Part II - Enacted First Nations Legislation

Decision Information

Decision Content

Minister of Crown-Indigenous Relations

Ministre des Relations ·couronns-Autochtones: Ottawa, Canada K1A 0H4

l.1. Min.iste.r .of C,rown-Jridige(ious Relatiom;,, HEREBY APPROVE, pursuant to·s e.ctioh ~-3 ofthe !.hdiah .Act, the followi_ng by.-law made by the Sucker .Creek Firs~ N~tion in the Provine~ of Alb¢rta, at .a .meetjng h~ld on the 8th .day of July 2021.


Sucker Creek Fir$J.Nati<m ·A11tlu.~I Expe.oditure Sy ..l aw, 2021

Hon . .Marc.M11le1\ F>:.G.J M.P.


n iii .. ~ . a i t- ),d :a· ,

SUCKERCREEKFIRSTNAT.(ON ANNUAL EXPEND~ BY-LAW, 2021 WHEREAS: A. 'Pursuant fo section 8~ 0f tb.e_JnrJiqn Aq!, the_ COuµpil of a First Natipn may make by.:lawnesp,e~g taxation for focal _purppses _of reserve. Ia nds, interests ·.in-reserve lands -0r•rights to occupy" p·ossess or. use re_serve lauds, including 1,y.:.1aws authorizin;g the expenditure of local revenues; · R The CounCl1ofthe $U!licer C!eellFirstNationhaS: enacted-the Sucker CreekFrYst, Nation Property A;ss~sme1it qnd _T{#atioh .Bji-Iaw; 201 ~. r~ecting taxation for local purpos~s ·o n res'?fVe; and C. The Counvil ,of the Sim~er Creek ~ wishes to en~ this e?CPendnure Qy-law to esiablish a budget· for the expenditure· of revenues .raised· under is pr~erty taxation by-:law in the current iexation year;.· NOW ·THEREFORE;·the Council oft he Sucker Creek Firsi'Nation duly·_eµacts as follow&: 1. 1J:tis BY-lavi may be cjted· as the Suckef_t;r'!ek First NatiOn./bmual Expeflditwe By,;:-law, 2021-. :!. In.iliisJJyclaw: "Act'' t.µ~s the .JndiatJ.-Act, R.S.C. ~985,_.c. I~5, and tb,e.regulati6ns made-under that Act; 1 •annua1 budget'' means·a'budget setting out the prcijected local revenues and projected'CXJ)wditures of those local revenues duringthe·budg_et fear; · "anp.ual expenqi~·by-laW' .means a by-law. enacted. tinder SubS~Ction 83(2) of the Act;-'tt:oUncil" bas the same·•meaning as ••council·of the·band" .in subsectfon 2(1) r;>ffhe·Apt; npirst Na:tioh,i:, JD,e:ins the Sucll:er CI'eekF~st Natiori, being:a·band UD.derthe.Act; "'local r~enues'' means money ,raised. by the,First Natj.on under a p~opertf taxation by-Iayrand payments made to a F:im: Niti6n in lieu of:a tax impose.d under a by..:laW enacted·undet SU0sec1ioil 83(1) oftb,.e Ac~ "proper\)' taxation by-law" means .a by-law enacted under subsection 83(1) of the Act, and "Taxation By-Jav/'"means. the Sucker CreekFirst Naiiair.Propei1:y.Asse9sment and Taxatidn By.,-laW, 2 011. 3·. The First Nation' s·annual.b~dget for f.he .fisca:l year begit\ning Janlµll}' 1, .2021 ~ ending D.ecembi:,r 31, 2021~ .is attached as a Schedule to· this l:W-laW and the'expendituces·proVided f~ in.the Schedule are ~uthori,2;¢. 4. Expenditures·oflocalrevenues must be·mad~only-in accordanc·e; with the annual budget. 5. Where t1ie _Ftist Nation "Wishes ·to autho~ an expenditure not this.By-law, or change the am0unt.ot'an expen.di~re.authorized, Council must ~enq.:this By-law in ai:cordru:ice with COUI!cil procedm:e and theTIXJuirements oftl:ie.Act. 6. Except whare ptherwJse tlefinei:)~ words ~-- eJ!:P~ssJons used· in th~~. By-Ia:w have thC meari_ings given to tb,em in the Taxation By-law. ·7. This' By-law· aufu9tjzes the expenditure of contingeD.CY.· am.dub.ts as necess.&y witbm. any of tb;e ,c'ategpries-ofex:penditures: set out 'in tw; Sbhe4ule. 8. Where a"provisiorr in this-By-law iS expressed in the present tense; the provision applies to the circumstances as they arise, · · ,9. This By-Ja·11v'·must be construed as being· remedial and must 'qe given such fair, large and hQC!8] coll$Jction and int~retation as llest erisu:.res the attainment offts objeclives. :10. The Schedule·attaChed to this By-law fonnspart:of an integratpart.ofthis By-1av,.


11·. '"'Ibis By~law comes into. forrle and effect,u.pon the, approval oft he Minfstf~£ of Crown-Tu.cligwbus· ~latipns. . ·TillSB:Y-LAWISEERBB"Y'·ruzyof _;°y-.hi at~&fmt?n~_ -~ intbe_Pr!)vmceof. A\be-r~ A.quorum. o{~cil-oonsists of Four (4)1namb'et"s afCoti:o.cil.

Councillor Alvin Cardinal

Cowcwior Noella Willi~ r

~~~ CoUI1,cill.or Carol Okempw Comicl.llor-~ab.1- · .-Canipi;ou ~ ••

CoM.cillodloderic)£ Witlif.'l'


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l'ART hREVENlJES l. r~venqes tO by. collected j(I l;nidget year: a. Pro~T<JX-Reven\].es $22,3i:i:.0.8

TOT,U, REVENuii:S $ 22,323.08.

PARTl, EXl'ENDITIJRES 1. Geneml G,;w~rnment: EXf1endi1.UTes $ 2P,090.77 a, Executive" and Legi1dative b. ,Gep.e.ral Admiilistrati:ve c. Otheroen·erarGovemmCht z. Prot~tion ·:Serv:ices a. Policing b. Firefigbµ"ng c. RegulatotyMl!il~J,JreS d. .Other Protective Services }~ 'rransport.atlo.n a. .ROads and Streets b. ·.Sn_O_Y( and lee ~emoyal c. ·pa,kin,g d~ ~bli.C Trarisif e. Ot~erTi:anspoi;tatiolt" 4. Recreation and Cultural Services a, b. :CUJture C. _({Critagr J>rotection d. ·Other R~reatioii and -CUiture 5. Con:imunio/·De\l'elOpmeJ\t a. ·i-Iqqsing b. -Planning".and Zoning c-. Community ~lanning d. EtonOIJ)ic Development Progt'am.

e, TOurism f. Trade !!Ild Industcy g. Land Rehabilitation and B.eailtification h. Qthel' RegiQnal!Qpment 6, Environment H~alth Services. a. Water Purifjcatioh and.Supply b. Sewage t;:o)iection and-.bisposal. c, _Gart,~~e W-astc-CoilectiO:n and-Di~sal d. ~ycling e; Other Environmental Services 7. Fis9ijl.Se~9es a. Debt. Payments d. Accel~rated ~b~ Pay,men~ e:. other Fiscal Services 8. Other Services a. H_ealtl1 b. -Social Progran1s·and Assistance c. . Agricu~ d. Edu~on e, Othef Service 9, Cxl1.1tingency Amounts_


J .. Accumulaled SUrplus--.Local .revenues carried fotWard from the previo~s budget year 2. Acculriolated,De6cit- Local revenue.expenditures carried fonY"ard from·th~ .P.Ni:Vi()us·b.~dget,yeru.;·

 You are being directed to the most recent version of the statute which may not be the version considered at the time of the judgment.