Part II - Enacted First Nations Legislation

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Decision Content

Minister :of CrowcHh digehous Relations.-

Ministre des Relatiqns:Co_ur.onne·-Atitochtone·s Ottawa, Canada K1k0H4

I, 'Minister of Crown-I ndig_enou.s Relations, HEREBY APPRO\/E, pursuant fo section ~3-3··o f the·I ndian Act; the following_b y-law ·ma(:ie by tbe Whitefish 'Lake First Nation .io the .Province of Albemi, ·at ~-meeting· held tm .the .25tn


Whitefish ·L a~~-Fio;t N_ation Annual Expenditure By-law, 2021

Dated at Ottawa-, 0.ntari·o, this 1~

day of r-J 0 v~""''<:>e.r- 2021.

Hon; Marc Miller,; P.C-, M.P:

WHITEFISH LAKE l'IRST NATION ANNUALEXPEMJITORE BY-LAW., 202.1 WHEREAS: _A. .Pur.:;uant.to_-se.ction ·g3 oft he lndia_nA._ct, the--co·uncir.ofa"l~il'5t Nati oh may ·iitake. by-18.w~i"re'SpCi)ting taxaiiot) for" local purposes-of reserve• lands~ ifllei-ests in- reserv·e lands,or. rig[1~s to- occupy, possess Qr use reserve lands~)ncltJ~ing byH_faws-authorizingthe expenditure o(l_ocal revenues; 8, The Council _of the_ Whi~efish- Lake First Nation enacted. the -Whiiefish Lake Fi1's1 Nat_ibn Pr<ipel'ty Tar. By-law., respecting ta.\'.3µon tOr 1ClC3'l f,J,!rpo_ses 011:reserve; .and (;, the·C~llmc!i. oftl_,e WMtef.ish Lake First Nation w·ishes to·enact this:expenditure::by.,.Ja:W to establish a budget fot the exl)cndhure.-:of revenues i-a.ised mlder its _property in· ihe c1,rr¢nt ta;,;;ation y~t; NOW THEREFORE., tbe ..G omlcil ofth'C-,Whitetish Lake-First Natiotl 'as'follO\Vs: 1. Thi:; .By~l_aw may he Cited ·as the Whi!~f,sb l.(/1¢ First f/ation; 0 Anmral fixpendilui'e. By-iaw, 202). ;i. In this By-law: "Act" 1neans the111dian Act; R.S.C. ·\98~~-c. 1-5, -and th~ t'eg11lation~_f!].a~e under: that Ac~ '"'nmmal Qu_dget" tpeans a Pudget~e"!ting:qutthe projected local:re.y_enues and·.pro)ected-expenditureS off:hose local.revenue.$ dUting·the 6udg_etyear; · "Pmiual expend~ture by.. f aw•t mean~_-·a hy-law eJmcted l:IIU:Jer- sub$e_c.tim1 ~:1(2) ofthe.Act; 1 C(:mncil;, h;,is_tfle:same meanii1g:aS "council oJthe band'·' in subsection ·2(1) tifthe Act~ ~' Nation'~ 1he11·M the Whitefish L~k~ First'Nati9.n, being a b.1:md under the. Act; '·locaf n;venues<" me_a11s -mdney raised by the First Nation ui1der a property taxation by-law ahd payments made to.a· f.jist Nation in·Jieu of.a: "ijlx imposed \ a. by-law enacted under subsection .83.(1.)_.of:th~ Act~ "prqperty taXatiqn-by-:-law'·'· mean$ ·a ~y-law ehaCted.Under·SubsectiOn. 83.( I) ,.of the Act, -and, "Taxation By-l~w" t'neanS- the. W[,it€fish lXtke ,FirstcNaiion Propefty '(~·By-law. 3~ The First Natio~'.sannuai budget for the-fiscal yearb~glnnii1gJanuary 1;2021 and eittlingDe'ciember 31, 202-1, is attached ·as a Schedule· to ·thiirBy-l~w-tJnct· the e~pendit.u.res prpvided for· in .r,.1e Sc[iedul~ ~'~ _a1,f~hol'izt;d. 4. Expendilures of local 'revenues must be made orily -irt-aCcord"ance. with lhe:.anmilil b4~g~t •. 5, -Wh~J'C ~e :First Nation wi_shes to al!tltm:ize.!!,n ex:~nditure.:nqt autbotized ln this By-law~ -0r chang~ 1he amOurJt of a·n .expenditure-·aut;ho.rized; •Conncil 1tiust amend this. BY-law in, accdrdance ·w ith. eouilcil :procedure. and th<rretjuirein"ents ohhe Act. · 6. EX_cept where otlu:;rw(si::; defined, words· ~xpn;ssioils µs~ ilJ this By.-\aw l1ave the meanings_ tiven·to tl1ent in the:TaxatlOn ~)'-law. · 7. This 'B)'-litW. 3\lthCirizes. the expe_m;lfJure of c_Qntingency antoµnts as ·nece~cy wiihin.:any of the cat~gorics of eX~ndih,lres_ out in the Schedule, 8. Where· a provision "in· this By-:.Jaw is. expressed in ihe present teiise, the- provi~ion appJies to the _circ_um!itam;es_ a~_ th~y aris~, 9. This By-law must be Construed ·as being· remedial 8itd m1.1St be given such fai'r,.Jaige a11d liberal co.~struction andJ~ter-pfetatii;m as. b.~st f;O~lJres.the·.attainm~nt pf its-~bjcctiyes; lo. The S~hedul"e.attached to·this BYMlawfonnS parr bf and i's an lnregi'a1 part of1hiS By.,Taw.

I 1. This By-law comes into force and effect upon the approval of the Minister of Indian A ffa irs and Northern Development. THIS BY-LAW IS HEREBY DULY ENACTED by Council on thed ) day of MctJ at Ah ~ .2~ L .t.j , in the Province of Alve.t::\ '1 . A quorum of Council consists of _ _ _ ___ c.3__) members of Council. ~ 1 Chief Albert Thunder Councillor Darren Auger / /i 1/.,, ({v, { l / Councillor James Nahachick



P:ART 1: REVENUES 1. Local re_venues to. be edllect~(J in ·budgety~r: a. Property TaxRevenu·e.s $ 29;49.4.67


PART 2: EXPENDITURES. l. General Gov~nme_Ii_t,Expertditures $ 26,Sij5.) I a, Executiyean9 ·b. General Administrative c. Oi:hef'. Qeneral Oovenunent 2. Protectio·n Services• a. P.oliciqg. _b. Fit'.efig!itfng c. Regulatory Measµres c{. Qther Prote·ctive-S~ices. ·3 .. Transportation ·a; Roads an_P S_treets-b. apd Ice Removal ~- P.arkii1g d_. i:iuhlic-Transit e. other Tran&j:tortafion .4. Recreatiqq·aqd Ciiitural .Servic~ a. Recteation b. Cit~iu_re· c.. Heri"tage-Protei;;tfon d. Other Recreation and Culture· 5. Community·Developm~t ·a, Housing b; ~latmillg.all,i;l Zol)ing o. Community .Plllnning

d. Ecom:inifoDevelopment Prog;ram-e: Totirjsm, f. Trnde an(llndustiy g. Land· RebabilitaJionand ~e1µ1tificp.tior.i h; Ot)ier-"l~egionijl Pla,m'ing ai:J.d. Dev.elopment 6. Environment Health_ Services a. Water ~urification andS"upply b. Sewage Collection aniDis1:i'osal c. Garbage Was.~e Collectfon and pjspos_al -d. Recycling e... Environmental Services 7. Services a. DebfPayments-. ,d. Ac~~_lerateq e. Other'Fisoal Scrvice~r 8. Other S~rvice_s a. Health h. Programs and Assis~nce; c·. d·. Education. -~- Qfher Ser-vice 9. Conting~ilcy Amounts

$ :!9;494.67


I. ·_Accµm,u1ated ·surplus - I,pcal revenues= carr.ied forwan:J· from the pretio-us .2. Acc_umt;ilated Deficit - Local revenue ~xpeiid!fl!tes' carrie.d forw_ru-4· frqm th.e' .p~:vious m.tdget year-

 You are being directed to the most recent version of the statute which may not be the version considered at the time of the judgment.