Part II - Enacted First Nations Legislation

Decision Information

Decision Content

Minister of .. .. Cr:own-:-lndigenous .Relations

Ministre des Relation~.C outonrre-Aut0chtones· ·otta'Na, Canada:K 1AOH4

1,:Minister of Crown-lndig_enous Relations, HERE:BYAPPROVE, pursuant to section 83 .of the Indian Act, the following b:y-law made by the Sucker Creek First Nation 1n the Province ofA lberta, at a meeting held on the· 8th day Of July 2021.

Sucker Cr.eek First Nation Rates By-law io2·1

Dated at Ottawa,. Ontario, ':ttiis- ! q ..,.._ day -of

N c:,v-G,;v, b er _2021.

Hon. Marc Miller; P.C., M.P.



RATES BY~LAW·2021 ~S,p~ttothelndi~Ac( R.S.C.1985, a.T1dspe~c,allyp~h 83(l)(a) of the Indian Ai::t, 198:S-i c:I-5,_ the CoUJJ,cilof a band:may make· by-laws:-forth.e pti:rpose nf tnx_ationJor .}peal plitposes.of hmd, cir 'iuterests· mh ilid; 'including,~bls to.occupy, possesi or use land fu:a reserve arid with respe_ctAo anym,atters:arisJng: cut ofpr anciliazyto suclrpurp6se; -·AND WHBRBA~ ·the Council oft he Suclce.r Creek FirstNaticin (also known as tlie·Sticker Cteek:Sand)'ewu:ted the Sucker ·ereek First Nation Property, Assessmenr.·andtaxatirm}Jy-/mv; :iOUoo, Mey 4, 2_011 and approved'by the Minister· on 20, 2.Qll; NOW BE-IT_R$EBY1<ES01.VED _thaf fh:e followi:ngbf,la"w 'be arid" is hereby:enacted putsuaril to the provisions of thelndian Act;-and-fuJ?articular section 83(1) for the purpose of estab:lishn,g ~ rates_ _ oftaxatiOIL

1. This by..;Jawmay be cite·d for all:purposes a:sthe Sucker Creek First Nation Rates:zty-law ?021.

Pw::m:ant to.Sectipn 54 of $:e:Sti.clier Creek Fir~iN_ati.(Jn i'roperty4sSf!.$sment. and Taxation A" _-

2, ~law, 20JJ,. the tax ta~ fox: each ciass,ofprpperty aball he in accor.clance with Schedµk 11 -~chaj,-!lllcl-fozms part Rates 13y".;.Jaw, TIIlS BY~LAV/!S HBREBY:DULY'ENAGTEJ)b}'Co\mcil oo the g:fi ·day of ;-ri:__, :·. , 202;._\.:., at.~ ,-irithe Province of ·: J.4{ bcr,½· · · · ~ ----~-""·-•-,,;-_of Council consfr:ts of 'L4 __J meµibers ofCounc_iL



The Coun1;.il ofthe Sucker CreekFirsfN'ation be;tebya.dapts-1:he following iax~on ratesfor tJ;te 2021 matiO:li year for the,follow:fug classes

·COLUMN! CI.ass o{Property as prescribed tli:lQer a·chedw,et and Sootion~(ltl) ofthe.Suckllr CreekF"mrti!atforr P~op'm;,hse.rsment .and:Taration ~law, 201 !.

.. C~ -l....;Reside.¢ial Class 2.:-Non~reside'Jltial and lineat propen;y Class 3 -Farm land Class 4-Machinery.~~Equiprqent

CO:tUMN2 Rate of ');'ax-applied against: each $1,000.00 of the· assessed value·or :the land·· detennmed"in. accorµimce.witb Part IV of the: . Stu:/wr Creek First Nation Pr(Jperty Assessmentttnd Taxation By-law, 2011

. ' i8;6284



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 You are being directed to the most recent version of the statute which may not be the version considered at the time of the judgment.