Partie II - Lois des Premières nations promulguées

Informations sur la décision

Contenu de la décision

( ONEIDA INDIAN RESERVE NO, 4l BY-IAVJ No. 6 Kade under Section 80 SS(L) and Sec 82 (P) being a by-law for the management and upkeep of the Band-owned water system and the payment of water rates. (1) No person shall, unless authorized by Band Council, be within the enclosed pond area of the Oneida Band wa.ter system, nor shall any person deposit any substances in the enclosed area, that may In any way contaminate the water. (2 ) No person shall in any vuy damage any portion of the distribution system of the Oneida Bend \srater system. (3 ) Any person v.’ho violates the provisions of part 1 and 2 of this by-lav; shall be guilty of an offence and shall be lipble on summary conviction to a fine not exceeding ten dollars or imprisonment for a term not exceeding seven days or both fine and imprisonment. (4) The Rand Council shall appoint a manager to maintain and control the water system, and attend to such other duties as décidée upon by the council. (5) The Band council shall establish a monthly rate to be paid by the water users, and will have power to change this rate as and when required. (6 ) If a, user fails to pay his monthly water charge the Band council may direct the manager to stop the water supply to his house. Approved and dated at Cneida Council Hall this .... / A ....... day of September, i9 6 0 , by the undersigned members of the Gneidas of Councillor Councillor Councillor Councillor Councillor V R p . V / p * .W V _ . y ; V ' C Co ou u ncillor V. £>A t v U/. jb &l. C'O. . Cou n n c c i i l l l l o o r r . : a w . ---------/? y b y .* 7 £ C .L . .
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