Partie II - Lois des Premières nations promulguées

Informations sur la décision

Contenu de la décision

M OHAW KS OF THE BAY OF QUINTE TYENDINAGA M O H A W K TERRITORY R.R. #1 DESERONTO, ONTARIO KOK1X0 (613) 396-3424 Fax: 1 -613-396-3627 BY-LAW #25-89 A BY-LAW TO REPEAL BY-LAW #17-87 RESPECTING WINTER PARKING The Tyendinaga Mohawk Council hereby ratifies the following by­ law pursuant to Section 81.1(b )(d )(q )(r ) of the Indian Act. 1 . Repeal By-law #17 enacted on October 17, 1987 respecting parking is hereby repealed and replaced by the present By-law. 2. Purpose The Council has found it necessary to establish a "Parking By-law" to control parking upon the Tyendinaga Mohawk T e r r i t o r y c a used by s e as o na l c o n d i t i o n s and peo pl e interested in parking his/her vehicle in order to fish, hunt, visit, on the Tyendinaga Mohawk Territory. Therefore, this by-law is to provide for the regulation of parking on Tyendinaga Mohawk Territory. 3. In this By-Law: "council" means the elected officials of the Tyendinaga Mohawk Territory. "Band Member" means status member of the Tyendinaga Mohawk Territory. "non-band member" means anyone not possessing a valid status card a n d / o r not a m e m b e r of the T y e n d i n a g a M o h a w k Territory. "vehicle" means a motor vehicle, trailer, traction engine, farm tractor, road building machine and any vehicle drawn or propelled or driven by any kind of power.
- 2 -4 * P a r k i n g P r o h i b i t e d : No band member or non-band member shall park a vehicle on any of the following places: - in front of a public, private driveway - in front of a hospital, health unit, school, office building, or any other public place where emergeny vehicles will be hampered by said vehicle - on a sidewalk - within 10 feet of a fire hydrant - within an intersection - on any bridge or approaches - on any street, road in such a manner to obstruct traffic - in any position that will prevent the removal of a vehicle previously parked or standing 5 . Snow Removal : No vehicle shall be parked on any street\road in any manner which obstructs snow removal equipment\vehicles. 6 Penalty: Anyone who violates any of the provisions of this by-law shall be guilty of an offence and shall be liable to the imposition on summary conviction of a fine not exceeding $25.00.
- 3 -7. Removal of Vehicle: Vehicle ( s ) will be removed at the owner's risk and expense, if the vehicle(s): obstructs a passage, laneway and\or driveway; is parked too close to a fire hydrant or obstructs snow removal equipment. 8. Place of Payment Fines are to be paid at the Tyendinaga A d m in i st r at i on Office, R .R .#1, Deseronto, Ontario, KOK 1X0. * * *
TYENDINAGA FIRST NATIONS FIRST NATION COUNCIL RESOLUTION NOTE: The words "From our P in t Nations Punds", "Capital" or "Revenue", which ever is die cuse, must appear in all resolutions requesting expenditures from First Nations Funds. THE COUNCIL O F T H E MOHAWKS OF THE BAY OF QUINTE DISTRICT BRANTFORD SOUTHERN DISTRICT PROVINCE ONTARIO PLACE TYENDINAGA MOHAWK TERRITORY No. 38 DATE 24th November ADI9 89 DATE MONTH YEAR DO HEREBY RESOLVE: M 0 v e d B y : Roger M. Brant, Seconded By: Willard H. Brant That the Tyendinaga Mohawk Council hereby ratifies By-Law No. 25-89, Winter Parking By-Law, pursuant to Section 81.1(b)(d)(q)(r) of the Indian Act. FOR DEPARTSIENTAL USE ONLY 1. First Nation Code 2. COMPUTER BALANCES A. Capital 3. Expenditure B. Revenue $ 5 6. Recommended Approved Date Recommending Officer Chronolo^icaJ No. 78 File Reference Current Capital Bulunce $ Committed $ Current Revenue Balance $ Committed $ CARRIED. 4, Authority Indian Act See 5. Source of Fundj | | Capital Revenue Date Approving Officer
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