Partie II - Lois des Premières nations promulguées

Informations sur la décision

Contenu de la décision

* IV* I A A VW r. uj PIKANGIKUM FIRST NATION "D R Y" INTOXICANT BY-LAW BY-LAW NO. 39/96 A BY-LAW REGULATING INTOXICANTS ON PIKANGIKUM RESERVE WHEREAS The use o f intoxicants has been demonstrated over time to be the greatest contributor to death, suicide, drowning, family breakdown, disorderly conduct, nuisances and breaches o f law and order for the Pikangikum First Nation people, thereby threatening the present and future well being o f the Pikangikum community and its residents; AND WHEREAS combating the destructive effects o f intoxicants in an effective manner in ont particular community requires special measures to it's unique location, culture, traditions, character and composition; AND WHEREAS the geographical isolation o f the Pikangikum Reserve effectively bars speedy access to Judges and Justices for the purposes o f obtaining judicial authorizations for certain investigative or enforcement measures considered necessary for effective enforcement o f laws concerning intoxicants, including search warrants; AND WHEREAS effective enforcement o f many o f the provisions of this intoxication law requires a speedy response to prevent destruction o f evidence, escape, avoidance o f prosecution and the like; AND WHEREAS the Chief and Council o f Pikangikum First Nation have the power under the Indian Act to make laws; a) to provide for the health o f reserve residents. (Section 81 (1) (a); b) to provide for the observance o f law and order. (Section 81 ( l ) ( c ) ; c) for the prevention o f disorderly conduct and nuisances. (Section 81 ( l)(d );
U U U i I _ W w l l\Jl\ l i > t J U V. U4 d) with respect to any other matter arising out of or ancillary to those powers (Section 81 (1) (g), including those investigative measures deemed necessary for effective enforcement o f those laws and e) respecting intoxicants, including laws declaring the complete prohibition from the Reserve, (Section 81.1 (1-4). AND WHEREAS the Council o f the Pikangikum First Nation must be adequately protected and respected in their duty to enforce the control o f intoxicants at the Pikangikum First Nation Reserve. DEFINITIONS 1* In this Law: "Intoxicants'1 includes; a) cleaning solvents, disinfectants, and the vapors thereof; b) anti-freeze, de-icers, and other similar products containing alcohol, and the vapors thereof; c) perfumes, hairsprays, mouthwashes and other cosmetic or hygienic products and the vapors thereof; d) homemade mixtures capable o f producing a state o f intoxication; e) intoxicants as defined under Section 2 (1) o f the Indian Act; and f) such other substances and the vapors thereof used to produce a state o f intoxication. "Trafficking" means; a) to manufacture an intoxicant; or b) to sell, exchange, barter or trade an intoxicant; or c) where the recipient of the intoxicant is 18 years o f age or younger, to supply, give, administer or distribute an intoxicant to such a young person, whether or not for gain; or
juL-^a-ao nun u ;u» r. uo d) to offer to do anything in paragraphs (a), (b) and (c) immediately above; and "trafficking has a corresponding meaning. "Intoxicated" means: in addition to it's ordinary meaning, any person 18 years o f age or less who has in any manner consumed intoxicants is deemed to be intoxicated for the purposes o f this Law. EXCEPTIONS 2. No offense is committed against the provisions o f this Law; a) where the intoxicant is possessed, used or intended to be used; i) for medicinal purpose; or ii) for domestic, business, commercial or other purposes that do not involve producing a state o f intoxication in any person. OFFENSES AND PENALTIES 3. a) Everyone who is intoxicated on the Pikangikum Reserve, is guilty o f an offense punishable on summary conviction and is liable to a fine o f not more than ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS ($100.00) or imprisonment for a period not exceeding THIRTY (30) DAYS or to both* b) Everyone who is in possession o f an intoxicant on the Pikangikum Reserve, is guilty o f an offense punishable on summary conviction and is liable to a fine o f not more than ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS ($100.00) or imprisonment for a period not exceeding THIRTY (30) DAYS or to both. c) Everyone who: i) traffics an intoxicant, or ii) is in possession o f an intoxicant for the purpose o f trafficking, is guilty o f an offense punishable on a summary conviction and is liable to a fine o f not more than FIVE HUNDRED DOLLARS ($500.00) or imprisonment for a period not exceeding THIRTY (30) DAYS;
JUL-29-96 MON 11:09 l i <JU d) Everyone who while intoxicated and causes a nuisance to another person by impeding, insulting, molesting, harassing, threatening, begging from , shooting at, swearing or displaying other disorderly conduct towards that other person is guilty o f an offense punishable by summary conviction; e) All fines collected as a result of offenses and penalties tinder the Law shall ensure to the benefit o f Pikangikum First Nation by having the fine revenues deposited in a Pikangikum First Nation Trust Account, and these fine revenues shall go to the benefit o f the entire community. SEARCH AND SEIZURE 4. a) A First Nation Constable or other authorized Peace O fficer, where authorized by First Nation Council, may conduct a reasonable search o f the clothing o f a person entering Pikangikum Reserve: i) I f he has reasonable grounds to believe that person to be in possession on an intoxicant in contravention o f this Law; or b) The First Nation Council may authorize a First Nation Constable or other Peace O fficer in a reasonable search o f a person entering Pikangikum Reserve who may be attempting to import intoxicants concealed under his/her clothing. 5. A First Nation Constable or other authorized Peace O fficer may at all points o f entry onto Pikangikum Reserve, on the basis o f reasonable grounds to believe or suspect that an offense under this Law is being committed o r attempted, conduct reasonable searches o f all aircraft, vehicles including; snowmobiles, boats, vessels, luggage, bags, boxes or other containers and conveyances coming onto Pikangikum First Nation Reserve. BUILDINGS 6. A First Nation Constable or other Peace Officers including Pikangikum Peacekeepers or members o f the First Nations Council may conduct a reasonable search o f any building on Pikangikum Reserve, including offices and dwelling houses, provided that; a) there are reasonable grounds to believe that such a search will disclose evidence o f an offense under this Law; and
b) the prior approval o f the Chief or any two member» o f the Pikangikum P in t Nation Council has been obtained for conducting that particular search at that particular time; and c) tile person conducting the search is accompanied by at least one member o f the Pikangikum First Nation Council; and d) only sufficient force is utilized to gain entry into a building on Pikangikum Reserve where entry cannot be obtained without the use o f force. EVICTIONS 7. Any person not a member o f the Pikangikum First Nation or ordinarily a resident in the Pikangikum First Nation community who is found intoxicated on the Pikangikum Reserve or in possession o f intoxicants on the Pikangikum Reserve shall be subject to prosecution under the provisions o f this Law and the First Nation Council shall have the right to evict such person from Pikangikum Reserve at his/her expense. PROVISO 8. Nothing in tills Law shall be constructed in any manner which serves to limit the powers o f the Chief and First Nation Councilors* First Nation Constables or other authorized Peace Officers contained in any other statute or recognized at common law. ENFORCEMENT 9. Pikangikum First Nation Council authorize the Ontario Provincial Police (OPP)* the Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCM P), the Pikangikuro First Nation Constables and the Pikangikuin Peacekeeper to diligently enforce provisions of the law.
THIS BY-LAW IS HEREBY made at a duly convened meeting o f the council o f the Pikangikum First Nation this 3 3 d . Pay o f « 1 996. Voting in favor o f the By-Law are the following members o f the Council: Councilor Solomon Turtle *77» Councilor Martha Suggashie Councilor Simeon Moose
JUL-29-96 hON 11-16 P.03 Being in majority o f those members o f the Council o f the Pikangikam First Nation present at the aforesaid meeting o f the Council The quorum o f the Council is 5 members. Number o f members o f the Council present at the meeting is/was 8. !, Jonah Strang, Chief o f the Pikangikum First Nation, do hereby certify that a true copy o f the foregoing By-law was mailed and faxed to the Minister on Indian and Northern Affairs at Headquarters in Hull, Quebec, pursuant to the provisions o f the Indian A ct this 3 3 day o f ______>1996. Witn
M Indian and Northern Affaires indiennes Affairs Canada et du Nord Canada Chronological no. - N° consécutif 3 9 /9 6 File reference no. - N° de référence du dossier BAND COUNCIL RESOLUTION RÉSOLUTION DE CONSEIL DE BANDE NOTE: The words "from our Band Funds" "capital" or "revenue", whichever is the case, must appear in all resolutions requesting expenditures from Band Funds. NOTA: Les mots "des fonds de notre bande" "capital" ou "revenu" selon le cas doivent paraitre dans toutes les résolutions portant sur des dépenses à même les fonds des bandes. Cash free balance - Solde disponible The council of the Capital account Le conseil de PIKANGIKUM FIRST NATION Compte capital k D-J M Y-A Province Date of duly convened meeting k I Revenue account Date de l'assemblée dûment convoquée V , , , Compte revenu f | 2\ 3 0\ 7 9\ 6 ONTARIO DO HEREBY RESOLVE: DÉCIDE, PAR LES PRÉSENTES: WHEREAS; the C h ie f and Council have been d ir e c te d by the p eo p le o f Pikangikum F ir s t N ation to address the esc a la tio n o f a lcoh ol r e la te d in c id en ts which have c rea ted unhealthy community environm ent, d istu rba n ces and in crea sed r is k s o f l i v e s , and WHEREAS; the p eo p le o f Pikangikum F ir s t N ation have d ir e c te d the C h ie f and Council to e s ta b lis h a By-Law reg u la tin g the in to x ic a n ts on the Pikangikum r e s e r v e , and WHEREAS; the C h ie f and Council can enact such By-Laws w ithin the powers o f the Indian A c t , and THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the C h ie f and Council h ereb y enact "Pikangikum F ir s t Nation "DRY" In to x ica n t By-Law ". A by-la w reg u la tin g in to x ic a n ts on Pikangikum R eserve . BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that th is By-Law im m ediately be su bm itted to the M in is te r o f Indian and Northern A ffa ir s according to the p r o v is io n s o f the Indian A ct . Quorum FIVE (5) (Councillor - Conseiller) ( -C -o u -n c -i -ll o r - C -o n -s -e i l l e r -) / / VT I T O' P - l k ___ (Councillor - Conseiller) (Councillor - Çonseiller) ^____ Conseillï r) \vai (Councillor - Conseiller) (Councillor - Conseiller) (Coutaillor ^Conseiller) FOR DEPARTMENTAL USE ONLY - RÉSERVÉ AU MINISTERE Expenditure - Dépenses Authority (Indian Act Section Source of funds Expenditure - Dépenses Authority (Indian Act Section Source of funds Autorité (Article de la Loi sur Source des fonds Autorité (Article de la Loi sur Source des fonds les Indiens) les Indiens) □<*>«- Etes- c a p K a . Recommending officer - Recommandé par Recommending officer - Recommandé par Signature Date Signature Date Approving officer - Approuvé par Approving officer - Approuvé par Signature Date Signature Date 80-5 (12-89) 7530-21-036-8582 Canad 1M a
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