Partie II - Lois des Premières nations promulguées

Informations sur la décision

Contenu de la décision

SENT jY:DIAND NORTH CENTRAL ; 6- 8-98 ; 9 :09AM ; - 1 , . Hu.t 340 M >1 UCK I.AICIÎ, Siiskuklimim SOK IJU Tel: (JU6) 467-1513 j L ' J T A l i r i w j 0 \ 93 Hill C«1h H«|J4 Tf m *m R»M M a/ 0 » IM v «r #ft« v«wi«* ftkklMfrcr 1*1 «nr, mi*I *jfin M Mi mmM TIIK COUNCIL OKTMK Rurdy'i A Okanaala Band DISTRICT North Cantral District ruoviNcji Saakatchavan I'WCE Baardy** A Okeaaaia Raaarva UATE 28th I»; :— MBy rme - ------- r U O IHÎIUÎIIVIUÎSOLVIÏÎ W H E R E A S , Section 81 o f the The Indian Act provides that Council may pass bylaws for the fo llow ing purposes: ( 1 ) The Council o f a band may make by-laws not inconsistent With this A ct or with any regulation made by the Governor m Council or the Minister, for any or all o f the fo llow ing purposes, namely, . (c ) the observance o f law and order; (d) the prevention o f disorderly conduct and nuisances (q ) with respect to any matter arising out o f or ancillaiy to the exercise o f powers under this section; (r) the imposition on summary conviction o f a fine not exceeding one thousand dollars or imprisonment for a term not exceeding thirty days, or both, for violation o f a by-law made under this section. 1'OK DKI'AUTMBNTAL. USIÎ UNLV 1 1 COM IOTHR D A U N C Ü S . Um d l f«wd Code |lf lUVClHIV s $ dJU 'om m tu iJc 'l819 997 0034;# 2/ 3 1 - I * m m wm ..... —■ 1 1 " ...............1 p"" ' * "" 1 ' CI»riiHiil«||lcnl Number! -^ 8 - W t r P a g c l H File lU'fernicc: / f W - 3 é f . m 9h Kn « » Ii m Dm 4 N i CihicM C»|>tui JlilwKo J ----CoilHMtkil $------CuucHt Retenus llilwto e s Coiniuluctl . j ----- : 1 c 9 s 9 8 i J. Ihpcm lN n « , AtUtatlijr 5» SiMict ( h tmllin A d Sic. è S C n4i*l Hevff 7a /||MurcJ
SENT BY-DlAND NORTH CENTRAL ; 6- 8-98 ; 9:09AM ; B o a r a y ' s ̂' « " ™||| llw 340 l)UCI( I.AKIi. Swhlltetiww SMC U6 » *l'di {'Jilt) HU1 ROM m -4 # » fi«n ««# **»4 n ^ ^ C iiA il4 w »IM «ttv It * *•#*« iHB COUNCIL OKTI«U B rdy.. * Oko ««la Band DISTRICT * North Central Diatrict -HOV1NCJÎ Saskatchewan LACE ' Beard/'» A OkiNaasla Reserve ATE feth Hay 1990 0 I I E U Ë I I V H K S O L Y K t (2 ) Where any by-law o f a band is contravened and a conviction entered, in addition to any other remedy and to any penalty imposed by the by-law, the court in which the conviction has been entered, and any court o f competent jurisdiction thereafter, may make an order prohibiting the continuation or repetition o f the offence by the person convicted. W H E R E A S , the incidence o f noise in the Beardys & Okemasis First Nation is such that Band Council deems it expedient that regulations be made restricting and abating the activities which give rise to unnecessary noise in the Beardys & Okemasis First Nation; and W H E R E A S , the intent o f this by-law is that all noise shall be reduced as far as possible compatible with the normal activities o f urban life and that unnecessary noise be eliminated; and, T H E R E F O R E BE IT RESO LVED , that the Band Council o f the Beardy s & Okemasis First Nation, on this day, pass approval The Noise Act to be effective as o f May 29,1998. (Chief) ' r w M nu l É i É i (CsufldlhM) lyy s j (Cousslllor y . i (Ceundika) (CsUnditvi) F O B U E I 'A K T M B N T A L USB O N L Y u}4 CoJ« t COM I'tfTW t B A LA N C ES ATC-plüI Ile RtVCMIM 0 $ $ cccEwmchM -* 819 997 0034;# 3/ 3 &Q k c a a a s i s U a . n c i Chrouulogtail Number! W98-99/H} /m- 9?m , File ItiTcrciuc; £ fan - 369 i|ftw m 41 »nO tl—< tif«OlMnM ftp* l iO rtn *. Cun oil Cqtlul llilaucs J Comurincil S » C u iicut Revenus 1) t im es J CemudUcd S * 9 (CoutitUlot) ICmtWM ' ICouiicUIoi) (OmiicUIui) ) . Hi|Kidlwn 4* Auüioilijr } , Suüiti oM'uudi JiiJU h Aci Scc. $ t'inlut Kciniuc 1 7 *A )| »m iv o I I
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