Part II - Enacted First Nations Legislation

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Minister of . Crown-lndi9er-1ous Relations Ottawa. _Canada Kl AO H4

I, Minister- of Crown-lnd.igeneus Relations; HEREBY APPROVE, pursuant. to section 83 ofthe Indian Act, the following by-law made by the U_pper Simil~ameen First Nation, in the Province of Briti$h·Col~mbia; at a meeting h~ld on tt,e pay-of August 2021.

Upp-er S,imilkameen F.irst Nation Rates By-law 2021 ·

Dated at Ottawa, Ontario, this 10.T"'- day of N o -'C.-""'

1 '"-e--r 2021.

Hon. Mate.Miller, P.C., M.P.



WHEREAS pursuant to the /11dia11 Act, R.S.C. 1985, and specifically paragraph 83(l)(a) of the llldia11 Act. 1985, c.I-5, the Council ofa band may make by-laws for the purpose of taxation for local purposes of land, or interests in land, including rights lo occupy, possess or use land in a reserve and with respect to any matters arising out of or ancillary to such purpose;

AND WHEREAS the Council of the Upper Similkamcen First l\ation (also known as the Upper Similkameen Indian Band) enacted the Upper Si111ilkamee11 l11dio11 Band 2002 Proper()• Taxation By-law. and Upper Similka111ee11 /11dic111 Ba11d 1002 Property Assessment By-law on December 13. 2002 and approved by the Minister on December 19, 2002;

NOW BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED that the following by-law be and is hereby enacted pursuant to the provisions oft he /11dia11 Act, and in particular section 83{ I) for the purpose of establishing annual rates ofta,cation.

I. This by-law may be cited for all purposes as the Upper Si111i/ka111ee11 First Natio11 Rotes By-lmr 1011.

2. Pursuant to Section 22 of the Upper Si11rilko111c-e11 /11dia11 Band 1002 Prop<!l·f)· Taxatio11 By-/au-, the tax rates for each class of property shall be in accordance with Schedule 11" which is attached. and forms part of the 2021 Rates By-law.

TIUS BY-LAW IS HEREBY DULY ENACTED by Council on the I" day of August 2011, at Hedley, in the Province ofB ritish Columbia. A quorum of Council consists of(2) member.. of Council.


Councillor Charlie Allison e... ,,444~ - . Councillor MichaclAlison

------- --- - ------- -------- ----- - - - ---· - .



The council of the Uppet Similkameen Firnt Niltion- hereby·adOptS 'the following .taxation rntesfor the' 4021. taxai\pn year-fo1:th~ f.o1Iowing•clµsses ~fpn~pe~. ·

COLUMN! Class of."PrOperl}'BS- pi-esCribed un(lei Scl-iedtile" II and. Part 5 of· $1,000.00 ofthe assessed Value the. llpper_Simil~an_,een l11dian Bal/d 2001 Property Taxation il)'-law,

Class l w Residell.tial -Class 2 ~ Ut,ilitji::s Class 1 - Supportive Hoi.tsin~ Class 4 - Major Industry Cla:ss-5. - Liglit Industry Class 6 - $1!sines~-and_ ◊.ther Class 1- Mana~ Forest Llmd Class 8 - Rec:reation/Nori-Prilfit Orl!ani7.ation Ci~s9 - Flinn:

CO.LUMN2 COLUMN.~ .Rate: OfTax:applied against each Rate nfTax.Bp[llie:d-against each· $1,000.00.cfihe 1J.SS6S_sed value· i;>ftlie.lalld and_ iinJ)rovements· o{~e 1$!d anq imp,i;oVem·enf$ for jµtisdlctionar~ 716 as 'for' juri~icti/Jij ~_Ci!,· 717_ Ets: d~nn'ined in atcordante with -~etermin~ irt-accordance;:Wi~ ·part s-·cifth~ U]iper'Simifkaln,een ParfS of"the·.UpperS!mllkamun Indian BqTld 2002 Pr.opet'ty i~diatJ. BClfld 2002 Property Tara/ion By../aw. Taxation u.; law. 5.36669 4.545.14 27.12917 .23.67049-'2'.-8'.7l69 .2.0J284 16:75952 1.3.39973 IJ.J96<52 10.03683 10.1902) 8:3601, "9.07603 6.11l4S 4.5i42\) '3,52~0;4 10.439S9 g.Ast64


 You are being directed to the most recent version of the statute which may not be the version considered at the time of the judgment.