Part II - Enacted First Nations Legislation

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Ministre des Relations Couronne-Autochtones

Minister of Crown-Indigenous Relations

Ottawa, Canada K 1A 0H4

I, Minister of Crown-Indigenous Relations, HEREBY APPROVE, pursuant to section 83 of the Indian Act, the following by-law made by the Nicomen Indian Band, in the Province of British Columbia, at a meeting held on September 13, 2022.

Nicomen Indian Band Rates By-law 2022

Dated at Ottawa, Ontario, this 2.'6

day of ·Nov 'vYY' b_v--.


Hon. Marc Miller, P.C., M.P.



WHEREAS pursuant lo the l11dia11 Ac!, R. S. C. 1985 and specifically parugrnph 83( I )(u) of 1hel11dia11 Ac!, 1985, c.1-5, the Council of' the Bund muy make by-laws for the purpose of taxation for local purposes of land, or interests in land, including rights lo occupy, possess or use land in a reserve and with respect lo any matters arising out of or ancillary lo such purpose;

AND WHEREAS the Council of the Nicomen Indian Band enacted the Nico111en J11dian Band Taxa1io11 By-laiv on the 5'11 day of December 1991.

NOW BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED that the following By-law be and is hereby enacted pursuant lo the provisions or the Indian Ac!, and in particular section 83( I) for th plU'pose of establisl1ing Annual Rates of Taxation.

I. 2.

This By-law may be cited for nil purposes as the Nico111e11 J11dic111 Bmtd lfoles By­ law 2022. Pursuant lo Section 24(5) of the Nico111e11 Indian Band Taxation By-law, the tax rates for each class of property shall be in accordance with Schedule "A" which is attached, and forms part of the 2022 Rates By-law.

THIS BY-LAW IS HEREBY DULY ENA ('T ED by ouncil on the �day of_O__9 ___ 2022, al Nicornen Band Office, in the Province of British Columbia.

A quorum for the Nicomen lndian Band ow1cil is 3 of 3.

~<2. a~ Chief, Norman Drynock

�-Councillor, Clifford Wulkem

Councillor, Darren Cressy

SCHEDULE "A" Prescribed Tnx Rates For the 'Taxation Year 2022 The Council of the Nicomcn Indian Band hereby adopts the following Tnxalion Rates for the 2022 taxation ycnr for the following classes of propi:rly

< :lass of Properly

I. Residential 2. Utilities 3. l J nmanaged Forest 4. l'vlt\jor Industry 5. Light Industry 6. Ih 1sin css/Othcr 7. Managed J."orcst Land 8. Rccrcationul/No11-l'rolit 9. Fann I0 . Canadian Pncilic Rnilwny Right of Way*

Tax Rat,:s 2022

0.0 21.58523 0.0 0,0 0.0 0. () 0,0 0.0 0.0 16.4511

*Note the rate established for this parlkulnr class of' properly is set as rcquir�d pursuant to and in accordance with the Properly Asscssmcnl and Tnxalion (Railway Right-of� Way) l{cgulalion SOR/200 l-4l)J as published in the Canada Oazeltc Pal'l II, Vol. I 35, No.24, Novcmlwr 21, 200 I .

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