Partie II - Lois des Premières nations promulguées

Informations sur la décision

Contenu de la décision

CARADOC INDIAN RESERVE # 42 MÜNCEY BAND BY-LAW # 1 Made under Section 80 s.s.(q) and Section 81 s.s. (l) & (2) of the Indian Act Being a By-Law to create the position of BAND CLERK for the Muncey and Chippewa Bands of Caradoc Reserve #42. WHEREAS it is necessary to appoint a BAND CLERK to interpret and promote the enforcement of all Band By-Laws and carry out such other duties as may he assigned by Council, THEREFORE the Council of the Kunceys of the Thames Band ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: 1. THAT the position of BAND CLERK is hereby created for the Chippewas of the Thames and the Munceys of the Thames Bands of Caradoc Indian Reserve No. 42. 2. THAT the said position shall be filled by competition advertised in accordance with the policy of the Band Councils and expressed by resolution. 3. TEAT the incumbent of the said position shall hold office during the pleasure of and subject to the By-Laws of the Band Councils. 4. THAT the said incumbent shall upon appointment file with the Band Council and indemnity bond in the sum of $5»000.00 issued by a recognized bonding company, subject to the premium of such bond being paid from a. grant to the two Bands. 5. THAT the said incumbent shall be paid a salary of $3,000.00 per annum or as agreed to from time to time by both Band Councils.
Page 2 <5. THAT the salary of the said incumbent shall he payment in full for all services ,quired of him and all fees or emoluments of any kind accruing to him by virtue of any Act or Statute of the Federal or Provincial Government oh of any By-Laws of the Band shall be paid to the Caradoc Reserve Office''and\used as agreed to by both Band Councils:"') 7. THAT the duties of the said BAND CLERK shall be as follows: (a) T0 attend all regular and special meetings of Councils and to truly record, in a book authorized for this purpose, without note or comment; all resolutions, decisions and other proceedings of the Band Council; unless this responsibility is" delegated to another. (b) To record the names of all Council members present and the name and vote of every member of Council voting on any matter or question: (c) To keep in his office or in the place appointed for this purpose, the originals of all By-^aws and of all minutes of the proceedings of the Band Councils of the Chippewa and Muncey Bands. (d) To maintain or cause to be maintained, an adequate bookkeeping ; system showing all receipts and expenditures during each fiscal year of all monies transacted in connection with the business of the Two Bands. (e) To keep and ensure that all records, accounts and correspondence, acted upon by the Band Councils are preserved and filed. (f) To have an audit of the books carried out within sixty days after the close of each fiscal year by an audit firm appointed by the Band Councils and to have copies of such audit reports made available for the Band Councils and Indian Affairs Branch as required. (g) To acquaint himself with all provisions of the Indian Act and any other Act of the Federal and Provincial Governments that bear un on the well-being of the Chippewas and Hunceys Band or any member thereof. (h) To perform such other duties as may be necessary for the conduct of Band Affairs or as assigned to him by resolution of the Band Councils, oif̂ a committee established by both Band Councils for this purposeT) (i) To acquaint himself with all By-Laws of the Bands and ensure they are carried out and to bring to the attention of Councils any case where a By-Law is inadequate or being improperly enforced. (j) To file, before taking over his duties as BAND CLSBK a Declaration of Office on Form 200 /3
Pa#e 3 Approved and dated at . .... this f*day of ... .. ...1966 Plu nee V by the undersigned members of the SfffPRSJA BAND COUNCIL chief . JS.\ COUNCILLORS
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