Partie II - Lois des Premières nations promulguées

Informations sur la décision

Contenu de la décision

Chron. N o . 1967/68-2 DEPARTMENT OF CITIZENSHIP AND IMMIGRATION .TH AN AFFAIRS BRANCH BAND COUNCIL RESOLUTION C A N A D A NOTE: The word» From our Band Fundi mu»t appear in all resolution» requesting expenditures from Band Funds. The Council of the............ Long J ^ k e .No. 58........................................................................ (Name of Band) Band of Indians, in the..................... Nakina Indian Agency, (Name of Agency) in the Province of........................Q&1< &£).£............................. at a meeting, held a t . . . . î î f f S £ . . k . % f e . e . ^ ....... (Name of Province in full) (Name of Place) this....— .................................. day of.......June.................... A.D. 19.£.7...... (In Full) (Month) Do H e r e b y R e s o l v e : To make the fo llo w in g Bylaw pursuant to Paragraphs ( c ) (d ) (q ) and ( r ) o f S ection 80 o f thè Indian A c t . BTLAW NO. 2 A Bylaw to p rov id e f o r the regu la tion o f the a c t iv i t i e s o f boys and g i r l s on the Long Lake No. 58 Indian Reserve, a c tu a lly or apparently under 16 years o f age. (a ) No boy or g i r l on the Long Lake No. 58 Indian Reserve a c tu a lly or apparently under 16 years o f age, s h a ll l o i t e r any p la ce w ith in the Long Lake No. 58 Indian Reserve a f t e r n in e -th ir ty o 'c l o c k in the a ftern oon . (b ) No boy or g i r l on the Long Lake No. 58 Reserve a c tu a lly or apparently under 16 years o f age, sh a ll be in any p la ce o f entertainm ent, s tr e e t la n e , by-ways or common w ith in the said Reserve a ft e r the hour o f n in e -th ir ty o 'c l o c k in the a fternoon unless accompanied by h is o r her parents or an adult appointed by a parent to acoompany such c h i ld . ( c ) A boy or g i r l on the Long Lake No. 58 Indian Reserve found v io la t in g the p ro v is io n s o f paragraph (a ) or (b ) may be warned and conducted home by a p o l ic e o f f i c e r and i f the warning i s not regarded or a f t e r the warning the boy o r g i r l i s again found d isobeyin g sa id paragraph (a ) or (b ) the parents o f such boy or g i r l sh a ll be d ire cte d to meet w ith the Advisory Committee appointed by the Council o f the Band f o r the p r o te c t io n o f the ch ild re n . (d) A parent who perm its h is c h i ld to v io la te paragraph (a ) and (b ) s h a ll be g u ilty o f an o ffe n ce and sh a ll be l ia b le on summary c o n v ic t io n to a f in e not exceeding $5.00 or imprisonment f o r a term not exceeding seven days, o r both f in e and imprisonment. V Â (Chief) (Councillor) r L (Councillor) (Councillor) (Councillor) (Councillor) (Councillor) (Councillor) (Councillor) (Councillor) (Councillor) (Councillor) FOR HEADQUARTERS USE ONLY 1. TRUST 2. CURRENT BALANCES 3. Expenditure 4. Authority 5. Source of Funds ACCT A- Capital B. Revenue Indian Act Sec. | | Capital [ [ ] Revenue $ $ $ 6. Recommended 7. Approved Date ___ Chief, Reserves and Trusta________________ Date______________________ Director, Indian Affair»
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