Partie II - Lois des Premières nations promulguées

Informations sur la décision

Contenu de la décision

CANADA 3 7^3-/a Sc>£/77~ 7 ^ / Province of Ontario TO WIT I, STEPHEN ALFRED ROBERTS, Acting Chief, Local Government Adm inistration D iv ision , resid ing at Ottav/a, Ontario, make oath and swear that the paper w riting to which th is a ff id a v it is attached is a true copy of a document produced and shown to me and purporting to be the orig ina l by-law made pursuant to the Indian Act and signed by the Kipawa Band Council and dated June 30, 1977, the said copy having been compared by me with the said o rig in a l document. j Sworn to before me at the C ity of Ottav/a in the Judicial of Ottawa Carleton th is day of , 191 Commissioner of Oaths in and/for the Province of Ontario. U L iJA N H. THO RPE, A Commissioner, efc., jud.cia! District of Offawa - Carlefon, for Government of Canada. Expires March 4 t
The Kipawa Band of Indians By-law # 1.78 Being a by-law concerning - CIRCULATION AND PUBLIC SECURITY Whereas paragraphs B),C), and R) of Sec. 81 of the Indian Act empower the council o f aband to make by-laws respecting the regulation of t ra f f ic , the observance of law and order , and the imosition of a penalty for the v io la tion thereof; Whereas i t i s deemed to be expedient to regulate and promote public safety on the roads and property of the Kebaowek Reserve. 1. In th is by-law; A) road - means any roadway, driveway, lane,' unmaintained roads, lawns, t r a i l s , unoccupied lo ts. B) Vehicle- means any motorcar, motor truck, motor cycle, road making machinery, motor home, t ra ile r , tractor, b icycle,sk i-doo, snowmobile, or other conveyance that is driven , propelled, or drawn by any kind of physica l, or mechanical force. 2. The speed lim it , due to the condition of it s surface, w ill be twenty (20) Miles Per Hour. 3. Every vehicle is to be operated on the extreme r igh t of the road. 4. No one sha ll operate on the road, any motor powered vehicle in an impaired fashion. 5. Anyone having the care and control of any motor vehicle, while being drunk, sha ll not operate said vehicle on the road. 6. Special powers are given to those vehicles which are used for; a) garbage disposal on those days so appointed b) transportation of f ire figh ting equipment
to, and from the scene of a f ire . 7. A ll owners of vehicles c ircu la ting w ithin the lim its of the reserve, must have a va lid d r iv e r 's permit and a va lid vehicle reg istra tion ce rt if ica te ; issued by; the Bureau of Motor Vehicles,or M in istry of Transport. 8. A ll owners or drivers operating a motor vehicle within * the lim its of the reserve must carry with them the ir d r iv e r 's permit and vehicle reg istra tion . 9. A ll vehicles c ircu la ting within the lim its of the reserve must be equipped with two vehicle identifica tion markers for the current reg isra tion year, issued by the Bureau of Motor Vehicles,, or M in istry of Transport. 10. I t i s forbidden to board , or disembark from a moving vehicle. 11. I t is forbidden for a ll operators of a b icyle to transport any other person(s) unless h is b icyle is equipped with a permanently fixed seat fo r th is use. 12. A ll operators of motorcyles , with or without passengers, must wear a protective helmet; th is includes passengers. 13. I t ' i s forbidden to operate a snowmobile o f"sk i-doo " and c ircu late without a protective helmet. 14. I t i s forbidden to operate a snowmobile or" sk i-doo"
on the road, except to cross. Of which the crossing can only be done after having assured ones se lf that the crossing can be made in safety. 15. Mo operator of a vehicle is allowed to drive at a speed susceptible to hinder or hold up the normal c ircu la tion , unless fo r security measures. 16. I t is forbidden for an operator of a motor vehicle to park h is vehicle or to stop so as to obstruct, or hinder the normal c ircu la tion . 17. In emergency cases, or when necessary , any policeman is authorized to move or have removed, to tow and to retain any vehicle stopped or parked contrary to the d isposition s of the present regulation, and th is is at the owner's expense. 18- I t is forbidden for any oerent. or ouerdien to 3.1 low children to play on the roadway as to obstruct the normal c ircu la tion . 19. I t is forbidden for any operator to use h is vehicle in a noisy fashion by spinning his t ire s either on a sta rt or through rapid acceleration or by sudden unjustified braking. 20. I t is forbidden to drive a motor vehicle with a defective muffler or one whose characteristics are
d iffe rent than those generally affixed by the manufacturer, or with a modified muffler which lessens i t s function of reducing motor noises, or with a muffler to which he has added permanent accessories which amplify motor noises or with an exhaust pipe which emits a dense and noxious smoke. y 21. Being more than three(3) persons in the front seat of a motor vehicle is forbidden. 22. I t is forbidden to open the door of a vehicle while the vehicle is in motion. 23. I t is forbidden fo r a person who is neither the operator, owner, or the occupant of a vehicle to remove any t ra f f ic v io la tion placed on the vehicle by a policeman. 24. Fa ilure to abide by these by-laws w ill be dealt on summary conviction or a tine not exceeding one hundred (100.) do lla rs or imprisonment for a term not exceeding th irty (30) days , or both, R.S., c. 149, s.80. Approved and passed at a duly convened meeting of the Oouncil of the Kipawa Band of Indians th is 30th day of June 1977. Michel (Mike) McKenzie _ (Chief) Russell Chevrier councillo r Counci 11 or ^I^eJ MckenzIe.......... chief ~ the. , .Kipawa _ _ Band of Indians , do hereby ce rt ify that a true copy of the foeegoing by-law was forwarded to the M in ister of Indian and Northern Development pursuant to section 8 2 ,ss ( l) of the Indian Act th is 30th... day of ...June.•.•. ,9 1977 witness r ............................ 9 chief: .M ichel. (Mike).McKenzie
8 ̂ Indian and Northern Affairs Affaires indiennes et du Nord BAND COUNCIL RESOLUTION RESOLUTION DE CONSEIL DE BANDE . ^ rd I,rom our Band Funds C apita l or Revenue , which e v er is the c a s e , must appear in a l l r e so lu t io n s r e q u e s t i n g e x p e n d i t u r e s from fcjand r unds N OTA: Les mots ■■des foods de no meme les fonds des bandes THE COUNCIL OF THE Ki LE CONSEIL DE LA BANDE INUIENNE AGENCY d is t r ic x Ab i t i b i PROVINCE Que5ec P L A C E NOM DE L'ENDROIT pawa d a t e 30 th June An iq 77 DAY - JO U R MONTH - MOIS DO HEREBY RESOLVE: DECIDE, PAR LES Moved by Russel Chevrier, Seconded by Michael ( Mike) ) Mckenzie, Thatr the By-law entitled 1 CIRCULATION AND PUBLIC SECURITY" be and the same is hereby approved and enacted , as By-law No.1.78 of the Council of the Kipawa Band of Indians and further that the Chief and each member of council be authorized to sign the same. A quorum for this Bands Pour cette hande le quorum est consists of 9 fixe a ^ Council Members Membres du Conseil ...Michel..[Mi (C h ie f - Chef) ( C o u n c i l l o r c o n s e il le r ) (C o u nc i l lo r c o n s e ille r ) ( C o u n c i l l o r co n se i Her) (C o u n c i l lo r c o n s e ille r) ( C o u n c i l l o r c o n s e ille r ) (C o u n c i l lo r co n s e i l le r ) ( C o u n c i l l o r c o n se i Iter) (C o u n c i l lo r c o n s e ille r) FOR D E P A R T M E N T A L USE ON LY - R E S E R V E AU MINISTERE j l . Band Fund Code 2. COMPUTER B AL AN CE S - SO LD E S D ORDINA TEUR C ode da com pte de hands A. C ap i ta l B. Revenue R even u $ 6. Recommended Re com m endable Recommending O ff icer Recom m anda par I A 1 3 5 { 7 - 7 3) 7 5 3 0 - 2 1 - 0 3 3 - 4 6 6 2Chrono log ica l No. Numero c on se cut it 251 F i l e R e f e r e n c e N° de ret du dossier 371/ 3-6-27; 371/3-10-27 tre bande aCpitl'-ou revenu seton te c a s doivent para it re dans toutes les resolutions portent sur des depenses a Current Capital Balance Solde d e capital ^ Committed En£a&e $ Current Revenue balance Committed Engage $ Y E A R - ANN&E Russell Chevrier (C ounci l lo r c o n s e ille r) (C ou nc i l lo r c o n s e ille r) (C ou nc i l lo r c o n s e ille r) (C o u n c i l lo r c o n s e ille r) 3* Expenditure 4. Authority A u to rite 5 . Source of Funds D ep en ses Indian Act Sec So u rce d es la n d s A rt. de la L oi su r le s _ .. . ii Ravenue Indiens Capital Q Revenu Approved A pprouvab te D ate Approving Off icer A pprouve p a r
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