Partie II - Lois des Premières nations promulguées

Informations sur la décision

Contenu de la décision

NO U 22 >95 1 4 : 0 9 FROM I I p AMHERST NS US o Ou **w*w k- •«• TO 1 8 1 9 9 5 3 3 3 7 1 P A G E . 0 0 2 / 0 0 8 'i.kU and taml Alfcwt AHûifoajAd*âr êi«Mt Z r s - o o ^ o o ¥ __ HOD 2Q 95 9 2 8 0 9 S f II# (tifcriBtf W1 |l* iiU */*#•!«* BAND COUNCIL RESOLUTION RÉSOLUTION DF CONSEIL BANDE j j s N1U fc T h * ~ " " » r Ù o r »Ï**|VJ K ta n iU w h ic h < v *< * « t i l * m « » l a p p ro / in n i l i t l o I i l U v i i rA < t i,# # iin c * « I* * M l f iu »c b o r * IUmiI _ # V O T A /.■ m v N " 4 . a in n er a (/ «*■ «# '• ' f C A P I U / " uu r* ¥-«•«»»'♦ en ia tk t * L m - jA iv m n t p # n H i * i lM l l i& u **m U * r  iA f u f / w i l * u r . f l P a r t l # » AlWTia 1m /♦•*.!» WfHlB 1 ___ _________ _ TlIK pOUNClL OK HIE Currertl Capital Da lane# \.y- c w srjL r>i: i.a fiandc indienn* BIC >T N A T I O N S o ld é d é c a p i t a l Î . - - ----. Atih.HCY DiSTnr.T __N.B, DISTRICT Cpmmilicü E a g t g v J S ,,—_— PWO !N€:e Current Revenue balance NEW BRUNSWICK Soj/ie i/o ro repu Î »---- ----—— rLA /vOAi .0/; L'EWRO/r BIG ÇOVR/ KENT CO- CoMmilted - FitftjlB i Î —__ -_ _ .. -Hnvembcr- ci c; D ATE _ (U V - /OC/ MOUTH - U n is y e a n - a 7w £ ê HO ISRIÏIIY RKSOLVft: O f f IDE. PAH LUS The Big Cove Indian Bond By-Law No. 19 Being a By-Law Respecting the Control of Dogs on the Reserve. WHEREAS. Section 61, paragraph (a), (d), le), (q) and (r), of the In i_______ empower the Council o f a Band o f Indians to pass by-laws to provide for the health o f residents on the reserve, law and order on the reserve, the prevention of nuisances, the protection against the prevention of trespass by domestic animals, matters arising out o f or ancillary to the exercise of powers under this section, and the imposition o f a penalty for lire violation of any such by-law; AND WHEREAS the Council o f the. Big Cove Indian Band is o f the opinion that the uncontrolled ownership, breeding and running at large o f dogs may be ̂ detrimen­ tal to the health o f the residents on t he reserve, and a nuisance to such residents; THEREFORE, the Council o f the Big Cove Band of Indians enacts a by law as follows: Short Title 1. This by-law may be cited as the "Big Cove Reserve Dog Control By-Law”. Interpretation 2. Tn this by-law: (a) "band means the Big Cove Indian Rand; : (h) "council" means the Council of the Band; (c) "dog" means any dog. male or female, more than four months old and Includes on animal that is a cross between a dog and wolf; (d) "muzzle" means tn secure a dogs mouth in such a fashion that it cannot bite anything; ? { fe) '‘oflïcer" means any band constable as appointed by the council and any member o f the Royal Canadian Mounted Police, or any duly appointed Dog Registration Officer.
'NUV ^ ' a s 14 = 09 FROM I I fl AMHERST NS TO 1 8 1 9 9 5 3 3 3 7 1 P A G E . 0 0 3 / 0 0 3 ant, Uvm Allanb ANoifcs www» « -nuit 1* Valmtrncv 1 ° dm •>£■ *A< BAUD COUNCIL RFSOLUHON RÉSOLU! ION DE CONSEIL BANOË Mi'1 K Y h , w ib (J ) ■•f /um UUI I l«A ii t', un><iM WlilCh f v r r i f i l . f * n « * , w » i l 1» p U h m M U » * i t x i ' t l l t n i « ape fli.iu l FurtJ l /vO ta |r, t mMt; *VF#f lO f td t t/c I t a i f f b * n J l* o,i « v ^ »w " < * Iu « f » { U </uirW p + m l t f * i M i fd U K l ! » i»##J i/ iTom Jtur « rfv««* » - f iûAtfS f>cf ____ __________________ _________ —____ i -i. I,*- --------- —, I'm-; <:-OUNt-iL. ni* Tilts Current Oftl*nr< /,/; CQNSK1L f.1 b (.A /M/vnr itfDihivNr COVE FIRST NATION S o l d e d o c a p i f A l AOtNCY DIST* ICT N,B. district Committed - lingo#* i l*KO\ IN CE NEW BRUNSWICK Current R*ve?*u* hsiuiàt S o l d o < f* re lT B ItU PI. AC K NOW l.’EWimOtT BIG COV3, KENT CO. Committed En#o4* .= IJATlt 6th _ HovgmbPiL AD m |5 OAV fÔÛfT MOUTH _ * u n s ~7m r^mA DO IlfcRfcTlY RESOLVE: DEC, DE, PAR t.F.S PRESENTES' - 2 -(f) 'uwnftr'1 o f a dog Includes a. person who possesses or harbours a dog. and "owns" and "owned" have a corresponding meaning; (g) "public, non-residenoal area" includes public parks, recreational areas and areas set aside by the Council for the general use o f the Band Membership other than those common areas In and around Band Administration Buildings or Immediately adjacent to Band School facilities; Ih) at large" or 'running at large" means off the premises o f the owner and not. muzzled or under the control o f any person; (i) "reserve means the THcbibucto Indian Reserve, (j) "Work Dogs' means those dogs chiefly utilized by their owners for the carrying out o f a business enterprise or trade. 3. (1) Subject to subsection (2). every owner of a dog shall keep the dog safely tethered or penned up at all times. ; (2) A dog need not be tethered or penned up as provided In subsection (1) if the dog; (a) is held on a leash by a person capable o f restraining the dogs movements; (h) is being used by a person for the purpose o f hunting: (c) la being used by a person to work in a lawful manner with sheep or cattle; or fd) Is In presence o f ite owner and is in a public, non-residential area that is not designed as an area where the keeping o f doge is prohibited pursuant to Section 7 o f this By-Law. (3) No owner shall allow his dog to remain unfed or neglected, sufficiently long, either to amount to cruelty or to cause the dog to become a nuisance.
in u v dd 3= I 4 : liahKUn I I p AMHERST NS TO 18199533371 wLl»!* 4_.dllUUJ fct Jo Ntihl 1 l i i u i i u l v f l i n y . ------------- P P G E . 0 0 4 / 0 0 8 u^kan a/wi nmn AJljwi AtoKBt indvmiKi el inurf l-Mw H+trrant t N* t■" f* BAND COUNriL RESOLUTION RESOLUTION DC CONSEIL DE BANDE f J M T » - I |:h * e «I w > Fu # n U < » J » ' I fy ir t l u i lf|N Ulr " K i - o in u * -" . W l l l i t a e v t f Our m.tal ü fip f 4H 1« «H « » * W l u n * # «p r in ln u rc ««ùa. 1 0 N O TA |,( l m $ (x 'v f a t t v it jA r tÿ p a hiariM 4*u »•> •■ ** m a / a fl I t f « i i/w lrviri i l**ri Itoitea f t * r * » * l H f l « n i frosfhfi-f i u n f i i « vi Min a I f ) fW lN i «/>> U w * l « < _______________ mi__________ - --------- --------------ihk rrtuNciLOr THE rurrewl C*pùûl Balffu-'f; lk cr \v\ on la pan ok itvorrMNii big cove f ir s t nation __ Soldo d# fipifA/ a CE.Ni ;y fltSTttlCT N * B . DISTRICT Committed - Kn£*£e NEW BRÜNSWTCK Current |ïtv*inn nu lance Soldo <t* revenu PLAC £ NOAf / >F. L'EHOROIT tuc COVE, KfiNT CO « Committed Er1&*4+ ? DATE AD JO - m lui JïtKlîaV RESOLVfci P,4/? LES P / ? f r v ; -3-(4) No person shall punish or abuse a dog In a manner or to an extent that is cruel or unnecessary. (5) No owner shall permit a dog to hark, yelp, growl or otherwise annoy or disturb the peace or residents of the reserve. (6) Notwithstanding any other provision of this By-Law. no owner shall permit a female dog in heat to be off the owner's premises. (7) (a) The Council may in at the first Instance, or at any time by amend­ ment to this By-Law. prohibit the keeping o f dogs within any designated area o f the reserve. Designated areas shall be identified in Schedule A ”, which shall form part o f (ills By-Law. (b) Notice o f any designation and prohibition made by council pursuant to paragraph (a), shall be posted In the public place and after the date o f die posting o f such notice, no person shall keep dr have a dog within a designated area. 4. (1) Subject to subsection 2. every owner o f a dog shall have the dog spaded or neutered. (2) A dog need not be spaded or neutered as provided in subsection (1) if it is used for breeding purposes and is registered as such with tire Dog Registration Officer for the Band. Seizure fc>. (1) An officer may seize a dog from any person whom the officer has reasonable grounds to believe is violating or has violated any o f the provisions of this by-law. (2) Subject to subsection (4), an officer who has seized a dog pursuant to subsection (1) shall restore possession o f the dog to its owner where: (a) the owner daims possession o f the dog w illiin five (5) days after the date of seizure, and: (b) the owner pays to the officer all expenses incurred In securing, caring for and feeding the dog.
NOU 22 95 1 4 : 1 0 FROM I I p AMHERST NS TO 1 8 1 9 9 5 3 3 3 7 1 s. ♦...... U P A G E . 0 0 5 / 0 0 8 kk><h< ü(Kl U*j.i Annus Matrix indieflfti'S fl ïui» CM* R*f«rT(U-/ JV° « I r ih i/h rfoiW '- 1 BAND COUNCIL RESOLUTION RÉSOLU! ION CONSEIL DE UANDF i'iiV" Mim J i uui 7»«o<f K -n J i" C l i » ) i » r h» «trltlfh çvtr n ihr c - i t , »>ui< If» Ml r«|»>i<in| »|i**UO(tit« « fi»'" iNml Funilv I nO TA : I . , * '"| / i| f o o d » * tv t i * ir w ■« C .S W IP r * <in* i » l n n I » C H I (to * IT « f fl « / * « « J « f ff| v / u < | flO i P P ^ i < *«/ > «**# ! » rpim « f«< /OIXfl « I d jiwnltJ THU tUUMi;II. OF TJl£ Ow«iU c»plt*1 ÛaUnc« Lf. CONSKIr. IJÜ l a INV1ËNNI* PIC COVE FTRST NATION 3u/cfe c*jpii»/ N.B. DISTRICT Committed PROV NCIi NF.W BRUNSWICK C«Mtnt f|flv»* hP Uni;e £e/d# d o r«V*fiu ; WOM va rsKNDRO/T RIG COVL;, KENT f!Q. com m itted - £ f ig 4 Po j HATE -£Lhh W n itaB h ai- AD IV _ .9 f j ---- Pay - }OVfi m o u t h ■■ u l v \ v r a k - iw n do it:LKl- t'iV RESOLVE: f iK C in -- ' p a rt LJM PWJTSfiA/ThW: -4* (3) Where a dog has not been reclaimed within five (5) days after- seizure pursuant to suhscetion (2), die officer may destroy or dispose o f the dog as be sees fit and no damages or compensation may be recovered as a result o f the destruction or disposal o f a dog by the officer. (4) Where, in the opinion o f the officer, a dog seized under this section is injured, diseased, or should be destroyed without delay for humane reasons or for reasons o f health or safety, the officer shall destroy the dog as soon after seizure as he thinks fit. and no damages or compensa­ tion may be recovered as a result o f the destruction o f a dog by the officer. Destruction Where Unable to Seize 6. fl) Where an officer, after reasonable effort. Is unable to seize a dog that is running at large contrary to the provisions of this by law, he may destroy the dog. (2) No damages or compensation may be recovered as a result of the destruction o f a dog by an officer pursuant to subsection (1). \ Protection from rings 7, (1) Any person may kill a dog that, is running at large and fs In the act o f pursuing, attacking, injuring, damaging, killing or destroying; (al a person j (b) another dog that is tethered; or (c) wildlife, or; (d) a food cache, harness or other equipment. (2) No damages or compensation may be recovered as a result of the killing o f a dog by any person pursuant to subsection (l).
NUU ^2 95 1 4 : 1 0 FROM I I p PMHERST NS U'L 111 TO 18199533371 P P G E . 0 0 6 / 0 0 8 nu* ?#vi inurt a tows indic/Wüt irtii kjgjj /Q Q 9 8 D 9 5 Fit- M«fr«ri»»v - /V° i (at. (fu tfuaW».' BA HO COUHCJL RESOLUTION RESfil.UTlOMDE CONSEIL Dfc BANDF M O T H I f.t w , j F 7 frn, liur DjiiiI " C in l i r an "H tvèm i»". i t >i U Iht <ai#r mult aHI1* ' ' l» , l * rnlu»MM «T>* milt war » Iron iiitmi FuihI> NOVA 1,4k "dm * A*n/fa n a n u it * bvtidm rti f e t '1 uu i « rM i 'f*1 t f 'n n /* CP* r » r* f i t * if*<IJ W K f * f-#* f i i J i f u l l W l jnrr(H-t< «w * * * # /rtâ*u* 1*1 t*‘U** rf* » toniHI TliK COUNCIL O f THl- CttircfU C *p fi* l DaalftnC<; LK / .< NSF J L jy: t-A H AN OF iNDtF-NNF. jj T. G GOV Ë F I ft ST N A T IO N ____ _ Salif* da CUpiifil j ÂÔLN JV ) O I S T l i f i - T ___________ N.H. fcjaÆftlC T __________ ,. Cummilt*rf E n f ia it* P R O V NEW BRUNSWICK Curte-rtf H «v e n u e b » U n e * J'oJ<F* do tvYcnu { IJ1.AC /VOM ■>e r.,£/vpi /7 B IG COVE t KENT C O - CprTvmlti44 Kfig+ûé ' PATL bth WoveiDhHi' i n to 9 5 f i A. Y ~ ! Q U F i -MOÏÏTH -JM/ÎR-" AD DM H E R t n V R E S O L V E - UiiC.ftK. PAR LES JWF.5ENTES! Registration of Doga: 8. (1) Subject to subsection (2) the head o f each household and each person living alone desiring to keep a dog shall apply to the doe registration officer for permission to do so and shall obtain a permit, for such dog upon payment of a fee in the amount set out in ücction 9, Schedule of Rates, and a permit shall be for one year, the issue and renewal of which shall be at the discretion o f the dog registration officer. (2) The head of each household and each person living alone may keep one dog free of the payment, o f any uermlt fee if the registration of such dog is made in accordance with this By Law. (3) Notwithstanding sections 1 and 2. and Band Member may keep not more than five work dogs without the requirement of paying permit fees; provided however that all work dogs all be chained or confined m a suitable, enclosure, approved by a dog registration officer, when the dogs are not In use. ! 14) (a) The dog registration officer shall keep a book for the registration of all dogs upon flic reserve which registration shall show the name of the owner, the name o f the dog and its age, sex and description; and the fee payable which shall be collected at the Ume of registration. (Id) Upon registration, the dog registration officer shall Issue a registra­ tion tag free o f charge to the owner, which shall be attached to the dog at all times; any change of ownership o f any registered dog shall be entered in the register kept by the dog registration officer. Schedule of Rates; 9. Spade or Neutered Uog: ê . 30.00 Working Dogs: Breeding Dogs: â 3Q.QQ.eag.h j:. Permit Fee I hinting Dogs: & 30.00 each + Permit Fee Permit Fee; $ -25.00 _ ______________
NOU 22 95 14 : 11 FROM I I p AMHERST NS i - . «-4 WkJ Lt* ho mid 1au4 Attars Atfmrcs ei k u ( BAND COUNCIL resolution RESOLUTION DE CONSEIL OE BANDE N i ; I £ t i n v » a .J i " F iu i f t ov>l 0iiU I 'a a i ^ » 1 T . i l p N « r r P a ^ A t i a * ' . W h U t i c v t/ i * |ha * * * * * IDU11 A p p ea r i « e l l x t A l l l lM H I l r * ^ u l ^ t l r t ( * » p » i i û l I U f * # I i « A 1 » i*<l F w * J f .V O T A : , « k ,,fo m rfav fA iïÜS tfc n u frw W i d * W . i t t * v m ld i l Iff CH I itelkran* rtâmo rr * I g o J i b o n d e r _________ . ÏHF. C DUNC1L OK THE L-wb r o v s e n * O E L jL ttANDG J tfD iE N N b B IG CQVK F IR S T N A T IO N ACENI :r DISlR rT N.R- DISTRICT PKOV NCE NEW BRUNSWICK PLACÉ rvOAï 1>E L 'E N D K O IT Bin COVEk- KENT CO* DATE 6ch November Jn,u 95 _ ____ DAv - lôuh 5ÔRTJI MOIS c»rt H lRÊRŸ ftESMl.VÊj /JKCOE, 7\4P LR* PRÉSENTES: - 6-Penalty 10. livery person who contravenes any of the provisions o f Uils by-law Is guilty of an offence and is liable on summary conviction to fine of not more than five hundred dollars ($500) or to imprisonment for a term not exceeding thir ty (30) days, or both. Be it known that Oils by-law is hereby enacted by the Council of (lié Dig Cove Indian Band at duly convened meeting o f the Council dated on the 6th day o f November________IHj 95 . A quorum for th U Mamie J'iH ir r e ir e hnncfo i# quonrrn éSf t 'v n a ie t s o f U s é A Council Members ii*m{kr<* .t üu Cunïc// 7 js ../inirtvi.M»iV11—. . . j ̂ Tff<Wv t^yÿnx,11Jor Ï Ï L ' k 'M Ik fU lf l) i FOP DEPARTMENTAi ONLY - R «F * V £ AO MWJSTGWE * l l a n d K Lan>1 C o d * J. L G M I-U T E H O A h A H C E S - Sf/f.Off.S G'O/tfWAM r * U R Opiifl lAi oA m fl* A , C a fttk l 6 . R ev rn u * - R #v ff«v J* lua/ujfo $ * H a c A M m a n C ilA f Ù t ltC f f r " f f . p o W M nrf» p a r a tl» | i-/f) 7> tt «iMitüT 0 IS-1- 9 9 5 3 3 3 7 1 P A G E . 0 0 7 / 0 0 8 K kl f B i r c i « f W < */** d a -Vu J « a * U # _ _ d i/ l l | u i l*A ? » * *W / O n f f P f f r l fn l aw r r f*# J Current C *p »t*l BiliklW* S û ld o dn tzayji (a Î ' Committed Xngùft* ' C ui’/ei't Revenue bn Une# Soldé de revenu j Committed - £njr-u<f YEj&t (Luuüclllsr * niÇpl* tCoiiBvilliN - - to rt# t(J h r; f * ( . .U .. H . o . il . ik . l . d ........ *(£'•> une 11 I ai- - c a n iV ft iv O tetiv a . AAMI ff| r pu Ml « MV-—... .If—— .... ' " V u W f l i i l r Ô (C K A t l l ln r . C O filU tta i) 3. £ ip ffA 4 ((u rv 4. A u lh «fity AutaruJ $. S i w f t a>/ Fundi a u p m ip a lfld l*A Act Sfft £ ou rt* d « f fantfff Art* d * L L a i W la i /n41*nf n = . , . M u £ ~ Ï Approved . A M iivvfrtbfa A H F ivd D i S t f lc w - A ppA w nr i z d
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