Partie II - Lois des Premières nations promulguées

Informations sur la décision

Contenu de la décision

Chronological No. DEPARTMENT OF CITIZENSHIP AND IMMIGRATION "MAN AFFAIRS BRANCH 1966-67/6 C A N A D A BAND COUNCIL RESOLUTION H.Q. Reference NO TE: The words From our Band Funds** must appear in a ll resolutions requesting expenditures from Band Funds. FOR HEADQUARTERS USE ONLY CO U NC IL OF THE Nipissing BAND AGENCY Nipissing PRO VINCE Ontario P LA C E Garden Village d a t e Twenty-Fourth May_______ a d i 9 66 D A Y MONTH YEAR DO H E R E BY R ESO LVE : The Council of the Nipissing Band of Indians at a meeting held at Garden Village this Tenth Day of May, 1966, makes the following by-law pursuant to paragraph (h) and (m) of Section 80 of the Indian Act. By-Law No. 1 To establish a Community Centre at Garden Village comprised of a skating rink and to carry on a community program of Recreation within the regulations laid down by the Department of Education Act, Ontario. A consnittee of 5 persons to be selected, 2 of which must be members of Council. This committee to have full jurisdiction over all recreation programs conducted on the reserve. CERTIFIED TRUE COPY original signed by" ..... ............................................. (Ch ief) Fred Commanda (Councillor) (Councillor) (Councillor) Isidore Beaucage (Councillor) (Councillor) (Councillor) Rita Penasse (Councillor) (Councillor) (Councillor) (Councillor) (Councillor) (Councillor) FOR HEADQUARTERS USE O N LY 1. TRUST 2. CURRENT B A LAN C ES 3. Expenditure 4. Authority 5. Source of Funds AC C T A . Capital B. Revenue Indian Act Sec. 1 | Capital [ 1 Revenue $ $ $ 6. Recommended 7. Approved Date Assistant Deputy Minister, Date Authorised Officer Indian Affairs 1A-135
BY-LAW NO a A 2/--£r?„v to establish a Coanunlty Centre at .. srrfr?. Pereas prevision i3 trade for the establishment of a Community Centre in Ontario under the Corrfnunity Centres Act, 1%1, and Vbereas it is desired to establish a Community Centre at .. in the Therefore the Municipal Council of the . enacta as follows: That a Catnunity Centre defined as . . . (state i f Swimming Pool, Athletic Field. Skating Arena, Out-Door Rink or Comunity Hall) under the Consamity Centres Act 1961, and the regulations thereunder, and that the said CornisHiity Centre be administered by the following Board, duly appointed for the ensuing year." \ Name r r W ' i I t * « # » a i$\ x •• , -4 v. g. t. ' •* 22£m i Ü k u é ù . .<<fk *___ r V J, X t ........ ~*'x ■.: . . .' v -Y The said Cominity Centre shall be maintained as a Community Centre by the said Board in conformity with the Act and Regulations made thereunder. ; . Passed at this Signed ..................... .. i . . . . . . Y ;. Clerk . ' - T, .. Cl Ü f î r t *the C ^ c i ï t i t ^ f do certify that the foregoing is a ture copy of By-Law No. .. X . . passed by the Council Vf I ....... of ÿ o f M ï * * -.CTTTf:. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - ' . i y.. . AC&f.ÿ&î'. <Qd 4 ^ . : ay of . . . . . . . k.V. 19 (r.G Signed .. iC\ Reeve . ^ ^ ' ' ■■■ - - - - - - ̂ -;•/ Clerk. î -v <V-V" f
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