Partie II - Lois des Premières nations promulguées

Informations sur la décision

Contenu de la décision

Ministre des Affaires Minister of Indigenous and autochtones et du Nord %iv=—e4i: Northern Affairs 4 g Ottawa, Canada K1A OH4 I, Minister of Indigenous and Northern Affairs, HEREBY APPROVE, pursuant to section 83 of the Indian Act, the following by-law made by the Sturgeon Lake Cree Nation, in the Province of Alberta, at a meeting held on the 20th day of May 2016. Sturgeon Lake Cree Nation Tax Rates By-law 2016 Dated at Ottawa, Ontario, this f J day of 2016. Ho . arol?ll=ennett, M.D., P.C., M.P. Canad'a
1+1 " tNlr: Jr.3 rY4".71e+rr. .4iriyri?E sraterrse~. ~ irslr5 ~8"n~3 AI du NATO [;grLatia 16/17-07 777 1 28-7 /455 ti~:rc r.•P n•],LIf Ernd F.rdu' "rrç.[a'.-.~ '•r•.+.1•.~0' r'~.p' S r* i:054, null *vow n .tl -r.,>Jrl:+ns'ny.!rflnÿ V.0M171r.,m l,.r ~i,,.• = , .. ."k .~S •?hl'S Ot! L7rr_4 da fr:l.rfr Sia.'.Cx- 'r:4`•Irl' rr: 'rR+►r*:i f+lrs- ,N.: SS 7y.Pn'. 1 Tr.? EJf L!1f11 ti' !h« Ls CanviiI Sturgeon Lake Cree Nation I - ; u tk F(olrir5,1k I Dale' of Ciisiy cow.:erled iwPfJCn1~ r;9,rL; n C0:1 l'c ~59tr7"tI9 k~ d=JfriF?#rt G~JrYaCiva ~ 12 U 0 Alberta ~::rlpsr, ',"-!:or s ~ ~ I IS IX,1 HEREBY RESOLVE DEC. DE, DAq LES P* tEEN ES Whereas pursuant to subsection 83(1)(a) of the Indian Act, R.S.C. 1985, c.l-5, the Council of a band may make by-laws for the purpose of taxation for local purposes of land, or interests in land. including rights to occupy. possess or use land in a reserve and with respect to any matter arising out of or ancillary to such purpose; and Whereas the Council of the Sturgeon Lake Cree Nation enacted the Sturgeon Lake Band Taxation and Business Licensing By-law on July 23, 1986; Therefore Be it Resolved that the following by-law is hereby enacted pursuant to the provisions of the Indian Act and particular section 83(1) for the purpose of establishing annual rates of taxation. 1. This by-law may be cited for all purposes as the Sturgeon Luke Cree Nation Tax Rates By-law 2016. 2. Pursuant to section 21 of the Sturgeon Lake Band Taxation and Business Licensing By-law, the 2016 tax rates for each class of property shall be: a. For non-residential 1.85% b. For machinery and equipment 1.45% 3. This by-law comes into force and effect upon being approved by the Minister of Indian Affairs and Northern Development. This by-law is hereby enacted by Council at a duly convened meeting. 4,j ru r Four (4) Q y.•r7n^tl)' ~P~Surn: i4:ra:rr_1~< - I;:narr~irl ~ C - :.rt^rrrFw' •;:c.-çn{[r, ' 12_wrz:[[r - I:an~rTü1
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