Partie II - Lois des Premières nations promulguées

Informations sur la décision

Contenu de la décision

KINGFISHER LAKE FIRST NATION General Delivery, Kingfisher Lake, Ontario P0V1Z0 Phone:807-532-2067 Fax: 807-532-2063 , DEPT. OF INDIAN AFFAIRS NORTHERN DEVELOPMENT THE KINGFISHER LAKE BAND OF INDIANf By-law Number 2 SEP l P t B Being a by-law respecting law and ore 1 004213. Sioux Lookout, Ontario m iBKBflfl sections Biic),|(qi agd (r) of the Indian "'Act ' '■ a Council of a Band^tf^Mlian^toymake by-l|fv/s for the observance o£3 law and order, an^^^tte^lifctMflM^AlNM^to, and the imposition: of a penalty for the violation thereof; J? MOW THEREFORE the Council of the Kingfisher Lake Band of Indians enacts as a by-law thereof as follows: 1. In this by-law (a) "Council means^heCouncil, as defined in the Indian Act, of the KiEuj|iU|shet ^akja Band of Indians; (b) "public propetty" means and includes any building, bridge, Jpcyrk or the f aci lit les and equipment located therein, and any land, strhCtuife, premises or equipment of whatsoever na®h§C:’:;b«ic^ilngtl##s';thls>''Kingfisher Lake Band of Indians or maintained by the Council or any of its staff or committees on behalf of the members of the said Band of Indians; and (c) "reserve" means that tract of land the legal title to vested in Her Majesty that has been set apart for the use and benefit of the Kingfisher Lake Band of Indians and known as the Kingfisher Lake Indian Reserve Number 212. 2. No person shall remove, deface, destroy, damage, mutilate, or in any manner whatsoever vandalise public property on the reserve or attempt to vandalise such property. 3. No person shall wilfully interrupt, or disquiet by profane discourse, by rude or indecent behaviour, by the making of noise or noises, or in any manner whatsoever disturb the order or solemnity of: (i) any meeting of the Council, (ii) any religious festival, (ili) any assemblage of Indians met for the consideration and discussion of matters of public interest, or (iv) any assemblage on the Reserve held for any lawful purpose. CERTIFIED TRUE COPY
4. No person shall expectorate on the floor or on any other part of a public building or property. 5. Any person who violates any of the provisions of this by-law shall be guilty of an offence, and shall be liable on summary conviction to a fine not exceeding one thousand dollars, or Imprisonment for atterm ng£ exceeding thirty days, or to both fine and impr&onmeiit. Approved and passed alka duly convened ipfetlng of the Council of the Kingfisher Lake B a m of Indians this* 10th day of September. 1922. * 4 Comrcillo Councillor !\ ' .’Vi'" ' - * rf * 1 Council! r--üt& Councillor i S f , * & a k !>' v V o , .*'4; *V».- / fi'i > ph * - * * < 'g
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