Partie II - Lois des Premières nations promulguées

Informations sur la décision

Contenu de la décision

^T ' ( nc r a n a 0 NbrtDem Affaires inciannes Affairs Canada el du Nord Canada Ch»unuktc #1 N s, - N y m # r© c © n * r * y M anc jplwi:i Affairs Affaires indiennes et » it 1990-1991/28 F U# Référéne e N ° d* f# f . du d é a ê i t t b a n d c o u n c i l r e s o l u t i o n RÉSOLUTION DE CONSEIL DE BANDE iQ T K T Di h m c d w K n u r n d ' » l * Krom our Durid Fund* 11 "Capit-O * 1 of " R f v f « u r M, >h*ch*ver ïhe c.ifie, muil i.pprMf »M i fr»ùiv*l ton* r#4u*tt»rtf e apencM ur« a îro» ̂V O T A L e u mG!8 "rte* iüfiàs dp nùtta bonde ffCaptftt/1 du r e v e n u * ' â#/©h U « a * Paràttt* r a w * * s las rrsôlult&ns PQftêni $ur dea d#p « r1« « THE CO ,r U î r N f C I If L 8 t O o F nd u T u de £ s b f i n d t f i ____________________ _____________________________ ___________________________________________ __________ ________ MOOSE FACTORY FIRST.NATION Current Capitol Oalartcc E C O N S E IL D E L a B A N D E IN D IE N N E AGENCY Solde dt capital DISTRICT SUDBURY Committed Engagé s__ __ PROVINCE ONTARIO Current Revenue balance PLACE Soldé rtvenu s NOM D E L 'E N D R O IT MOOSE FACTORY 14 Committed - Engtâé r, a Tl? - Septem b er Ar> 1Q 90 1____ D A Y J OUK M O N T H MQÎS Y E A R - ANNÉE D O H E R E B Y R E S O L V E ; DECIDE, PAR LES PRESENTES-WHEREAS paragraph 81 (1) a, 81 (d) and 81 (1) e of the Indian Act empower this council to pass by-laws for the health of the residents of the reserve, to prevent nuisances and to prevent trespass by domestic animals and to impose penalties for the violation of those by-laws and; WHEREAS this council deems it expedient to provide for the licensing and regulation of dogs on the reserve; THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Council of ,the Moose Factory First Nation enacts as by-law number the following: l. In this by-law "current" in relation to a dog licence or dog tag means a licence that was issued for the current year or, during the month of January only, for the previous or current year; "dog" includes any dog, male or female; "issuer" means the dog licence issuer appointed pursuant to this by-law and any person to whom this issuer has delegated any duties pursuant to this by-law; "licence" means a dog licence or kennel licence issued by the Moose Factory First Nation and includes the dog tag or tags issued with the licence; "owner" in relation to any dog means a person who owns, possesses or harbours that dog; "officer" means by any person appointed pursuant to this by­ law for its enforcement; "reserve" means all land set aside for the use and benefit of the members of the Moose Factory First Nation, . . /2 INDIAN AFFAIRS SUDBURY DISTRICT SEP 1 7 1990 1
BAND COUNCIL RESOLUTION RÉSOLUTION DE CONSEIL DE BANDE % ' ) r K T Qw l r t - < * .' v , K , r u n I t s i l i, yf |)(ind H un«l * * ' * C « t i " or Hr * h i < H f \ * r » % \) * . % p , *-.o\ l ,n>* #■ w i<i *•» 1 r e*|ur »l »nn * *$** <M .1 tir » a from ff'O •' L * S mût» fo n d a 4 * nütta b u n d * ftC » p n » l ,> Ou t é v o n u * ' a e l o n I * c a \ d d ^ ê n ; p a w t r r a d a n * t ou te * /#« r e s o l u t i o n * po rtant t u f d p » d ê p a n i t i rr *tr,é *>* fondai de k LV>n d * * ______________________ _____ ______________ ____________________^ * i :1. COUNCIL OI THE Current naiwnce U i C O N S E IL D E LA B A N D E IN D IE N N E MOOSE FACTORY FIRST NATION AGENCY Sold? de eopitsl --- - --- DISTRICT SUDBURY Committed - Enfto#t? $ .— ____________PROVINCE ONTARIO Current Revenue balance PLACE Solde de revenu $---------YO.V MOOSE FACTORY D E L 'E N D R O IT Committed - EftfrÊâé _______ n a nr w S Day _ _ a n \ o - JQVk MONTH - M O I S YE Aft - AA7VEE _ «-----D O H E R E B Y R E S O L V E : D E C ID E , P A R L E S P R E SE N T E S: - 2-2. No person shall own, harbour or possess a dog on the reserve unless a current licence has been Issued in respect of that dog and the dog bears the dog tag issued with the licence, 3. No person shall permit a dog owned, harboured or possessed by that person to run at large on the reserve. A dog shall be deemed to be running at large when found at any place other than the premises of its owner. 4. Any person who violates section 2 or section 3 of this by­ law is liable to a fine not exceeding $100 upon summary. 5. Upon the request of a dog owner and the payment of the fee required under this by-law, the issuer shall issue a dog licence in respect of any dog and shall keep a record of each licence issued including the name, address and telephone number of the owner, the number shown on the dog tag and a general description of the dog. 6. Each dog licence shall be valid for a single calendar year which shall be Indicated on the dog tag and also for the first month of the succeeding year. 7. An officer may, without giving notice to anyone, seize and destroy any dog found to be running at large on the reserve unless the dog bears a current dog tag. 8. In the event that a dog bearing a current dog tag is found to be running at large on the reserve, the officer may seize the dog and; a) if the dog has not already been seized in the current year, restore the dog to its owner and advise the owner of the consequence of the dog being seized again; b) if the dog has been seized only already in. the current year, restore the dog to its owner only upon payment of the fee stated in this by-law and otherwise destroy the dog; c) if the dog has been seized more than once already in the current year, destroy the dog? d) if, in the opinion of the officer, the dog presents a danger to any person or animal, is seriously injured or should be destroyed for humane reasons, destroy the dog; . . / 3
A i " « ou t e N t y n tf a b e m ** Canada J'Ojr» ÔX? Aff̂ir$ AMâites inÔnnes et fiüit BAND COUNCIL RESOLUTION RÉSOLUTION DE CONSEIL DE BANDE < O T £ T O h â e n d * ô F r u d n s d » " F r o m dur B a n d f u f t d * 1' " C a p i t a l " or R # v e n u r " , w h i c h e v e r >6 the c A i e , m u i t m M l t r i o l u t i c n t r e q u e s t i n g e a p e n d i tw f f V (rem \ O T A : L e s m d tk "flfai t e n d s d t n d t r * b u n d c f*C# prf*/M OU i é t c n Caa dou ta» ! p a t * n r * d a n s jcuta.% io» t i s o l u t i e r i * p o t im n î lu r o # s «f*p#■ **»• À morne ,'ew fo r d i dv * Inonde H ______ __________ ________ __________ ________________________________ ________ THE COUNCIL OF THE '.£ CONSEIL D E L a Ba NDE INDIENNE MOOSE FACTORY FIRST NATION Current Capital Bolonee AGENCY Solde de câpitâl S--- -- - - » DISTRICT SUDBURY Committed - Engagé s__________ PROVINCE ONTARIO Current Revenue balance PLACE Solde do tcvemi l-_________ MOOSE FACTORY NOM DE L ENDROIT Committed - Eng* &__________ nifp DAY - JOUR MONTH - AH 10 MOIS YEÂtt -A N N E E DO HEREBY R E (•« S '. O * L f V K E CJ ; D lîC ID h , i'A K KlVnîJ. -3-9. The following fees are payable pursuant to this by-law, persons over sixty years of age shall only be liable to pay one half of any such fee: a) licence for each dog: $ 5.00 b) restoring dog to owner: $ 25.00 c) kennel licence: d) $ 25.00 licence for each dog owned by holder of kennel licence: The Council may. by resolution, appoint, an issuer and off icers pursuant to this by-law. The issuer may delegate such of the duties of that office to other parsons as may be appropriate. All fees collected pursuant to this by-law shall be added to the general revenue of theBand, 11. Any persons may apply for a kennel licence andmay be issued same upon payment of the required fee provided that the issuer is satisfied that the kennel can and will be operated in a safe and sanitary manner and will not cause a nuisance to anyone. The holder of a kennel licence is entitled to be issued dog tags for each of the kennels dogs at the rate specified. ./4i ¥ * o o
m af^vi '^L^uwrr; Miï0ire5 inüH9nn©5 m ^ " Attars Canac» et du Nord Canada tnôan and tix* Attairs Affres indiennes et inuil BAND COUNCIL RESOLUTION RÉSOLUTION DE CONSEIL DE BANDE NOTE. Th* word» Ÿtair\ our Bar'd Fundi" Band Funds »f "RivVnu"#”. »hich «v*r i, ,h« «*«♦, null w*»« In ail r**«iutiont t«p*ndur*t fro* * AI OTA: L e e rrotè " d « « tonds n o i r a b a n d t ••Ctphaf OU ’•VC1 u" <•> on I* «*• doivont poM.trt rfon* (out** r«*afufr«n* portant out dot dtpwittt i même ie» tonds da a banda* THE COUNCIL OF THE LE CONSEIL DE LA BANDE MOOSE FACTORY FIRST NATION in d ie n n e AGENCY district SUDBURY province ONTARIO N P O L M A C D E E L ENDROIT MOOSE FACTORY mrr 14 September ir,,û 90 ÏÏÂ y " 1- JOUR MONTH MÔÏS DO HEREBY RESOLVE; D E C ID E , P A R L B S P R E SE N T E S: -4-12. No provision of this by-law and no licence issuad pursuant to this by-law shall be deemed to permit any person to violate or ignore the provisions of any other regulation or h by e a l l a t w h . including those dealing with public safety and A quorum for this Bande Pour cette bande le quorum eat consists of fixé & Council Members Membres du Cônaei/ " { CouhC i ( oil it r) (Councillor cense/Hsr) {Councillor - c oneeitterj T̂ounciiïür eo/tee t tier) i ....... . ... FOR DEPARTMENTAL USE ONLY - R È SE R v à A U M IN ISTERE î . Band Fund C ade, ^ 'C O M P U T E R BALANCES - S O L D E S D O R D IN A T E t/R C ode du oomfifÊT de b a n d é A , C apital B. R evenue ~ R e v e n u S $ 6* R ecom iren d ed 1 R# coalmen de b le i i ! ............. ................................................................................................. ........*......................... | Date Recom m ending O fficer H *common d é par I A I B S ( 5 - 7 9 ) 7 B 3 D - 2 1 - 0 1 S - A B S *C h r o n o l o f i c *1 N o . N u m é r o c o r t C U l l i 1990-1991/28 File Reference N* rmU du àoêtiêt Current Capital Balança Solde de canitÆÎ ^ Committed E n fa f i % C Cu jH f M te a n t Re fA v i e i n Am u i e balance S Committed t$rigmdm S YEAR - ANNËË (Count ilior^*ffinee) tier) (C ou n c i l lo r *- ùph SOU let) Oeillet) (Councillor ~ ceneeillor) (Council!or CQr\àéiliéf) 3» Expenditure 4* Authority - A u to r i t é S* Source e t Fund* Indian Act t e e Sourde d e e t on d e D é p e n t e e Art» d e te L o i e u t l e s s in d n ê c * * " » o l V Z u Approved A p p r o u v e b l é ! ; bate Appro vins O fficer A pprouvé p a r j
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