Partie II - Lois des Premières nations promulguées

Informations sur la décision

Contenu de la décision

( 3969 ( '-'/Ltÿ - I ^ 9 - r t Æ - - 3* / ^ 7 & Th^ Council of the v 1 Ground Bend of Indiens at a meeting held this loth day of April, 1969 , makes the following by-law pursuant to paragraph, (a) (q) and (r) of Section SO of the Indian Act: By-lav; No® 1 A by-law to provide controls and regulations for the disposal of m P_____ sewage within the Eol Ground Reserve to protect the health of the individual end the community, 1® DEFINITIONS (a) ‘’Sewage Disposal System means a sewage disposal system with or without water carriage, constructed for the purpose of disposal of human excrete and/or any liquid waste containing animal, vegetable or mineral matter in suspension or solution from residences, institutional, or commercial buildings® (b) ] «Sewage Effluent" means sevrage after it has passed through a septic tank or has undergone some other form of primary treatment, (c) "Cesspool" moans a covered pit into vrhich raw sewage is discharged to disposal® (d) "Leaching Pit" means a covered pit into which sewage effluent io discharged to disposal® (e) "Disposal Field" means a sub~3urface, open jointed or perforated, pipe system into which sewage effluent is discharged into disposal. (f) "Septic Tank" means a water-tight storage retainer into which rev. sevrage is discharged for the purpose of primary treatment including liquefaction and settling of solids® (g) "Pit Privy means a pit covered by a frame shelter for the purpose of underground disposal of human excrete only, (h) "Cottage" means a summer residence or dwelling which is occupied for leas than / months of the year® V (i) "Sewage Disposal System without Water Carriage" means the disposal of excrete where running water is not involved to transport solid material® (j) "Sewage Disposal System with Water Carriage”.means the disposal of sewage where running water is involved to transport solid or waste material. (k) "Sanitary Inspector" means a person appointed as a Sanitary Inspector by the Council for the purpose of this by-lav;. 2® POWERS AND AUTHORITY OF SANITARY INSPECTOR (a) Every owner and occupant of any land or building shall permit the Sanitary Inspector to enter upon the land or building for the purposes of inspection, observation, measurement and testing any sewage disposal System in accordance with the provision of this by-law. (b) The Sanitary Inspector shall have the power and authority to issue a written permit for the construction or installation of a sewage disposal oyster.
( ( *•» 2 (c) Tho Sanitary Inspector shall have the power and authority to approve or condemn any existing or proposed sewage disposal system» 3* GENERAL PROVISIONS (a) No person shall construct or install a sewage disposal system without a written permit issued by the Sanitary Inspector for such m construction ox* installation. (b) A permit shall not be issued until a çlan of the proposed sewage disposal system is submitted in duplicate to the Sanitary Inspector and only after such plan is approved by the Sanitary Inspector» (c) Plans for the construction or installation of a sewage disposal system shall: (i) Describe the boundaries of the lot or property on which the system is to be constructed» (ii)Describe in relation to the boundaries, any buildings end eny water supplies within the boundaries as well as tho position of the proposed sewage disposal system» (d) No person shall»dispose of any human excrement, laundry or washing waste or polluted water, on public or private property except by means of an authorised sewage disposal system for which a permit has been issued» (e) The design and location of any sewage disposal system shall take into account, the location of wells, topography of the ground, water tabic, use of the property, area available, occupancy of buildings and soil characteristics» (f) Notwithstanding the provisions described in this by-law, the Sanitary Inspector may require that specific modifications b3 made to any sewage disposal system whore in the opinion of the Sanitary Inspector, such specific modifications are required in the interests of the health of tho community» RESTRICTIONS AND LIMITATIONS RESPECTING SEWAGE DISPOSAL UITHOuT WATER CARRIAGE (a) A pit privy shall be considered as a sewage disposal system for the purpose of underground disposal of human excrete only» (b) No pit privy shall be located, constructed or maintained to produce obje ciionable odours and unsightly conditions» (c) No pit privy shall be constructed within 75 ft, of any well cr within 5 feet of any property boundary. » » 3
( ( ~ 3 -(d) A privy shall include a cribbed pit constructed to exclude the entry of flies, rodents or surface water, (e) A privy shall include a frame building shelter to provide (i) A vented pit (ii) Fly-tight«construction (iii) A self-closing door (iv) A painted exterior 5.' RESTRICTIONS AND L NUTATIONS RESPECTING SEWAGE DISPOSAL WITH WATER CARRIAGE (a) A cesspool shall not be used as a method of sewage disposal for buildings other than cottages and only for cottages having not more than 1 kitchen sink or hand basin, (b) No cesspool will be located within 40 ft, of any cottage or within 10 ft. of a property boundary or within 100 ft. of any well. (o) The sewage disposal system for all buildings other than cottages with Pot more than 1 kitchen sink or hand basin that have interior plumbing facilities' involving running water, shall include a septic tank, with or without a syphon compartment, discharging into either a disposal field or *a leaching pit. (d) No leaching pit or effluent disposal field shall be constructed within 75 ft. of any well or within I ft. of any property boundary. (e) The minuraum settling chamber capacity of septic tanks shall bo /.00 Inperial gallons. (f) The minimum length of a sewage field for a private dwelling shall bo 175 feet. (g) No septic tank shall be constructed in a basement or under any building, 00 Cesspools and leaching nits shall have cribbed sides, an open bottom and a suitable.cover. (i) The drainage pipe in a sewage disposal field shall not be less than 4 inch diameter and laid on a flat slope not exceeding 4 inches per 100 ft, (3) All sewage effluent shall be discharged underground and ponding on the ground surface shall not be tolerated, © h
( ( - A~ 6, VIOLATION OF BY-LAW Any person vho violates any of the provisions of this by-law shall be guilty of an offence and shall be liable on summary conviction to a fine not exceeding one hundred dollars or imprisonment for a term not exceeding thirty d-̂ ys, or both fine and imprisonment, Councillor Councillor Council! os' Councillor Councillor Councillor Councillor Councillor Councillor Councillor Councillor Councillor
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