~; II cerrttiiffy thatt this is a ttrruue II aan nd d corrrectt copy off tthhe j origin, Page 1 of 4 \4 -~-:.:---:::
; "I AND WHHEEREAS the Piiikanii Naattion Coouunncciill wiishes to autthorriize thatt expenddiittures frroomm the Piiikanii Setttlleemmentt Revenue Accccouunntt be maade in accordance wiith thhe Piiikani Naattiion Fiinancciiall Addmminiinsitstrraattion Code and this Byllaaw;; THEREFORE the Piiikanii Naattion Coouunncciill enacctts this Byllaw to autthorrize expenddiittures frroomm the Piiikanii Setttlleementt Reevenue Accccoouunntt be maade in accordance wiitth the Piiikanii Naattiion Fiinancciiall Addmminiinsitstrraattion Code and this Bylaaww.. SECTION 1-- CITATION 1 .1 Thhiiss Byllaw maay be cited for alll purrposses as the Piiikanii Setttlleemmentt Revenue Accccoouunntt Byllaw ('`' Bylaw"'')).. SECTION 2 - PURPOSE OF THE BYLAW 2.1 Thee Coouunnciclil,, in accordance wiitth its autthoorriitty,, enaacctts thiis Byllaw to ensure thatt Meemmbeberrss off the Piiikanii Naattiion conttinue to benneeffiitt in future yearrs frroomm Annnnuuaall Incomee earned frroom the Piiikanii Trrust.. SECTION 3 - DEFFIINIITIOONS 3.1 In thiis Byyllaw,, unlless ottherwiise stated,, woorrddss shaallll have the same meeaanniing as woorrddss deffined in the Piiikanii Naattiion Fiinanncciiaall Addmminiinsitsrtraattiion Code orr Piiikanii Trruusstt Aggrreemeenntt unlless the conttextt is inconnssiissttentt therewiith.. SECTION 4 - APPLIICATION OF THE BYLAW 4.1 Thhiiss Byyllaw goveerrns the expeennddiitturre off funds paiid to the Piiikanii Setttlleemmentt Reevveenuee Accccoouunntt froom the Piiikanii Trrusstt.. II ceerrttiiffy thatt thiis is a tt ruue and corrrectt copy off tt he original . ~ _ _ Page 2 of 4 Orig~inal. a e f --- ~-_-v--. -. --- __ h_ -------------
., 4.2 Noottwiitthssttanding the geneerraalliity off Seccttion 4.1,, this B-Byyllaw diirectts the expennddiitturre off Annnnuuaall Innccoome paiid to the Piiikanii Seetttlleementt Reevenue Accccoouunntt frroomm the Seetttdleementt Accccoouunntt , Investmeenntt Accccoouunntt,, Heerriittage Accccoouunntt,, Imppllemeenntatattiion Accccoouunntt and Ennvviirronmeennttaall Reemedeidaiattiion Accccoouunntt as follloowws:: (i) twentty perrcentt (20%)) shaallll be paiid to the Investmeentt Accccoouunntt in the Piiikanii Trrust;; (ii) twentty perrcentt (220%)) shallll be paiid to the Heerriitage Accccoouunntt into the Piiikanii Trrusst; (iii) twentty perrcentt (200 0 %/0)) shallll be paiid to the accountt off a Piiikanii enttiity charged wiitth the maannddaatte to acquiire new laands for the Piiikanii Naattiion,, and these moonneeyyss shallll be expended in accordance wiitth the Piiikanii Naattion Fiinancciiaall Addmminiinsitsrtraattiion Code; (iv) forty perrcentt (40%)) shallll be paiid to the accounntt off a Piiikanii enttity charged wiitth the maannddaatte to invesstt in houssiing and ottherr infrastructure on Piiikanii Naattiion landss,, and those moonneeyyss shallll be expended in accordance wiitth the Piiikanii Naattiion Fiinancciiaall Addmminiinsitsrtraattion Code.. SECTION 5 - ADMIINIISTRATIION AND ENFORCEMENT 5 .1 The Coouunncciill shaallll ensure thatt any Piiikanii enttiity responssiiblle for the receiiptt and expeennddiitturre ofPPiiikkanii Naattiion Funds undeerr the Piiikanii Naattiion Fiinancciiall Addmininiiss--tratiioon Codce adheerres to the prroviisions off thiis Byllaaw.. SECTION 6 - GENERAL 6.1 Heeaaddiings forrmm no paarrtt off this Byyllaw,, butt shaallll be conssttrued as being inserted for conveenniience off reference onlly.. . I~ I cerrttiify thatt this is a trruue and corrrectt copy off thhe original . Page 3 off 4 I or~~ ____ ~ __
6.2 A fminding by a couurrtt off comppeetteenntt jurisdiiction thatt~-a secttion orr prroviision off this Byyllaw iis voiid orr invaalliid shaalll noott afffectt orr beeaarr upon the vaalliidiity orr invaalliidiity off any ottheerr secttiion orr paarrtt off tthiis Byyllaw orr thiis Byyllaw as a whhoolle. 6.3 In thiis Byyllaw,, woorrddss in the singullarr include the pllurraall,, and woorrdss in the pllurrall include the singullar . SECTII ON 7 - AMEENDMEENNTTSS AND REPEAL 7..1 Noo ameendmeenntt orr repeall off thiis Byyllaw is vaallid unlless conssentted to by a maajjoorriitty off elligible votterrs off the Piiikanii Naattiion by reffeerreenndduumm.. Elliigiiblle votters shaallll meeaan those peerrsonss deemeed to be eligible votterrs in accordance wiitth the Piiikanii Naattiion Cuusstoom Ellecttion Bylaaww.. 7.2 Suubbjjeecctt to 7.1,, the reffeerreenndduum procedurres shallll be connssiissttentt wiitth the Piiikanii Naattiion Reeffereenndduum Reegguullaattiions as provided for in the Piiikanii Trrusstt Aggrreemeenntt.. SECTION 8 - COMIING INTO FORCE 8..1 Thhiis Byyllaw shallll come into force immeeddiaiattelly upon being approved by the Mininiisstter.. READ A FII RST TII ME tt he __ day off _______), 2002 READ A SECOND TIME tthe __ day of ________,) 2002 READ A THII RD TIME the day of , 2002.. THIIS BYLAW is hereby passed by Band Coouunncciill Reessoolluttion No.. ___ by Coouunncciill at a duly convened meeeettiing held on the day of ,) 2002,, a quoruum existiinngg.. ," ------_. j; ~C cerrttiify thhatt this is a trruue l~ and corrrectt copy off thhe , original . Page 4 off 4 I~ A'~--------
IInnddiaiann aanndd NNorrtthheerrnn AAllfalalrleress inidndleinennee!i: r l_oure' <.::., lodu AAlfffaaiirrss CCannaaddaa , eolf dduu NNordd CCannaaddaa l \~, 0'7 I 0,. ~. 1:-'. :C. -,-;C.. ... rrr-. - I _A "-' 'r 0 8d~5 - '-\ 3CCS - 0.SJ .. BBAANNDD COUNCIIL RREESOLUTIIOONN RRE~SOLUTIOONN DDE CCONSEIIL DE BAANNDE N N O O T T E E : : T T h h o e w w o or rd ds . " ' h f o r m om o o u u r r B B e a n n d d fFuunndd.s"' "'ccoapillteall"' 0<o r ·r'erveveennu.e"' ,wwhleshheavverr, ~Il,o IIhh.e ccuose! ,mm~vasll , NNOOTTAA: : LLeeos motlls "'ddISu lloonnddsa dd.e nnooiirree bbaennddoa"' 'c * a ca p p l i l t e a l l " * o o u u " ' r r e e v v e a n n ~ u " ' I s O a l l o o n n 1 l . e · y h ba . . ~ . .. , Q 't y V l ' y ·' , ' p T ~l V ;:p '" s i 'i , t 1_",-yJLe" .par;! rjj,lj.~~_ nDoocwut]u:ntC'o:~n~." 'I," .. ~ .. -.~-lG:rnp mye .,. .ia°7f.isri"r~ore` tl;.rll.Ai:.ftiLa1:2.i,?L:i;1:_;"i>;:s •. Thoe c councc li ll oof Ithhee .L.Lee cconssollli dee Piiiikkaani Nattiioon ODJJ M YY·~AA Datlea ooff,, dullyy convened meeeltilnngg DatlBe ddBe lI'o'assernblAe s Bmbhle ddumennll convvooqquu~dee ~I 12 ~ 100 1 8 I1 I 00 11 2 0D0H EHERREEBBY RESOLVE~~;: D~ ECIDE. , PAR LES PRt:SSEENNTES:: WHEREAS tthhe Piiikkanii Nattioon has entereed iinnttoo an agreeeementt wiith Herr Maj~estytthhe Queen iinn Riightt off Canada and Herr Maajjestty tthhe Queen. iinn Riight of Allberrtta,, wherreby thhe Piiikkanii Nattiioon wiillll reeceiivve Setttlleemmentt Funds totallliningg apprroxiimaattelly sixtyy-ffoour miillliioonn tthhrreeee hundred tthhoouusand dollll ars (($$664,3300,0000..000) pluus ongoii ng Annuaall Paymeenntts ((""SSetttlelmementt Agrree-meenntt""));; AND WHEREAS pursuantt ttoo thhe Piiikkanii Trustt Agrreemeenntt,, inncclluudded as Schedulle L off thhe Seetttlleementt Agrreemeenntt,, thhe Piiikkanii Nattion has establliisshheed thhe Piiikkanii Trrustt thhat providdes . fforr tt he maannaaggeemeenntt,, expeennddititurre,, leendiing,, and innvvestmmentt offtthhe fuunnds reeceivveed underr tthe Setttlleemmentt Agrreemeenntt,, and diirects thatt Annuuaall Innccoomme paiid by thhe Trustee too thhe Piiikkanii Settttlleemmentt Revenue Accountt be maanaged iinn accordance wiith thhe Fiinancciiall Code and By-Laws off the Piiikkanii Naattiion ;; AND WHEREAS the Piiikanii Naattiion Fiinaainciiall Code was enactted by the Piiikkanii Nattii on purrsuanntt tt o customaarry poweerrs innherentt to the Piiikanii Naattiion for thhe betttter fiinnaanciiall admininisisttrrattioon off the Piiikanii Naattii on;; AND WHEEREAS Seeccttiion 83((1)) off the Indii an Acctt,, R.S..CC.. 19855,, c .11-5,, providdes thatt'thhe Coouunnciclil off a band maayy,, subbjjecctt to the apprrovvaall off the Miiniistterr off Inndian and Noorrttherrn Deevveellopmeentn,t, maakke bylaaws for the follloowwinng purposes;; 83((1)) (b) the appprrooppririattii on and expeennddiitturre off moonneeyyss off the band to deffray band expenses;; :' wiitth respecctt to any maattterr arriisinng outt off orr annccililllary to the 1I ceEr1tritfify thatt thiis is a \r~u~e e e x x e e r r c c i I is se e o o f f p p o o we e r r s s ancJ correct copy of the I o ~ r i ~ gin ~ al. :~z:~_t~_~ P ; seven (7) '---' OFFO?P DEEPPAARTTMEENNTTAALL USE ONNLLYY -- RtESSEERRVIVtE AAULj-." EExpxepnednidtullruer. -- O0d6ppaennse,ess AAutUhlohroi<tilyy ((IInddiiaann AActcl SSeecctilloono SSoouurcrcee o0f1 flunndds5 AAulUolrol<lldId ((AArtrilclclele ddoe tola LLolor 3Iuu(r S5oouorrcCe8 ddeOal IIoOr1I0hs1, les IBS IInnddiaianns)s) aCapl [:]Ravenue Dcapilnlall DAD RReevvaennuu RRacecoommemnednidnipngo foflilclecr., -- RRe.ccommmananddd pparor SSigignantaulurere DOalael. AAppprporvoivninggo lollllcieer or -- AApprporouuvvd6 ppara, SiSgingantaulruere DOalael. W8S0-5( 1(12-28·98)9) 7 6 7 J 6 ( JO Y2 .2 I 1 ~ · O 0 J 3 8 6 B -5 8 8 5 2 82 . t " .:~ ' ' -\ \" CChhrroonnOo/lCoOgilecaal ln n o o . . -N N ' ' co co n n l s d d c c u u l l l i l l - '310 ' -<.0. n e~ _ 7744003//22000022 --003 ((a)) fFilial erteolelreornanccee nnoo, . -- N N ' ' d d e o rd id ld i r d e i n e c n e ce d d u u d d o o s s s s i i e e r r ~;a.. l ~ - `-; - y ~w a · 4 ~ r I b l n ' e e ~yU'llf~+T~- ~·~' 10 ' Y ' ~ j J "Ln: I Ib n n l s ,e r q eq u ue ol]t6I'16U~6adullonjl es s l l ln ln g q a e x x p p e e n n d d l i l t u u r r e s I f ro r m om B B i a n n d d f F u u n n d d i s . . tl};"N'lpeornlenll sauu,r dd .o.e dd6dpp.enm ..e.a l 1 m6dme.lolesa llooondd.a ddeals bblannddeeos. . " a~ CCash fr f e re e e b b a a l l a a n n c c e e -- S S o o l l d d e e d d l i s s p p o o n nl lb b l l e e CeaplUlall aaccounlt Compp lt e c ca aplU tal l $ $ IPPrroovviInncCea a t Revenue account Compplle rreevveennuu Allh bA er rt t:: al $ $ . u u n n d d e e r r t th hi is s s s e e c c t t i io o n n . . i~I~) ~~)C;~rr~l'\:\1; ;;-;--_I_ ~] MI r V~ \..'::.,;.. Jk tl V \':~1 .{t,!:~ ~rj Hx t tP , li i i ' ~ _ )' ~ I 1 j / I ? ~ ,"';"t", P a a g g e e 1 1 o o f f 2 2 t i i f ! I t I . 'X:.:: ~l 6 e2~002 U jJ " ~ . ;'~~c:-< I .r~EGION ~ ~ ~R i::l;UHDS OFF t F ` I '" C Iv E C I Q~~!"~""",,,,,,,,.-~~-.:.~ ..... ~-"'~ •. 'J-I.:"":~~~ ~twiea;1 ~~ ... MI I NI I S T TERE EExxpepn.ndidtiulurree -- D0d6ppeennaIeBa. AAutuhlohrolrlllyy( (IInnddiiaann A A cl cl S S e e c c t l i l o o n n SSoouurrccee 01 lunds or funds AAuluolrolrtidld ((Artritcicllee ddee llaa lLolor sIuUr ' S S o o ur u c ,c e e d d e 8 s 1 l l o o n n d d s s lIo. t.I Innddialenna)s) lt DR,vanu ~DCacpalpllelall nRavenu R A ev lv e l n n u u [RAeeccoommemn.dnidnlngg oofflillcceerr -- RReeccoommmanednd6 p p ar ar S S ig lg na n t a u l r u e r. D D ol o e l. ,iApprporvolvnlnpg ofofliclerer -- AApprporouuvvd6 pparar -------SiSgingantaulruer. O O sl i o l. Canaadd~
InIdndiainan aanndd NNoorrlhtheerrnn AAllfalalrlerse sinidnideineneness Alfairs Canada , et du Nord Canada Mairs Canada el du Nord Canada " ~ , . . BBAANNDD CCOUNCIIL RREESSOLUTIIOONN RRE~SSOLUTIIOONN DDEE CCONSEIILL DDEE BBAANNDDEE " NOTE : The words 'Irom our Bend Funds' "capital" a 'revenue', whichever Is the case. must appear In ell resolutions requesting : NOTA Lo s mots 'du londs de nolre bonds' *capital' ou 'revenu' selon Is caa dolvenl perallre dens loules lea resolutions portenl out des ddpensee d mAme les londs des bandes . TThhee ccoouncciill 0o1f lhthee ,L .Le e c co on ns see lll l d de e PPIIKIKAANII NATIOONN ~ O D ~ J M YY--AA ~ DDallee 0o1f. . ddullyy ccoonnvveenneedd mmeettiinngg M D D a a t t e e d d e e I I 'e ' s a s s e s r e n m b b h l l s e e d d u u m me e n n t t c c o o n n v v o o q q u u ~ d e e ` \22 ~ 100 I ~ 8 _ $ .1 1 00 1 1 2 2 0D0H HEERREEBY RESOLVI~;:: DECIIDE,, PAARR LLEESS PPARESSEENNTTEESS: : AND WHEREAS tthhee Piiiikkanii Nattiioon Couunncciill wiisshhes too pass tthhee Piiiikkanii ''NNatiioonn Piiikkanii Settttlleemmentt Revenue Accountt Byllaaww (""SSetttlelemmentt Revenue Accountt Byllaw"")),, whiich iiss at tt ta ac ch he ed as s Appenddiix A,, ttoo autthorriizze tthhatt expenddiittures frroomm tthhee Piiikkanii Setttlleemmentt Re e v ve e n n u u e e Accountt be made iinn accorrddance wiithh thhe Piiikkanii Nattioon Fiinancciiall Admininisisttrrattioon Code and Setttlleemmentt Revenue Accountt Bylaaww;; AND WHEREAS tthhe Piiiikkanii Naattii on Coouunnccilil affiirmrms thhatt thhe Setttlleemmentt Revenue Accounntt Byy lla aw wii ll ll onlly y becoome effectiivve upon thhe ratiifficicaatiioon off thhe Setttlleemmentt Agrreemeenntt by thhe . Me e mb b e e r r s s off tthhe Piiiikkanii Naattii on and upon thhe apprrovall off thhe Miiniistter off IInndiaan and Norrttherrn Devvellopmeenntt off thhe Setttlleemmentt Revenue Accounntt Bylaaww.. . T THERE F FORE tthhe Piiii kanii Naattii on Coouunnciclil passes thhe Setttlleemmentt Revenue Accounntt Byllaw,, a a b by y l la aw t t h h a at t autthorrii zes tthatt expennddiitturres frroomm the Piiikanii Seettttlleementt Revenue Accounntt be ma a d d e e i i n n accccorrdancce wiitth the Piiii kanii Naattiion Fiinancciiall Addmminiinsisttrrattiion Code and thhe Setttlleemmentt Revenue Accouunntt Byllaw .. i'\ certify that this i I ertif t t t i is s a a t tr r u u e e , a a n n d d corrrrecctt copyy off t th h e e ' o O r r i i gi g n i al n~ '- _ \ -~~r-dF-=: (Councillor - Conselll ~ ~ (Councillor -Counc ar - ConselllarJ /~ (Council~r T ~. o . ,--------F-FO--QR F--wD;¬)€-tP?-AR R--Ti=AAMEEfNi!:rT-ALb- lH18S-E--O0NL -I:Y= RHE`E-i-SERE'RdVte- i ~-~ Ex E p x e p n e d n i d t l u l r u e re -- D 0 d 4 pa p n e a n e . s .. AAulUhloh(Oiliyly( Illnnddialann AActcl SSecottilolonn SSoourucrcea o!01 fluunnddsa AAuluolrOilldl6 ((AArlrkllleela ddeel ala LoLtol ssu(ur SSoourucrcee ddeess lloannddss lelas IInndidainaan)s, ~DCacpaiptlallal aDReRvae.naunau. RRevaveannuu ReAcootommemnodnidnlgngo lotltclecrar -- RRec.coommmanadnd6p aprar SlSpingenleurluen Da D l a e le . ApApprporvoivnigngo foflilclerer -- ApApprporuovu6.6p aprar 8lSqingenlaulrusll DaOlaelo 80850-5( 1(2l-20-89)9}7 57360J-(2H1~I·003386-B-8585282 C Ch h, ro on no ol lo og gl ic ca al lnO n. o . - -N N ' " co c n on a s 6 d c c u u l l i i l l 774403//22002--03((b)) FU Fi . l e " r , e . f ,e er n e c n o ce n n o. o . - N N - " d d e e ,6 1 ' 6 a 16 " r n e e nc . e d d u u d d 0 o 3 s l s le l r a r expenditures from Bend Funds . " , CCasshh Ir f e r e ee b b a a l l a a n n c c e e -- S S o o l l d d e e d d ls is p p o o n n l l b b l l e e C C a ap p i it t a a l l a a c c c c o o u u n n l t Complle e c ca opiit la ol t $ $ PPrrooviinnccee 'R ,R e e v v e e n n u u e e a a c c c c o o u u n nt l ALBERRTTAA C C o omp p l te e r r e e v v e e n n u u $ $ - -_-r, :. . I r Jf^1 ' ~ ~ ~ I ~ ;~-~ ~ ~ t ~ ~ I i r_ ;a~1~ n I'' I-, t_i'~ i :": LJI +~N~311 .> : . m Rr=CCFaDS 0l`I~~I :;E r Paagee 2 off 2 ]_ I '- J - -; A U -t) -M1 I I N V I I S S T T E C H RE E -ExEpxepnednidtiulruere -- D0d6papneene .s.s Au A l U h l o h t O t l l li y V ( I ( n In di d a ia n n A c A t cl S S ec o t t i ll o o n n S S ou o r u c r e ce o f 01 f l u u n n d d s s A A ul u o lO Al ll d l6 (A (A rt r i l c i l e e le d d e e l a la L L ot or s l u u r r S S ou o r u c r e ce d d e e s s lands le l a ei I n In di d a l n e s n ) l, londs DR,v,nu D :] C ca I p P i I t I a & l I aRov R enu [ Rev e n e u nu A!eRcootmomemnodnldnlqng o f o f U ic i e c r ar -- R R e e c c o o m n m v a n n o d n d d6 p a p r ar S S lp Ig n n e o w l r u e ro Da D t o a lo I ,A !A pp p r p o r v o l v n i p ng o f o f l i l c l e c r er - -Ap A p p r p o r u o v u 6 v6 p a p r ar -Si S g i n g a n t a u l r u e ro Da O t l a iO ' CCanad&~
 You are being directed to the most recent version of the statute which may not be the version considered at the time of the judgment.