Partie II - Lois des Premières nations promulguées

Informations sur la décision

Contenu de la décision

Ministre des Relations Couronne-Autochtones Minister of Crown-Indigenous Relations et des Affaires du Nord and Northern Affairs Ottawa, Canada K1A OH4 I, Minister of Crown-Indigenous Relations and Northern Affairs, HEREBY APPROVE, pursuant to section 83 of the Indian Act, the following by-law made by the Westbank First Nation, in the Province of British Columbia, at a meeting held on the 12th day of March 2018. Westbank First Nation Expenditure By-law Annual Budget 2018 Dated at Ottawa, Ontario, this ~ day of dnz 2018. Hon. Carolyn Bennett, M.D., P.C., M.P. Canada
WESTBANK FIRST NATION By-law No. 18-TX-01 BY-LAW TO AMEND THE WESTBANK FIRST NATION TAXATION EXPENDITURE BY-Law, 1995, PASSED BY CHIEF AND COUNCIL THE 61.1{ DAY OF JUNE 1995 AND BY THE MINISTER OF INDIAN AFFAIRS AND NORTHERN DEVELOPMENT ON THE 24' DAY OF OCTOBER 1995. WHEREAS: The Westbank First Nation Expenditure By-law, 1995 was passed by Chief and Council of the Westbank First Nation in the best interest of the Band, as a by-law in accordance with section 83(2) of the Indian Act for the purpose of the expenditure of monies collected by the Westbank First Nation pursuant to Westbank First Nation Property Assessment and Taxation enabling by-laws as approved by the Minister, in accordance with section 83(1) of the Indian Act; and WHEREAS: Pursuant to Section 3.2 of the Westbank First Nation Taxation Expenditure By-law 1995, on or before June 30 of each Fiscal Year, the Westbank First Nation Council will prepare the Annual Budget and will, by by-law, add the Annual Budget as a schedule to the enacted Expenditure By-law; and NOW THEREFORE BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED THAT: The Westbank First Nation Council enacts the following amending By-law. Short Title This amending by-law may be cited as the "Expenditure By-law Annual Budget 2018". 1. That the following Schedule Expenditure By-law Annual Budget 2018 shall be added to the Westbank First Nation Taxation Expenditure By-law 1995; PASSED AND APPROVED by the Westbank First Nation Council at a duly convened meeting of the Westbank First Nation Council held at the Westbank First Nation Administration Office, Kelowna, British Columbia on this 12th day of March 2018. Chief Roxanne L' Councillor Christopher Derickson Councillor Brian Eli ~ Councillor SThofnas Konek Councillor Fe anda Alexander
WESTBANK FIRST NATION - PROPERTY TAXATION PROVISIONAL BUDGET 2018-2019 2018 (19) CHANGE Line REVENUE Taxation Revenue 14,509,042 2 Penalties & Interest 122.000 3 Interest Earned on Bank Operating 4 Misc. Revenue 5 Total Revenue 14,718,042 6 7 Local Improvement Charge Bylaw 05-TX-03 138,601 8 Capital Projects Fund (LIC Bylaw 05-TX-03) -138,601 9 EXPENDITURES 10 WFN Home Owner Grants 1, p 8 00,000 11 12 General Government Services: 13 Board of Review 14 Ptax administration 467,071 1s Finance 794,074 16 WFN General Administration 1,656,815 17 Museum 207,561 is Legislative 653,442 19 Intergovernmental Affairs 436,009 20 Advisory Council 21 Community Services 115,000 22 Allowance for appeals 200,000 23 Total General Government Services 4,622,772 24 25 Protective Services 26 Westside Fire Protection 1,748,411 27 Law Enforcement 409,036 28 Law Development 29 Residential Tenancy 30 Total Protective Services 2,286,406 31 32 Recreation Services 33 Parks & Recreation, and Youth 665,995 34 Total Recreation Services 665,995 35 36 Collections for other Governments 37 BCAA 150,000 38 Municipal Service Agrmt RDCO 591,548 39 BC Transit Agreement 390,000 40 Municipal Service Agrmt WEST KELOWNA 418,936 41 Tourism Westside 42 Library Services 394,811 43 Total Collections for other Governments 1,950,295 44 45 Community Development Services 46 Asset Management Software 47 Planning and Development 564,566 48 Public Works, Garage 948,623 49 Total Community Development Services 1,528,189 50 51 Fiscal Services 52 Gallagher's Canyon reserve 53 Stabilization Fund -346,971 54 Capital Projects Fund 1,450,904 55 Contingency Fund 725,452 56 Total Fiscal Services 1,839,385 57 58 Environmental Health Services: 59 Environmental Health & Emergency 60 Total Environmental Health Services 25,000 61 Total Expenses / Change 14,718,042 62 Less interest and other revenues -209,000 63 TOTAL TAX REQUISITION 14, 509,042 Page 1 of 1 PERCENT COMMENTS INCREASED ASSESSMENTS. 2... AVERAGE RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY TAX 5.2% INC -18.7% REDUCED REVENUES FROM PENALTIES AND INT 50,000 0.0% 37,000 -2.6% 4.9% FLOW THROUGH TO CAPTAL FUND LIE FOR LAKERIDGE 6CAMPBELL RD -17.0% SEWED SFLEOWWE RT "ROUGH TO CAPTAL FUND LIF FOR AKERIDGE 4CAMPBELL RD -17.0% 5.9% INCREASE TO REFLECT ACTUAL TAKE UP OF HOG 29,800 1.0% STABLE BUDGET 2.1% STABLE COSTS, DESPITE INCREASED VOLUME 4.0% INFLATIONARY INCREASE IN COSTS INC NEW SOFTWARE 1.2% SOME GENERAL ADMIN COSTS HAVE BEEN REDUCED MUSEUM COSTS INCREASE DUE TO FULL TIME STAFF, AND MOVING FEB 30.4% 2OINL 7.7% SALARY INCREASES COUNCIL SECRETARIAT 2.7% FIAT BUDGET USING MORE OWN SOURCE 63,000 -14.6% ELECTION COSTS REMOVED 12.2% SUPPORT OF COMMUNITY SERVICES, INCLUDING COMMUNITY CORE 0.0% $000K STANDARD PROVISION 3. 0 8 % RELATIVELY STABLE COSTS/ INFLATIONARY ONLY 12.8% CWKNUMRERS NOW FINAL: REDUCED, BASED ON RELATIVE ASSESSMENT VALUES. 33.0% EXTRA STANDBY AND OVERTIME, PLUS BUS LIC NOW IN PLANNING 58,997 0.00/0 LAW REVIEW AND REVISION, NO CHANGE IN BUDGET 69,962 48.5% INCREASED ACTIVITY, F/T SALARY 16.4% PRIMARILY FIRE PROTECTION, AND LAW ENFORCEMENT 5.1% NEW VAN, ENHANCED PROGRAMS, USING CURRENT GOLF TOURNEY FUNDS 5.1% -6.3% PER NEW CONTRACT, ANTICIPATE SLIGHTLY REDUCED COST 0 -2.2% REDUCED PER RELATIVE ASSESSMENTS VS KELOWNA 2.6% STABLE COSTS 2.2% FINAL NUMBER: NEW STAFF AT REC CENTRE 5,000 0.0% PROVISION FOR MARKETING, TOURISM, UNDER REVIEW 9.5% BASED ON NEW POPULATION FIGURES FROM 2016 CENSUS 1.8% 15,000 0.0% SOFTWARE UPGRADE RESERVE, NOW RECEIVES BUSINESS LICENCE REVENUE, PLANNING AND FEASIBILITY 2.7% COSTS FROM RESERVE NOW RECEIVES TERASEN FRANCHISE FEE REVENUE FOR ROAD -1.0% MAINTENANCE 0.4% 10,000 0.0% APPROX BC HYDRO REVENUE IRI2 TSF ER FROM STABILIZATI° " RESERVE TO BALANCE, REDUCED PER CONTINGENCY -61.3% TRANSFER REDUCTION 7.5% 10h AS PER BYLAW -46.3% ST,CONTRIBUTION, NOW PERMITTED BY ESTE: 1.4% 25,000 0.0% ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH, EMERGENCY, OR CONTINGENCY 0.0% INCREASE LY FIRE µDSTABILIIAT°" 4.9% E UCIIION"OFFSET BY CONTINGENCY LAW -12% 5.2% - PRIMARILY FIRE PROTECTION AND STABILIZATION FUND REDUCTION 0
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