Part II - Enacted First Nations Legislation

Decision Information

Decision Content

"''A~jz;y~1 'w' cc,'. ~ru`Y : . . Ministre des Affaires Minister of Indian Affairs indiennes et du Nord canadien and Northern Development CANAI)A On behalf of the Minister of Indian Affairs and Northern Development, I HEREBY APPROVE, pursuant to Section 83 of the Indian Act, the following by-law made by the Chippewas of Kettle & Stony Point First Nation, in the Province of Ontario, at a meeting held on the 12th day of December, 1991 . By-Law No. 14-4 Dated at Hull, Quebec V-01. this ILI> day of Harry Swain Deputy Minister Ottawa, Canada K1 A OH4
1 , 0,`,, } Indian and Northern AHalres Inalennes Affairs canada ' et du Nord Canada " BAND COUNCIL RESOLUTION RESOLUTION DE CONSEIL DE BANDE NOTE' The words "from our Band Funds' -capital" or "revenue" NOTA~ . whichever is the case . must appear in a11 Les mots noire Danda' "des fonds de "capital" ou 'revenu" salon to cas dorvent parents dans loutes les resolutions portent sur des dApenses A m9me les fonds des bandes The council of the CHIPPEWAS OF KETTLE & STONY POINT Leconseilde FIRST NATION COUNCIL #44 Date duly D~J M y .A of convened meeting Date de I 'assembl8e dument convoquAe ' 1 2 1 2 9 1 ONTARIO DO HEREBY RESOLVE : DECIDE, PAR LES PRE:SENTES : THAT THIS COUNCIL DO HEREBY APPROVE BY-LAW 14-4, DATED DECEMBER 12, 1991, TO READ : THE ANNUAL PAYMENT OF $350 .00 SHALL BE PAYABLE AND REQUIRED FROM THE TENANTS OF EACH SEPARATE PROPERTY LEASED FROM THE KETTLE POINT FIRST NATION #44 . TENANT SHALL HAVE MORE THAN ONE DWELLING, TRAILER OR COTTAGE ON A SINGLE LEASED PREMISE, A $350 .00 FEE SHALL BE DUE AND PAYABLE FOR EACH SUCH DWELLING, TRAILER OR .COTTAGE . Quorum 6 l , _ _ Jf (Chiel - Che Cx// t------ ~ ~ IM=1 t , l (Councillor - Consedler) (Councillor - / ~ "I~. (Councillor ~ Cansemer( , (- uncdIprZC Iy ' / ICouncdlor - Conseieer( ' " (CoypA~a - Consedler) FOR DEPARTMENTAL USE ONLY - RESERVE AU MINISTERE Expenditure - Depenses Authority (Indian Act Section Source of lunos Expenditure - DApenses Aulorile (Article de la Lot sur Source des fonds les Indiensl aCapital aRevenue RevenL Recommending officer - Recommanoe par Recommending officer - RecommandA par Signature Date AOprovrng officer - ApprouvA par A pproving office( - ApprouvA par S .gnawre ' Date 8.05 (12 89) 7530-21-0Jfr8582 Chrono1ogrcal no - N° conseculuf 1704 File reference no - N° de reference du dossier resolutions repuesting expenditures from Band Funds Cash free balance - Solde disponlble Capital account Compile capital $ Province Revenue account Compte revenu a .0 P2 :10-IF ANY LYNN LOUISE ASHKEWE, A Commissioner, etc. Province of Ontario, for Government of Canada Exp.res October 23, 1992 ~/,I / / ~ / .1 ~ 'l /1 Lr serller) (Councillor - C sei e er 1 (Q~ fCll' ._ (Councillor' - Consedeer) (Councillor - Consedler) Authonly (Indian Act Section Source of funds AulordA (Article de la Lor sur Source des fonds les Indians) . . . aCap,tal a Revenue Revenu Signature . Date . ~ ------- Signature Dale r Canada
I(t.- I -rl .F :. ~~ ~i ('UNY PUl'.NT Fif-:.'SERV~ 4144 IcL l~ I I_I~ P(IINI , UNTAR .It:I Ely-~l_aw No . 14-4 A to ail~l".~rl~.i 13y--I_.c~w Idrr . 14~--3 clate~.l tt~e ~12th ~lay clF L)er-eii~l~er~, 1U91 tct l-i autt~lori.-~e and F~~ro~.~i~le I~~~tyrr~ent For fire F~rotection, F~olice (~rutectiun, ~~arl~a_~e collectlofl cin~l roa~l rue~intcanance services for tenants of thle Kettle Nu~nt Indian ResE~rve, No . ~a4 . _ WHEREAS i t I~~;e ; l.~E~t~rl ~ter~n~e~i a~ivisable tflat fire F:~rotection, Fiol r ch~ Nrotection, ~~arl.~<:i~3e c:nl Lc~c:ticln r:+rl~.i roall maintenance services t~e pr~ovi~leci tcl all~tenarlts clf ttle~ Ite~Lr,le l~ctint lleserve, No . 44 ~~nd furtller Ll~~~~t t:~aylnerrt, of silf-t~~ servicr~ , sl~~~rl I l:~e nl~~de k~y stlct~r tenants to the KNttle Poini. " Etand Counci 1 . Nl_1W TII[::.f2C :F(. 1RE :: in I~~ti r;tt~{nL Lu Llle auttlority of :~ectiun fia uf' tl~t~ In~Il~tri E~ct, Fl . S ., c : . 14 "7, !~l . 1. .~, tt~~e Ccluncil. of tI~e Cl~liF:~F~ewas of Kett.Jc~ I'uint Irl~li.~-~r 12eserve en~ic:t~; ;~s fcll l.rlws : I . ll~f) Kf!t,Llf! I~I)Illt, l11~l1a1I1 llf?9iNrve, t~lr .l . 44 slltZll. I'~rf)vlllN !illf:l~ 5~1~rv11.!'S ; For Fire I~rrlt,r~c:tiurt, l~rlltec:i.iurr, ~3arl.larle collec:tiort r{n~l ru~+~l mai.ntenanre as tl~e ICetL1.e 1~'oi.nt 7.rr~iian Reserve, No . 4~4 Elan~i Council . sl~~~il l. ~lc~c~n~ ~~lvis,~t~rle <-~nll e : ;l:~calli~:trlt fr~onl t.i.nle to tin~le for all tenant.s oF t.l~c~ ICl~t,tlc~ I'uint. Inclian Reserve, No . 44 . 2 . Tt~e ~tnrrtial. r,ernl For ,ucl~l services sl~al.l I~e tiue t9~-iy ls ;t, in e~ic.t~ year tc AF:~ril 30t1~1 i.rl Ll~c~~ I'~Il.l~l~~~in~.l ye.~ar, c.:alnmrlt,ilcin~~ orl May ~1st, I'?'? ..-.' . 3 . -rne ~irlnu~~1 I~a+yinc:~nt cr F 't~ ::i.Ì€~f.? .00 sl~~~-~l l. r~e F~ayable an~i r~ear~ui r c~~l Fron~ tl~e tenants of eac:l~ <sel~<~r~:~.te r~~r~ot~~l?r~ty leaseli Fron~ tF~e KettJe F'oi.nt 1'rl~li.~in l.+~n~l, No . 44 . If any ten~int st~~~ill I~~~-~ve more th~an one dwelling, tr-ailer or cllt~L~z~le On a sin~~le l.r:~<-~~ ;e~i l~~rl~n~i.scr, c-t x> ;3`_iC) .00 fee stl~+ll be ritre arl~l I:~r{y~:~~le Fclr c~acl~ dwell i.n~~, tr~ii.l ear clr cott~t~_le . 4 . ;al.r~_I~ l~~lyli~c~rlL4; al~rrl 1. I~fa ~Ilcl~ ~irtci r~ayatile tllirty ~i~+ys ~{fter r1uL1 ce tl~erecr F I~r~ti l~c~~~n ~lca I i ~ : ~~i c~~l t,u ~,~ac I~ tenr-trlts L~y clr~iinary li~~i 1 . `_i . U(~ltn any 1~~~~yn~~~nt I~e~r-e~l~y It~~.luire~l t~ein_l in ~1eF~-iult, Ll~e t ;Ert.t,IF I'crinL Hc~n~i l_:ourlc:i.l . ~-~I~--II I l~r~ .-,i, I ct~er r,y Lo ,enfurr_e collectir~n oF <~rly ~,~Ic-I~ ~ii~uunt owi n~3 a~~~ii ns L tl~t~ I~r ul~t~i ty crf tI~E~ tenant s i tuated on tl~e 1 l'~rsEa~l 1 ~in~l . 'Tllis ljy~-l.- :tc~~ ~;1~,-t1 1 c rtrt~c~ intrt for r_p and eFFect uF:~on fi.nal,,lt .~s~;in~.l -tllll ::.;~ ~~ ~ ~+1~F:~ruval of tt~e t" ~~ 1ini~~Lf~r clF lrl~li~zn Affairs . CER TIEt~~
 You are being directed to the most recent version of the statute which may not be the version considered at the time of the judgment.