Part II - Enacted First Nations Legislation

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Mtnistre des Affaires Minister ot Indigenous and autochtones et du Nord Nor:hern Affairs Ottawa. Canada K1A OH4 I, Minister of Crown-Indigenous Relations and Northern Affairs. HEREBY APPROVE, pursuant to section 83 of the Indian Act, the following by-law made by the Westbank First Nation in the Province of British Columbia, at a meeting held on the 4th day of May 2020. Westbank First Nation Tax Rate Schedule Amending By~law 2020 Dated at Ottawa, Ontario, this ') ,,, day of ~ "' '"~ 2020 .J }c_ _ ~J!r-fY--~ff Hon. Carolyn Bennett, M.D., P.C., M.P. C i,..D a nad . a
WESTBANK FIRST NATION By-law No. 20-TX-02 WUEREAS: The Chief and Council of the Wcs1bank First Nation deems it advisable and in the best interests of the members of the Wcstbank First Nation to amend tl1e Property Taxation By-law 95-TX-08 passed by Chief and Council December 11, !995 and approved by the Minister April23, 1996, that being a by-law to establish by by-law a system on the reserve lands of the Wcstbank First Nation for the fair and equitable taxation for local purposes ofland, or interests in land, including rights to occupy, possess or use land in the reserve; and WHEREAS: Pursuant to Section 18.1(3) of the Westbank First Nation Property Taxation By-law 95-JX-08, Chief and Conneil shall prescribe tax rates; and WHEREAS: Those rates prescribed by the Chief and Council arc set out in scl1edulcs to the Westbcmk First Nation Property Taxation By-law 95-TX-08 pursuant to section 18.1(4 ); and NOW THEREFORE BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED THAT: The Wcstbank First Nation Cotmcil enacts the following amending by-law; Short Title This amending by-law may be cited as the_ "Tax Rate Schedule Amending 13y-law 2020". I. Tlmt the following Schedule 11 Tax Rate Schedule 2020 shall be added to the Westbank Firs/ Nmion Property Taxa/ion By-Jaw 95-TX-08 passed by Chief and Council on December 11, 1995 and approved by the Minister April 23, 1996. PASSED AND APPROVED by the Council Westbank First Nation at a duly convened meeJing of lhc Westbank First Nation Cmmcil held at the Westbank First Nt1tion Administration Office, Kelowna, British Columbia on this 4tl' day of May 2020. c~ ~Councillor Jordan Coble Councillor Lorrie Hogaboam
2020 TAX RATE SCHEDULE By-law No. 20-TX-02 For the Taxation Year 2020 SCHEDULE''II'' Property Classes Within Each Taxation District (Section 18.1(4)) Column I Column2 Name of Reserves Taxation Comprising District Taxation District Taxation District The reserve lands of the Westbank First Westbank First Nation. Nation. IR#9; IR #10 and IR#I2 Colwnn 3 Colunm4 Property Tax Rates Classes for the Taxation Yc ar 2020 1. Residential 5.4411 2. Utilities 46.8000 3. Unmanaged N/A Forest Land 4. Major Industry N/A 5. Light Industrยทy 18.9073 6. Business & 13.9208 Other 7. Managed Forest NIA Land 8. Recreational NIA Property/ Non-profit Organization
 You are being directed to the most recent version of the statute which may not be the version considered at the time of the judgment.