Partie II - Lois des Premières nations promulguées

Informations sur la décision

Contenu de la décision

Chronological No. Nnmito cone* cut it dr A-Vw roe^rvs « Ob Aera Canada 1 / ' f Filt Rtftrtnct N° dm tit* du dommimr BAND COUNCIL RESOLUTION RESOLUTION DE CONSEIL DE BANDE >TE The word* From our Band Funds "C apital** or "R evon u o , which aver is the case , must appear in all resolution* requesting expenditures from Band Funds )7 A : L o s m ore «##• to n d a dm notrm b a n d * **C a p i t a l •• ou re ran u** eefon fe cae do ivm nt p a ta itrm dene routes fee rim o lu tlo nm ported* aur dee depsneee a tnim m U t fo n d * dee hendee _______ IE COUNCIL OF THE __ j c o x s e il d e l a b a n d e iw d ie n n e 2 e l Ground Indian Band Current Capital B lance Soide de capital f iENCY s t r i c t New Brunswick D is t r ic t Committed Engage $ io v t n c e New Brunswick Current Revenue balance Soide de revenu S.............. .ACE w d e L E \D R orr E el Ground Indian Reserve Committed Engade S ............... TE 3rd S ept. 4nio 82 DAY - JOUR MONTH - MOTS YEAR - AVN&E ) HEREBY RESOLVEj '.CTDE, PAR LES PRESENTES: He, the C h ie f and C ouncil o f the Eel Ground Indian Band do hereby request that B.C.R. # 684 be amended t o read as fo llo w s i "By-Law # 8 being a by-law fo r the p reserv a tion , p r o te c t io n and management o f f is h on the reserve passed by the C ouncil o f the Eel Ground Band at a meeting held on A p r il 14, 1982 be and the same i s hereby amended by d e le t in g a l l o f the words 14 & 15 and fig u r e s in s e c t io n s th e re o f and re-numbering s e c t io n 16 as s e c t io n 14.. ¥ A quorum for this Bande Pour cette bande le quorum eat consists of (ix£ & Council Members Membras du Conaeil (Councillor conmmiltmr)
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